Excel 2010 :: Reduce Many (and Variable) Spaces Between Text Strings With One Space Only

Jun 12, 2014

is there a way to reduce spaces between text stings to one space only when there are many spaces? To make it worse, the number of spaces between the text strings vary. I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Return Multiple Text Strings From Other Worksheet

Mar 7, 2014

I need a formula or array to perform the following in Excel 2010:

I have 2 worksheets "Master Report" and "Free text comments". The master report will be shaed with individuals but the Free Text comments worksheet will not.

sample feedback report.xlsx

In cells D2 downwards on the "Master Report" I want to show the individual feedback comments from the "Free Text comments" worksheet that have been made by other people for the individual named in cell A2 on the "Master Report" worksheet. So on James' master report it would show the 8 individual comments listed for him on the Free text comments" worksheet.

I have searched the internet and tried various combos of lookups, IFs, index and match but have not come across the right formula yet.

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Separate Text Strings With Variable Lengths

Jan 29, 2014

I need to separate the text in "A" to "B" & "C", however, the length of "A" varies. Here's an example.


[Code] ....

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Extract Strings From Range Of Variable Length Text

Jan 18, 2008

I have the following issue. I have a list of strings. Each string contains certain characters that are exactly the same for all strings, some characters are different making the string longer (in some cases). What I need to do is extract some combination of characters from each string. The strings look like this:

AB & CDE & FG & I mmmm yyyy.HIJK
AB & CDE & FG & II mmmm yyyy.HIJK

The part "AB & CDE & FG & " (incl. spaces) is the same for each string. The next part contains a roman count from I to VII, causing the length of each string to vary. The "mmmm" part contains the current month spelled in full e.g. December. This part differs as well, for each string. The "yyyy" part contains the year in four digits, e.g. 2007. The part after the dot is the same for each string again.

What I need to do:
- is to extract the month and assign it to a new string
- extract the year and assign it to a new string
- extract the roman number, translate it to a normal number (II -> 2) and assign to a string (or integer).

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Excel 2010 :: Pasting Space Separated Values?

May 9, 2013

I have some text out of note pad in the following format

"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"
"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"

There is several lines like this. I need to copy it out of notepad and paste it into excel where every word in quotes is in its own cell. Right now if I paste it everything goes into cell A1.

I am using excel 2010..

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Excel 2010 :: Quick Remove Spaces Macro?

Oct 29, 2012

I'm working on a sheet with about 10,000 rows and 8 columns worth of data. Most of them are formatted as 12345,12345,12345,23456 how they are supposed to be, but some of them will have spaces inbetween each sequence, or some even a couple spaces, or spaces at the end. For the most part I can use the replacement function with ", " to "," but some of the double spaces throw it off, and end spaces also. Is there a macro that can just search through the selected cells I pick to just remove all spaces so the data falls back onto the commas?

Working in excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Replace Function Missing Strings In Merged Range?

Jun 11, 2014

I've recently been making a macro in visual basic that loops through all my excel files and replaces an old company name to a new company name and It's working great, well except for one thing... It always misses one string in the file and it leaves me with 90% of the file corrected. I think that the string might be a part of a merged range so Range.Find is not able to find it. I was suggested to use this code:

[Code] ......

Because that's the code that is generated when using the replace function in MS Excel 2010, but I keep getting syntax errors?

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Excel 2011 :: Find Multiple Text Strings In Another Text String

Mar 8, 2013

How do I use an Excel formula to find which (if any) multiple sets, each of up to 50 words, exist in a series of rows of a spreadsheet - if set A has one or more words found in a searched cell.

A positive result will return a specific value in the designated result cell. If none of the words in Set A is found in the searched cell, the formulae will repeat the test for the words in Set B, and so on.

After all 50 sets of words have been tested, the formula will move to the next cell in the searched column.

New words will be added to the sets of words continually as required.

Multiple words within sets are included in double quotes. Within each set of words there will be some n-tuples of words (i.e. 24 adjacent words) that contain one or more of the words in the set, but for which the formula will be required to return a negative result. Example: Set A = word 1, word2, word 3, "word1 word2 word3". (The words within a set could also be each entered in separate columns, as opposed to all included in a single cell.) The single column of text to be searched is about 10,000 rows.

