Data Validation Item Selection?
Mar 23, 2012
How can I select a particular data item in a data validation cell. My requirement is that I need a particular item to be displayed in data validation cell(I already have the item value with me)
I tried recording but it doesnt work.
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Jul 24, 2014
Is there any way when using dependent validation lists, that once a selection is made in one list, the next list will automatically default to it's first item?
So in the attached example, if Activity2 is selected in cell B7, then TaskC would automatically appear in cell C7 but the user can still choose a different value if necessary?
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Feb 28, 2014
I wrote a macro that creates a data validation list from a set of cells on Sheet 1.
On Sheet two I would like a have Macro select each item in order on the validation list and paste into every fourth cell.
For example, if my Data Validation list on Sheet 1 contains three items: Comp. A, COmp. B, Comp. C
On Sheet 2, I would like to see Comp. A in cell K1, Comp. B in cell O1, Comp. C in cell S1.
I have seen a few codes but nothing that works effectively.
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Mar 6, 2008
Is there a limit to the number of entries in a validation list? I have a list that contains about 300 entries, but the drop-down list only shows 246 entries. I am sure that the references are correct.
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Apr 4, 2013
I am working on a project where user has to select an item from a listbox, however there is a condition that if user select an item, other items of listbox should be disabled so that he/she can not select any other item.
Is there any way to do that as I tried
VB : Listbox.enabled = False
VB : Listbox.locket = True
in Listbox - Click/Change but no desirable results got.
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Oct 12, 2011
I have a dropdown list in C24:C50 (=CategoryList) with data validation and a sub list in D24:D50 (=ItemList) with data validation. I am looking for a way to have code automatically run after selecting an item in the data validation dropdown list in column C.
Example; I click on C24 and make a selection. I what it to trigger code that would move me to D24 and open up the data validation list in D24. After the selection in D24 I would like it to move me back and down 1 row to C25. I have not found anything directly related to this but I have found that code can be run after a selection in a valadition list.
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Jan 13, 2014
I have a cell with data validation that I would like to look at table and be dynamic rather than a manual selection. So when I add to the list the data validation will reconise there are more options.
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May 28, 2014
I want to load the actual data exist in the rows by selection value from the data validation list.
E.g I have two worksheet in one excel file. One has a data activities of persons with their name like two columns i have in which one exist the name of person and second exist the activities which they perform.
On the second sheet, i made a data validation list of all the person names
Now my requirement is, when i select a person name from the list, load all the data from the 1st sheet to second sheet. Is this possible without VB code, because I want to share it on the Google sheet with my boss, where VB sheet is not supposed to work.
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Sep 4, 2009
I have two fields that do the same thing [preset selection vs custom entry], and I need to restrict one from holding any data if the other already does. One field is a drop-down menu, and the other is a decimal entry. It was easy to restrict the decimal from being entered if a drop-down selection has already been made - Data Validation prevents any entry unless the drop-down cell is blank. It's not so easy to restrict the drop-down, however, as it already uses List-type Data Validation to allow only values from a specified range.
Does anyone have any ideas for allowing the drop-down to function as normal if a specific other field or range is blank, but not allowing a selection to be made if that specific field or range already has data in it? I've attached a simplified example worksheet.
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Nov 15, 2011
I have a large set of data that I need to use for data validation in drop down lists. The data is arranged in 4 columns and entries within each column may repeat numerous times. The four columns are as this..
Category Subcategory 1 Subcategory2 Subcategory3
The first data validation will come from the first column. Once this is chosen the second drop down should populate with the subcategory that correspond to that category stored in column 2. once that is chosen the thrid data validation should populate with the corresponding subcategory from column three etc.. This is a small sample of the data in the columns.
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Oct 17, 2013
I have researched and used some code that allows the user to select mutliple items from a list. This is using the Data Validation tool with a list and some code in the relavent sheet. It all works well and as described.
However, when I lock the Worksheet, the multi selection no longer works. Selection cells are ofcourse unlocked when sheet is protected.
I have also trialed unlocking the whole row that the multi selection exists in, no effect.
My understanding of this code is at about 50%.
Is there a way of being able to lock the sheet and retain this ability of multi selection. Maybe there is some other code I could refer too?
' Developed by Contextures Inc.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngDV As Range
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Jul 2, 2014
Basically I have a form where the list can expand and contract so there will always be varying row lengths.
What I would like to see is a drop down list that shows a) the actual populated field and b) a description of the field when the drop down list is present.
I believe this can be done with a combo box however that would be a lot of work.
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Apr 13, 2012
I am trying to find something that would allow me to have a spreadsheet clear the contents of a certain cell based on the selection made from a data validation list which resides on the same row. This can best be described with an example.
The user selects anything but " " or "none" from the validation list, which for this example resides in C5, would trigger code to clear the contents, if any, in AA5. If " " or "none" is chosen the value remains.
This capability should be available for each row through 100.
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Dec 13, 2009
I'm using Excel 2007. I would like to seek some advise on how i may update cells after selecting a month from a drop down list.
i have created a simplified version of what i intend to have. One the 1st tab 'Cash Budget 2009', i have filled up a table with numbers, sorted by months. On the 2nd tab 'Dec09', i would like to create an expense table, to be able to be selected by month. So i have created a drop down list based on the months that are created in the 1st tab.
