Establish Tab Order In Excel

Dec 10, 2013

This was the code I attempted to use previously

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim aTabOrd As Variant
Dim i As Long

'Set the tab order of input cells

[Code] .......

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Establish If File Is Open Or Not

Sep 28, 2007

I am using the following code to find out if a file is open or not. The file name and directory is base on a cell value.

Sub SumTransfer111()
'Establish file path and file name based on cell value J5 (say 15204)
fname = Range("J5")
dirname = Int(fname / 100) * 100
dirname = dirname & " - " & dirname + 99
dirnamesub = Range("J5")
Const sRoots As String = "S:MTL_DATAJobs"
Dim sPaths As String
Dim i As Integer
sPaths = sRoots & dirname & "" & dirnamesub & "" & "Job_Cost_Summary_" & fname
'Establish if file is open
Dim blnWorkbookIsOpen As Boolean.,.................

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Analytically Solving Equations To Establish Physical Value

Apr 4, 2014

I am trying to analytically solve an equation to establish a physical value. Unfortunately, it's difficult to do the algebra, so it needs to be done this way.

I have an experimental value for this in "J2", so what I want to do is change F2 to that "I2" is equal to "J2"

Is it possible to get excel to match these values - I have about 200 different cells of this?

The formula is in cell "I2"

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Establish A Random Score Of Two Compared Object

Jun 10, 2009

i'm trying to simulate badminton match with MS Excel..

i just want to make this project simple..

|..A..|..vs..|..B..| Player A vs Player B

Two players compete in a match.The possibility is 50% for both players to win.However,to make it real,each player have their own strength and ability.For this project,i just indicate 3 which is smash power,net power and stamina.[/size]


Players with more ability have more advantage.How can i relate it with the final score?

Scoring system:2 or 3 set in a match (3rd set is when both tied at 1-1)
A match is the best of three games.
Played with 21 points
If the score reaches 20-all, then the game continues until one side gains a two point lead (such as 24-22), up to a maximum of 30 points (30-29 is a winning score)

In MS Excel:

...|Player A|...vs...|Player B|... <--Player A vs Player B

............|SIMULATE!|............ <--When I click Simulate!,scores appear

| 1st Set | 2nd Set | 3rd Set | <--Here where the scores appear

|............| Smash |............| <--Comparison of ability(can be edited)
|............| Net |............|
|............| Stamina |............|

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Match Not Working (establish The Values In One Sheet Are Present In Another)

Nov 23, 2008

per attached I'm trying to establish that values in one sheet are present in another. The MATCH function isn't returning anything.

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Establish Dynamic Linkage Between Dropdown List And Final Output Tables?

Mar 13, 2014

I have done all the computation and final output was in the form of tables with different solution sets in one worksheet in an excel.

From the dropdown list (List of solution models), when I select one solution set it should pick that particular workout and populate the final output table in the new worksheet in the same excel. Firstly, I need to establish dynamic linkage between the drop down list and final output tables and then push the final table to new worksheet based on the option selected.

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Tab Order In Excel Form

Sep 13, 2013

I have a spread sheet that has four distinct boxes and need to be able to tab between them in order which happens to be down the page.

I have protected it and it tabs to my required cells but right to left then the next on right and then left again

I want it just to tab down the page.

I have never used VB and as such all of those options I have seen posted I cant get to work.

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Next Order Number Tool In Excel?

Aug 16, 2013

I have an upholstery business and I have created a workbook containing multiple sheets (proposal, invoice, sales order log, etc.. ) Following, I have saved it in Template format, which I open and save by order number somewhere else. The issue is, I don't know how to track what the last order number I used was....

Is there anything I can work using excel that will allow me to make that easier without having to go open a window and looking at the last order number after arranging the workbooks by name inside a folder?

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Excel Macro To Check Order Of Columns?

Apr 12, 2014

As an part of QA activity

1. first I export data and directly paste in the "RAWDATA" Sheet.
2.There are 50 columns and each has header like Clientname,date,Id,campaign,websitename,frequecncy etc.
3.Exported data does not have same order when I paste data in excel I check manually if orders are in correct or not?which takes my long time to review/manually check

Using macro or something else to review the order and if any discrepancy then raise error? Need Excel to check order of columns ?

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Excel 2013 :: Categories In Reverse Order

Oct 4, 2013

Using Excel 2013. I have a pivot chart with date as the x-axis, 1 y-axis series on a Primary and 1 series on a secondary axis. My pivot table is sorted in descending order by date because I need the most recent date on top. To chart the date in order from left to right, I've turned on Categories in Reverse Order .

1. When hovering over the data points on the primary series, the date is reversed. Example: the data point Jan31 says Jan1.
2. The bigger problem is the series using the Secondary Axis is plotting Jan31-Jan1 instead of the Reverse Order .

Is this a problem with Excel or is there other options that I can try to correct all this?

