Excel 2010 :: Bottom To Top Counting With One Criteria (Up To Blank)

Jul 7, 2014

find the attached excel 2010 file <Count LBP or UBP.xlsx>.

My requirement is if `LBO' is available (in Column A) then the formula should count the number of `LBP' available above the `LBO' upto the blank cell. If there is no `LBP' above the `LBO' then it should plot zero in Correponding Column B Cell. If 2 `LBP's available above the `LBO' upto balnk space it should plot `2' in Correponding Column B Cell.

As like `LBO' and `LBP' the formula should work for `UBO' & `UBP'. refer the attached excel file.

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Excel 2010 :: Counting Bank Cells Based On Changing Criteria?

Oct 30, 2013

I am using Excel 2010.

BTES worksheet:
acct# Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13
13245 850
12458 850
12385 1500

MainList - F2= (current month)

Based on the current month (which I planned on typing in) on the MainList worksheet I need to count how many blank cells are in the table above. The information above is on a separate worksheet but I can change that in the formula. Every month gets a new column.

This is what I have but its not working correctly: =SUMPRODUCT(--(BTES!AD1:BQ18=F2),--(BTES!AD1:BQ18" "))

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Excel 2010 :: Counting Cells With Multiple Criteria On Multiple Sheets In Workbook

Aug 5, 2012

I am using MS Office 2010. I want to count---on multiple sheets---the number of times that a given cell is greater than another cell if and only if a third cell is equal to a given value. I want to do this for 4 sets of data on each sheet. I thought I had it figured out with this formula---


but it returns a value of zero each time. Clearly there is an error in the formula.

Here is some background:
-- $H$1:$H$43 is a block of cells that has the names of the sheets in the workbook
-- E1 and F1, G1 and H1, I1 and J1, K1 and L1 are the four groups of cells that I am comparing.
In the entire workbook, I want to add 1 (counting function) only when:
R1=2 AND E1>F1 or
S1=2 AND G1>H1 or
T1=2 AND I1>J1
U1=2 and K1>L1
on each appropriate sheet in the workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Prevent Scrolling To Bottom Row

Jun 28, 2011

I'm currently creating a workbook whereby I have (regrettably) highlighted entire columns and formatted these columns to show borders. The reason I did this was because drawing them in manually (I thought) would take much longer with the way the worksheet is laid out.

Obviously highlighting the entire column has meant that borders were drawn all the way down to the bottom row of the workbook, and so the vertical scroll bar cannot effectively be 'dragged' up and down as even a tiny movement will cause it to scroll right past the worksheet.

I have tried running a macro to clear contents and formatting for all the unused rows, but the scroll bar remains to be a pain.

I want the scroll bar to only scroll down to a few cells below the available work space like it should do.

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Excel 2010 :: Place Textbox Between X Axis And Bottom Border Of Chart

Oct 27, 2011

In Excel 2010 I need to place a text box between the X axis and the bottom border of a chart.

How can increase the white space between the X axis and the bottom border to allow me to do this?

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Counting Blank Cells In Range And Multiple Criteria

May 29, 2013

I have the following table

Team A
Team A


I need to fill the following table in another sheet counting the amount of Blank cell there are according to Month, Team and if the name row is filled. I have tried Sumifs, sumproduct,countblank typing them in as arrays but don't seem to be getting anywhere

Team A
Team B

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Excel 2010 :: VLookup Result Blank If Column Index Number Is Blank

Mar 3, 2014

The below piece of code carries out a vlookup on a defined cells value and produces a result in sheet one, however if the column index number in sheet 2 (Database) is empty the result 00/01/1900 is produced.

I'm not sure how to say leave the result blank if the column index number is blank.

Excel 2010
Userform = Tab 1
Database = Tab 2

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Excel 2003 :: Conditional Format Top / Mid / Bottom 33% Of Cells But Ignoring Blank Cells

Mar 25, 2012

I am trying to conditionally format the top middle and bottom thirds of a range of data. Problem is, that the range needs to be flexible as sometimes there may be a maximum of 36 cells with data, but sometimes there may be less (so there are blank cells in the range that need not be counted). The methods I have tried always include the blank cells, and so it is not equally formatting the thirds (as it includes the blanks cells as part of the bottom data)....

Here are the 2 methods Ive tried so far using excel 2003)
Top 34%:
$38)*34%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*67%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*100%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Dates And Counting Occurrences?

May 28, 2014

I am using Excel 2010, and trying to count the number of times a certain name occurs within a specified date period. The date range start date is manually entered in F7, and the date range end date is manually entered in F8. I need to be able to choose different reporting periods. The answer to this question goes into F3.

