How To Set Selected Slicer Or Filter Items On One Pivot Equal To Another

Sep 26, 2013

I have two pivot tables, both of which source the same sheet of data. Each record in the data has two fields, Region ID of person and Region ID of facility, that reference the same list of Region IDs via vlookup (it's just numbers 1-12). Either one or both can be blank. One pivot outputs counts by person Region ID, and the other, by facility Region ID.

Using a combination of nested IF statements and vlookups, I tried making a third Region ID field that could be used as a slicer to control both tables, but what I end up with is an undercount in one of the tables. The only thing that works so far to output the correct counts is having two separate slicers, the facility Region ID being the slicer for one and the person Region ID being the slicer for the other. If the end user wants to see counts for one Region ID, they have to manually set one slicer equal to the other. But what we want is just for the end user to be able to control both tables just by pushing a single number, Region IDs 1-12.

I can make one of the slicers hidden but then how do I get the hidden slicer to automatically select Region ID values equal to the nonhidden slicer? Alternatively, I could somehow program a combo box or list to control the two different slicers, then the slicers would be hidden and the user would see only the combo box/list. (I guess in either of these alternatives, I could just use a report filter instead of a slicer; either way, I still have to get items in one to automatically select based on the user's selected items in another).

FYI, some of the options I looked up involved PowerPivot, which I do not have access to. VBAs/macros are ok.

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Updating Pivot Filter With Another Pivot Updated By Slicer

Jul 17, 2014

I have this problem which I have simplified below:

Sheet 2 contains a Pivot table. One of the report filters is "Month-Year" (Eg, May-14 - in date format 'mmm-yy') which is selected by a Slicer on sheet 1.

Cell D1 on Sheet 2 contains a formula which calculated/displays the mmm-yy of the same period last year (eg May-13).

I want a code so that when I select the 'Month-Year' Slicer to filter the pivot table on Sheet 1 (eg to May-14), another Pivot on Sheet 3 is filtered with the previous year mmm-yy (May-13).

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Filter First X Items Of Pivot Table?

Oct 26, 2013

I've created a PivotTable using VBA that contains hundreds of PivotItems, which would look bad when a PivotChart is made.

I'd like to set the PivotTable to make visible only the first X items (let's say 10). How would I do this in VBA?The macro recorder gives me the name of the PivotItem, but this varies so I'd like to use an index:

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").PivotFields("UWI").PivotItems("Item1").Visible = False
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").PivotFields("UWI").PivotItems("Item2").Visible = False

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Listbox To Filter Pivot Items

Jun 11, 2008

I'm running reports in one workbook on different types of spend for 12 business units using 1 worksheet containing the raw data, and 6 other sheets with pivot tables showing different levels of detail.

I've used simple VBA to prepare to standardise the raw data and refresh all the pivot tables with no problem

I need to filter the data to show spend for specific business units. I'd like to do this using a listbox showing the units where I can select the unit(s) to report on, which in turn will only make the units selected visible on each table in the workbookwith no other intervention.

There is another thread on here (showthread.php?t=55041) that shows how to use the list box to control 1 pivot table on one sheet but I can't find anything which shows me how extend this to cover multiple tables over multiple sheets.

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Excel 2003 :: Force All Pivot Field Items Selected

Jun 22, 2012

I have a pivot table which I want to force the all of the pivot table items to be selected for a particular pivot table field. One would think that this would be as easy as unlocking all cells on the sheet with the exception of this pivot field and then locking the worksheet. This doesn't work though as I am generating multiple pivot tables on the same workbook for the same range and I get this message: "this command cannot be performed while a protected sheet contains another PivotTable report based on the same data source...".

My thinking is that I can do something along the lines of this:

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim oPI As PivotItem
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Target.PivotFields("Item Sold").PivotItems.Count Target.PivotFields("Item Sold").VisibleItems.Count Then


This is failing right away though on the If Target.Pivot.... line.

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Select And Unselect Items In A Filter In Pivot Table

Dec 30, 2009

I am looking for a way in VB to select and unselect items in the list for filters generated in a pivot table.item list. Ho do I do that?

