Create Print Button Without A Macro?

Nov 11, 2012

All, I am trying to generate a print button that prints a specific range without using macros. Is it possible? Currently I am using Follow Hyperlink Sheet Event to print the desired range, this works fine but I want to completely lose the macros in spread sheet.

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Create A Button To Print A Sheet

Jan 10, 2008

I thought I solved it, but it was on a different workbook. I am not in pagebreak preview and it's not password protected. Why can't I insert an object to create to assign my macro?

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Print Button Macro ..

Nov 24, 2008

I have a workbook with approximately 260 sheets. These sheets contain financial information. They have to be sorted according to the division within the company, with a total page for each financial division.

I have a code on a blank tab that prints the sheets based on a value in cell B3 on each sheet. (i.e. "VB", "WB", which are initials of our district managers.)

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Print Macro Button

Oct 16, 2008

I need to know how to make a box that says "print" which will print out pages in my excel file... What I am picturing is this:

Tab 1 Y
Tab 2 Y
Tab 3 N
... etc.

Making a table as the one above, and depending on whether I input "Y" or "N", it will print that tab...

i've seen this in some financial models and would like to incorporate it into my model. If you could offer some detailed help, it would be greatly appreciated. Please note that I am a complete beginner and would need to be taken step-by-step.

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Print Button Macro Prompt?

Mar 23, 2014

I have a print button or object and I want to assign a macro to it that when clicked brings up a prompt to type in a Month or Year to Date and prints the data that corresponds to that month or YTD. I have a Date column in a table that I can get a different macro to print by basially having the macro filter by blanks, so essentially printing all the dates in the table, but I feel as if it could be much better and simpler by prompting the macro to filter by "x" Month and print.

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Macro For Standard Print Button

Oct 27, 2008

I need the Standard Print button to print only the number of pages I've entered in Cell X1 when I click it, (and if I haven't entered any value in Cell X1, nothing should be printed.)

Now, where this gets tricky, is that I still want to be able to override this automatic number printing if I want, by selecting 'File/Print...' from the menu and choosing a different number of pages to print.

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Macro To Print A Worksheet With A Button

May 24, 2007

I am trying to create a simple macro to print a worksheet with a button. The worksheet will have additions/deletions on a daily basis, so it need to adjust accordingly. I cannot figure out how to do the loop macro.

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Disabling Print Button In Excel Via Macro?

Dec 29, 2011

Is there a way to disable the Excel print button and force someone to use a macro button to print the spreadsheet?

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Print Language For Custom Macro Button

Aug 10, 2006

I need to select a print area that includes all rows to the last row with data in column A. What is the proper code for this? I tried the following (shot in the dark), and of course it doesn't work.

Sub Print_()
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "A( Cell((65536).End(xlUp)):X1"
End Sub

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How To Create Macro To Print From Excel To PDF

Aug 8, 2012

I have a report that i want to print from excel. There is 25 pages one for each of 25 different city markets. I would like to print from Excel to PDF. I have Adobe Standard so i can go file print and change the printer to Adobe but each sheet i print it makes me type in the file name that i want to save it. I repeat the process multiple times throughout the month so i would like to create a macro or something that when i can run and every time i print page 1 it saves it in a certain folder as the name Report #1, and so on is that possible?

I have created a macro to print the reports in order but i have been having to type in the name of the file for each report.

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Macro To Create A Button

Dec 28, 2011

I have the following code:


Sub AddFormsButton()
Dim sShape As Shape
With Range("J1")
Set sShape = Sheets("Exposure Country").Shapes.AddFormControl _
(Type:=xlButtonControl, Left:=.Left, Top:=.Top, Width:=96, Height:=20)
End With


Which is called within another macro and inserts a button onto sheet Exposure Country, after which the macro it was called from then stops (i.e. End Sub)

What I would like is that when the user clicks on this button it selects another sheet but I'm not sure how to achieve this.

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Create Macro Button And Assigning Macro Code

Aug 10, 2014

Refer to attached file.

I have below code which successfully create a macro button and assign the macro correctly.

This is only doing for one sheet and i need to modify the code so that it does for all sheets of the workbook.

