Dynamic Charts With Horizontal Data?

Oct 3, 2012

I am creating dynamic charts with a data sheet that is horitzonal. My x-axis : =OFFSET('chart data'$B$1,0,1,1,COUNT('chart data'$2:$2)-1), y-axis: =OFFSET('chart data'!$A$1,0,1,1,COUNTA('chart data'!$1:$1)-1). My formulas are giving me #VALUE. Not sure why.

(formatted general not as dates)


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Charts - Horizontal Axis

Jan 26, 2009

I recently started keeping a new chart to track several different stocking measures. After running the data this morning, I noticed my horizontal axis had blank position holders for data over the weekend. How would I set the chart so that if there is no data in my data range, it doesn't put a place holder in the axis? Sample attached.

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Converting Static Charts To Dynamic Charts

Jun 27, 2013

My DB is in table format . I use this table as source data for 2 barcharts and 1 pie chart.Following are my table headers

Costs|exp heads|Month1|Month2|...|Month n|Spark lines|Average

When i add a month coloumn,Sparklines and Average coloumn should get updated automaticaly.Now this is not happening even if the data is in table format.I also want the graphs to be automaticaly updated.

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Dynamic Charts ..

Feb 24, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that calculates a value for each age up to 65 on a separate row. I have parameterized the spreadsheet so that depending on the age entered by the user, any row below the age 65 calculation row is blanked out (set to "") with an if statement.

After a new age is entered I would like a line graph to compare the values. My problem is that if I select all of the possible data values (I assume none are less than 20, therefore there are 45 rows of formulas) any rows that have blank values show up in the chart. My data starts in cell A1.

I would like to come up with a macro that accomplishes the following . . .

- determines the number of the lowest row that has a number value in it (since there are formulas below this, Ctrl down does not do this correctly)

- set a named range starting from cell A1 based on x rows (calculated in the prior step) and y rows (constant)

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Dynamic + Interactive Charts

Jul 28, 2008

I've just read up on interactive charts and have got that sorted for my worksheet. But I have a slightly more complicated issue now...

The worksheet Logistics has results for 76 different tests and these tests have been taken multiple times. Hence, I can logically have a trendline of results for every test i.e. Test 1: 1/1, 2/2,3/3 etc...

I'll go nuts creating 76 charts...and it's a terrible messy way of getting the user to see how he's fared over the number of times he's taken a particular test.

What I'm looking for is a way for the user so indicate which test he wants to see the results for and the relevant results to come up. In other words, on choosing the trendline of results for a particular test. Possible?I saw something similar on a website but am not sure if it was relevant...

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Use Offsets For Dynamic Charts

May 10, 2006

I am trying to learn how to use offsets for dynamic charts and having trouble getting the formula to pick up the correct values.

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Get Dynamic Charts To Ignore Formula?

Oct 5, 2013

I'm running a chiropractic office. In order to see where I've been and where I'm going I keep track of things like new patient visits, patient report visits, cash in, insurance in, etc. I keep track of this on a daily basis on one worksheet. The weekly totals are paste-linked into another sheet. It is this sheet that I would like to use to create a dynamic chart however, in using the OFFSET function to create the chart, the formula counts the 'blank' cells b/c of the paste-link from the previous worksheet.

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Dynamic Charts With Multiple Series

Oct 22, 2007

I have used named ranges to make a chart automatically adjust to a changing list of products in one column, but I do not know how to do this with multiple series. If I want to add products to this table, how can I make my chart dynamically adjust multiple series?

So the chart range is currently E5:H10. But I would need it to go beyond row 10 when I add new items.


*EFGH5*Week 1Week 2Week 36Product 11,234,123 1,258,805 1,283,982 7Product 21,234,223 1,258,907 1,284,086 8Product 33,423,321 3,491,787 3,561,623 9Product 4342,121 348,963 355,943 10Product 52,343,424 2,390,292 2,438,098

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Dynamic Charts & Error Message

Sep 14, 2006

I have created a dynamic chart, courtesy of the Jon Peltier website. I have 2 problems. No problem with getting the chart to work, the problem comes when I delete the data. I get an error message telling me that 'A formula in the worksheet contains one or more invalid references.' The other problem is that I cannot copy the worksheet to another worksheet in the same workbook. Well that is not strictly true, I can copy it but it wont updat. Any ideas as to how I can overcome this? Any suggestions welcome, apart from 'Don't delete the data then'

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Macro To Create Dynamic Charts

Dec 22, 2006

i want to create dynamic Excel Charts in one sheet ,The sheeet contain dynamic columns and rows and i want to create for each 4 columns a chart in a new sheet ,i started to try it in VBA and didnt founs the way to select 4 columns as a range, i succeseed to do it with msgboox that the user enter the range but i want to do it in a loop

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Charts With Named Dynamic Range

Feb 6, 2008

I have a Defined Dynamic Name which is used to select my data. How do I call that when I create a chart in excel within the data source, so that the data source always refers to this dynamic range.

