Excel 2003 :: Compare Two Lists Of Names On Same Spreadsheet

Apr 18, 2012

In Excel 2003 I am trying to compare two lists of names on the same spreadsheet to determine which names are different between the two columns of names. What is the easiest way to do that?

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Macro That Compare Items In Two Seperate Lists In A Spreadsheet

Jan 20, 2009

I am trying to create code for a Macro that will compare items in two seperate lists in a spreadsheet, and eliminate all entries that do not appear in both lists.

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Excel 2003 :: Combine Two Lists

Dec 10, 2013

VBA code to combine two list as follows :

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Excel 2003 :: 2 Lists - Lookup Different Values

Nov 6, 2013

I have 2 arrays that look like this:

Mercedes ________________Mercedes
BMW ____________________Fiat
Fiat _____________________BMW
VW _____________________AUDI
Porsche __________________Ferrari

As you can see, list 2 had some additions (Ferrari,Lamborghini) and a different overall order. I want to input the 2 additions on list 1 right after the last cell(Porsche). List 's 1 order cannot be changed. I have to do it on Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Compare Two Dates With Dynamic Operator

Apr 18, 2013

I'm using Excel 2003.

I have a Userform where you can enter a date and select a comparison operator from a combo box. Any one of these (= < <= > >= <>)

In VBA I then load a range into a dictionary object and then loop thru it to compare the dates in the dictionary to the date selected in the userform but I can't get the dates to compare correctly. I think it has something to do with the Evaluate function comparing the dates as strings but I'm not really sure.

For Each strKey In dictValid.Keys()
If Not Evaluate(CDate(dictValid(strKey)) & cboDteOperator.Value & CDate(txtDteSel.Value)) Then

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Excel 2003 :: How To Compare 2 Columns And Then Flag Where There Is Duplication

May 9, 2012

How do I compare 2 columns and then flag where there is duplication? I want to compare Column B against column C and then flag everywhere there is a match. In this case, Column B may have several thousands of entries (inclusive off all entries found in Column C) and I want to have Excel look through the thousands of entries in Column B and then just place an "x" where there was a match to the values found In Column C. For example:

Excel 2003ABC1Duplicate?MarchApril27899421458347889122254x21458112575445576332147x122258x11257921463Sheet1

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Excel 2010 :: Create Master List Worksheet From Lists Of Names On Several Worksheets

Jun 6, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010. I have a workbook that has six or seven worksheets in it. Each worksheet has a header row, and then lists of clients at the clinic where I work. The columns are last name, first name, medicaid #, social security #, DOB. We use these lists every month to verify that each client has Medicaid for the month. Therefore, there are also columns with names like April, May, June where we mark yes or no for each client. Some of the worksheets also have information about the clients' guardian, phone number, etc., but not every worksheet has those. (I can't show you the worksheets b/c of federal privacy laws, of course.)

I really, really want a worksheet that's a master list of the data from each of the existing worksheets, and I'd like to keep it synced to the source worksheets. I'd love it if I could also add a column telling me which of the source worksheets the data originally came from.

I've tried a few things to make it happen, but nothing has worked.

I've tried using the Consolidate function built into Excel as well, but that only works with numbers, not text, and it wants to manipulate the numbers instead of just copying them over.

I've found several macros online that should have worked (including one from this site) but that I wasn't able to install to my worksheet. I followed all the steps for installation, and throught it worked, but when I went back to the Excel file to run the macro, the list of available macros remained emptpy.

Is it possible that corporate IT has disabled the ability to install macros? Is there somewhere in Options were I need to go to turn Macros on?

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Excel 2003 :: Alphabetizing Names Listed In Worksheet

Sep 10, 2013

I use Excel 2003 & I am trying to design a worksheet to keep track of signs I make & their order numbers. I want the names listed alphabetically. When I add a new name & I arrange the column alphabetically, the columns with the order numbers do not relocate along with the names column.

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Excel 2003 :: Define Several Incremental Cells Names At Once

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to rename a row of cells with incremental names. Ex.

A1=Results1, A2=Results2, A3=Results3, ...., AN=ResultsN

Of course, it can be done by setting names for each cell separately but it takes ages. I would like to know if this is possible to do that quickly due to an add-in or VBA.