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OLAP Cube Pivot Table - Get Current Page Items Selected

Oct 26, 2006

Is it possible to get the current Page Item Selected for a pivot table

I've tried the following functions in VBA, but have had no success


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Pivot Table - Grouping Items (Date) In Report Filter?

Nov 11, 2013

I have a pivot table with the following items;

Report Filter = Project Names & Dates (filtered on 2 fields)

then the pivot table of data shows
Dept, Sum of Hours, Sum of Total ($), Sum of Days

When you click on the drop down to adjust the filter for the Date it gives you the whole list of dates, day by day as it is in the source data.

Is there a way to make it in the filter by month and year, the way it would in an ordinary filter. So if I wanted to have the pivot table show only the values with an October date I can, rather than having to deselect all and then individually check the boxes for the 1st through to the 31st of October.?

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List Box To Select Multiple Items In Report Filter Of Pivot Table?

Jun 19, 2013

I'm trying to use a List Box to select multiple items on my Pivot Table but I can't seem to get it to work. Its the Report Filter part of the pivot table.

When the list Box is set to fmMultiSelectSingle it work and selects the indivdual items, but I need it set as fmMultiSelectMulti for if i'm also needed to select multiple items. (which doesn't seem to work!)

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Excel 2013 :: Missing Items From Pivot Table Filter List?

Apr 1, 2014

Using Excel 2013,

I clicked on a field in my RowLabels

I then clicked on the Filter Arrow for the RowField

The SelectedField prompted with the correct field of 4 possible fields

However the item I am looking for is not in the list but I can plainly see it on the screen.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Dropdown Filter Hiding Items?

Dec 22, 2011

In the coming months the company i work for will be transferring from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010 (i know, a little late......) and now i am testing some things at home.

We deliver lots of Excel reports to our clients where we are using Pivot tables. In excel 2003 we where able to hide items from the dropdowns using properties - hide items but when i now open an excel 2003 file in excel 2010 and want to filter the pivot table to (let's say) another month i see all my hidden items.

Is there an option in excel 2010 to hide items like i could do in 2003? (either regular option or VBA)

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Slicer Hierarchy Value Sorting - Selected Values Won't Sort To Top

Nov 25, 2013

I have two slicers that are in a hierarchy. These are attached to a Pivot table whose data source is an OLAP cube. Every Partner Parent is part of a Partner Group:

Partner Parents Slicers.png

My problem is that when I click SI Alliance in Partner Group, the Partner Parent slicer does not re-sort in any way. The corresponding selected Partner Parents are scattered throughout the alphabetical list. However, in a different document, I have slicers in a similar situation, except their Pivot table’s data source is a SQL Server database. When I click on a member of the higher up group (Accenture Global Client) the lower level group (Microsoft Account Name) sorts to show only the selected values at the top of the list:

This is with all selected - Accenture Slicers All.png

This is with just one Accenture Global Client selected. Note how the selected Microsoft Account Names have moved to the top of the list - Accenture Slicers Selected.png

How I can configure my Partner Parent/Partner Group slicers to behave like these Accenture/Microsoft slicers? Is there something that I can change in Excel or in the OLAP cube to make this happen? I have already tried right-clicking the slicer and going to Slicer Settings. The settings on the Parent/Partner Group slicers mimic those of the Accenture/Microsoft slicers exactly.

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Formula That Is Similar To The Pivot Slicer?

Jan 31, 2014

I have a list box contains of customer name and I used that to set up formula based on your selection in the list box. However, I wonder if there is a way that can select multiple customers in the list box and it will add up all that customers from your multiple selection like in the pivot slicer. I don't know if we have any formula that can do that complicated thing.

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Group Dates In A Pivot Table Slicer

Dec 31, 2013

I am currently working with a pivot table someone else created. The data set has dates only, in the correct format. The slicer has the dates categorized by month and excludes the dates in which there was no data.

Here is my problem: I added a few new months of data. Everything is calculating just fine in the Pivot table. However, my slicer where I should be able to pick the month now has these months listed as all their individual dates. I want to put the December dates under "December" and so on. The data that was present before I loaded anything additional still has this feature.

