Duplicating Multiple Buttons Adjusting Target Cell Automatically

Jun 6, 2014

I tried to search the forum for my unique problem but had no luck. As you will see attached, I have a series of excel buttons I need to duplicate and have target a different set of cells. I am hoping there is a way to avoid manually doing this.

The goal of the document is to push the button when both colours in the row and column interact (research on birds). There are two additional behaviours with an exact same set of buttons but they need to target "Body Rush" and "Food Displacement" tables underneath. I need all the buttons on one page since multiple behaviours happen simultaneously that need to be recorded.

I have something like 100+ modules in VBA I have created, I am hoping there is an easier way to do this so I don't have to create another ~200 modules in order to get the last two behaviours setup.

I am hoping there is either an easier button system or way to make buttons adjust somehow.

I am not the most advanced VBA user

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Automatically Adjusting Vlookup

Oct 22, 2008

I have a table upon which I wish to perform vlookups, however I need to be able to adjust the range that the vlookup searches to include any data that may be added in the future without having to go into the sheets and change the vlookup.


Name DOB
Tom 01/01/81
Dick 02/02/82
Harry 03/03/83

if someone then adds

Fred 04/04/84

I would like the vlookup to automatically accommodate the extra entry without needing any changes.

I've seen this done on data validation with the following formula:


It only needs to do new rows, not columns.

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Automatically Adjusting Dates

Jun 29, 2006

I am using the =today() function to places todays date in a cell...how can I get the next to cells to automatically display dates that are 2 months and 4 months later without having to change them manually every day. FWIW, this is for an certification expiration chart.

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Automatically Populate Data From Target B Worksheet Into Target A Worksheet

Dec 3, 2012

I have main worksheet (target a) that I am trying to populate data from target(worksheet) b. The data I am trying to get from target b changes every month,(declining balance) based on a new month. So how can I get financial data from different cell each month from "b" into same cell in "a"? (so "A" # would be overwritten in same cell based on new # from "B". I have tried VLookup but can't be doing something correct.

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Automatically Adjusting League Table

Sep 12, 2007

This is for a call centre and sales office. there are 3 tabs. Tab 1 represents the values that we update at the end of each week which then gives a running total over an 8 week period and then an average below. there is a seperate table for each staff member. Tab two is for one team of people and tab two is for the other team. Namely LG team and Sales Team. the tab 2 and 3 are to show league tables that both collect data from tab 1, but then create a league table showing who is top dog over the 8 week period. But this also has to self adjust to be in order.

on tab 2 and 3, the tables on the left will be hidden once complete, but are there to work out the league. the table on the right is then there to put and show the league in the right order. I HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE, COS EVEN I'M LOST NOW. I've followed previous advice on this and inputted what I think are the right formulas, but for some reason it's coming up with the wrong answers and several names are being repeated which are wrong. For example even when ben perhaps is number 2, it will show rahim as number 2 and number 3. why is this?

also, how do I get by the problem of on the odd occassion when perhaps ben and rahim have the same stats and are joint second, but it will only show ben as 2 and ben as 2 again, leaving rahim out of it. WOW. I'm glad I've got that out of my system. I was doing the washing up yesterday donig Excel formulas in my head. But the washing up got done at least.

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Automatically Adjusting Sum Of Numbers When Adding / Deleting Rows

Jul 21, 2014

I currently have this formula to deal with this:


However, whenever I delete the top row...I get a reference error and have to re-adjust...

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Automatically Adjusting Sum Of Numbers When Adding / Deleting Rows?

Jul 21, 2014

I currently have this formula to deal with this:


However, whenever I delete the top row...I get a reference error and have to re-adjust...

