Excel 2003 :: Force All Pivot Field Items Selected

Jun 22, 2012

I have a pivot table which I want to force the all of the pivot table items to be selected for a particular pivot table field. One would think that this would be as easy as unlocking all cells on the sheet with the exception of this pivot field and then locking the worksheet. This doesn't work though as I am generating multiple pivot tables on the same workbook for the same range and I get this message: "this command cannot be performed while a protected sheet contains another PivotTable report based on the same data source...".

My thinking is that I can do something along the lines of this:

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim oPI As PivotItem
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Target.PivotFields("Item Sold").PivotItems.Count Target.PivotFields("Item Sold").VisibleItems.Count Then


This is failing right away though on the If Target.Pivot.... line.

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Excel 2003 :: Referencing Multiple Items From Pivot Field In Macro?

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to create a macro that will change all pivot fields with a certain name to the value I have the master pivot changed to. For example, I have 5 pivot tables, which each contain the field "Fruit". I want to change the 1st pivot table to "Apples", "Oranges", and "Pears" as active values, and then run the macro, making the other fruit fields also have these values. I can do it for single items, but when I need to do multiple items, I get an error message. I'm not sure how to write in VBA in order to do this.

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Excel 2003 :: Pivot Table With 1 Row And 1 Column Field

Dec 3, 2012

I have:

Excel 2003ABCD1StockDatePriceReturn2MSFT31-Dec-1027.91-6.97%3MSFT31-Dec-093054.32%4MSFT31-

[Code] .......

and would like:

Excel 2003ABCD1Sum of ReturnStock2DateBAINTCMSFT331-Dec-970.83851.14150.5659431-Dec-98-0.33350.68793.2921531-

[Code] ...........

Sub codedPTable()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim strField As String
Dim WSD As Worksheet
Set WSD = Worksheets("Data")

[Code] ..........

Only prints this:

Excel 2003ABCDE1Sum of ReturnStock2BAINTCMSFTGrand Total3Total1.99894.69867.331214.0287Sheet2

If you have a more compact macro than what I tried to change above even better (the data is in the simplest testing format).

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Excel 2003 :: Can Index Through Pivot Table Page Field List?

Nov 1, 2011

I've created a pivot table and I'd like to index through each "value" in the page field and then copy the results to another sheet, one sheet per field returned.

I can't figure out if it's possible to index through the list though. Is it possible?

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Excel 2003 :: Changing Visible Property Of Pivot Items

Nov 2, 2012

For some reason, I cannot get why I keep getting an error saying that excel cannot set the property of a pivotitem's visibility. I use excel 2003.

For Each pi In ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Group Code Description").PivotItems
check = pi.Name
If check = group Then
If pi.Visible = False Then
pi.Visible = True

[Code] .........

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Check Pivot Page Field Items

Sep 15, 2006

I have an array set up with values I want to look in a Pivot Field for and then pull data back based on that selection. It works great until there is an item in my array that is not listed in the Pivot Field. Then it pulls the data from the last item again, which skews my results. So my questions is, how can I skip to the next item in an array if it is not listed in the Pivot Field? Here is the section of code

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable36").PivotFields("Product").CurrentPage _
= arrProductVals(intProduct, 2)

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Select Pivot Field Items By Criteria

May 18, 2007

Need code that takes names of people from one excel sheet and selects the names in a pivot table field in another excel sheet. Basically I need to know the code that selects pivot items in a pivot field (say name of the pivot field is 'EmpName' and the pivot items are the names of the employees). As of now I check the name in one excel sheet then manually select the name from the 'Emp Name pivot field in the pivot table. There are many names and manually selkecting one by one is very time consuming hence I am trying to automate this.

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List All Hidden Page Field Items Of All Pivot Tables In Workbook

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to write a list of pivot table page filter pivot items to the Immediate window - but only hidden items. The code below should do the job where the active sheet is a pivot table.

However when I change the page filter pivot items being hidden, the pivot items returned by the macro don't change. It seems to assume that all pivot items are hidden when in fact it may be only one or two. It will work though for pivot row items (pvt.RowFields) and pivot column items (pvt.ColumnFields) where the user changes them.

