Macro For Copying And Duplicating Data Based On A Cell Values.

Aug 22, 2009

I am trying to copy two cells from one worksheet to another in the same work book based on the value in Column B of one of the sheets. This is just a building block to a larger script I am going to create.

Below is my attempt but I keep getting an error at Range(Cells(x, 3)).Select.

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Duplicating Data Onto Another Workbook Based On A Condition

Nov 15, 2013

How to open a fresh workbook and have information automatically being pasted in, based on a checkbox trigger. I don't know if I have explained well or not but essentially it is this:

W5 is the checkbox with a tick and a cross. When the cell is ticked I want to specicy cells on this record to be brought over to another tab.

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Macro - Auto Populate The Data, Based On The Previous Cell Values

Aug 3, 2009

the post 5 for the actual issue. This being my first post could not update it correctly. I have put my views int he 5th post which will be more clear.

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Copying Data From One Cell To Another Based On Criteria

Jun 22, 2014

I am trying to use VBA to move data from one column to another while using values of a third column as a reference for where each value in the first column should be moved to in the second. I will try to explain as best as possible, currently I have a macro that copies from one column to the required but due to the irregular spacing of the data it results in the data not matching with the data its being copied into.

Say I have Three columns A, B and C. I have a range of data in column A say dates that have irregular amounts of spacing between them. Column B is empty. Column C contains Data that is again spaced out irregularly and not in line with that of A. The value of column C cells is just identical values. Now the aim is to move the values from column A in the order which they are listed and place them in Column B next to each value in Column C. So say the repeated value in column c is EXAMPLE then everytime EXAMPLE appears in column C i want to move one date from column A into column B next to this EXAMPLE value, in order which it appears in column A. So the first date will move next to the first EXAMPLE value and the second date which appears next to the second EXAMPLE and so on and so on until it reaches the end of the sheet.

My thinking was placing the A column data in an array and doing some sort of sort.

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Inserting Rows And Copying Data Based On A Value In A Cell

Aug 14, 2009

On sheet "Create Package" in cell "AA14" I have a value (lets say 2).

I want it to go to sheet "Samples" and insert a number of rows equal to the value on sheet "Create Package" cell "AA14" (so 2 rows)

I have a header row in row 1, so I would like it to insert the designated number of rows beneath that.

Then I would like it to copy a designated number of rows (based off of the "AA14" value, so 2) from the "Create Package" sheet starting at row 66 and then paste special values into the new rows that were inserted on sheet "samples".

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Macro For Copying Data Into A New Cell Each Day

Jan 8, 2009

12/23/20081/2/20091/5/20091/6/20091/7/2009Stores TotalTMX TotalTotal TMX Expedite

I'm trying to create some code that will do this:
On Day1- Copy info from a different worksheet in the 3 cells for 12/23 (column B)
On Day2 - Copy info from the worksheet in the 3 cells for 1/2 (col C) without deleting the info in Column B from the previous day, etc....

I can't figure out how to get it to paste into a different column each day. It will be continuously moving one column to the right each day.

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Filling ComboBox List Is Duplicating/Retaining Old Values

Sep 29, 2006

I am currently trying to add some functionality to an Excel workbook and I have a combo box that I am unable to get the values to populate. On the same worksheet I have a command button. Here is the code I am using to attempt to populate the combo box:

Private Sub cmdSendSave_Click()

Call SendSave

End Sub

Private Sub bxLocation_Change()

With bxLocation
.AddItem "Mt. Hope"
.AddItem "Summersville"
.AddItem "Huntington"
.AddItem "Pulaski"
.AddItem "Coastal Bend"
.AddItem "Odessa"
.AddItem "Wheeling"
.AddItem "Hollywood"
End With

End Sub

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Copying Rows Based On Values

May 21, 2014

I have a sheet with a lot of different data. In column M in workbook "Maximo report" there are 5 different values. I want to copy the rows that contain CDC_HVAC and that have the value "INPRG" in column G to the sheet HVAC_INPRG. I want to do this for all 5 values. Once the rows are in their respective sheets I want to filter them based on a formula and then sort from oldest to newest. I dont want the file to be too big and I think that VBA is the way to do it. I am new to VBA

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Duplicating VBA Macro On Another Worksheet In Same Workbook

Aug 6, 2014

I have a worksheet (Morning Reports) that has a running macro on what I need is how do I get this same code to work on a different sheet titled (Afternoon Reports) This afternoon report will be a scaled down version with slightly different range:

How do I modify this code to do the same thing just on a different sheet

[Code] ....