I am wanting to use the above in a spreadsheet that contains data downloaded from a series of bank accounts to automatically allocate items of expenditure to one of 20 or so different categories of expenditure.

The formula will search the description field to find words that are used in the in the downloaded files from the various accounts to describe each transaction.

If a word describing travel expenditure (e.g. hotel, "holiday inn" but not "holiday travel") is found in the description of an expenditure item - the item cost will be allocated to the TRAVEL EXPENDITURE column, which is one of 20 or so different categories of expenditure.

Happy to consider a different solution if the task can be done better a different way.

Tried using a combination of INDEX/SEARCH/IF in Excel, but was not able to get a correct result. PS I am using Excel 2011 for Mac - which does not allow macros, so the solution needs to be entirely formula based.

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Combining Cells (strings With Spaces)

Nov 21, 2013

I have the below data that I need to concatenate, merge... I'm not sure.

The data looks like this currently:

So that it reads in one sentence, e.g. Northumberland; Newcastle; North Tyneside; South Tyneside (note - no "." or ";" at the end of the string).

I had come up with this formula -

=IF(A11>0,A11&"; ","")&IF(B11>0,B11&"; ","")&IF(C11>0,C11&"; ","")&IF(D11>0,D11&"; ","")&IF(E11>0,E11&"; ","")&IF(F11>0,F11&"; ","")&IF(G11>0,G11&"; ","")&IF(H11>0,H11&"; ","")&IF(I11>0,I11&"; ","")&IF(J11>0,J11&"; ","")&IF(K11>0,K11&"; ","")&IF(L11>0,L11&"; ","")&IF(M11>0,M11&"; ","")&IF(N11>0,N11&"; ","")&IF(O11>0,C11&"","")

Which works fine if there is a value in cell O, but if not, then a semi-colon appears at the end of the string. It also seems incredibly clunky.

Basically, I'm struggling (being a total n00b) to get the semi-colons in the right place, blank cells to be skipped or not included, and for there to be no semi-colon after the last value.

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Change Macro To Include Strings With Spaces

Jul 22, 2006

I have created (via recording) a very simple macro in Microsoft Word to convert a fraction of the form a/b to the form where a is directly over b with a horizontal line between them (like how you would actually write it in math class). Before I send it to my co-workers, I want to beef it up a little.

Right now, it will only work if a and b are integers or if a and b are words or phrases with no spaces (i.e. change/time will convert correctly but the phrase change in x/change in y will not). Also, it would be great if it could work with parenthesis (i.e. (2x-1)/(2x+1)).

Just so you know, I am very comfortable working with code in order to come up with a beefier macro. However, Word uses Visual Basic and I'm afraid I don't know much about the syntax of that code. So, if any of you know of a site I could view to learn a little Visual Basic or if you know a site that already has good code already written for this purpose, I would be much obliged.

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Locate Text String After First Space And Before Last Space

May 26, 2007

I have been working on different formulas to return the text string between the first and last space and have been unsuccessful. Is this possible?

I have tried several combos or Left and Right, I have been able to get the values after the first space, and the values before the last space, but not between the spaces.

String: Y60

Desired results: D60

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Remove All Text Left Of Space And The Space

Feb 10, 2007

I have two words of differing character lengths separated by a space.

How can I remove the first word... essentially, all the charcters to the left of the space AND the space itself?

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Excel 2007 :: Extracting And Adding Values From Within Text Strings?

Jun 2, 2013

I am trying to extract values from a text string and add them up in Excel 2007. So far i have been successful in extracting the value out of the text string like this - =MID(I6,AD6,3) where AD6 holds the position number in the text string to start from. So it's working OK for one row but i need to do the same thing on multiple rows where the text string can be in different columns and I'd like it to automatically pick up the non-blank cell.

each row only has one column with text in it and the value i need to extract is always after "$". this is a working spreadsheet so the text string could move from column to column over time and I'd like my formula to be able to detect which column to read from. I then need to add up all the values from each row.

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Excel 2007 :: Looping Through Text Strings And Copying Based On Criteria

Sep 17, 2012

I have 2 excel files, let's call them 1.xlsx and 2.xlsx (excel 2007)

File 1 is the file where I want data copied into and file 2 is the file I want to copy data from.