Does the pf.HiddenItems collection work for RowFields and ColumnFields but not PageFields? If so, is there a pivot field object that reliably holds hidden pivot items residing in the page filters?

Sub ListHiddenPageFilterPivotItems()

Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet
Dim pvt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem

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Automating Pivot Table To Check Multiple Items And Place Them Into Values Field?

Jul 20, 2012

I am trying to automate creation of pivot table, where the first three fields will go into the RowLabel field, and the rest of them will go into the values as "Sum of ____".

Is it possible? Because I could do it one by one; however, those fields are different every time (there are different number of those fields, and their values are also different).

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Excel 2003 :: Force Enable Macros - Crash / Need Toclose

Mar 13, 2012

I have been using Erik's fantastic "Force Enable Macros" code (exactly as it appears)...

force enable macros & ASK to save changes (SOLUTION)

...with the desired results (and comfort) under Excel 2003.

The code works under Excel 2007. However, if there is another workbook open at the sametime (regardless of whether Workbook two has macros or not), I get an Excel "crash";

Microsoft Office Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close.

[ ] Recover my work and restart Microsoft Excel There is also a Event ID 7001 in the Event Viewer. I have run Excel diagnostics and there are no issues.

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How To Set Selected Slicer Or Filter Items On One Pivot Equal To Another

Sep 26, 2013

I have two pivot tables, both of which source the same sheet of data. Each record in the data has two fields, Region ID of person and Region ID of facility, that reference the same list of Region IDs via vlookup (it's just numbers 1-12). Either one or both can be blank. One pivot outputs counts by person Region ID, and the other, by facility Region ID.

Using a combination of nested IF statements and vlookups, I tried making a third Region ID field that could be used as a slicer to control both tables, but what I end up with is an undercount in one of the tables. The only thing that works so far to output the correct counts is having two separate slicers, the facility Region ID being the slicer for one and the person Region ID being the slicer for the other. If the end user wants to see counts for one Region ID, they have to manually set one slicer equal to the other. But what we want is just for the end user to be able to control both tables just by pushing a single number, Region IDs 1-12.

I can make one of the slicers hidden but then how do I get the hidden slicer to automatically select Region ID values equal to the nonhidden slicer? Alternatively, I could somehow program a combo box or list to control the two different slicers, then the slicers would be hidden and the user would see only the combo box/list. (I guess in either of these alternatives, I could just use a report filter instead of a slicer; either way, I still have to get items in one to automatically select based on the user's selected items in another).

FYI, some of the options I looked up involved PowerPivot, which I do not have access to. VBAs/macros are ok.

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OLAP Cube Pivot Table - Get Current Page Items Selected

Oct 26, 2006

Is it possible to get the current Page Item Selected for a pivot table

I've tried the following functions in VBA, but have had no success


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Excel 2003 :: Selecting Only Certain Items From One Sheet To Another?

Mar 26, 2012

Using Excel 2003

We have a spreadsheet set up showing a list of sales invoices, each invoice has the customer name and a customer reference assigned to it i.e B1, B2 etc

We want to set up another sheet that takes the sales invoice information but only picks up that which relates to a specific customer, i.e want a list of the invoices relating to B1

This will be done with a view to creating statements for each individual customer reference number which will just take info from these sheets B1,B2 etc

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Excel 2003 :: VBA To Add Worksheets Named For Items In Range?

Jan 17, 2012

I some code that reduces a long list of dates from one source of data (in its own worksheet) down to a unique list of dates (on another worksheet). I need to create a new worksheet for each date in the range (named for the date), and then allocate each line item for that date in the source data into its repsective worksheet.

I'm using Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Get Number Of Items Against Specific Department?

Sep 7, 2012

I'm trying to get the number of items against a specific department which are contained in a sheet called "data", the sheet is contained in the same workbook.

There are named ranges for
Department (text)
Date_From & Date_To (in the format dd/mm/yyyy)
Band (Numeric 1 to 3)
Items (Numeric)

Using the following formula I get an #NUM error (using Excel2003)


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Excel 2003 :: Find Data From Huge Database Of Items Of Equipment

May 23, 2012

Macro to find data from a huge database of items of equipment and find certain ones relevant to an area. I am using Excel 2003.

