Use Vba To Create Copies Of Excel Workbook For Different Users?
Nov 26, 2012
I have an excel workbook that serves as a master workbook. I have to create 30 copies of this workbook, 1 for each site. Each workbook will have small differences in the data held. This is because I will refresh the sheet before saving it. There is a dropdown list on the 1st tab of the workbook that contains the names of the sites. The sequense, I suppose would be like: select the next name on the dropdown list"calculate" the spreadsheet to enable the refreshsome sort of "save-as" with the name from the dropdown list forming the name of the file. The Master file must be kept the next name from the dropdown listcalculate the sheet ........and so on I have a few other things I will add to the script like Protect Sheet etc.
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Mar 27, 2014
I have a table that lists names, eligibility and # of people. That is just one worksheet. I have a total of 30 worksheets in that workbook. The column with the names is completely filled out. I entered a number in the eligibility and # of people columns and Excel copied all three cells (name, eligibility and # of people) to the same cells on all of the worksheets. I have no formula in any of the cells, nor do I have anything linked.
1st worksheet - e19 - John Doe, f19 - Yes, g19 - 4
That information is then put on all of the other worksheets in those same cells, even though the worksheets are not linked in any way.
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Feb 12, 2013
I've written a ton of VB macros that do various things to a raw data sheet. I want now to create a custom menu (in the the menu ribbon bar at the top of the screen). I'd like this menu to be used to activate the various macros for whoever has my add-in.
I've found several examples on how to create an add-in, and creating custom menus, however they all for when someone opens a workbook with the code, and then they remove the custom menu when the workbook is closed. I would like my custom menu to stay on the users ribbon bar no matter what workbook they have open. The only time the custom menu should not appear is if the user removes the add-in.
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Apr 1, 2014
I am trying to create a sheet which captures the Worked hrs for users in various cells. The SUMPRODUCT does not seem to be working for me .
Attached is the sample sheet which i would like to get the SUM using SUMPRODUCT.
Col D under Data Sheet has the names and these are repetitive. The Hrs / min in column E & F (Regular Hrs) & Additional Hrs / min under H & I.
I would like to have the Regular hrs + minutes to SUM up against each individual and displayed in consolidated under Col D (Regular hrs) & Col E (Additional Hrs).
I am using Excel 2010 and when i have used the same formulae in 2003 it worked. Not sure why it is not working in 2010.
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Mar 3, 2014
We have a Shared workbook on our Server and about 5 users work at the same time every day. I want to understand something, If I open it I can see all the information in it, all the rows and so on, but if the same workbook is opened by another user he will see other information, the rows aren't the same as in my case. Why does this happen ? I would like the second users to see the same information as I do.
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Jun 2, 2014
i have an excel database regarding about 1000 different schemes having the details of their initiation date, budget allocated , up to date expenditure, this month expenditure and many others too. this is a shared workbook and relevant officers enter their data in their relevant columns and rows. the file is shared. now i want that any changes done by mr. A, for eg. at record No. 09 could be intimated to Mr. B who is working at record No. 560. may be via msg box or any other source.
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Apr 5, 2013
how to create multiple sheets ? in a workbook if i want to create multiple copies of the same sheet, what is the shortcut method to do that?
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a list of references in a range (A5:A98) in a worksheet called "Architectural". What I am trying to do is create a seperate worksheet based on each cell value in the range. However, rather than blank worksheets, I would like each new worksheet to be a copy of a worksheet called "Template". If possible, I would like to have the name of each worksheet also put into cell B2 of each copy.
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Oct 2, 2013
I am trying to take items with multiple market attributes and columnized them so that they can be sorted or filtered.
For example,
Item 110 is suitable for Preteen, Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Senior
Item 121 is suitable for Teen and Young Adult
Item 250 is suitable for Senior
Item 300 is suitable for Young Adult, Adult and Senior
I want to be able to arrange the attributes vertically so that the attributes can be filtered. I'm thinking the easiest way to do it is to duplicate each row as many time as there are attributes and copy each attributes to a single Market column.
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Dec 3, 2012
I have an expense report, which was originally done in Excel 2003. It still prompts users to open as read only however if they select no, they are not prompted for the password, and it has allowed them to save, so when the next person opens it, they have the previous person's report instead of the clean workbook. I have tried everything to put a password onto it. I know this is really basic stuff, but maybe I am missing a step? I want the end user to be able to make all the changes they want in read only mode and then do a save as, but if the select No when prompted "Open as Read-only?" they should have to put a password in.