Protection password is "Financial3" and sheet and VBA

Attached File : New Morning Report - Master_Copy-NO DELETE.xlsm

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Copying A Row Based On Matching Unique Values

Jan 26, 2009

I have the following code which takes a unique value from 'sheet 1', and searches for the value in 'sheet 2'. If there is a matching value in sheet 2 it will copy the full row into sheet three.

I need to extend the code so that all values from 'sheet 1' are copied to 'sheet 3' even if there is no matching value in 'sheet 2'. If there is a matching value in 'sheet 2' however I need the entire row to be copied to 'sheet 3'

Sub moving()
Dim c As Range, d As Range
For Each d In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A500")
For Each c In Range("A1:A15")
If d = c Then
c.Resize(1, 70).Copy
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Exit For
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Row Matching Macro. (match Duplicating Cells)

May 4, 2009

I m writing a macro that will match duplicating cells in an excel spreadsheet. Here is an example.


id1 | example 1 | example 2 |
id2 | example 3 | example 4 |
id1 | example 5 | example 6 |
id2 | example 7 | |


id1 | example 1 | example 2 | example 5 | example 6 |
id2 | example 3 | example 4 | example 7 | |

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Duplicating Data From One Sheet To Another

Nov 29, 2012

I am attempting to duplicate data from the first cell in each row in Sheet1 to the first cell in 6 rows in Sheet2.

I want to do this for each row in Sheet1. For example, I want to take cell A1 from Sheet1 and copy what was in that into Sheet2 into cells A1-A6. Then I want to take A2 from Sheet1 and copy what was in that into Sheet2 into cells A7-A12.

Is there an easier way to go about doing this? I have too many rows in Sheet1 to do this by hand.

Edit: I know the formula for getting a value from Sheet1 and put into Sheet2 cells A1-A6: =(Sheet1!A1)

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Excel 2007 :: Macro For Duplicating Template Error

Jan 9, 2013

(Excel 2007), I have a template that I need duplicated for every reference. My Worksheet lists all the references and the macro use to duplicate a worksheet for every reference in the worksheet. The problem is when duplicating now, it duplicates the name of the template. For example, when the macro is ran sheet1= Template(1), sheet2= Template(2) ect.

Here's the code- I think it has something to do with the named ranges

Sub Macro1()
For i = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Worksheet").Range("A:A"))
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = Worksheets("Worksheet").Cells(i, 1).Text
Next i
End Sub

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Print Macro Based On Cell Values

Jul 3, 2014

I have data (part numbers) in column B. They are alphanumeric, eg 29 EE.

When I receive parts I enter the quantity of pallets received in column C next to the part number in column B.

Sometimes certain parts are not received therefore the relevant cell in column C would be left blank. There are a total of 30 part numbers in column B.

I also have an A4 landscape sheet (when printed) which is formatted into two rectangular blocks (merged cells) with fonts sized 200. The lower section contains the NOW() function and the upper section contains a part number which is entered manually. If I receive 10 pallets of 29 EE I will then print out 10 copies of the sheet with the part number and current date.

The same applies with the next part number 29 HE, if I receive 3 pallets of this part I then edit the part number for the A4 sheet and then print 3 copies.

I would like to be able to just enter the quantities received into column C and then select a macro button to print out all the sheets automatically for each part.

The reason for this is to enable older stock to be used first which can be easily identified with an A4 sheet attached when it is put away in the warehouse racking.

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Run Macro Based On Corresponding Cell Values In Range

Feb 13, 2008

I have a range "RangeOne" and i want to check the range row by row.