I use Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Remove Duplicate Names From A List

Nov 12, 2012

Unfortunately we don't have 2010 at work so I don't have the luxury of the use of the duplicate function.

I'm using Excel 2003 and need to remove duplicate names from a list; what would be the best formula to do this.

I've done a countif to identify how many occurrences appear; any other formula if greater than to get to the object of how many staff I have in the list

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Excel 2003 :: Adding Blank Line Between Company Names

Feb 6, 2013

I have a 97-2003 spreadsheet with approximately 22,000 lines of seperate companies. I need to know how to insert a blank line between the company names. I have been using the "Right Click - Insert" method but soon realized there must be 2000 different companies. The Company Name column is A.

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Excel 2003 :: Compare Characters Between Two Columns And Output Results In Same Worksheet?

Feb 6, 2013

I have a worksheet with five columns (A, B, C, D and E)

The cells in Column B contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.
The cells in Column C contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.

I want to compare all characters in 1st Cell of Column B with all characters in 1st Cell of Column C, and display the matching characters in 1st Cell of Column D, and the character count of 1st Cell in Column D must be displayed in 1st Cell of Column E. note that multiple instances of the same character must not be treated as duplicates. When execution on 1st Row is finished then repeat procedure for Row 2, etc... Stop execution when first empty cell in Column B is located.


B1 = LJLM12

The script/code/formula must output the following:

D1 = LM2
E1 = 3
D2 = CG4G
E2 = 4
E3 = 4

I am using Excel 2003. Y

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Excel 2003 :: Renaming All FileName In Folder Using Macro At Time With Different Names

Sep 23, 2010

Now iam Working in excel 2003, I got a Requirement that, After Downloading datas From SAP, It Directly Stored in Excel Sheet , Using tht Sheet1, I need to rename all the Filenames at a time, Is It possible, Any code is there to rename,

For Example,

From SAP to Excel Sheet Datas are Like this in Sheet1,

DmsNo Filename
50007685 SDFFG.jpg
50004678 HGJKID.jpg
50003421 VGFTHR.jpg

Then i have rename that filename, rename 'SDFFG.jpg' To '50007685.jpg', and it Should be directly rename to my Source File.

For Example:
Source File: C: estSDFFG.jpg

After renaming it Should be,

Source File: C: est50007685.jpg

any code is there to rename,

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Excel 2003 :: Spreadsheet Shifts To The Left When ENTER Key Is Pressed?

Feb 27, 2014

When I enter a value into a cell and press "ENTER" or press the Right Arrow the whole spread shifts to the left instead of just confirming the entry of the cell and moving one cell(column) to the right.

This is a spreadsheet that I have used for over 3 years so something has changed in one of the settings.

I have Office 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Extract Information From Spreadsheet Database Into Another Sheet With One Trigger?

Nov 27, 2012

I used to use Excel many many years ago for all my basic business databases and pivot table reports (so was at a basic competency level) and want to use it again but it has been quite a while and I can't remember how to do the following.....

I want to build a database of sales and purchase info in say 'sheet 1' - let's say 30 different headed columns and then many lines of different information under each column.

In 'sheet 2' I want to create an invoice template of my own design (I can do easily) for printing.

This template will need to extract say 10 bits of information from a particular row and then put them in a certain place on this sheet.

How can I type in one piece of information in a cell on sheet 2 (say the invoice or line number of the database) and that will then trigger all the other needed information from that particular line in sheet one onto this template?

I know it can be done but for life of me can not remember the formulas to use for these other cells in sheet 2 based on the info put in that one 'trigger' cell

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Excel 2003 :: Count Of Records Based On Criteria Within Different Sections Of Spreadsheet

Jul 5, 2014

I am setting up a template to use to track candidates throughout their lifecycle. I am also creating a 'summary report' on another worksheet that counts total number of candidates, counts the number of candidates that have been submitted to the client, count of the number of candidates that have been interviewed by the client, etc.

How do I count the number of candidates in the spreadsheet?

In Cells A6:B5, I have "Submitted"
In Cells A7-?? I have dates for those candidates that have been submitted.
Then a new section titled, "In Process"
A list of candidates are contained within that section.
Then a new section titled, "For Review"

There are multiple sections, so the date in Column A1 may not always be in a constant row, as it depends on how many candidates are within a certain 'phase'.