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Moving Colored Text Within A Automatically Adjusting Table Containing More Than 3 Col

Jan 17, 2007

Moving Colored Text within a automatically adjusting table containing More Than 3 Colors, from Coloum to Coloum. i have managed to put this little chart together to use on our gaming wedsite but i would like to go one step further with it. may table automatically moves the colums up and down the table as i enter the infomation in to it,, "but" I the colours in the text do not stay the same as they move up and down the coloums. how to make the coloured text keep its colour in the table as it alters its position in the table

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Complex Formulas Not Automatically Adjusting When Adding / Removing Rows?

Jul 11, 2014

I have this spreadsheet that I am creating schedules for my employees since our scheduling software at work is horrible to work with. It calculates total hours for each employee at the far right of the rows, and calculates total hours for each day in the columns. The formulas that calculate the hours for each day is set up to automatically deduct 30 minutes from a shift, for lunch, if they're scheduled for more than 5 hours (the gray shaded employee rows are for managers and that only deducts 30 mins if they're shift exceeds 8 hours).

I'm familiar enough to put somewhat complex formulas together, but I don't understand it enough to always make them work correctly. What I'm wanting to be able to do is add or subtract entire rows (add new employees or remove old), and have my formulas for calculating the total hours to still work. Right now if I delete a row the cell with the formula in it says #REF!. I can fix this by going through the formula and manually deleting everything in that contains those other cells, but the formula is huge, and it's pretty tedious going through the whole thing when it feels like there should be a simpler way of doing it.

TLDR: I want to be able to add/remove a row and have my cells currently on row 36 update the formula correctly.

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Multiple Macro Buttons (radio Buttons)?

Feb 10, 2012

I am trying to create a worksheet that has multiple radio buttons. Each radio button is linked to a Macro. I need there to be many buttons running down one side of the worksheet. Each button needs to perform a macro that is relevant to the cells in the same row that it is on.

Essentially what i am trying to do is make a macro that when the button is pressed copys data from H6 and paste it into B6. The button is situated above I6. I need a button for each row from 6 to 110.

While this macro is easy to create (i use the record button and then assign the macro to the button), i would have to do this 104 times and assign a new macro to each button.

Is there a quicker way?

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Unhiding Sheets With Combobox Selection And Duplicating Sheets Automatically

Sep 27, 2011

I have 25 sheets in the workbook and a combobox on the main page, The combobox references a range of 1-25 that represents the 25 hidden pages. right now i can get the sheets to unhide one at a time based on the selection e.g. combobox option 1 will unhide sheet 1 but the sheet are representing sites in a design so i need to have the option to select multiple sites in the combobox option so for example if i select 5 then sheets 1-5 should unhide. I hope I've explained that clearly.

The other question or option would be to just duplicate sheet 1 based on the combobox selection e.g. selection 5 duplicates sheet 1 5 times.

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Combine Multiple Worksheets Into New Worksheet Without Duplicating Columns

Feb 15, 2013

I wanted to see if it were possible to combine multiple worksheets into one new worksheet, but without duplicating columns with the same heading, enabling the data to fall into the correct column if it's shared in multiple worksheets, and adding columns if their unique. Furthermore, if there are a few "leading" columns, i.e. ones that are shared in every sheet and never move from where they are, to include those as the leading columns in the new sheet. I'm unable to post an attachment, but I'll try to paint a picture. This is on a much smaller scale than intended, but I want to combine Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 to form Sheet 3 (which I've manually copied to look how I would want it to look if the formula/code works properly). Columns A, B, and C are the "leading" columns I was referencing, whereas any of the following columns may or may not be shared in the various worksheets, but should still be included and combined if they're the same. There also might be a different number of columns depending on the sheet. I consider myself somewhat of an intermediate user, and I am familiar with using VBA codes for formulas should that be the proper remedy.

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How To Use Multiple Buttons To Assign Different Value To A Cell

Jul 1, 2014

There are 10 rows of data, and would like to assign value at the end of each row as "initiated" "In the process" "Needs to be Reviewed" "Completed", by using Buttons with different macros.