How do I group these dates, to be able to them as months? By the way, the grouping function is grayed out.

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Removing Blanks From Pivot Table Slicer Within Macro

Feb 20, 2014

I created a macro to create the beginning of a pivot table- just the rows and slicers, because when I tried making a longer macro to create the entire pivot table (formatting, etc) I couldn't get the macro to work.

So I do get all the vertical rows I want, and I do get all the slicers I want. But I get blank space. I think this is because the pivot table is created from another tab, and the length of data in that tab will vary from file to file (I'm doing another 30 or so of these, all with varying amounts of data, but the same data categories).

Anyway, I get slicers, but in addition to getting the categories I want, I also get "(blank)" below the names in the slicers. Is there a way to add some code to the macro to remove the blanks so I don't get this field?

I have copied and pasted the macro below, with identifying data changed.

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One Slicer For Multiple Pivot Tables With Different Data Source

May 2, 2013

I have multiple pivot tables with different data source. I wish to have one slicer which control all the pivot tables. I would have one common colum for all the pivot tables which is the one i wish to control for instance the person in charge. Note that all my pivot tables are from different data source. how to do it?

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Make One Slicer Mirror Filters Of Another Slicer

Mar 28, 2014

I' have two slicers that each control two pivot tables. The slicers both are for the same field ("Department") but I guess the pivot table structure differences don't allow me to simply have one control all four tables.

Since both slicers contain the exact same options from the same field on the same origin table, I would like to problematically ensure that when department "A" is selected on slicer1, it is also selected on slicer2. When departments "A, B, & C" are selected on slicer1, the same are selected on slicer2. When filters are cleared... you get the picture.

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Anchoring Pivot Chart And Slicer Without Locking Entire Worksheet?

Jul 19, 2012

I am trying to create a "dashboard" style report using a pivot table and pivot chart with slicers. All of these objects (table, chart and slicers) are in the same worksheet. However, the users of the report (read executive management) are not very Excel savvy and I want to protect the format of the report. So, I want to protect the sheet and only allow access to the Pivot table options. However, in order to make the slicers usable, it appears that I have to allow them to edit objects. This unfortunately means that they can then move those objects (the Slicers and Chart).

I am looking for a way to lock the slicers and pivot chart in position. I have already accounted for column width changes created by modification of the pivot table parameters by selecting the "Don't move or size with cells" option under PivotChart Tools > Size > Format Chart Area > Properties > Object positioning. This is the default/locked-out setting for the slicers.

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Copy / Move Slicer Linked Pivot Charts To New Workbook

Mar 15, 2013

I have a Reporting workbook I designed. There is a "Parent" workbook with the following design.

It has 6 Pivot Tables on a Sheet called "Data"

It has 6 Pivot Charts that were created from these tables on a page called "Summary"

These 6 Pivot Charts are all linked through a pair of slicers.

There is a "control" page which has instructions and buttons that trigger "Refresh All" and "Create Child Workbok".

This design is so that someone unfamiliar with excel could conceivably create the final product.

Essentially I have written/put together VBA to Create a new workbook "child" which has should be a funcitoning copy of the "parent".

The problem is the copiedmoved (I have tried both) Pivot Charts no longer update/refresh when the pivot tables change. I have script that reconnects the Pivot Tables to the Slicers. Slicers are fully funcitonal. Links in cells are fully functional.

Some of this code might look familiar.


Sub createWB()
' Copies VBA modules, Calls
Dim wbNew As Workbook, wbT As Workbook
Set wbT = ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
Kill ("PATHmod1.bas")
Kill ("PATHmod2.bas")


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Filter With Formula: FILTER A Range And Display The Unique Items, One Below The Other, WITHOUT Blank Cells

Feb 10, 2008

How can I FILTER a range and display the unique items, one below the other, WITHOUT blank cells - with only a FORMULA. What I came up with is shown in the attached WB. I would like to present the countries like in C11:C15.

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VBA ListBox - If Range Is Equal To One Of The Selected

Dec 19, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with names of students, year groups, subjects and others. My VBA code will analyse student's results, but before I get there I would like the user to be able to select groups of students using listboxes.

