For m = 2 To 5 For n = 1 To 23 For b = 2 To 100 Sheets("Hierarchy").Select Cells(m, n).Select Selection.Copy Sheets("HierN_H2V").Select Cells(b, 1).Select
I can't seem to figure out to easily aggregate & automate a series of weekly values (ie. forecast volumes by a specific part number) into vertical monthly summaries, by product.
Here's the before picture:
column A column B column C column D column E column F Part num 1/1/2013 1/8/2013 1/15/2013 1/22/2013 1/29/2013A 100 100 100 100 100B 150 150 150 150 150C 200 200 200 200 200D 250 250 250 250 250
The output after manually doing this would look like this:
column A column B column CPart num Date QuantityA Jan-2013 500B Jan-2013 750C Jan-2013 1000D Jan-2013 1250
I have a file which is divided into 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 years in column A. I want these data in different column according to year. For example, Column E(2011), Column F(2012), Column G(2013) and Column H(2014).
Attaching sample a file with sample data to be converted.
It is also to be in consideration that data in column B and C should not be repeated and all year data should come in front of it.
I want this by coding or formula only. I dont want to use pivot table for this.
Macro for a repetitive task. I have data in every 3rd column (max of 11 columns) that I want to extract and append the data in column A in sheet 2. The data contains some blank cells and I'd like to remove them also.
I've attached an example in this workbook : tractdata.xlsx
I have a very large spreadsheet, 25 columns and over 16000 rows. I want to merge all of the values into a single column. One caveat, not every cell has data in it, as shown below:
I'm doing a termination report at work and I need to create a pie chart based on data in a selected column. Ive never used excel charts before but I cant get the pie chart to display the information that I want.I created a sample workbook. Its very a simple column of data. I would like a pie chart based on the percentages of "yes" to "no". I havent been able to get it to work.
I am having data in two columns (A & B ). Now I want to get the data in the single column(column C) . Here column A(Name) & Column B(Mobile No). it is something like below.
Here is my input data:
I want to get output results like below in the column C
I have to worksheets: Sheet1, Sheet2. In sheet 1, I have some data like this (in first col is 1, second col is a, third col is c etc. ):
1 a b c d 2 e f g h . . . .
I need in sheet 2 in range A1(only in this range one big text), something like this: a,c,e,g ........ ( row1-col2,row1-col4,row1-col2,row1-col4 ......) ( separated by ","). The number of rows from sheet 1 is variable. The dataf a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h ... is some random text.
I am trying to take data from multiple rows and columns (matrix) and reformat it all to fit in a single column.
It would be great if I could select the cells I want to reformat into the single column as the number of rows and columns containing the original data is not always the same (ie 20x20, 21x35, 56x200) etc...
I have a worksheet of data collected from on online list of names and addresses all in one column. I'd like to pivot the data so I can sort it, etc. Unfortunately, the entries are not the same length (meaning some have five rows some have six or seven, etc. I have created an only file so everyone can see the issue.
in moving data from multiple columns to a single column. I have attached a sample image from an excel file which details the requirement. The first column contains a qualifier, that should remain constant when the data from columns B to the end move to a single column "B". The number of columns for each row is different, however, there is a maximum number, say 25. As mentioned in the image, when the data from columns B to the end is moved in to column B, column A is retained fixed, to the original value, and the original data below it is pushed below. Any pointers to how this can be achieved by VBA or without VBA?
a way to separate out data that has been all entered into a single column
code .....
The above information is a sample of the data. The data has been entered into 1 column, column A.
I want to separate the entries in to 1 column each for vehicle ID, full journal description, actual journal, EE code, Report total and equipment description.
I saw this thread from June Cut & Paste Macro: Move Address From Column To Row and I think this what I would like to have my macro do. I have one column which is copied and pasted as text in excel and there is several blank rows.
I attached the spreadsheet example - it has 40 lenders, with the top row being the lender name (A1), followed by address(A2), city-state (A3), two blank rows(A4-A5), lender type (A6), approved date (A7), one blank row (A8), lender specialty (A9), telephone (A10) , e-mail address(A11) and two blanks rows (A12-A13) and A14 starts over again. For this example there should be 8 columns and 40 rows (lender name, address, etc...). As I mentioned I think the previous thread's macro would work with some minor tweaks. I couldn't figure out the best way to handle the blank rows and or remove the blanks and what to add or take out of the macro code.
I'm looking to do some simple maths with ranges in Excel but I'd like a way to be able to input all these formulas automatically although I am pretty sure a single formula per column could do it all automatically. I've got to put the sums in AD to AF on the first line of each location, but the maths is for the entire location's range.
I'm trying to work out how to take all cells with data from multiple columns and stack them in a single column.
Here's the history...
I have multiple part numbers in single cells in column A. I perform a text-to-columns function. The resulting part numbers spread across multiple columns (say, B through K). Now I need to get all the part numbers, in their own cells, stacked in column A for one continuous list of single cell part numbers.