[Code] ....

Test Macro_Botton.xlsm‎

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Create Macro To Pull From List And Then Update Charts And Print

Nov 1, 2013

I am trying to create a Macro to pull from a list and then update the charts and print. I have a list that has over 100 clients. I believe I need to loop but I am not familiar with VBAs at all. Below is what I am trying to accomplish.

Sub Update()
' Update Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] ......

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Macro Button To Create New Line?

Oct 7, 2009

I have 2 tabs on my spreadsheet. The first has some text at the top in cells A1 and A2, and that's it. The second tab I need a script for. Basically, I need some sort of macro button and a text box. I want people to be able to type some text in a cell or box on the 2nd tab, hit a button, and the text that has just been typed will be copied and pasted in to the next available cell down on the first tab.

For example, say the 1st tab had 'title' written in cell A1, and 'hello' written in cell A2. If I were to go to the 2nd tab, type 'bonjour' in to a cell or text box, and hit a button, the text 'bonjour' would be copied, the script would read the 1st tab and see that cells A1 and A2 already had text in them, and so paste 'bonjour' in to cell A3.

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Macro To Create A Graph When Button Pressed?

Apr 16, 2014

I have a table of data which contains company names, the number of high risk policies, number of low risk policies, and the percentage of high risk policies (compared to total policies).

What I want to do is for people to be able to select up to six of these companies and press a button that says 'create graph' and it creates a graph which shows the number of high risk and low risk in a stacked bar, and the percentage on a separate axis as a line. I know how to manually create this graph no problem, but to be able to dynamically create one from selected companies would be awesome.

To start with I have created six drop downs where you can select the company name as I image the macro will need to know which companies' data to look for in the source table.

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Create Button In Excel Menu For Macro

Jun 10, 2008

I am trying to make this code works by Toggle botten in Mymenu.

when i press the toggle bottun the copy takes place, then move the curser to distenation and press the Toggle again to past only the comment.

How to make the Toggle bottun inside Mymenu (A menu in the Worsheet Menu Bar).

Sub Macro1()
' Selection.Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteComments, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Create Macro/Button That Will Return All Autofilters Back To ALL

Mar 26, 2009

I want to have a small button at the top of the sheet that when pressed, will automatically reset all filtered autofilters back to show all.

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Create Button & Assign Macro When Worksheet Added

Aug 6, 2007

Is there a VBA code that will enable me to create a button and assign a certain macro to it everytime I insert a new worksheet?

how to insert a new worksheet with VBA, what I want is that when I insert that worksheet, there is already a button there with a specific macro(already made) assigned to it.

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Before Print (Cancel Button Is Not Cancelling The Print)

Apr 10, 2009

I want my worksheet to require validation of entry data before printing, so I decided to use the "Workbook_BeforePrint" event, and display a simple dialog box with an "ok" or a "cancel" button as input options.

The problem is that, as coded, "cancel" button does not cancel the print.

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Create Macro / Button That Will Jump To Today Date Cell?

Apr 25, 2014

I have a row that contains each date for the year in B5:NB5. I would like to have a button or macro that will jump to the cell containing today's date.

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Print Button That Bypasses Print Set-up

Jul 24, 2007

How can I make a standard VB looking "PRINT" button as a button in one of the cells
in Excel where I can just hit PRINT , ONE TIME, and it prints out a copy immediately without having to show the print setup page and without any more confirmations?

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Command Button - Create A Save Button In Sheet 1?

Mar 9, 2013

i want to create a save button in sheet 1, on clicking the same the data entered in the particluar cells of sheet 1 should get saved in sheet 2 in given format

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Need To Create A Button That Can Copy Cells, Create A New Sheet And Then Paste There

Jan 14, 2009

So I've got Sheet 1 with say


I would like to create a button that can create a new sheet and paste A1 to C3 at the same location on the new sheet

and I need this to create a new sheet and do that everytime the button is pressed.....