I have a spreadsheet which has three tabs.

Tab one has a list of equipment with a Ref (Col A), ID (Col B), mile (Col C) and chain (Col D) start and a mile (Col E) and chain (Col F) finish.

There are about 25 different Refs and IDs, but all rows have different Mile and Chains.

The second tab is an identical template of the third tab which is where I want the results to go (see below)

The third tab is raw data which list thousands of items but I want the macro to find the items which are in the first tab using the ref, ID, mile and chain information.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Make Command Button Inactive Until User Field Selected

Nov 14, 2011

I am creating a userform in Excel 2007 which requires a user to pick their name from a drop down box then press Ok, what i want to do is disable the Ok button until the user field has been selected.

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Auto Populate Field With Date When Other Field Is Selected From Validation List

Jul 4, 2013

In the following extract, I would like to have today's date placed into Col K when an entry is made into Col J.

Entry into Col J is from a validation list of 3 options. What I desire is that when one of these options is selected ("Complete"), then I would like today's date to be written into Col K.

Currently Col K has a validation list which comprises dates from 1st of each month from July to June.

I need a fixed date as text preferably, so was thinking the VBA function "Date" on a Change Workbook Sub.

The information is currently part of a Table in Excel 2007 that has about 500 records.



Month Completed

In Progress




Data Validation in Spreadsheet

Input 1
Input 2



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Excel 2003 :: Run Macro And Fill Out Cells When Country Is Selected?

Jun 8, 2014

I have a dropdownmanu in sheet1 with different countries taken from Column A in Sheet3. I need a macro to run when i select a country example Denmark. It will fill out transmittal code and also country code in named cells for it in sheet1. Info taken from Sheet3

Transmittal code is in below testsheet in Sheet1 cell E12.

Country code is in Sheet1 cell.

But this have to be possible to change. Also the range for the country have to be possible to change.

This vba code i need to run as soon as i select a country in the dropdown manu.

But one thing i would like to solve also is. When i select a country it will create a dropdownlist in I13 taken from the info in column, i have in Sheet3 column F. So if i select example Denmark, it will show a dropdown menu in sheet1 I13, with the ledger codes 10 and 6x. I have tried to make this work but cant make it work good.

I use excel 2003. Please have a look and upload the testsheet back.

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Excel 2003 :: Copy Only Selected Cells In Filtered List

Jan 19, 2012

I can't seem to find a way to copy specific highlighted/selected cells in a filtered list column and paste them outside of Excel 2003. i.e. in Notepad.

It seems to copy all the data between what is selected.

My Filtered list shows rows 5, 28, 35, 40 and 56

If I selected A5, A28 and A40 and select copy

If I paste it into Notepad, it adds A5, A28, A35 and A40

However if I paste my selected copied cell into Excel it works perfect and only adds A5, A28 and A40.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table - Value Field - Multiply

Apr 25, 2014

I have a Pivot table showing costs of several types of items.

The issue is, the cost of an item is not in U$, it is in amounts of the unit value (example: Unit value of an item (cell A1) = U$500, and Item Cost (cell B1) = 2, the total cost is U$1000).

So instead of showing just the Item Cost (U$500) in the pivot table, I need to show 500*2 (A1*B1) which would be U$1000.

Can this be done in Excel 2010?

I don't want to create a new column with that multiplication, because I'm doing a monthly cost for the items.

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table Calculated Field

Mar 19, 2009

I believe that I am finally getting the hang of pivot tables and VBA ... pretty nice. Now for my latest frustration - calculated fields.

I have a pivot table created which compares two years of data. The problem seems to be that this data is from the same data field (PINSAL) even though it shows in two columns (year 2007 and year 2008).

1 - I need to subtract the 2007 figure (column C) from the 2008 figure (column D) in a calculated field called DollarVariance

2 - I need to divide DollarVariance into the 2007 figure to create a calculated field called PercentVariance

This seems easy to do if I had two different variables used to create the 2007 and the 2008 data but it is the same datafield. Can I use column letter? Can I use the column name assigned by the pivot routine (12 - 2007 and 12 - 2008)?