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Sep 14, 2008
I've found afew examples off google searches, but my attempts to edit them arent working...
i want a macro to copy a range, say a1:e5, and paste the values and fonts/boarders/etc (ie no formulas) into a new workbook
the ones i found copy a whole sheet, i just want a portion....
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Oct 3, 2006
I have had some problems closing down a workbook that I have. During a save and close.
A duplicate file appears and causes considerable time delay...sometimes even causes a windows crash. I can't find the source of the problem, but I have noticed that in the Windows Task Manager, the file is there as well, yet not visible on the screen.
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May 8, 2007
I'm looking for information on building a macro that will automate making copies of a spreadsheet into another workbook that contains very particular information. My master sheet has lists of my customers and the rep's that service them. What I need to do is have macro buttons for each rep. that will pull all the shops that they service and all information for these shops into another spreadsheet.
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Oct 1, 2013
I am trying to have a macro that separates a list with unique values in column a, copy the results, open a file name in column AG, and then paste the copied stuff into the open workbook.
Currently, it runs, but when I copy to the new sheet, the thing I want goes where I want it to, but I also get an extra sheet1. how can i change this so the sheet1 doesn't get pasted in?
Sub MC()
Dim r As Long, rng As Range, ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.Name = "Sheet1"
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Sheets.Add().Name = "temp"
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May 31, 2006
I want to the following steps to be done by vba of excel.
1. copy ranges of cells in the active worksheet (sheet3)
2. add a new workbook and paste the copied ranges to sheet1
3. save the new workbook with the new file name (e.g. date)
4. close the new workbook and clear the contents the copied ranges of cells in old workbook.
following code and make it more simpler?
If Range("l1").Value <> "" Then
Range("l1").Value = CDate(Date)
End If
asdate = Range("l1").Value 'date entered by user
resp4 = MsgBox(" Case particulars of " & asdate & " will be backed up and deleted from this sheet! Proceed? (Y/N)", vbYesNo, "Deletion of Data")
If resp4 = 7 Then
Exit Sub
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Apr 16, 2009
This is probably a VBA thing, but there might be a simpler solution. Either would be grand!
Basically, I have a four sheet workbook that needs to be printed out in its entirety (no problem doing that ); however, I would like the final sheet (called "Room Data") to be printed, let's say ten times.
So basically I'd get a single print of the first three sheets and ten of the "Room Data".
Any ideas on how to do this without having to manually print the final sheet multiple times or creating ten identical sheets in the workbook?
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Oct 23, 2012
I'm working on a time system tracking, and I want to know if it's possible to have a button for authorization (and sent by mail to me) to authorize or reject the workbook..
do this automatically in vba macros?
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Nov 15, 2011
Code that will autofilter my sheet for rows that contain either a 1,2,3, or 4 in Column "Z". Then, create a new workbook for each unique value in column "O" and save that to a folder on my desktop named "Contracts". Next, while still filtered by by "Z" and for every unique value in column "O", filter and name a sheet in the new workbook for each unique value in column "B". Finally, while the main sheet is filtered I need to copy and paste the visible cells (minus header row) from columns C,D,E,F,G,H,S, and U to consecutive columns in the newly created worksheet beginning in cell "A9".
I am using excel to create some contracts for a few partners. Each partner could work with several of my clients and I need to give each partner a personalized contract for each of my clients with which they work.
I hope my description of the problem is not too confusing. If so, let me know and I will try to clarify exactly what I am trying to say.
I have tried to combine some code that I already have but, being a newb with loops, I can't seem to get it to do everything.
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Apr 13, 2008
Consider two instances of Excel - one with a workbook containing a chart and some VBA code, the other containing a blank workbook. When I paste a chart from the first instance of Excel to the other, all the VBA code from the original workbook is also pasted into a new third hidden workbook in the second instance of Excel! If that weren't weird enough ON WINDOWS XP (but not Windows 2000) if the VBA code included WorkbookOpen or AutoOpen this code is executed in the second instance of Excel, which of course fails if it references sheets that only existed in the workbook open in the first instance of Excel! This is the first time I've seen the same version of Excel do different things on different versions of Windows! Example attached - What's going on!? Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;...note: this does not happen when pasting charts between workbooks open in the SAME instance of Excel
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Mar 20, 2014
I have Workbook named"Test_Template" in below specified path this is not the active workbook.
It is saved in strFName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "Backup" & "Test_Template.xlsx"
I need to create a copy of the same workbook named as "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx" in the same folder(Backup), same specified path on button click.
[Code] .....
But this creates a "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx outside the Backup folder, i want it in the back up folder.