Upon selection of the month from the drop down list, i would like the cells to display (fetch) the data from the 1st worksheet. It would also be helpful if the name of the 2nd tab can be updated to read as the month that is being selected.
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Dec 26, 2012
I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.
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Jun 20, 2008
I can't seem to find a way to make a data validation list automatically show the first item in the list rather than showing blank.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a budget document that has a selection (Named Range with list items in a drop down) Approved, Rejected, Awaiting Approval or Blank. What I would like to do is set a process that could approve all Awaiting Approval. My thought was to create another choice box at the top that allowed the user to choose approve all awaiting and it would select every matching item that was Awaiting Approval and change it to Approved. At the same time I would like it to set the date and time, this could just copy what I put in an associated field or be real time.
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Apr 24, 2012
I want to select single items in list box available to move to specific worksheet.
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Feb 10, 2012
I am a softball coach and I want to create a fielding roster for my team. I have all the players names in column A (A4:A14). I have positions listed in column L (L4:L15) as follows: P, C, 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, LF, LC, CF, RC, RF, X. Cell range B4:H14 (7 innings) is where I need to have drop downs, but once I select a certain positions for one player in inning 1, for ex., I want it to not be available for the next player in the same inning.
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Aug 21, 2007
I have a normal data validation box on excel, but I want to be able to navigate my way through it using a macro. I can select & opent the drop down list with the following
SendKeys "%{DOWN}"
but then an action like
SendKeys "{UP}"
Does not navigate itself up the menu as a normal keystoke would. Any ideas on how to solve this? Basically, I want to select a cell, open the drop down menu, select the first choice in it (so thinking SendKeys "{HOME}{ENTER}" ) all using a macro.
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Feb 21, 2009
The code below lets me select more than one item in a column 14 dropdown and put them in the cell.
I am trying to let another column have the same properties. This time it is column 17. I tried adding another line but it doesn't work. Can anyone help with the code.
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Jan 3, 2009
A list in A2 of Sheet 1 of workbook has values "Select", "Yes", "No". How can I get the functionality using VBA so that until a certain rule is met (say A1 becomes 1) selection of items in the list is disabled? (Or any selection of items in the list returns a value of select only?
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.
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Nov 10, 2008
I have my data with column A being the Week ending date (a saturday date) for which the data was entered. In column B it is simply the Month that the data was entered. On another tab...the user can select weekly or monthly. What I would like is a validation drop-down that corresponds to the selection.
IE - If weekly is chosen, the validation will allow the user to select a week that is found in Column A in the data. If monthly is chosen, the validation will show the months from Column B instead. Is it possible to have one validation dropdown, that the validation LIST can be conditionally select based on input in another cell? (A1 being Weekly or Monthly - and B1 being where the validation dropdown would be)
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Nov 22, 2011
I have a workbook with various "in cell" validation selection boxes.
All worked well, but now the width of de dropdownbox is very big, stretching over several cells. The cell width is 70 pixels, but the dropdown box is 500 width.
I tried new validation, but no matter where I place a validation of what list I use in validation the width of the dropdown is always over 500 pixels? How to change that?
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May 7, 2008
I have been searching through the site trying to find a solution to my issue, but I just can't seen to fixt it. Here is the scenario. I am working on a spreadsheet that will read some data, use that data to update the main chart and fill in the information in a table next to that chart. I recoreded 22 macros, total. Each macro corresponds to the especific type of chart that I need/want.
I want to be able to click on a drop down menu above the chart which will have each of the 22 options. Once the user clicks on the desired option, the specific macro will run and do that it should do. When I run the individual macro (without the VB that I wrote and will mention below), the system does what it should do. Everything looks dandy. But then I added this VB code to the sheet where the chart is:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Range("A12").Value
Case "1"
Call a
Case "2"
Call b
Case "3"
Call cc
Case "4"
Call d
Case "5"
Call e................
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Oct 28, 2006
I am trying to make some of my data validation dropdown list boxes narrower. I was told one way to do that is to use combo boxes. (If there are any other ways, please let me know!)
I don't think my combo boxes are working. I had tried to make a combo box appear in each data validation pulldown cell by using this tutorial:
I followed this tutorial word for word, but when I try to test the code at the end by double-clicking on a data validation pulldown cell, no combo box appears.
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Feb 15, 2014
I have 2 columns First Name & Surname. What I want to do is create a data validation list on the surname which results in the 2nd data validation list only showing the first names which link to one of the surnames.
i.e. If I selected Smith in the 1st validation list then I would only like to see 'Paul' as an option in the 2nd list
First Name
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Apr 3, 2009
I have attached a sheet that I am working on. I want cell G1 to be less than or equal to 165. That cell contains a formula. If the formula takes the number to over 165 the validation is allowing it.
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Sep 26, 2007
I would like to know if it's possible to populate a data validation list based on what is selected from 4 validation lists?
for example:
On sheet1:
If 'Group1' is selected from data validation list1 then data validation list5 will show a list of all items from Group1. If 'Group2' is selected from data validation list2, then data validation list5 will display all the items in 'Group2'...
(I do not want to use a combo box for this)
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