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - How To Display And Use A Field

Jan 26, 2012

I have a table of data which I am analysing in a Pivot Table. For the majority of the data, the Pivot works very well: however I have a small issue, but it subsequently means the Pivot is useless.

Within the table array that I am referring to, there is a column of data of "Days per employee for a given period". The rows of data within the table array relate to every absence entry per employee, but this final column of data always contains the same figure (although can differ from employee to employee).

When I put the data into the Pivot, I can summarise the absence(s) as a simple sum. However, this final column of data should not be summed, since it is already the sum figure.

This figure though needs to be part of the Pivot, since I need to report on the percentage of absence days per type over the given period. So, the simple representation of =absence day(s)/worked days does not work... well I cannot get it to work. Additionally I have tried features like % of, but nothing.

I am using excel 2007.

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List Values From Excel Pivot Table Field

May 13, 2003

I have a Pivot Table with pivot fields and data. I would like, through VBA, to get the list of values that can be chosen from a given pivot field.

For example, a list would be Product1 / Product2 / Product3 .... I would like to read that list and put it into a drop down list in a form.

GOAL: I have several Pivot tables on the same sheet with similar fields and I want through macro to allow the user to update them all with one click.

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Excel 2007 :: ERROR - Pivot Table Field Name Is Not Valid

Nov 3, 2012

Excel 2007

No empty rows
No empty cells
No calculations in cells

Field names look fine - no punctuation no merged cells

If I select one column - any single column I can generate a pivot table but not with multiple columns

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table Calculated Field With Reference

Nov 18, 2012

I have a set of sales data and need to create a run rate which is simply = Total Sales/Selling Day

Selling day changes most days.

I put the calculation into my pivot data but it's summing up, (instead on 12 I get 720) so I changed this to Average so I get the right figure in the Pivot but when I then use this field, it doesn't use the Average amount, it uses the summed figure.

So what I need is Total Sales/X

X = Cell Reference

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Excel 2013 :: Power Pivot DistinctCount If Another Field In Table Is Greater Than Zero

Apr 21, 2014

Using Excel 2013.

I am trying to get DistinctCount from a field if another field in the same table is greater than zero.


[Code] .....

The count returned includes all not just values greater than zero. How can I get just values greater than zero?

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Excel 2007 :: Calculated Field To Get Percentage Of Two Columns In Pivot Table

Oct 2, 2013

I'm having an issue getting the correct results from a calculated field in a pivot table in Excel 2007.

In column A I have "Business Name", in B I have a sum of the amount of lines a customer has, and C is a MAX of the number of employees the customer has at their location.

In one example I have a business with sum 50 lines and max 30 employees but when I try to make the calculated field 50/30 (should equal 166%) i get 9.2% instead.

The reason appears to be because there are 18 types of lines the customer has and 18 x max 30 = 540 and 50/540 is 9.2%. In the attached example it's all the same business location so the total number of employees (30) is the same for each row and each row in the raw data is a set of lines with similar features.

I attached an example. CalcFieldProblem.xlsx

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - Daily And Monthly Field Grouping

Oct 17, 2011

I'm using Excel 2007 and am having an issue with grouping/ungrouping fields in pivot tables.

I have 2 separate pivot tables, both from the same named data source, but summarizing different data selections. Both tables include the date field, I am trying to produce both a daily and a monthly table, but whenever I change the grouping/ungrouping of the date field setting on one table, the other table changes to the same grouping.

Is there anyway to have one table with an ungrouped date field and one table with the grouped to month date field?

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Excel 2003 :: Dynamic Range For Pivot Table

Jan 21, 2013

How do I create a Named Range that is dynamic (I think using the OFFSET function) that automatically expands and contracts as the rows and columns of my data changes?

Next step, I then want to use that Named Range as the source of the data for a PivotTable.

Yes, I know starting in Excel 2007 you can use Tables and don't need to create a dynamic named range. That is not an option at this time.

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