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Apr 24, 2014
I need to create a formula using 2 different tabs within an excel workbook. I need to search column A on the first tab and column A on the second tab and if they match I need to compare column F on the first tab to column F on the second tab. (This column contains my staff names but the problem I am running into is on the first tab their names are listed first name last name and on the second tab they are listed last name, first name). If column A and F match I need to search column H on the first tab to column H on the second tab. If all columns match up to this point I need to take the data in column Q on the second tab and in put it into column K on the first tab. Is this even possible?
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Sep 18, 2012
Modify Macro3 and use the InputBox function twice so that Macro3 would ask the user for a particular month and a particular year; and then Macro3 uses these user’s inputs to create the calendar template for that month of the year. For example, if the user enters February for the month and 2012 for the year, Macro3 would create a new
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(1)
Sheets("Template (2)").Select
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = "January"
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Jul 17, 2013
I have created an excel application using VBA that is posted publicly on a website and currently being downloaded by users around the world. I would like doing either of the following:
1) create a simple way to keep track of who has downloaded the application (e.g. is there a way to have people register with their email when they open the program for the first time?) so that I can send a mass email whenever a new version of the application is available
2) be able to automatically send a notification to users when an update to the application has been made (e.g. is there a way to tap into Microsofts' update notification system so that it automatically updates the application for users with internet connection?)
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Sep 29, 2011
I need an excel macro that will copy the last row of data from one worksheet within a workbook to another worksheet in the same work book. The last row number of data will alwasy vary
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Jan 20, 2014
I am looking for a Macro, which would first ask me to input the member notation in a new tab (Say M1 in the example). After I give the input as M1 or M2 or M2 or so on, it would display only rows for Section 1 (min and max values) and section 4 (min and Max values)(highlighted in Red). I know it is petty simple, but I am still an amateur with regards to Macros.
Shear Y
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Feb 13, 2014
I was given a spread sheet that prepares a file for export to some ones system. The macro in the spread sheet wouldn't run as I'm using excel 2013 which when you open a new work book it only opens sheet 1 and there was a bit in the macro that wanted to send information to sheet 2 which wasn't there. I added a bit of code which created sheet 2 and hey presto it worked fine. I made the mistake of telling the people who supplied the original workbook to me what I had done so that they could pass the modified sheet on to other users in case they had the same problem.
Now I've been asked if I could do a bit more work to the existing macro so that instead of the new workbook just being called Book 1 could I add a name and date to the new workbook being created.
I've had a look at the original code and it looks like it would be quicker to start from scratch as I cant follow the original code.
The existing workbook has 3 sheets, I want to copy sheet2 to the new workbook. I want to name the new workbook as "a fixed name" with the "time and date " .xlsx
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Feb 7, 2014
I am trying to create a master file, with a macro built in, that will allow multiple users to use it at once. The macro is to open a dilouge(sp sorry) box showing the contents of a specific folder, allow the user to selct one of the sheets, then copy and paste the set details from the hidden tab on this sheet (All sheets will be the same barring title), append the details to the master list in the first empty row.
I've got this far thus
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Modify this folder path to point to the files you want to use.
FolderPath = "My Folder name here"
' Set the current directory to the the folder path.
ChDrive FolderPath
[Code] .....
So I can copy the row, but I can't get the first part to open .
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Jan 8, 2012
can we use excel workbook by many users at same time ?.
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Nov 7, 2012
"How to create a 'main' macro to control other macros within a workbook". I have my individual macros created. There's one macro for each sheet that searches online data and returns the information. I have one of these per sheet (a total of 20 sheets) since I couldn't find a way to have all 20 macros be on one sheet and still work. My trouble is that whenever I'm on my 'main' sheet and try to run the macro which applies to a 'secondary' sheet, I get an error. I have to select the sheet first, then run the macro and it works. Below is the macro on each sheet.
Sub Holding1()
Dim DataSheet As Worksheet
Dim EndDate As Date [code].....
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Oct 23, 2012
What i am trying to do is in 1 workbook (labled as Book1 literally), it needs to copy the sheets out of every .xls file there is in a single directory, we'll call C:MyFolderMySubFolder. There can be anywhere between 1 and 366 files in this particular folder and I need all the sheets in each file labled 'CC' copy that entire sheet, paste that sheet to Book1, go back to that file it was copied from, close it (saving changes is ok), then move on to the next file.. and the next file... and so forth
While pasting into book1, I need each WS copied from each file to paste to a new worksheet in book1 rather than combining them into 1 or overwriting, and lable each of those sheets the file name of which the sheet came from...
The names are in sequence. All files in the folder will be labled as a date such as "9-6-12" so the sheet name in book1 would be named 9-6-12. (so there may result in 366 new worksheets to book1)
I primarily use Microsoft Office Excel 2003
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