Create Copies Of Items And Their Attributes Into Separate Rows?

Oct 2, 2013

I am trying to take items with multiple market attributes and columnized them so that they can be sorted or filtered.

For example,

Item 110 is suitable for Preteen, Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Senior
Item 121 is suitable for Teen and Young Adult
Item 250 is suitable for Senior
Item 300 is suitable for Young Adult, Adult and Senior

I want to be able to arrange the attributes vertically so that the attributes can be filtered. I'm thinking the easiest way to do it is to duplicate each row as many time as there are attributes and copy each attributes to a single Market column.

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Create Multiple Copies Of Sheets?

Apr 5, 2013

how to create multiple sheets ? in a workbook if i want to create multiple copies of the same sheet, what is the shortcut method to do that?

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Use Vba To Create Copies Of Excel Workbook For Different Users?

Nov 26, 2012

I have an excel workbook that serves as a master workbook. I have to create 30 copies of this workbook, 1 for each site. Each workbook will have small differences in the data held. This is because I will refresh the sheet before saving it. There is a dropdown list on the 1st tab of the workbook that contains the names of the sites. The sequense, I suppose would be like: select the next name on the dropdown list"calculate" the spreadsheet to enable the refreshsome sort of "save-as" with the name from the dropdown list forming the name of the file. The Master file must be kept the next name from the dropdown listcalculate the sheet ........and so on I have a few other things I will add to the script like Protect Sheet etc.

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Create Copies Of Worksheet Based On Range Value

Jun 2, 2009

I have a list of references in a range (A5:A98) in a worksheet called "Architectural". What I am trying to do is create a seperate worksheet based on each cell value in the range. However, rather than blank worksheets, I would like each new worksheet to be a copy of a worksheet called "Template". If possible, I would like to have the name of each worksheet also put into cell B2 of each copy.

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Macro Button Copies The Rows

Aug 4, 2009

Trying to create a spreadsheet to track transactions. Sheet "A" is the working file with a limit of 25 rows. When a transaction is complete, I would like a macro button that copies one of these rows (1-25) to an archive file (Sheet "B"). I would like it to copy and paste to the next available row on Sheet "B".

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Macro Inserts 3 Rows Below Each Existing Row Of Data And Copies And Pastes That Data Into Each Of The Empty Rows

Nov 30, 2009

need to create a macro that inserts 3 rows below each existing row of data and simply copies and pastes that data into each of the empty rows before moving on to the next unique row and doing the same thing again.

This is what I have so far, but I can't seem to get the loop right.

Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

activecell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
Range(activecell, activecell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
Selection.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Select

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Sorting List Of Items Into 2 Separate Lists

Oct 25, 2011

I work for a printing company that prints labels. We have 6 printing presses, lets call them A,B,C,D,E & F. Certain labels can only be printed on printing press F.

From our business system I can run a report in excel format giving details of all the labels that we have sold in the present month. I need split that report into 2 separate excel spreadsheets; 1 showing everything that was printed on presses A to E and the other showing everything printed on press F.

I also have another excel spreadsheet which gives a complete list of all the labels that have to be printed on press F.

Every label that we print has a part code and both spreadsheets show this part code so that would be the linking factor between the 2 sheets.

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Populating Multiple Items With Validate Function In Separate Columns

Mar 28, 2014

UREC Bar Event Sheet.xlsx

I am trying to correspond prices with products from the validate function in multiple columns. I want to select the product and have the price for the product populate in the 'cost' column. I have the list of products with corresponding prices on sheet 2 named 'products'. I have attempted to write a formula in cell G11 on the Event Sheet, but was unsuccessful. Please direct my path.

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Create Chart With Two Items?

Feb 25, 2014

I have two items: Written Premium and Earned Premium. Each of these items has a forecast and actual number for two months. How can I create a line chart (with dots) that will show both of these items. I've attached a spreadsheet.

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Create Separate Columns From One Column

Jun 27, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with these columns:Group_Name
Contact Name
Company Name
Contact ID

The Group Name Column has the name of the group that the Contact Name is a member of. The Contact Name could be a member of many Group Names and therefore there may be many rows of the same Contact Name one with each Group Name that they are a member of. I have manually created separate columns for each Group Name in the spreadsheet that is attached.

I would like to have a macro that will look at the Group Name column and create a new column for each distinct group. I then would like the macro to go down the Contact Name column (I believe that I will have to have it sorted)and look at the Group Name that is listed in that row and put "True" in the Group Column that was created in the above step. Then, go to the next row, if the Contact Name is the same, look that the Group Name column and put "True" in the corresponding Group Column in the FIRST ROW OF THAT CONTACT NAME. Then Delete that row.

