Excel 2007 :: After Deleting Rows - Next Row Does Not Move Up

Aug 13, 2011

I have a macro that exports a row (or rows) to destination sheet ("Amber") based on criteria in Column K. Once exported I return to the source sheet ("Register") and the row that had the data that I wanted exported has exported the info but the row just sits where it was and appears to only 'clear the contents'. The macro I use is:

Sub Extract_FW_Rows()
Set ws = ActiveSheet
endrow = ws.Cells(65000, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = endrow To 1 Step -1

[Code] ......

I set up the macro on Excel 2002 in work as thats what we have....however when I input the same code into my home laptop working Excel 2007, all works perfectly i.e. it cuts the data to destination sheet, goes back to source sheet and the rows have moved up accordingly - I do realise that the action taken is a row removal i.e. I had 1000 rows, macro executes, I now have 999 rows in the source sheet.

What I would like is the same result in 2002 as I get in 2007.

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Excel 2007 Extreme Delay When Deleting Data In Rows

Jul 9, 2008

Problem: We have some rather large excel spreadsheets (142,000 rows, 190 columns) and some users that need to delete the data from rows of cells 5,000 rows + at a time. When doing this machines jump in CPU, Excel goes "not responding" and on average comes back to life 1 minute 45 seconds after pressing the delete key.

Note: We are not doing a right click and deleting the rows. This is a highlight of the 5000 rows and pressing the delete keyboard key to clear the data.

We've tried disabling the Auto Save and the Workbook Calculation changed to Manual.

Dell is no help, Microsoft is no help. This process can be replicated on multiple Dell machines and with Operating Systems of XP SP2, SP3 and Vista, machines with single drives, raided systems and even a machine with a solid state drive. All have 2GB of RAM or more.

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Excel 2007 :: Adding And Deleting Rows With Hide Row Macro CheckBox?

Mar 18, 2014

I currently have the following Macro for one of my many checkboxes in 2007 Excel:

[Code] .....

It works perfectly until additional rows are added/deleted before the indicated rows in the code (It changes the number sequence in the workbook). The number sequence stays the same in the code which means I am now hiding rows either before (delete rows) or after (insert rows) the intended rows I want to be hidden. Is there a way to change the above code to remain with the assigned rows regardless of the adding/deleting of rows before it?

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Excel 2007 :: Macro - Move Duplicate Rows From One Worksheet To Another

Jul 4, 2014

I am using Excel 2007 on Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

My Workbook contains 2 Worksheets, both with the same headings in row 1. Sheet2 is initially empty, except for the headings in row 1.

The following is a sample of the data in Sheet1:

[Code] ......

I want to create a Macro to operate as follows:

In the above sample data, rows 2, 4, and 8 are identical, so I want to copy rows 4 and 8 to Sheet2, and delete them from Sheet1.


Rows 3 and 9 are identical, so row 9 should move to Sheet2;
Rows 5 and 11 are identical, so row 11 should move to Sheet2.
Rows 6, 7, 10, and 12 are all unique, so should be unaffected by the Macro.

New records will be added to Sheet1 periodically, so the Macro will be used each time to move any newly discovered duplicates to Sheet2.

The Macro should make no assumption about how the rows are ordered, and should not change their order.

I have uploaded two Workbooks, such that Workbook1 shows the original data, and Workbook2 shows the result I want to obtain.

Attached Files :

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Excel 2007 :: Move Data From Multiple Rows To One And Delete?

May 2, 2012

I'm working in Excel 2007 and need to move data from multiple rows to a single row if the ID matches.Below is sample data I would be working with. I want to move data from columns F-U to the right of the original data in the row above it. I would also like to delete the rows that had data moved.

GIDSurnameNameEmployee Number OriginalDate of birthGranting ARE
Employing ARECountry Employing ARECHCM Supplier IDVehicle
Investmt. shares / Awards at termination dateMatching Shares
at termination dateTermination


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VBA - Deleting Rows And Move Up

Jun 4, 2008

I need to look into a particular cell on a specific column.

if this cell does not contain a number, then I need to delete the entire row, not column.

and then of course do this for 30K+ rows.

if sheets("sheet1").cells(x,7) is not a number ( dont know how to write this )

then delete row and move up.