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How To Create Search Macro Button That Allows To Search In Multiple Worksheets In One Workbook

Oct 11, 2011

Im am trying to create a search marco button that allows me to search in multiple worksheets in one work book. I came across this CODE the first part of it works. It pops open user input box and ask for the word that i would like to search but the this error message pops up Runtime error1004 Method 'range" of object'_Global'failed and i dont know what to do

Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
SearchString = InputBox("Enter Search String", "Search")
If SearchString = "" Then Exit Sub
For Each c In Range(myRange)
If InStr(LCase(CStr(c)), LCase(SearchString)) Then


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Excel 2010 :: Create Macro Button To Clear Multiple Cells On Multiple Worksheets?

Jul 2, 2014

I have attached a test workbook excel 2010 (ignore ref# errors, I've cut the workbook down for uploading purposes) What I would like to do is have a 'Button' on my 'information Sheet' which when clicked would clear certain cells. I have searched the forum but can't find a solution, everyone seems to want to delete rows or columns but I just want to clear certain cells. The workbook will have 11 sheets each named 'caravan 1' through to 'caravan 11' The uploaded test workbook only only has 3 sheets.

On 'caravan 1' (which is slightly different to the other 10) I want to clear the content of cells

B4 & B5
C4, C22 & C41
D4 & D5
E4,E5, E22,E23,E41 &E 42

On all other 'Caravan sheets' I want to clear the contents of cells

D4 & D5
E4, E5, E22, E23, E41 & E42

It would be icing on the cake if it could give a warning such as " are you sure you want to clear these cells" but that isn't really necessary. The worksheets will be password protected, but the cells mentioned above will not be. If it proves too difficult to clear all the cells on all the sheets with one click, then perhaps a simpler solution might be to have a button on each sheet instead

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Macro To Print Sheets With Value In Cell A1 But Print Dynamic Ranges On Certain Sheet

Sep 24, 2013

I've found some code which works to print certain pages with value in cell A1 but I need to print dynamic ranges on some of the sheets as they will have filters on so the rows ranges will be different each time.

So far this is what I have but the dynamic range part is not working:

Sub Print_All_Worksheets_With_Value_In_A1()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Arr() As String
Dim N As Integer

[Code] ....

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Print Button In Excel With Vba?

Sep 15, 2014

I have 8 excel worksheets which I intend to make a PRINT button in sheet 1 so that I can run the button to print selective sheets. how to create one?

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Print Button On Various Worksheets?

Jan 8, 2014

I have an Excel form that contains 7 tabbed worksheets, one for each day of the week Sun thru Sat, that is a nutrition tracker and an 8th tab which is a food library. I put two buttons on the food library to automatically sort it by different categories and they work great for me. Then I put a printer icon on each of the daily sheets to print a single worksheet (in B&W) with the following macro changing the "from" and "to" to correct worksheet number for each day. Screenprint below.

Using "Monday" worksheet as an example I first tried using sheet number 10 as shown in the VBA Project below for the "From" and "Two" and it printed the wrong pages, so I went to the worksheet number as they are tabbed in the file, Monday being sheet 2, and it works fine (on my computer).

It works great from my computer, but if I send it to someone else and they try to print they receive the following errors: When they open the spreadsheet and click the print button this error comes up:

If they click "OK" on the above error this comes up

I've tried to include information that is revelant.

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Creating A Print Button Using VB

May 17, 2007

I have been given a workbook that contains say 10 sheets. The first sheet is a summary sheet that will contain a 'Print' button. The idea is that when the Print button is selected all the sheets that's have been filled out will be printed.

For example.

I have a workbook that has 10 sheets to fill out. The user has filled out 7 out of the 10 sheets and when selecting the Print button, I require only the 7 completed sheets to print.

I thought the best way to go about this was to look at 1 particular cell on each sheet. If the cell is blank, do not print the sheet, otherwise do so.

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Print Button/Msg Box Code

Jun 11, 2009

I have a print button on several sheets in a workbook. I have a code set for it so that when it is clicked, it will bring up a print dialog box. It looks like this...

Sub Button14_Click()
End Sub

However, on one or two of the sheets, I would like a message box to also display when this button is clicked. The button is called Button14_Click()

Private Sub Button14_Click()
MsgBox "Please print new signature cards for customer(s) to sign"
End Sub

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