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Vba To Create Separate Reports From Master

Jun 20, 2008

I have the following spreadsheet Columns on master sorted by Column J:


What I need too do based on the Codes in Column J is create a separate workbook for each different code.

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Create Separate Worksheets Within Workbook

Oct 28, 2008

I have a table of data with three columns. In the first column I have different values, but they can also repeat. How can I have VB look at my table and for every distinct value in the first column create a sheet with the value name and paste all the data into that same sheet?

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Create A Separate File After Macro Done

Apr 19, 2006

How can I code to create a copy of a worksheet in an excel file I am using a macro on, after the macro is done processing? In other words, when the macro completes processing, create a copy of the worksheet labelled "Output", and save it in a directory that the user chooses? Also, would it be possible to create a .pdf file?

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Selecting Items To Create A Chart

Feb 16, 2012

I'm making a risk chart which i want to select data automaticly.

It currently is possible to select a characteristic. After selecting the characteristic i want the chart to update, having only the risks with that characteristic in it. But it also has to select on impact level and chance%.

Is there any way to let Excel auto select the Risk discription and copy it into the chart?

below are 2 pictures, 1 an example database of risks and an example of how the chart should, more or less, look like when i select the financial characteristic.

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Create Custom Menu Items For Add-in

Feb 15, 2010

I have created an Addin from one I found on this site which creates a menu on the CommandBar. On this menu I can add my Macros. The Menu is initially supposed to perform a delete function then an add, just in case the menu already exists on the CommandBar. It is also supposed to Uninstall the menu when you de-select the Addin. At the moment it doesn't seem to be doing either, as I have now got 5 CommandBar menu's all the same and I can't delete them?

This also creates a problem of when I add another macro, the menu on the CommandBar doesn't update with the addition?

I have attached the .xla file for you to look at and see where I'm going wrong.

VBA Macros & Creating An Add-in For Them

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1 Row Cell Covering 4 Rows But Next Column Divided In Separate Rows

Jun 5, 2014

I am working with an excel spreadsheet. There is a column for "name", and then the next column is for medical condition.

If the same patient has multiple (say, 4) conditions, the rows for "name" are combined into a single cell(let's say, a cell going from row 2 to row 5, witha a single name in the combined cell) , with the next column having four different cells adjacent to the single cell (cell 2 has "bleeding", cell 3 has "fever", cell 4 has "diarrhea", and cell 5 has "rash"). Some patients have only single conditions, single cells.

Will this mess up COUNTS and COUNTIF?

Is there a way to split the combined cell2-5 for ''name" into four cells all containing the same name?

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Macro To Separate Lots Of Rows With Certain Amount Of Blank Rows

Feb 15, 2014

I have been using this macro to separate lots of rows with a certain amount of blank rows.


Sub test()
Dim j As Long, r As Range
j = InputBox("type the number of rows to be insered")
Set r = Range("A2")

[Code] .......

I trying to change it so that, instead of inserting how ever many blank rows, it just copys the row above.

Example (Row A to C)

I have been messing around with macro recorder and i could select each row and paste it into the blank rows, but from researching on the internet selecting and pasting data seems to be a waste of resources (ram?) and i will be running this on a couple hundred rows (lots of data). Also, i would like to keep the functionality so that i can still choose how many times it copys/inserts each individual row from a input box.

I eventually want the data to end up like it is shown in the table but i am takin it one step at time because i want to understand what the code is doing.

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Create Separate Sheets For Each Team By Year

Feb 27, 2014

I have a code that will create separate sheets from “SDL_Calendar” sheet for each team and its working fine. Modify the code to create sheets for each Team BY YEAR based on user selection in Cells “H6”, “H7” and “H8” in “P6_Report” sheet. For filtering BY YEAR Column "D" Can be Used in “SDL_Calendar” sheet.

I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish :

[Code] ......


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Create A Separate Function To Sum All The A1's? Below Is An Extract Of My Sub Routine.

Jul 18, 2009

For Each wksht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wkshtnames(1 To i)
wkshtnames(i) = wksht.Name
x = wksht.Range("A1:B2").Value

Next wksht

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Using Array To Create List Of Selected Items?

Mar 2, 2014

I've created a range B3:B12 in which each cell returns TRUE of FALSE. There corresponding values are listed in C3:C12. I have the same thing again in D3:D12 and E3:E12. Checkboxes link to the TRUE/FALSE cells. Attached is a stripped down file to show this.