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Automatically Send Email Dependent On Target Values

Nov 22, 2008

I have emails automatically being sent based on what is entered in the attendance columns, but now I need emails being sent on what is entered in the comments columns. Because the target range changes, I do not know how to combine them.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("A11:A50, F11:F50, K11:K50, P11:P50, A55:A94, F55:F94")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If LCase(Target) = "no" Then Call RouteActiveWorkbook(Target.Offset(, 1), Target.Offset(, 2), Target.Offset(, 3))
If LCase(Target) = "ex" Then Call RouteActiveWorkbook2(Target.Offset(, 1), Target.Offset(, 2), Target.Offset(, 3))
End Sub

This code results in two macros based on what it entered. Macro 1...........................

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Adjusting Page Breaks In Multiple Tabs

Nov 13, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with many tabs in it (over 100 I believe) and I just want a macro that will adjust the page breaks so it will print one page per tab. Somewhere along the way, the page breaks have auto-adjusted themselves to print 4 or more pages on one tab. I do not want that.

In trying to figure this out on my own, I recorded a macro on one of the tabs and it returned the following
Sub Macro1()

ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks(1).DragOff Direction:=xlToRight, RegionIndex:=1
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
End Sub
How can I add to or adjust this to make it adjust the pagebreaks in all available tabs?

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Automatically Shrinking Buttons

Aug 5, 2009

What can I do to prevent a button to shrink to a fraction of its size when it's clicked?

It used to work alright, but when I got the file back from a collegue it started to show this weird behaviour?

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Command For Target: Send A Target Link To A File

Sep 1, 2007

i am needing to issue a dos command in excel? basically i need to send a target link to a file. i cant use a hyper link for several reasons, and this is the only way i know how to go about this.

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Macro For Copying And Duplicating Data Based On A Cell Values.

Aug 22, 2009

I am trying to copy two cells from one worksheet to another in the same work book based on the value in Column B of one of the sheets. This is just a building block to a larger script I am going to create.

Below is my attempt but I keep getting an error at Range(Cells(x, 3)).Select.

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Adjusting Percentage Values On Cell Change

Jan 8, 2009

Good afternoon Gentlemen, I have a column of data, with a varying number of percentage values that add up to 100%, separated by "NA", i.e.


Now... when I change one of the values I would like the others to even up, i.e. in the last example if I change a 20% to 50% I would like the others to change to 10%... any ideas?

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Adjusting Code To Use Alternate Cell Ranges

Apr 5, 2009

Here's a nice easy one for anybody whose used excel for more thaan a week unlike me, I'm using the following code to access a popup calendar:

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Adjusting External Cell Reference (Links) In Excel

Aug 7, 2013

The goal is to have a data validation drop down list that adjusts the File.xls name portion of the external cell reference (example given below) and return the result of the cell I am searching in the new file after updating my links.

I am trying to set up an external cell refence within my workbook for example:

When I have tried setting the equation to pull from the drop down list in cel A1 for example:

It only shows the new file path name and not the value in the new sheet--even after updating links.

I am also attempting to do this using the my network places file path instead of the letter drive in my computer.

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Determine Intersection Of Target To Multiple Ranges

Sep 29, 2007

This code works fine, but it does not look professional. I tried to write like: If Application.Intersect(Target, rng1, rng2, rng4, rng5) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

it did not work, but as it is down here it worked

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, rng3 As Range, rng4 As Range, rng5 As Range
On Error Goto NoValidation
Set rng1 = Range("B28:B55")
Set rng2 = Range("D28:D55")
Set rng4 = Range("H28:H55")
Set rng5 = Range("J28:J55")
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng1) Is Nothing Then
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng2) Is Nothing Then
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng4) Is Nothing Then
If Application.Intersect(Target, rng5) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Target. Validation.InCellDropdown Then Application.SendKeys "%{Up}"
End Sub

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Worksheet Change Event For Multiple Target Cells?