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Macro To Set The Order In Which Worksheets Should Be Printed (order Is Changing Daily)

Nov 29, 2008

I looked at threads realted to printing but wasn ot able to find something similar to what I need. So here is my problem:

I have a file with more than 100 worksheets (each sheet contains the invoice for one store). I would like to create a macro that would enable me to determine the order in which worksheets would be printed. How to do it?

Idea #1: the printing order would be based on the value in cell L1 that would contain the route number for each store. Stores belonging to the same delivery route will have the same value in L1. So, the macro should first print all sheets with 1 in cell L1, then print all sheets with 2 in cell L1 and so on...

Idea #2: Creating a separate data sheet with the list of all stores and their corresponding route number. Let's say info is contained in range A1:B150, where Column A contains the name of the stores and column B contains the route numbers. The macro then should look at that list to determine the printing order of the subsequent worksheets (the name of the store in column A would be the same as the name of the worksheet corresponding to that store).

Idea #3: sorting my 150 worksheets manually. It does not solve my problem fully, though, because stores do not always belong to the same route. So the manual sorting should be carried out daily and would not save time at all.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Sort Sheets Into Alphabetical Order

Nov 13, 2012

Is there a way to sort out the sheets into alphabetical order in excel 2010?

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Excel 2007 :: Sorting Tabs In Alphabetical Order

Feb 7, 2011

I have excel 2007, I have a spread sheet with approx 80 worksheets. The document grew over the year of 2010 and is not in alphabetical order. I am starting this new year wanting to have the tabs in alphabetical order. I looked in the DATA sort option...but looks like its is worksheet specific. How to make the tabs sort in alphabetical order...

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Excel 2007 :: Getting Numbers In Ascending Order With No Duplicates

Feb 5, 2012

I use excel 2007 and got this ques:

I got 2 columns (A and B) with random numbers and i want that in column C

I will get these numbers in ascending order with no duplicates

for instance:

a b

7 2
6 3
2 11
9 1


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Excel 2007 :: Data Sort In Ascending Order

May 23, 2012

Excel 2007.

The first part of this code is fine and completes all the borders.
The second part is to the all the workbook by Data Sort in ascending order starting with

Column C
Then Q
Then column V

But also knowing to search to the last line. I think i might be close but not close enough for this to work.

Sub Macro2()
Dim LR As Long, i As Integer
Dim mysheet As Worksheet

LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With Range("A9:AD" & LR)

[Code] .......

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Re-Order Columns Based On Column Order Of Another Worksheet

Mar 1, 2008

I need a way to re-order an excel worksheets columns based on another worksheet.

Data is extracted from a database into excel however users can configure the columns in the initial system. to how they like This causes problems when the data is copied into an excel spreadsheet I have created as the data copied will not be in the same column order as is required.

How can i reorder the columns without physically having to cut and paste the columns to match?

I have attached a sample spreadsheet.

You will see on the spreadsheet that 'fixed columns' is the order that i require the data however 'variable columns' is not in the same order.

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Excel 2007 :: Union Of Values In 2 Columns To One In Increasing Order?

Jul 20, 2012

I have to find the union of 2 columns in excel and club those 2 columns into a single column with values in the increasing column 1- 0 2 4.. , column 2- 1,3,5.. final result in column 3 should be 0 1 2 3 4 5...plz let me know the code for this that i can run in VB editor(- excel 2007)

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Multiple Values In Ascending Order

Dec 29, 2012

I am trying to sort multiple values in ascending order (example attached) however I can't get this to work. Tried looking at a few different forums and although there is plenty of sorting questions out there they all tend to be relating to dates not different values (i.e text and numbers).

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Of Dates - Ascending Or Descending Order

Oct 25, 2011

Find the sorting method of dates in excel 2010. I have dates in one column and i want to sort it, but I am not able to sort in ascending or descending order.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Numbers In Descending Order And Related To Each Other

Jul 1, 2013

I wanna sort these numbers in descending order and related to each others in excel 2010.



[Code] .........

About descending and related to each others, I mean for example : #700 in column A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H places in the same row and the same happen to #1533.954 and others. About the numbers that are The One ( like 549.894), I need to put them in its column and a new row with empty cells in its other columns. In the end i want a table like this:




[Code] .........

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Excel 2007 :: Dragging And Inputting Cells Into Numerical Order

Mar 25, 2014

Excel 2007. At the bottom of a column of data I'm trying to reference the cell $AG4. There are 340 total columns. Each additional column to the right needs to reference the next cell in column AG. So I'm trying to drag and copy horizontally from $AG4 to $AG340. When I try just the single column it just copies $AG4 into everything to the right. When I have to columns ($AG4 and $AG5) and grab both to try to copy horizontally the numbers increasing it just does $AG4, $AG5, $AG4, $AG5, etc.