Is there a VBA option for cutting only the data cells from Column B-K and pasting the data at the bottom of column A while avioding blank cells?
I have a single column with multiple rows of data like this: Afirst last, Bfirst last, Cfirst last (all in one cell) etc.
I want to type some names in one cell in the same format (Afirst last, Cfirst last, Bfirst last) but not order and then check if any of those names exist in the first column and count the results of matches.
So in this example I am looking to count Bfirst last and/or Cfirst last in every cell of column A. I need to use a formula.
I need to split in Excel some thousands of data rows containing text and numbers information of different character length Data to be extracted ( parsed) is stored in a single column( the first one) and needed results look like this:
Data to be extracted Needed results Address Name,Surname Phone no. Green Street no 16 Smart town Schmit Anders +3900098787867
[Code] .......
Data is composed by addresses, name of persons and phone numbers. Person's name is has two or three parts, address and phone numbers length is different ( 9 to 12 characters) I need to complete this difficult task (for me, obviously, ) in Excel using a combination of functions and/or multiple operations.
I have a long list of data with many columns and I'd like all the information to be in one column without manually copying and pasting each column and adding to the first column. The data has different amounts of rows and columns as well. An Example is below. I'm using Excel 2010. Is there a formula or something for this? This isn't the data I'm using but just an example since I do this frequently.
I need to move data in column E to single row (as text string is fine as I can Text to column later) for each unique OSIS number. VB should copy columns A-D to sheet 2 then move each row data for unique OSIS to column E as one long text string separated by common. I can then parse out using text-to-column. Below is the VB code which stops on: txt = txt & Sheet1.Range("E" & x) & ","
I want to be able to look up class code and score by OSIS either using vlookup or in Access with OSIS as primary key.
Public Sub processR2C() pos = 1 txt = "" For x = 2 To 99999
txt = txt & Sheet1.Range("E" & x) & "," If Sheet1.Range("A" & x) Sheet1.Range("A" & x + 1) Then Sheet2.Range("A" & pos) = Sheet1.Range("A" & x)
I need a macro that will examine column A starting at A2 and working its way down copying the data in the first cell (A2) and then delete that row. If the next cells are empty (usually the next 5 cells) it should paste this copied value in each of the empty cells until it comes to the next cell with data in it. At this point it should copy this next value and delete the subsequent row and copy this value in each of the empty cells directly following (again, usually 5) until it finds the next cell that has data in it. At this point, again the whole process begins again repeating it self until it comes to the end where no more data is.
I have A:1 - X365 filled with hourly energy prices for 2013. I need to convert these to a single column - A1:A8760. I have tried writing some code and some macros with no success.
If I were to do it manually 365 times, the macro would look like this:
I am a macro newbie and I think this is beyond me.
I've been trying all morning with no success to make a macro that will copy data from all columns of one workbook containing specified header text to a single column in a different workbook.
So for example, I've got a workbook called coupon barcodes that has multiple tabs for each person redeeming coupons on sheets 2-88 (sheet one can be skipped) and some of the columns are labeled "voucher 1" in cell A4 or B4 or C4 etc. with a list of all the coupon barcodes that customer redeemed below that. I want all of the data from all of the columns in this workbook that have the header "voucher 1" to be copied and pasted into one column (order doesn't matter) also labeled "voucher 1" in another workbook I have open called vouchering database.
There must be a way to do this that is easier than searching the internet all afternoon again
I've created a single worksheet that is essentially a "dashboard" type of report that displays data for a single employee/person. This worksheet (let's assume it's my "template") contains formulae that is driven by a single lookup cell (in this case, the employee's ID, in cell, for example, A1).
This "dashboard" report (for just one individual) needs to be duplicated for the entire employee population (let's say ~100 people); this employee population is stored as a list in a separate worksheet, in a single column.
Is there a vba solution that will copy my template and populate the cell A1 (of each duplicated template worksheet) with the the employee IDs - of course, it would be ideal if the solution can search in my employee ID list and continue down until there are no more IDs and create the same number of worksheets as there are IDs?
Because the macro is creating numerous worksheets, is it possible to name the worksheets based off of an adjacent value (in the same sheet as the IDs) to each respective ID (I'm thinking of a concatenation of the employees' IDs and names)?
One major wrinkle in this process: the above process would be ideal if the "template" worksheet won't change (i.e. no changes to formatting, no additional data elements, etc.) However, it's likely that the client will want to add/remove/change items/elements to the "template" dashboard. Assuming, at this point, all 100 worksheets for each individual/employee have been created, it would be a huge pain to manually add/remove elements from each sheet. Is there another macro that would delete ALL employee sheets? That way, I can re-modify my single template and just run the original macro to re-create my duplicate sheets (but populated with different IDs) again.