I also want to know how many working days (Column D) it takes per name. A working day is Monday-Friday, less public holidays. In this period there have been public holidays from 24 December until 2 January (inclusive), 20 January, 6 February, 18 April, 21 April, and 25 April. I put these dates manually into the worksheet "Holidays".

For the number of times a certain name occurs I tried the COUNTIFS function but keep getting a "zero" value. I used the NETWORKINGDAYS function for the working days and have incorporated the holiday periods. That seems to work OK and I can live with the negative date values showing here.

The really tricky part for me - can I combine the COUNTIFS (assuming it works) and NETWORKINGDAYS functions into a single function to only count the working days of a specific name. As some names have yet to be completed (i.e. there is no data in Column C) how do I not count those? The answer to this question goes into F4.

There will be about 6 of these spreadsheets, and I intend to link all worksheet data into a "master" spreadsheet which automatically updates whenever it is opened. The separate spreadsheets are stored in a document management system rather than a network drive so I can't state a filepath.

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Excel 2010 :: Counting HTML Checkbox Values

Feb 1, 2013

I am copying a large table of data from a report generated in Firefox and pasting it into Excel 2010. The data has several columns of html checkboxes. I need to do two things with the checkboxes and would like to do a third:

1: Count how many checkboxes are ticked in each of the columns.
2: Compare a column A of checkboxes to a column B containing numbers, and then both count and highlight any row where the checkbox is ticked but column B is a 0.
3: (optional) I would like to erase the html checkboxes and, if the box was checked, replace it with a regular x in the underlying cell.

I found some code on another forum that generates a list of values for each checkbox (vba - Obtain the value of an HTML Checkbox inserted in Excel worksheet - Stack Overflow).

Based on that, I recorded a macro to extract the html Name of a single checkbox and then set up a Vlookup for the True/False value. However, I can't figure out how to automate a vlookup for every individual checkbox and put the data in the appropriate underlying cell.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Or Counting Based On Text Colour

Sep 10, 2013

I have a database of names in one column in excel 2010 and over time I have coloured the text of some of the names green to show that they have been added to a new online database. I want to be able to count how many of the names have been coloured so I can see if it matches with the total number already added on to the online database. I have over 800 entries so I don't want to have to manually count them unless I find I have missed any. Conditional Formatting is greyed out (it is a Shared document so that might be why).

in creating an IF (text is a certain colour) THEN 1, 0 or any others ways I can find the total in that colour. I only have two text colours in my spread sheet, black and light green.

Example of Table.JPG

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Excel 2010 :: Counting Cells With Interior Colors Set Via Conditional Formatting

Jan 3, 2014

How to sort out a way to count cells whose fill colors have been set via conditional formatting.

I'm sure that I was once able to use Chip Pearson's CountOfCF function back in the days of Excel 2003, as it worked around the 3 condition limit and used .ColorIndex which assumed that you'd only ever be formatting using the .ColorIndex values of 1 to 56, but I can't seem to be able to get it to work in 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Opens To Blank Row After Last Row Of Data?

Mar 31, 2014

When I had Excel 2010 and now with Excel 2013, whenever I open a workbook, it opens and displays to the row AFTER the last row of data. (So, if my last row of data is 38205, it will open starting at row 38206...hence I see no data until I hit Ctrl+Home). I have not found anything about this on the internet and I cannot find a setting. I need Excel to open to A1 so I don't freak out every time I open a workbook and see no data.

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Excel 2010 :: Average Non-Blank Or Zero Cells

Sep 10, 2012

I have a sequence of 40 columns of data, representing 10 weeks worth of events with 4 values per week

I need to average the first pair for each week, ignoring zeros and blanks, and also separately the 2nd pair of cells, across the whole 40 columns

I am trying to come up with a neater solution which takes into account the zeros, at the moment I have the following which does not, for row 34


I could use SUM, COUNT COUNTIF etc but its gonna get messy

Using EXCEL 2010

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Excel 2010 :: VLookup For First Non-blank Cell

Feb 5, 2013

I have a table in columns A-D. I am trying to perform a vlookup to return the first non-blank in columns B-D based on the lookup value in column A. Columns F-I are what I am looking for the formula to do. I think I am close with the following array formula but not quite there.

Excel 2010LMN12#N/A3Sheet1Array FormulasCellFormulaM2{=INDEX($B$2:$D$9,MATCH($F$2,$A$2:$A$9,FALSE),
MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(INDEX($B$2:$D$9,MATCH($F$2,$A$2:$A$9,FALSE),0)<>"",),FALSE))}Entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
If entered correctly, Excel will surround with curly braces {}.