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Conditional Deleting Of Rows In 2007

Apr 2, 2009

I have a table A to J, column A, C, E are auto-populated with data in corresponding cells in another worksheet.

I need to automatically delete an entire row if; A1 (and on down column A)="Void"
I need to be able to specify which worksheet this is to run since I have 4 total worksheets where if "Void" pops in colum A, the row(s) need to be deleted.

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Excel 2007 :: Deleting All Cell Styles?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a list of Cell Styles under the Styles tab in Excel 2007. I want to delete all the Cell Styles since its slowing down opening and operating of the Excel file. I do not want to individually delete them by right click-delete. Cmarco to run for performing this action?


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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Move Mails In Outlook

Jul 23, 2014

I got the following script from another site. What it is intended to do is that it has three columns in a sheet.

Column A = Folder Name
Column B = Sender Name or Mail Subject
Column C = Values for Column B

Based on what values are in Column C (sender name or email subject), it will then look at the mails in outlook within the 'inbox' folder and look for the matching criteria and if it finds a match, move it to the folder named in column A (if folder does not exist, create folder)

Running the script, I get runtime error '438' object does not know property or method - on the line highlighted in red. I am using office 2007 and looking at the code, it is using late binding so no reference library is needed?

Option Explicit
Const olFolderInbox = 6
Sub moveOutlookMails()
Dim wkb As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range

[Code] .......

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Excel 2007 :: Dropdown Lists Not Deleting Even After Removing Data Validation?

Jun 20, 2014

I am having trouble delete a drop down list inspite of selecting clear all from the data validation tab in excel 2007. When I hit Alt + Down Arrow, I still see picklist options. I didnt set up the spreadsheet, hence I am not sure how to begin troubleshooting.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Excel 2007 :: Chart Disappears When Copy Tab Or Move To Another Workbook?

Apr 15, 2011

In versions prior to Excel 2007, I was always able to copy a chart when I copied a tab. However, when I copy a tab in 2007, the data copies fine, but the chart does not. Something similar happens when I try to move a tab with a chart on it to another workbook.

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Excel 2007 :: Pop Up Picture When Mouse Move To Object In Sheet

Nov 10, 2012

i am totally new in excel and i am using excel 2007, my question is : how can i create an object in an excel sheet, so that when the mouse cursor move to it, it pops up anohter image?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Get Macro To Move Around A Page In Relative Position

Apr 9, 2014

My OS is Windows 7. My version of Excel is 2007. I have read how to get a macro to move around a page in a relative way, but is there a way to move from page to page in a relative way as well?

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Formula To Move Data On Same Row And Deleting Empty Rows Between Data

Jul 17, 2014

formula to make data on same line.On converting data2 is above data 1. I insert a column on left . Need to use mouse right click shortcut delete manually shift cells left and then delete shift cells upto have both data on same line but should be in different cells and same sequence per attached ALSO TO REMOVE "/ -DASH HYPENS.

What I need is formula to move the data2 on same alignment and to delete the two empty rows between both data.

See annexed file for expected results.I have preference to have a formula much more.

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Excel 2007 :: Move Recurring Data From 1 Column To Multiple Columns

Jun 6, 2014

I am using excel 2007. I have data which, instead of being posted on multiple columns, is all within 1 column. The data most simply has the characteristics of:

AAA - description
BBB - description
CCC - description
and so on..

I would like to move the descriptions from column A to column B:
AAA AAA - description
BBB BBB - description
CCC CCC - description
and so on...

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Deleting Rows With Data In Black All At Once In Excel

Apr 5, 2012

I have a document that has 634 rows, some rows with data in red and some rows with data in black. I only want the rows with data in red. How do I get rid of all the rows with data in black all at once? I don't want to go through the document line by line.