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Excel 2010 :: Moving Between Cells By Using TAB Or ENTER Key In Specific Order?

May 1, 2014

Have developed a form for my associates and want them to be able to move to the cellls I want them to fill data in to by merely hitting the TAB or ENTER key vs. having to move the cursor to each cell requiring them to input data.

Want cursor to move in a specific cell order. You would think you could merely say 1M, 2C, etc.

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Create Macro That Will List All Folders / Subfolders And Files In Order In Excel?

Feb 8, 2013

My problem is to create a macro that will list all folders, subfolders and files in an order in excel. So that I know which folders and files belong to which main folder, more like a hierarchy.

For example,
Subfolder 1

I have code that list all files in folders and subfolders, but it does not put them in a hierarchy fashion.

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Launch Link In Order To Copy String From Site Back To Excel

Nov 17, 2013

I have a list of web address in column A. All of the web address belong to the same site and are different products at the store. I want to be able to some how launch the sites and have Excel copy the text string which follows the word "PRICE:" on the site back into Excel into the corresponding cell of column B.

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Change Order Of Graphs When Using Macro To Export All Excel Charts To Powerpoint?

Apr 14, 2014

I've been using a VBA code to look through my spreadsheet and find any graphs in any tab and move it to powerpoint. I have about 70 tabs with 7 graphs each.

I have is that the order of the graphs in the slidepack isn't in the same as found on each excel tab.I also tried renaming them (chart1-chart7) but problem still remains.

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Excel 2010 :: Summing Order Revenues Over Next Consecutive Calendar Days

May 7, 2012

I am using Excel 2010. I am tracking client orders on a spreadsheet. I would like to offer a 60 percent rebate on revenue from orders placed between the first order date and 30 calendar days thereafter. On day 31 and continuing through day 60, I would like to offer a 40% rebate. On orders placed on day 61 through 90, I would like to offer a rebate of 20%. From all of the orders placed by clients who start ordering on different dates, I need to sum their order revenue in these three time periods. I have the individual client order data arrayed on my spreadsheet - one order per row.

I am capturing the unique client ID number (Column A), the order date (Column B), and the associated revenue (Column C). Keying off of their unique ID number, I would like to calculate the sum of how much revenue is generated in calendar days 1 through 30, days 31 through 60, and days 61 through 90 from the very first order date from any given client. The start date can be any date in the month, so I can not rely on any calculation that uses the calendar month. Orders are not necessarily placed every day. Multiple orders may be placed on any given day, and then no orders may follow for many days afterward.

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Excel 2007 :: Creating Order Form - Copy Entire Row If One Cell Has Data

Dec 3, 2012

I'm trying to create a very simple order form. It's been a while since I've done this in Excel, and I couldn't find an answer when I searched. (I may be a lousy searcher, though.)

I want the user to enter a quantity in Column E of the "Common Items" worksheet, and have all the rows with quantities copied to the "Order" worksheet. (On the "Order" copy below, I just did a copy/paste to show the desired effect.)

Excel 2007

Item Number

0.9% NaCL 1000ml Bags

[Code] ....

I'm pretty sure this can be accomplished with an If/Then, but I'm lost! Optimally, they'd enter their quantities, click on the Order sheet and hit print.

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Excel 2010 :: Converting From SUMIFS To SUMPRODUCT In Order To Make View Filtered Results

Jan 2, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010. I have a spread sheet with sales data covering 3 years and multiple customers. I was able to create formulas such as this to calculate the figures for the entire sheet (all customers) by year.


I believe that in order to use filters that show this date for a specific customer I need to convert this to a SUMPRODUCT formula, I've tried this multiple times and had no luck.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy Same Cells From Multiple Worksheets All Named In Ascending Numeric Order?

Jan 15, 2013

In Excel 2007, Windows 7 Home Premium, I am trying to summarise multiple worksheets into one sheet, creating a list in one column in this summary sheet that includes the cell contents from the same cell from each sheet. For example, my first sheet is called KCD183 and I want to list the value from KCD183 Cell A2 in my Summary Cell A2, then show KCD184 Cell A2 in Summary Cell A3 (i.e. the next row down). So my Summary sheet will list all cell A2s from all my sheets, 1 after the other down column A and will continue to add these for any new sheets I add.

I realise that I could just export the spreadsheet to Access and report on it from there, but I don't have the software!

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Tab Order In Forms

Jun 11, 2008

I would have like a chance to be able to remove the apparent potenitial dangerous problem from the thread below and not close it after 10 mins. I'm not on the site permenantly and keep dipping back in eveynow and again. I dont know what the issue is as when I open the file up I dont get any error messages. I have tried this on my machine using Office 2003 and Vista also another PC using Office 2003 and XP


The only error I get is a message saying Disk or Network error, when testing it on the XP Machine this is because doesnt have access to the Database it sends the data to.

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