Note: Do not try and enter the {} manually yourself

Excel 2010ABCDEFGHIJKL1PFQPFQ212341234CRWEWS312343456

What I want it to return, vlookup of first non-blank
What table looks like20Sheet1

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Excel 2003 :: Counting Occurrences Involving Two Criteria In Separate Columns?

Nov 13, 2013

I'm using Excel 2003 and I need to calculate the number of occurrences on according to different criteria in two separate colums.

I am on Sheet 3 and the data I am analyzing is on Sheet 1, titled "RATES". I wish to know how many occurrences are when the word "GB" appears on column B (cells B2 to B100) along with a value greater than zero on column M (cells M2 to M100). The word "GB" does not appear alone but is part of a string of text with different words, I think this is relevant.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Blank Column?

Jan 27, 2014

Why do blank columns with no information sometimes appear when I prepare pivot tables? Excel Version 2010. I hide the columns, but many times they re-appear on screen or print-outs.

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Excel 2010 :: Auto Summary From Non-Blank Cells

Aug 21, 2012

I have created a comparison sheet and compares my old one from last week to the new one I create for this week.
It populates cells with the differences and shows me the data from the new sheet. But since my they are so massive A5:AZ20,000 I want to create an auto summary or something.

Column A has each properties Unique Identifier And the rest is various info for the property. I would like it to return my unique ID and then the columns with new data that has showed up from the comparison some are text and some are numbers.

Also I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Default Blank Page Settings?

Apr 23, 2012

My office recently upgraded to Office 2010 and we would like (in the accounting department that I work in) to change the default number formating in a blank sheet to Number, 0 Decimals, using seperators, from the current default of general format number.

I have looked for the Book.xltx file to replace but can't see it any where.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Fill Blank Cells Pivot Table

Dec 19, 2012

how to fill the blank cells in a Pivot table. I am using Excel 2007. How to do it in excel 2007. Heard that there is a provision in excel 2010 version.

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Blank Row In Table Without Copying Formula

Mar 15, 2013

I am trying to insert a blank row into a table (created using the table function in Excel 2010) without the copying the formulas. Every time I insert a row the the formula is copied.

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Excel 2010 :: Transposing Data With Blank Rows In Columns

Feb 10, 2014

We utilize large data sheets that can be as large as 300K in rows and 10 to 15 columns wide. Because of how we receive the data, we are forced to manipulate things so that all matching data for a record ends up on a single row. (e.g. Record#, Document Type, Husband Name, Wife Name, Wife Maiden Name, Etc.)

Right now here's how the data is received:


Using two vba scripts, we first separate the data with row spaces between the unique data as follows:




Then with another script, we transpose the data as follows:

a a a
b b
c c c c
d d d
e e e e

When we transpose the data, the end result starts at the top of the page and go down eliminating the original blank rows. Not a huge issue but I would like to be able to maintain the original data format of the rows so that the data matches the original sheet line for line. The end result would give me the data as follows...

a a a
b b
c c c c
d d d
e e e e e

where the vertical gaps between the letters matches the original rows. Like I said, not a huge issue since we can rejoin the transposed data to the original data fairly easily. But it would be nice if we could end up with the above format for speed sake.

The two scripts we use, one-to insert the rows and two-to transpose, take a very long time to run with the transpose script taking the longest by far. On a 30K row sheet, it will take on our systems around 30 minutes to transpose and about 15 minutes to insert rows. Because we have several columns that need to be transposed, a 30K row sheet will take at least 2 hours to complete. A 300K row sheet, that will take 10 to 15 hours to complete.

Is there any way to speed up the scripts either by upgrading to a faster CPU and or writing the scripts to preform faster?

My preferred solution would be to write (have) a formula to preform the transposition that gives me the results as noted above since formula's run so much faster than vba. Is this possible? I have tried all kinds of formulas and can not come close and of course the straight transpose function does not give me the solution I need as noted above.

I have enclosed an excel 2010 spreadsheet with 10K rows of data in rows along with the scripts I use (nothing sensitive here). The tabs at the bottom shows you the data before I transpose, then the data after it has been transposed . To speed up the scripts, I have stripped away the all the rest of the data from the original sheet except just what I need to transpose at one time. Once that is completed, we then re-join the transposed data with the original sheet. The six digit number you see to the far left of the data is the record ID number from the original data. We use this to rejoin the transposed data with the original data so that we know everything is back where it should be. (Note: The insert rows script is run on the original data and not the data you see on the enclosed spreadsheet. That is the only way we can generate unique rows with matching ID numbers. We arrive at this by taking the original data, concatenate the record ID with the column we want to transpose and add a # between the two so that we can break things back apart after the transposition using the text to column function using the # as the separator.)