In each row I want to check for value in second cell. If the value is 10 or more then the entire row in the range should be selected and then execute a macro. If the value is 0 to 10(but not 10 exactly) then the row in the range should be selected and then execute macro2.

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Macro Copying Formula Where Only Want Values?

Feb 10, 2014

I have the following macro which works fine accept for the fact that it copies the formulas from other worksheets, where as i only want to copy the values.

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Macro To Insert Row Based On Differences In Cell Values

Jan 8, 2014

a macro/code to accomplish the following:

I would like to insert a row if:

Difference in values in Column B are more than 2 .... OR ...Difference in values in Column C are more than 2

Value 1
Value 2


In the above table, rows would be inserted after specimen A, B, D, and E.

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Macro To Select Dates Based On Cell Values

Feb 20, 2009

I might be using something completely wrong here, but can anyone tell me if this code is possible or am I being very naive.

H4 and I4 are cells in which I want to enter dates, and then I want these dates to be used in a custom filter on another page.

Below is what my limited understanding of VB came up with.

Sub Date_Range()

Dim First As Date
Dim Last As Date
First = Range("H4").Value
Last = Range("I4").Value
Sheets("Graph Data").Select
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=First", Operator:=xlAnd _
, Criteria2:="

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Automate Recorded Macro - Sort Range Of Cell Based On Two Values

Jan 23, 2013

I have recorded a macro to sort a range of cell based on two values that is dependent on time in another cell. I now want the macro to run automatically when refreshing the workbook with F9, so as the time changes so will the sorting. Everything works fine except the sorting doesn't refresh when F9 is refreshed.

My recorded macro is:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim X As Long, FillCT As Long
For X = 1 To 4
If Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(0, X - 1) <> "" Then FillCT = FillCT + 1

[Code] .....

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Insert Rows Based On Cell Values

Dec 19, 2013

a macro to insert rows based on certain cell values in column A.

I have uto 300 rows of data. Below is an example of column A.



If (above the R) is an 8, I need to insert 2 rows above that R and directly below the 8.

If (above the R) is a 9, I need to insert 1 row above that R below, directly below the 9.

(Below the R there is always a minimum of 8 digits with the 9 and 10 being random).

I have excel 2007

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Move Data Based On Cell Values

Jun 25, 2007

I would like to know if the following problem can be solved using only Excel without any operator intervention. Can a formula be created? If yes I would appreciate it very much

If B5 = X
Move B6 thru K6 to B5 thru K5
Move B7 thru K7 to B6 thru K6
And than
Blank out B7 thru K7

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Copying Data As Values From One Sheet To Another?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a Sheet in which the data is calculated by changing the Sheet reference and also by the period..

Now I need to transfer this data as values, however there are certail cells which are merged and therefore I get a prompt as I cannot paste as values using Paste Special-> Values..

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Macro To Copy Folders To Path Of Open Workbook Based On Cell Values

Aug 3, 2014

I have an Excel sheet that contains a few thousand folder paths in the first column. The first few cells in the column look similar to below.

C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010360
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010361
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010362
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010363
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010364
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010365

I am trying to create a macro that will copy any folders that exist in any of the paths listed in the first column. The folders should be copied to the path of the open workbook containing the macro. Below is the macro I have currently, much of which was taken from information I found in this thread [URL]....


Sub wrapper3()
x = 1
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
While Sheets("Air").Cells(x, 1) <> ""
v = InStrRev(Sheets("Air").Cells(x, 1), "")
dest = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Mid(Sheets("Air").Cells(x, 1), v, 99)


This code seems to work fine if all of the folders exist to be copied. My problem is that some do not and it is creating a "Path Not Found" error for which I need a fix. If the folder doesn't exist at the path nothing should be copied and the next path can be evaluated.

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Macro Logic: Extract Higher/lower Values Based On Unique Cell

Jun 12, 2009

This is a logic based macro that needs to compare values in 1 column above a specific cell and take action until the column has no more data. Here's what I'm trying to do (and I've also attached a sample of desired results):

1) I want user to input starting cell. So I need to create a button for that.