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Excel 2010 :: Deleting Rows Based On Cell Value

May 21, 2012

I'm trying to delete a range of rows based on the value of a given cell. For example, if cell AC1 shows 5000, then I'd like to delete (not just clear) the range A5000:AA1048576. Or, if cell AC1 shows 10000, then I'd like to delete range A10000:AA1048576. I've come up with what is below but I don't think this is the right way to do it. I am using Excel 2010.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNT(C[-27])+2"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("A" & Range("AC1").Value:"AA1048576").Select

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Excel 2003 :: Deleting Or Displaying Rows Based On Cell Content One By One

Mar 20, 2014

I have a company with upto 5 products, and I have created a dropdown box where you select your product.

When I select product 1 i would need info on product 1 , when i select product 2 I need info on product 1 and 2 and continue. so for product 5 -i need info on product 1-5.

I tried to add all info on excel and tried to delete it one by one by deleting rows in excel for products but it does not work.

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Excel 2003 :: Deleting Rows For Multiple Files In Separate Workbook

Sep 10, 2012

I'm new to this forum and to VBA

First-off, I'm using Excel 2003 SP3.

The setup: A software application I regularly use produces csv data files (in this case approx 300 files). These I have converted to xls format using a separate macro. The files are in one folder and named as follows eg

G1 18800.xls
G1 18802.xls
G2 18975.xls
G3 19881.xls
G3 19990.xls
G5 19990.xls

The files contain the following data:

01-Oct-03 08:00 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:01 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:02 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:03 0 0 FALSE 0
01-Oct-03 08:04 757 20 FALSE 0.18
01-Oct-03 08:05 1714 32 FALSE 0.44
01-Oct-03 08:06 1524 32 FALSE 0.39
01-Oct-03 08:07 1665 45 FALSE 0.47
01-Oct-03 08:08 1644 42 FALSE 0.46
01-Oct-03 08:09 263 8 FALSE 0.06

I then created a macro using code I sourced from the internet, and included some addtional commands (filename, copy/paste). See below. This macro opens the all the xls data files in the folder and copies the relevant data to an analysis workbook [Analysis sheet, Results sheet, Master sheet] ie the data is copied from the data file and pasted into the Analysis worksheet. Then the results are copied from the Results sheet to the Master sheet. So far so everything works.

My problem is this: I'm stumped at how to delete rows from the xls data files before running the analysis workbook and macro. In other words, after converting the csv files to xls format I need to clean the xls data files.

I have a separate xls file with criteria data in two columns:

FileName Date
G1 18800 06-Oct-03
G1 18801 02-Oct-03
G1 18801 03-Oct-03
G1 18801 05-Oct-03
G2 18795 14-Oct-03
G2 18795 15-Oct-03
G2 18795 16-Oct-03
G2 18795 17-Oct-03

The rows in a particular data file, with dates that are not present in the Criteria workbook must be deleted. This to be done for every data file in the folder. Also, I need to exclude rows for specific time periods eg 12H00AM - 04H00AM from all the files irrespective of date.

the code needed [should a separate macro be run or can code be placed within the present macro?]. I've tried looking for something similar on the internet, but my requirements seem too customized to be able to adapt the code that I found. And of course this is waaaay above my present skill level!

Option Explicit

Sub CopyPaste()

'This code opens up data files (xls) in a specified folder and copies data A1:G17281 to an Analysis workbook (Analysis sheet).

'The data from the Results sheet is then copied to the Master sheet.

Dim wkbDest As Workbook
Dim wksDest As Worksheet
Dim wkbSource As Workbook
Dim wksSource As Worksheet
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFile As String


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Excel 2010 :: Macro - Move Data From Rows To Columns

Dec 13, 2011

I am using Excel 2010 and need a macro that can convert data from rows to columns. I have read several posts about this subject but have no experience with macros and don't know how to change the macros to fit my scenario.

Here is what I currently have:


Here is what I need it to look like:


There are up to 4 vehicles/locations per account number, and I need 1 account number per row (the dots above are for spacing only and not part of the actual data).

I could do this manually but because I have so many rows of data it could take days or weeks. Is there a macro out there that can do this??

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Excel 2007 :: VBA - Add New Rows If A Condition Is Met

Feb 16, 2014

how can I write a routine to add rows in one Sheet if a condition which involves a different Sheet is met (excel 2007).