Now I have a tonne of variables that I won't bore you with but the main thing I would like to do is to scan through each cell in a range on my spreadsheet and determine if the value of that cell is equal to a selected option in the listbox. This will let me, for example, filter by only Year 10 students, or select to display only Year 9 and 11 students.

I already have the code to scan through each cell:

'Run through each student and check they match the criteria
For N = 1 To StudentList.ListCount

'Split the first and second names
StudentName = Split(StudentList.List(N - 1))

[Code] .....

Essentially, I would like to take the cell "A" & N2 and check to see if it matches one of the selected options in a listbox called "YearList"

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Setting A Cell Equal To The Selected Value In A Combobox

Mar 26, 2007

I know you can set cells equal to other cells, but can you set the cell equal to a combobox created in VBA.

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Advance Filter For Not Equal To Zero

Oct 16, 2009

Here is a copy of my code and I am Having a problem trying to get it to filter zero balances out. There are positive and negative numbers and I need to post them to a seperate sheet and exclude all zeros.

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Filter And Delete Everything That Is Less Than Or Equal To Zero?

Jun 16, 2013

I'm trying to filter and delete everything that is less than or equal to zero and everything is text in column C (filde3).

and need to filter and delete dates are less than 10/06/2013 (DD / mm / yyyy)

Sub Mult_Filter()
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="=Prejudicado", Operator:=xlOr, _
Criteria2:="=Verificar", Operator:=xlOr ', Criteria2:="=06/10/2013"


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Draw An Arrow Equal The Size Of The Selected Cells

Sep 16, 2008

I want to select some cells (like A2-A20) and have it draw an arrow down the selected cells. Tried a few different things, none of which worked...

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Advanced Filter With Not Equal To Criteria

Nov 19, 2007

I'd like to ask if there is anyway to use an advanced criteria with a NOT EQUAL operator.

I have a list that contains about 50 different data values that I want to filter but I want to restrict the list to not contain four different data items. Clearly, autofilter did not work as I can only specify two conditions in the custom filter. I want to use advanced filter instead but this only tests for equality.

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Pivot, Want SOME Row Items Values On Pivot But All In Total

Aug 27, 2008

I have a pivot that shows Location, Dept and Total Sales by month. So Location and Dept are in the row area, Period is in the column area and Total Sales are summed in the page area.

Well, they decide they do not want to see Dept: 999 on the pivot. Thats easy, just click the dropdown and uncheck it....they are amazed at my ingenuity!

Well, they then notice Dept: 999 is no longer included in the Location total or grand total....makes sesne to me I say!

Well, they then specify that Dept: 999 should NOT appear on the pivot but SHOULD be included in subtotals / totals.

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Show All Pivot Items In Pivot Tables

Jun 19, 2008

I've got 4 pivot tables (all derived from the same base data) on 4 separate worksheets. I've been able to (with this help of this site) to use VBA to hide pivot items on all of these sheets using a list on a user form. Hide/Show Pivot Table Field Items. Hide Pivot Table Fields Pivot Items by Criteria

I now need to be able to show all the pivot items on only 3 of the 4 pivot tables, with the 4th pivot table being left untouched. For ease assume that my sheets are sheet1, sheet2, sheet3, and sheet4. The tables I wish to update are on sheet2, sheet3 and sheet4. The pivot table on each sheet is called "PivotTable4" and the pivot item is called "Business". The pivot item contains 12 business names (Business1, Business2 etc etc)

Is there an easy way of doing this? I've spent the day looking through the internet and various "Dummies" books but with little success, I fear that I'm obviously below even Dummy level

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Add Selected Items From One ListBox To Another On UserForm

Feb 27, 2014

I have a (MultiSelect) ListBox1 that is populated with Customer Names for the user to select from. I want the user to be able to hit the CommandButton1 adjacent to the ListBox1, and the selected Customers copy into/get added to the ListBox2.

I have the following code, adapted from other code, but it is not working:

[Code] ........

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VBA Code To Email Selected Items

Sep 22, 2008

I have the following code that carries out a selection and then brings up in a print preview.

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