I want to create a formula that lists each item in the one cell (no spaces required inbetween) for use with a search. I know a long winded way to do this involving many IFs but any array will be much more tidier, thing is I hardly use arrays and have struggled with this one.

I'm thinking it will be along the lines of =IF(B3:B12="TRUE",C3:C12,"")&IF(D3:D12="TRUE",E3:E12,"") but exactly what it should be is beyond me.

EDIT: The original file attached was corrupt for some reason, the new attachedment is the same except instead of TRUE/FALSE cells I've set them to 'x' for quickness (lost my work...!).

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Formula To Create List Of Unique Items

Feb 12, 2009

I have a column that looks something like (it is VERY long and has over 20 different names):


I want to create another column (automatically) that lists each of of those once:

Any idea of how I can do this automatically?

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Create A Drop Down List With The Items In Column A

Jan 25, 2010

In Column A I have a list of Products and in Column B is the list of corresponding prices. I'd like to create a drop down list with the items in Column A that would automatically fill-in the pricing from Column B next to it. I've tried using an IF statement, but my product list is too long.

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Create A Drop Down List And Use Lookup To Get Corresponding Items

Nov 12, 2009

I am making a spreadsheet for food and calories, On sheet one i have a meal tracker, I want to have a drop down list in colum 1 that references the food list on sheet 2, column A=food, column B=Protien, column C=Carbs, column D=fat. The values from Sheet 2 columns B-D would then be inserted into Sheet A in the respective slots. I have fiddled with vlookup and tried numerous things but I can't seem to figure this out.

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Create Function To Balance Items That Are Subordinate

Jan 29, 2007

I am trying to enhance our estimating spreadsheet. If you look at the example attached it is a snippet of the spreadsheet. What I am trying to do is make column AJ (balanced bid unit) include subordinate items. The way a sub item will be defined is column B (bid item) if column B = S, then its balanced bid unit need to be reflected in the column AJ. I would also any item titled as Y in column B (bid item) to include all listings as S (until next item as Y) in the column AJ totals.

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Convert Rows With Repeating Data To Separate Rows

Aug 5, 2009

See the attached xls. There are two worksheets contained therein, one with the original data, and the other showing how I'd like it organized.

I have rows of product data consisting of a product id followed by repeating attributes of quantity and associated price. I need to convert each product row to multiple rows of each quantity/price pair while preserving the id for each pair.

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Excel 2010 :: Create Separate PDF File For Each Worksheet - Different Name

Mar 29, 2014

I need to create a separate PDF file for each Excel Worksheet, each worksheet has a different name.

I am using Excel 2010

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VBA - Copying Data From Another Sheet And Create Separate Sheets

Feb 24, 2014

I have a workbook with two sheets the first one is called "SDL" contain master data for three TEAMS (TEAM.A, TEAM.B & TEAM.C") and the second worksheet is called "SDL_Calendar" for graphical chart view.

I need Macro to copy the relevant column data from "SDL" sheet and paste into appropriate column in "SDL_Calendar" sheet then make separate sheets for each "TEAM".

I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish.

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Create Column Of Data Based On Unique Items

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to seperate singlr column information into seperate column based on the name in the Data 1 column.

Data1 Data2 Result 1 Result 2 Result 3

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How To Create Separate Column To Show Total Of Spent For Each Supplier

Jul 26, 2012

I have a column for suppliers names and a total column The suppliers names differ. How can I create a separate column to show the total of spent for each supplier. I'm not up on excel code

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Create Subfiles From Master File Using Key To Split Workbooks To Separate Files

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to make my macro more dynamic for a spreadsheet I am working on. I have this code which splits out worksheets (using the specific names of the worksheets-not dynamic) from a main workbook into template workbooks (which are basically just an empty workbook because I didn't know how else to do it) and then saves them using the paths below. I would like to make this more dynamic by splitting the different worksheets into new workbooks based on a key column in the hierarchy worksheet.

Basically I have a list of accounts in column B with the file name they should be exported to in column A. There are about 30 accounts being split into 6 different region files. Also note that the same account might be listed multiple times in column A (needed to add multiple numbers for other lookup formulas in the worksheets) but that account worksheet will still only be going to one of the six region files and not to multiple regions. After these are copied to an individual file I would like to save it to a location on my computer. All files will go to this location.

Sub Create_Subfiles()

Dim FDMName As String
Dim FBName As String
Dim DIYName As String
Dim WMName As String

[Code] .....

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