I have a column I5, titled "Status" This column has a built in drop-down list that contains pre-defined status, for example, "Submitted", "Candidate Declined", "2nd Message Sent", etc. I need to be able to create a summary report based on a count of candidates that fit certain 'Statuses'. For example, count the number of candidates that were Interviewed. This could be a combination of Statuses: Phone screen with client, 1st F2F, 2nd F2F, etc.

(At home, I am using Excel 2003. At work, I am using Excel 2007. So if it's easier to create in Excel 2007, that's fine.)

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Excel 2003 :: Added Condition That Broke Rank And Listing Feature On Spreadsheet

Nov 29, 2012

The attached is a race keeper's scorecard.

Tab 1 lists all participants and race times.
Tab 2 generates a printout to post on a wall.

The spreadsheet works great, BUT, I forgot I needed to add a condition of DNS (Did not start) and DNF (Did not finish).

Once this is added, of course, it breaks everything done so far (damage being done in column M on tab 1 and all of tab 2).

My ideal state is that a DNS or DNF can appear in column L on Tab 1. . . and these participants fall to the bottom of the list generated on Tab 2.

I know there are miracle workers out there who can make this happen! Again, hoping for no code, and no manual manipulation if possible (end user is not Excel savvy). Must be compatible with Excel 97-2003.

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Compare Two Lists

Jun 9, 2009

I have two separate lists, one in Column A and the other in Column B. Both lists are roughly 2,000 rows long. For the most part, the two lists are identical, but not quite.

I'm trying to determine what data is present in Column A that is absent from Column B, and vice versa. That's easy enough to do with COUNTIF (at least that's what I've tried), but to complicate matters, duplicate entries appear in both column A and column B.

For example, in column A, the word "Electric" appears 13 times...but in column B, it only appears 8. I need to know these differences in a quick and easily readable way (remember, the spreadsheet is roughly 2,000 rows).

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Compare 1st X Letters Of Names To Other Names

Apr 2, 2008

Here's what I'm trying to do:

In a spreadsheet I have a series of names with associated data, for instance: ...

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Compare 2 Lists - 6 Columns

Mar 20, 2012

I need to compare 2 lists (each list has 3 columns [first name, last name and email address).

I am trying to compare columns A(incl. First name), B(incl. Last name) and C(incl. email address) to columns D, E and F.

D, E, and F are also First name, Last name and e-mail address respectively.

I need to compare A, B, and C to D, E, and F and find duplicates and highlight them.

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Compare Innventory Lists

Jan 9, 2009

Every Monday, our database sends me a list in excel, with a snapshot of our inventory.

Here is (simplified) how it looks like

part#, desc, color, units
001 Camry Black 13
003 Toyota Green 2
009 Honda Yellow 17

and so on for about 8k rows.

Every Monday, the list is different. we sold some items, so the "units" in stock are less, we run out of some items, so that part# is not in the list,
we acquired some new items, with a different part#, and new amount of units, some part#s have more units in stock.

I need to send to our boss, a spreadsheet with a list of all part#s in stock every Monday, and the last 4 weeks, how many we sold of each in the last 7 days, so we can try to get rid of inventory that is getting obsolete.

It would be easy to do, if not for the fact of the "new" items that come in, and the items that we run out of, and are not in the list anymore. With 8k items, to to the corrections by hand, it gets old very quickly

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Compare Lists Of Data

Jun 5, 2007

I need to search a column of numbers in Excel (A) and compare it to another column (B). I need to find all of the numbers that apprear in column A but not in column B. Can this be done?

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Compare Values Between 2 Lists

Nov 26, 2007

how to compare the value in one cell on sheet "Block #1" to a list of values on sheet "Data". Specifically I want to be able to look at the value in a cell (which will be a date) and then compare it to a list of company holidays on another sheet in the workbook and if the date is a company holiday it will display the word "Holiday" in another cell I specify on "Block #1" I am doing this to automate generation of a calendar which will have 13 worksheets one for each of 13 4-week blocks. I can get the calendars generated, but can't seem to be able to get it to compare the values of each date to the list of holidays.