Jan 20, 2014

I'm trying to run a macro anytime cells G2, J2, M2, O2, P2, S2, V2, Y2, AB2, AE2, AH2, AK2, AN2, AQ2 change.

Right now I have the below code which is working well, but I only have it set for G2. Do you know what the notation is to make the target range multiple cells?

Also, I use the xlDown command in my sorting code, but later on it reverts back to "A5:AT60"... is there any way I can remove these specific cell references? I want to avoid having to re-write the macro every time my selection shrinks or expands.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G2")) Is Nothing Then


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Deleting / Clearing Multiple Cells In Target Range

Jun 2, 2014

I have a target range for a worksheet change. Then when finished I highlight the data and press 'delete' I get an error within the code.

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Formula To Return Multiple Criteria Including Stretch Target

Jul 8, 2014

I'm struggling to come up with a formula that ill give me the following:

I have will have a row of data (cells A4:H4 on the attached example), in the respective cells below each value in row 4 I want formula that will give me a value of 10 if it sees 90% in the cell above reducing to a value of 0 if it sees 80% in the cell above. I think that there should be a relatively straightforward formulae for that, my problem is that I want to add a further criteria that says; if the value in row 4 increases above 90% and reaches 95% then I must return a value that is 10 for 90% but "stretches" to 12 for 95%. Anything below 80% should return a value of 0, and anything over 95% should return a value of 12.

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Using Formula To Target Multiple Keywords In Order To Categorize Cells

Jan 15, 2014

I have a big file here : [URL] .....

As you can see, the second column contains abstracts which I want to use to determine categories for each document (each line).

Categories are as followed :
Diabetes prevention -> keywords : sugar, diabet*, insulin*
Obesity prevention -> keywords : weight-loss, fat*, LDL
etc. (5-8 categories)

To target one keyword, I found this formula :
=IF(IFERROR(SEARCH("*diabet*"; $B3); 0); "Diabetes prevention"; " ")

What I would like to know is how to add more than one keywords in this formula.

I would also like to know, if it is even possible, how to put every categories in this column, so that i don't have a category per column ... It's hard to explain.

I want to have in front of each line the corresponding column. It means that the formula has to search for every keywords and select one or more appropriate categories.

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Automatically Subtract Multiple Values In The Same Cell

Oct 2, 2006

I wish to have a column with say 100 in it as that will be the initial stock levels

I would then like the next column to be blank so that when you enter say 25 (the number of stock taken away) the third column will show the new number of 75.

Simple? well here is the tricky part

I just want those three columns so the blank one in the middle will remain blank after it has been used so for example

on monday we sell 25 pencils and type 25 in the field and the new total is 70

on tuesday we sell 40 pencils and type (in the same field the 25 was put in the day before) 40 and the total will show up as 35.

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Color Multiple Buttons

Jan 27, 2010

I'm using this crude code to color multiple buttons at once. My query; Is there a way to make this code quicker and thus shorter?

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Buttons Available On Multiple Sheets?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. Sixteen of them represent the months and quarters of the year. On those 16 sheets, I would like to have two buttons (32 buttons in all). One button is to print (and does quite a bit of formatting) the report for that month and the other submits the report (formats, saves, and e-mails notifications) after the user completes it.

Rather than having to maintain 32 buttons, I would prefer to have two buttons that are available to each of the 16 sheets. Is there a way to do this?

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Multiple Toggle Buttons

Dec 9, 2008

I am having a small issue with my toggle buttons.

I have approximately 20 sheets that all have 4 toggle buttons on them. Coded as below (with different ranges for each button). So when I wrote them I took the easy (for me anyway) way and copied all the code for all the buttons in each sheet. (Buttons are named Zoom1, Zoom2 etc.)
Private Sub Zoom1_Click()
If Zoom1.Value = True Then
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 143
ActiveWindow.LargeScroll ToRight:=-10, Down:=-10
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
ActiveWindow.LargeScroll ToRight:=-10, Down:=-10
End If
End Sub.........

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