I have data A B C D E
1 2 3 4 5
9 4 5 6 7

this is so the series names will be the row and for each series the rows represent the data within each of the columns. I have a dynamic range that always selects the whole range called chartdata. How do I put that in the data source when it asks me in Excel 2007 as there is no wizard for seprate x and y ranges in this version.

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Creating Dynamic Charts With Multiple Filters?

Mar 2, 2013

building dynamic charts and filters, so What I'm hoping to accomplish to build a bar chart that looks like the following:
Filter: State | Filter: Region | Filter: Segment |

Revenues |||||||||||||||| + (% of Total Rev)
COGS ||||||||||| + (% of Total COGS)
Margin |||| + (% of Total Margin)

My data is built in the following format on a different tab than the proposed chart:

State: | Region: | Segment: | Account: | Amount: |
MN | Midwest | Major | Revenues | $$$
MN | Midwest | Major | COGS | $$$
MN | Midwest | Major | Margin | $$$
MN | Midwest | Major | % of Total Revenues | %%%
MN | Midwest | Major | % of Total COGS | %%%
MN | Midwest | Major | % of Total Margin | %%%

[Code] ........

It seems like it'll be easy to use a pivotchart, but at the same time, there's a lot of formatting to do, which makes it tricky, especially if I have many states to deal with and the multiple combinations.

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Charts - Dynamic Change Of Where X And Y Axis Cross

Oct 4, 2013

There is POLICY statement that determine an what ACTION should be applied to a paticular building given a score for "LIFE" & "RISK" which results in varing policies A-D. (The Policy intervention points differs slightly for varing types of building. This excel sheet works just fine, and provides the correct guidance for our engineers by suggesting Policy A-D on input of tbuilding type and LIfe/Risk score. However the Policy is a guide, and they do need to apply a level of judgement with the data close to intervention points.

My Question,

I would like to provide further graphical representation to aid decision making. I have a graph plots the X Axis ( LIFE) 0-100, and y Axis (risk) 0-5 and show the , but what i need to be able to do is dynamically adjust the position where the x&y axis cross, so showing visually the intervention point when different building types are selected.

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Dynamic Ranges For Error Bars In Charts

Jul 5, 2006

I am using defined names to build a chart. This is working fine, but I also would like to use a defined name to control the +/- fields for the error bars. The defined names I have set up are correct, and I am able to enter them into the sorce data form but Excel does not display them.

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Excel 2010 :: Populate Ranges To Facilitate Dynamic Charts Being Generated

Nov 2, 2013

I'm trying to dynamically populate ranges to facilitate dynamic charts being generated.

I use excel 2010 at work, and 2011 for mac at home.

Dynamic chart ranges populated from named ranges as selected in nested indirectly sourced validation lists

I want any selection made in a dependent validation list which contains a list of named ranges to trigger a worksheet_change event which copies the range the selection points to and pastes it into a dynamic range in another column, beginning as a specified cell.I've tried using this, put together from some code examples from similar, but different issues.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("B2")) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

Trouble is, I don't really understand this code. It doesn't appear to do anything when I make a worksheet change in "B2", but I don't know exactly what it is. I suspect that perhaps the fact that "B2" is validated from an indirect source might be difficult?

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Converting Vertical Data To Horizontal For Varying Data - Large Amount

Jan 20, 2009

I have a one column spreadsheet. The column contains this data:

1 Name
2 Address
3 City
4 State
5 Zip
6 Telephone
7 Fax
11 Name
12 Address
13 City
14 State
15 Zip
16 Phone
17 URL
19 Name
20 Address ... and so on

Where there may be one or two blank rows between the individual records and where there may or may not be a Fax number (or row) in the record.

I am trying to convert this data to a horizontal column format - which works fine if I do a copy/paste special/transpose. However I have to do this for 1,800 records and cannot figure out how to do this reliably.

I gave the above illustration to simplify but, actually this is a two column spreadsheet with individual row labels for every record using the above terminology. In other words the above text is in the first column and the data is in the second. Just thought I'd mention in case there was a way to do some kind of if/then formula.

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Converting Horizontal Data To Vertical Data With Multiple Rows?

Sep 8, 2009

reformat a table in which data for each named person is presented in one row with mutiple columns into a table in which each named person has multiple rows and one column of data. The solution to to this has eluded me so far.

The attached example shows before and after.

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Macro - Vertical Data Into Horizontal Data At Certain Interval?

May 28, 2012

I'm trying to rearrange vertically aligned data so that they are horizontal. But at the same time, I need this macro at an interval.

To give you an example,

Mr. Yang Xin 221-421-5123 Male College Grad
Ms. Taylor Cindy 534-123-5512 Female Uni Grad
In this case, we need the data to be arranged this way.
Mr. Yang Xin 221-421-5123 Male College Grad Ms. Taylor Cindy 534-123-5512 Female Uni Grad

Could you write me a macro?

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Convert Vertical Data To Horizontal For Varying Data?

Dec 11, 2012

I have a data which contains:

1 Name: A
2 Address: NY
3 Gender:Male
4 Cell Numbers: 123


I know that this has been asked a million times, but I need the new table in a new sheet (which is sheet 2 and also I skip the Cell Phone numbers data).