2) This is where the logic begins and I'm having difficulty.
From cell defined in button, I move up one cell in that column and compare that value to the original cell.

If the value is greater than original cell then logic needs 2 outcomes:

a) move up 1 cell in column and if that value is less than original cell, then extract that value and copy that value one cell to the right or 1c.
b) move up 1 cell in column and if that value is greater than original cell, then move up again, until find lesser value than original cell. Once we find value less than original cell, extract value and copy value one cell to the right or 1c.

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Insert Extra Rows On Data Based On Values From Another Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I need to create extra rows of duplicate data. The number of duplicate rows depends on the number of semi-colons in the 15th column (column O).

Sheet 1 is the original working file. Sheet 2 is the result of how the executed macro for the first 2 lines of data. The first line in sheet 1 has 7 semi-colons, so there should be 7 rows of duplicate data created in sheet 2. The second line in sheet 1 has 6 semi-colons, so 6 duplicate lines, etc.

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Conditional Input In A Cell Based On Data In Two Different Cells And Other Values

Dec 4, 2009

I have lot of data in three columns like this. The first column is "Name", the second is "Comment" wherein I want the macro to write some comment, the third one is DOB. The problem is that the names in column 1 repeats many times. I want a macro to write in column B "either Old or Older or Oldest" based on the Name and DOB. Thus David with DOB 13 Sep 1982 be marked Oldest in Column B and David with DOB 25 Aug 1988 be marked Older and David with DOB 24 May 1990 be marked Old. Similarly William and Rita should be marked either old or older or oldest. As the data are enormous I do not want to refer the actual name in the programming. I want to call them using a variable in programming.

NameComment DOB
David 25 August 1988
David 13 September 1982
David 24 May 1990
William 24 March 1980
William 25 July 1987
William 13 August 1989
Rita 17 July 1990
Rita 24 April 1989
Rita 13 June 1988
The example file is attached

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Pull Data From Closed Workbook Based On Cell Values

Apr 28, 2008

I want to pull data from closed workbook based on cell values of open workbook of column B and the source file name is on cell J1. Actually I save monthly files and opening balnce of current month should take vakues from previous month file.

Suppose current month is May 2008. Then Column Column D for May month shold take value from column G of April 2008. For simplicity the previous month’s name and thus source file name will be placed on cell J1.

The code should loop from column B of source file and current May 2008 file and should pull values for only those items which are in the current file in the Column B. Thus those products which are deleted or newly added item in the current item should not copied. Though for new item no name will be thre in the source file but for deleted items the item might be there in the source file but the code should ignore those value.

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Copying Data Based On If Function?

Sep 5, 2013

copying data from one sheet to another if it meets a certain criteria. I have a long aged debtors report that has several different cost centres and I want to split it out on to separate tabs for each centre. I want a function or marco that will go to row 1 and check if it equals the cost centre name on the other tab in a cell and then copy it and paste it in that tab, if not then it moves down to the next and the next until it gets one that does equal it and then copies it again.

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Copying Data As Values From One Sheet To Another- Using A Command Button VBA

Oct 9, 2009

I have a Sheet in which the data is calculated by changing the Sheet reference and also by the period..

Now I need to transfer this data as values, however there are certail cells which are merged and therefore I get a prompt as I cannot paste as values using Paste Special-> Values..

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Duplicating Multiple Buttons Adjusting Target Cell Automatically

Jun 6, 2014

I tried to search the forum for my unique problem but had no luck. As you will see attached, I have a series of excel buttons I need to duplicate and have target a different set of cells. I am hoping there is a way to avoid manually doing this.

The goal of the document is to push the button when both colours in the row and column interact (research on birds). There are two additional behaviours with an exact same set of buttons but they need to target "Body Rush" and "Food Displacement" tables underneath. I need all the buttons on one page since multiple behaviours happen simultaneously that need to be recorded.

I have something like 100+ modules in VBA I have created, I am hoping there is an easier way to do this so I don't have to create another ~200 modules in order to get the last two behaviours setup.

I am hoping there is either an easier button system or way to make buttons adjust somehow.

I am not the most advanced VBA user

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