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Map Two Lists Of Company Names

Oct 29, 2012

I need to map two lists of company names. 1st list is master list having around 1lakh company names. 2nd list have around 500 records which i need to manually match bcoz index and match functions just dont work.

What i currently do is copy a part of company name from list2, go to list1 and apply a contain filter and if any matches are found, take the closest match to list2.

This is a tedious task for 500 companies as it involves to many mouse clicks. We just need to paste a part of company name in search box and a contain filter is applied to list 1.

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Comparing Lists Of Names

Jan 21, 2010

My boss has given me a spreadsheet to put together for him, unfortunately i am not really an expert on Excel and i am at a loss as to how to do this.
This is what he wants:-

Column A : Policy Surname
Column B: Policy Forname
Column C: D.OB

Column F : Policy Surname
Column G; Policy Forename
Column H: D.OB

He wants to be able to cross check all the names in A with the names in F, and if any matches then also compare Column B with Column G. Again, if any matches then finally check Column C with Column H and pull the results

I would be extremely grateful if someone had an idea on this and could possibly give me a formula that could do this, or am i asking too much from Excel?

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Compare 2 Lists & Return Details

Nov 22, 2006

I have a list of two rows of over 20,000 items. I would like to know what data has been added to the second row from the first row and what has been removed.

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Compare Lists Flag Differences

Jan 9, 2007

I am currently trying to work out what the best way would be to search between two sheets and find out where the differences are. IO have sheet 1 and 2 which both have account numbers and details on. I searching off the first column on both sheets and trying to identify which records exist on sheet 1 but not on sheet 2. The code I have so far is

Sub check()
data_sheet = "Sheet1"
target_sheet = "sheet2"
rowcn = 2
If Sheets(data_sheet). Cells(rowcn, 1) <> Sheets(target_sheet).Cells(rowcn, 1) Then
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
End If
rowcn = rowcn + 1
Loop While Sheets(data_sheet).Cells(rowcn, 1) > 0
End Sub

This currently works 50%. Only problem is that this code is not independant to each list, it simply looks at the same cell reference on both sheets and check whether the value is there. It doesnt actually go down the whole list and checks whether it is there.

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Compare Lists & Highlight Duplicates

Jul 3, 2007

I receive a daily spreadsheet which contains (amongst other information) a column of postcodes. I'd like to run a macro which compares these postcodes with a list of other postcodes, and then to colour highlight each instance of that post code in the daily spreadhseet.

I have been able to find and modify a macro but that searches for one post code at a time and then adds a comments box to the cell.

Instead of copying that piece of code and editing it for the several hundred post codes I need to "look up" against, I'd like to know how to create a list of post codes in the macro, so that the macro searches the first post code in the lookup list, finds and highlights each cell instance, then moves onto the next post code in the lookup list, until the end of the lookup list. I would like this as the editing of the lookup list would be much easier than editing paragraphs of code.

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Compare 2 Lists & Return Non Dupilcates

Nov 25, 2007

i have a list in column "a" in sheet 1 and a list in sheet 2 column "b" range from row 1 to 50

i would kike to get the data from sheet1 that is not in sheet 2 and copy it in to sheet 3

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Compare Before Spreadsheet Data To After Spreadsheet

Apr 2, 2014

Wondering if there is an easy way to compare 2 spreadsheets that should have identical data on them? The first spreadsheet (Before) has the output data from 'before' a code fix was applied. The second spreadsheet (After) has the output data from 'after' a code fix was applied. The spreadsheets have 7 columns of data and almost 500 rows.

I've already copied the data from the source datasets provided by my IT folks into Notepad (.txt) files and then used Excel to open them as fixed width spreadsheets. I have 1 workbook with 1 spreadsheet with 'before' data. And, I have 1 workbook with 1 spreadsheet 'after' data. And, I have another workbook that contains both worksheets. So, I'm ready to go whenever I get hints of what to do next. :-)

I need to be able to show my client that we did not impact the data with the code fix that was applied. I want to be able to show my client contacts (business folks) an end result via Excel that confirms that I actually compared the 2 sheets and there were no differences. In other words....I can't just show them a formula with '0' as it end result (even tho that's basically what I'm trying to prove).

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