The sheet I have attached is in the 2010 Macro Enabled format...(xlsm format). We use the xlsb (binary) format for the data to reduce the file size as our normal procedure and run the macros from inside that format. Changing from the xlsx to xlsb format did seem to speed up the scripts a bit and greatly improved the file performance as a whole e.g. saving and loading.

One thing I have done to speed up the scripts is to strip all the data away that is not needed for the transposition. That did work but only a marginal amount.

We are using windows 8.0 with 4G memory and your basic processor speed...e.g. nothing fancy.....just your basic stock computer. Nothing else unusual is installed or running on the computer or at the time the scripts are running.

For those of you that process large sheets, how much of a performance upgrade will we see in processing our scripts by either upgrading memory to 8G (or more or much more) and or getting a faster processor? Or have we reached the maximum script speed already? Or is this a limit to Excel.

One other issue to note: As I stated above, on the 30K row sheets, not a super problem with about 2 hours needed to run the scripts on all the data on the sheet. But on the 300K row sheets, it can take 12 or more hours to run and there are times when things 'lock up' running the scripts on sheets this size.

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Excel 2010 :: Autofill Entering Data Against Blank Cells

Jan 23, 2014

In earlier versions if I used the double clicked the autofill handle it would only fill down to the next adjacent cell containing data. Now it fills down to the bottom of all the data regardless of whether there is a blank cell or not e.g


Now this happens

X X ...Z

How can I stop this as I need to enter different data in the next section?

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Excel 2010 :: COUNTIF With 2 Criteria From Same Row

May 13, 2014

How to total 2 different criteria from the same row?

Here is one option I was trying but does not work COUNTIF((E5:AT5,"D12")+(E5:AT5,"LD12"))/18

Basically I want Excel to count up the number of times the value "D12" and "LD12" occur in the range E5:AT5 and then divide that total by 18.

I have it working to count only the "D12" but am unsure how to have it count 2 different criteria. I am using version 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: DCOUNT With 1 Criteria?

Jun 10, 2014

I am using Excel 2010.I have a Advanced Filter that has removed 2 list, with 3 criterias, List ( or DB1 ) is based off 1 item " Pay type ( hourly / Salary )" , then the 2nd List is based off 2 Criteria's Job type , and Less than a number, I am able to do the filter just fine, but i am requried to DCOUNT theses.

here are the ranges for the Default Table: A6:H45 (without headers)

List1 is in J6:Q27
List2 is in J33:Q37

*Both are without headers also*

I am asked to "DCOUNT"

List 1 based (A6:H45,"Type",L30)
List 2 based (A6:H45,"Job Type"+"Salary(has to be

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Blank Rows At The Bottom

Nov 25, 2009

I am only using 581 rows in my worksheet. Excel's scrollbar lets me scroll down to 682...

I have tried everything from Google ranging from...
- Selecting all the blank rows, deleting them via right click menu
- Saving and re-opening the workbook
- Running pre-made macros, making my own macros

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Excel 2010 :: Not Able To Remove Blank Cells In New List Keeps Repeating Same Item?

May 21, 2013

I have a list that I need to move to another column without spaces. I have it moving without spaces but it is only one item over and over again. I am using Excel 2010 and that may be my issue. I have attached the exact worksheet and formula.

To Buy List.xlsx‎

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Excel 2010 :: Insert Page Breaks Automatically In Blank Rows?

Jun 14, 2014

We have a schedule that creates an Excel file which separates each order by blank rows. I need each order to be separated by a page break, so each order prints on a separate sheet.

Each order entry is 1 or 2 rows

Using Excel 2010/2013 although the file produced is an xls file.

Columns A to J are populated

Rows 1 & 2 are the header

I have tried a macro that involves me doing a countif and counting entries in the row, and if they add to 10 it inserts a page break, but its bit long winded and only seemed to work once.

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Excel 2010 :: Using IF And Results That Satisfy 2 Of 3 Criteria

Apr 30, 2014

I'm trying to evaluate if 2 of the 3 criteria are met using an IF function in Excel 2010.

I have 3 columns of data. Each column has a number ranging from 0-15.
B2 = 0
C2 = 3
D2 = 4

Since B2 = 0, I'd like to have the equation return a 'Yes' because there are values greater than 0 for 2 of the three cells.

The hangup is that any of the three cells could potentially equal 0, so the equation must account for C2 or D2 being zero.

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Excel 2010 :: Sumproduct With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 20, 2014

I am using excel 2010.

I have a spreadsheet with the following:

Column E is a product. If that product is ordered, any character is entered in that cell
Column F has a due date
Column I has the received date

What I want is to count the number of cells that have any character in column E AND the received date is later than the due date

These two formulas are working fine alone but I cannot get them to work together.


I have tried all kinds of tweeks to the following to no avail:


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