In Sheet 1 is a list of ("liquid") names (cells C4:C26) which will need to be expanded should the IF condition be satisfied. In row 27 I have a subtotal (whihc is using data from columns D onwards), and from row 29 down cells are not empty.

The condition I want to verify is in Sheet 4-column I, where it is reported whether a name is classified as "liquid" or "illiquid". If the number of "liquid" names in sheet4-column I is more than the number of names in Sheet1-C4:C26 I would like to add as many rows as the difference between the two lists. Also I would like to make sure that the subtotals that I have in row 27 (and that will be shifted down when new rows are added) will also inlcude the data in the new rows (the subtotal is taking data from columns D onwards).

Should the code need to inlcude the name of the tabs, Sheet 1 is called Summary and Sheet 4 CDS Data.

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Excel 2007 :: Delete Red Rows Only

Aug 13, 2013

I have a large file with a bunch of color coding and need to delete my red rows only.

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Excel 2007 :: Combine Multiple Rows Into One

Jan 10, 2012

I have a list of about 4,000 contacts each with about 2 or 3 products with us. Each product creates a new contact row.

I would like to merge each row with the same contact into one row.

I have attached an example : Example test.xlsx‎

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Excel 2007 :: Freezing Top Two Rows As Headings

Jan 19, 2014

Trying to freeze top 2 rows as headings.

I select top two rows then

Under VIEW / FREEZE FRAMES I select Freeze ... according to current selection.

But what freezes are rows 1-15 and colums A-N, which I never selected.

How do I get Excel to freeze just the top 2 rows?

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Excel 2007 :: Copy Rows To New File

Jan 24, 2012

I have files that have thousands of rows in them with company names. The rows contain the company name plus lots of other info. I'd like to be able to create files or sheets with the company name as the file or sheet name with the respective rows contained within it. Make sense?

For example:

Original file or sheet
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jul Sams Expense Desk
Jan Freds Expense Doughnuts
Jun Sams Deposit Return
Feb Sams Expense Food
Dec Freds Expense TV

Would become:

Sheet or File Sams
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jul Sams Expense Desk
Jun Sams Deposit Return
Feb Sams Expense Food

Sheet or File Freds
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jan Freds Expense Doughnuts
Dec Freds Expense TV

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Excel 2007 :: Controlling Rows Via CheckBoxes?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a spread sheet whereby it contains:

- 12 unique values in column 6 which represent states within the country.
- 7 unique values in column 25 which represent the types of services.
- 5 unique values in column 27 which represent the days for doing the services.

I also have a user form that contains CheckBoxes equivalent to all above unique values, and I want the CheckBoxes to do the duty of a filter, whereby after selecting the needed CheckBoxes and clicking on a seperate botton "creating report", I want to show on the spread sheet only the rows of the values being checked and all other rows which don't contain the needed values should be either hidden or deleted.

I'm using Microsoft 2007 on Windows 7.

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Excel 2007 :: RANK Within Only Some Of Table Rows

Apr 22, 2012

Excel 2007 holds data of mine in a "format as table" Table. I want to rank the values in one column. Normally I want to do that by ranking the value in the current row against all the remaining values in that column. That is easy.

I got stuck today when I wanted to rank the value of the field in the current row with only a subset of the values in the column. I want to rank the current against the half-dozen or so records that have "A" in an adjacent column, and rank values having "B" in that other column against only the other values a "B" and so forth.

It would be best for all this to be done in formulas in the table rather than a clever use of a pivot or other? But really, I may be open to different approach than I was trying for if I can use successfully!

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Excel 2007 :: Select Empty Rows

Oct 29, 2012

Is there a way to select completely empty rows in Excel 2007 (Win 7)? I have found directions for highlighting empty cells (f5, Special, Blanks...), but sometimes the cells selected will be in rows with other filled cells in them so that doesn't really do what I need.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Find Unique Rows

Jul 29, 2013

I am wanting to find rows that with unique values in the first column, and then take those rows and display them in a more readable format. The section titled input is an example of information that would be pulled from a query into Excel. The Desired Output section is how I would like the info to be displayed. If this is possible without VBA then that is even better.

Excel 2007


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