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Sum Horizontal Data In Vertical Summary Where Data Matches?

Jul 9, 2014

I have a page of data that i need to summarise/calculate, i thought sumif would be the correct formulae but i can't get it to work...

Sheet 1 - Data Recomds Emp Name, Weeks 1-52 showing no of hours to adj


[Code] .....

Sheet 2 - Summary by month - to Calculate the no of hours for the period per employee

Month 1

Require Sum for employee Avery Wk 1-4

[Code] ..........

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Arranging Vertical Data To Horizontal

Dec 25, 2013

I have not found a suitable solution for arranging vertical data horizontally using VBA

I have number of data in column B arranged vertically in sheet1 how can we arrange the data in sheet 2 column B row 3 horizontally.

The vertical data keeps increasing when new data is added, so VBA code should search to the last line in Sheet1 column B.

All duplicate entries should not be repeated when arranging horizontally.

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Display Data In Horizontal Format

Mar 5, 2009

I need to show data across the page, currently the data is arranged in column's, I need it displayed in row's.
Each material has a number of components, it is the components which I want to show across the page, with the different headings.

I have attached the current format and the required format.

Note the spreadsheet I will be working on has thousands of materials and hundreds of components.task.xls

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Convert Data Horizontal To Vertical

Sep 5, 2009

i have a data in columns and would like to convert into rows

11 A B C D E F G H
22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
33 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
44 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

and result should be
A 22 1
A 33 2
A 44 3
B 22 2
B 33 3
B 44 4
C 22 3
C 33 4
C 44 5
and so on ..

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SUMIFS - How To Sum Data Using Both Horizontal And Vertical

Jul 20, 2012

I have a huge data table, and I just can't seem to find a way to sum the numbers the way I want.

Here's an example of the table:

___ A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C
Jan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
Jan 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5
Jan 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5
Jan 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5
Feb 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5
Feb 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4
Feb 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4
Feb 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4
Feb 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4
Mar 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4
Mar 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4 5 6 3 6 3 4

But, in essence, I need to sum together every value that's in January AND is in a column labeled "A".

I could just write up a bunch of "sumif=" functions but I feel like there's a simpler way.. I tried using "sumifs=" but I don't think it can handle horizontal AND vertical criteria...

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Transpose Vertical Data To Horizontal?

Apr 18, 2013

I have the attached worksheet that I would like to know how to move the data from Vertical to Horizontal

Is there a set function to do this or does it require a macro?

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Horizontal Data Into Single Column?

Sep 3, 2013

I have this data:

Name Number A B C D E F G
Fx 2 A C E
Bx 1 B D
FX 2 A C F

And I would like it in a single column:
Name Number Box
Fx 2 A
Fx 2 C
Fx 2 E

and so on.

I want to make this automatic. The problem is the names of the boxes can change and the data can vary.

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Make Horizontal Data Go Vertical

Dec 13, 2005

a_____b____ c_____ d_____ e______ f______ g_____ h_____ i
1 - 12/1--| 385 -| 15000 -| --etc--|| --etc--|| --etc--|| --etc--|| --etc--|
2 - 12/5--| 256- | 20000 -|
3 - 12/6--| 356- | 11000 -|
4 - 12/5--| -89--| -1000 --|
5 - 12/9--| 500- | 9000 ---|

Where d1:d5 e1:e5 f1:f5 and g1:g5 h1:h5 i1:i5 all have similar data.

Is there a way to have the data from def and ghi fall in line underneath abc with the condition being that there has to be something in the cell?

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Lookup From Horizontal Sets Of Data?

Nov 9, 2011

I have horizontal records of data , datewise, if i need to find output for a particular date what should be formula, for instance for 1/21/2011 output is 135 nad for 1/15/2011 is 400. I need a formula wherein if i put the date it should throw the output of the same.


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Moving Vertical Data To Horizontal

Apr 20, 2012

I need to do is to move data which is in 3 columns with multiple entries (ID) in first column to single entry in first column (ID) horizontally.

Currently three columns are ID, Code and Reply:

111 A D
111 B F
222 A I
333 B D
333 C F

What I would need is (ID, Code1, Reply1, Code2, Reply2):

111 A D B F
222 A I
333 B D C F

Is there a macro I could use for it?

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SUMIF With Both Vertical And Horizontal Data

Jan 16, 2009

I need a solution for the equivalent of a SUMIF combining both vertical and horizontal data. The vertical cells align to the horizontal ones, but they're in a different table.

My attempted formula is: =SUMIF($H$22:$H$30,"TRUE",D7:L7)
*note that this is just an example set of data...my real data set is much larger (both rows and columns)

I need to be able to do this without transposing any of my data.

Things I've tried:
- Another option I tried was making D7:L7 a named range and using the transpose function (as an array) within the SUMIF formula above. I received an error.
- I tried using a bunch of IF statements added together (i.e. =IF(H22=TRUE,D7,0)+(H23=TRUE,E7,0)...); this actually works properly, but I get the "formula too long for cell" error when I put them all in (too many characters)

I'm using excel 2003 and windows XP professional.

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