File 1 has certain text strings in every say 5th column in always row 2. I want to find those strings in file 2 and if the string is found, go 6 rows down, copy the cell, and paste it into file 1, 8 rows down the text string. this is the code I came up with, but it doesn't work

Option Explicit
Sub get_data_from_2()

Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim FinalColumn As Long
Dim RngFrom As Range

[Code] .......

the bolded part gives me an error.

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Excel 2010 :: Lookup From Variable Table

Mar 13, 2012

I need to return a value dependent on a few criteria. Type will be selected via a drop down and then it must lookup the same type in the top row and then the value which will be between two values and then return the grade on the far left.


I am using Excel 2010 on Win 7

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Excel 2010 :: Average Function With A Variable

Jan 4, 2014

I am working with Excel 2010 and I have a problem that I can't seem to figure out. I am trying to find the first nonzero cell and begin an average function from that cell and down through 29 rows (a total of 30 rows).

Sub average()

FinalRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
For I = 3 To FinalRow
If Cells(I,3).Value 0 Then
'I use the above to identify the first nonzero cell
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "average(........)

This is where I am stuck, I don't know how to code the first nonzero (which can change with different data) cell and average rows below it.

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Reduce Row Range In Existing Worksheet To Reduce File Size

Dec 17, 2013

I have a problem where I extended a formula down to over 40,000 records which has increased the file size substantially. I only need it to scroll down to a few thousand rows now that I realized that there is alot less data to populate the worksheet. Is there any way to get it back to a scroll range that is more modest in size?

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Passing Word Variable To Excel In Office 2010

Apr 2, 2013

I'm trying to pass a variable from Word to Excel. Basically I have a Word document with a plain text content control in it. I'll have users populate this field. I know how to create a reference to that content contol in Word VBA that'll tell me what's in that content control (eg.

MyWordVar = ActiveDocument.ContentControls(1).Range.Text

What I can't figure out is how to pass the value of "MyWordVar" to a variable in Excel.

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Excel 2010 :: Use Variable Instead Of Range In Worksheet Formula

Dec 3, 2013


I am using the above formula in my code with two Named Ranges

Set Rng3 = Range("_NamedRng1").Offset(1, 0)


I want to set the range $B$49:$F$49 in my code and I have tried the above, but it does not work.

I want to allow for the fact my end user may insert rows so do not want to use $B$49:$F$49

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Excel 2003 :: Concatenate Text Strings From Column Using Multiple Criteria Condition (formula)

Dec 20, 2012

I am looking for a way of creating the following conditioned concatenation.

I have two tables, let's call them "summary" and "detailed".

The "detailed" table is something like the following:





The "summary" table below gets info from the "detailed" table. The 'ID'is now unique. I'm looking for a formula on the 'VOL (concatenated)' column cells it should get all rows from the "detailed" table with the same ID and then concatenate the 'VOL' column results, comma separated:

ID (unique)
VOL (concatenated)

V01, V03, V05

V01, V04


PS: I have people using this table with office 2003, so compatibility is necessary...

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Excel 2010 :: Keystroke To Select Variable Name From Dropdown List?

Jan 23, 2013

I've defined a number of variables in my spreadsheet. When I want to use one I type "=variablename" and 'm presented with a list menu.jpg

In the above example, I have several variables starting with the word "Harvard" (a town, not the university :-)

How do I select one of these without having to double click with the mouse.

Up and down arrows allow me to highlight an item but I cannot find a keystroke that allows me to select the highlighted item. Instead I have to lift my hand off the keyboard and use the mouse.

Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: How To Match Worksheet Names Against Global Variable

Jun 10, 2013

I would like to ask the user if when the name the worksheet the same as an already existing spreadsheet tabe if they would like to overwrite it or unload the user form.

I am not sure of two things:

1. how to find the already existing tab?

2. Once I find out how do I programatically delete it, so the code can continue

The code below works with the exception of the last section (trying to achieve the questions stated above).

I am using Excel 2010.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If TextBox1.Value = blank Then 'Need name for processing
MsgBox ("Name must not be blank.")
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(TextBox1.Value) > 12 Then


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Excel 2010 :: Search Variable Folder And Insert First JPEG

Jul 17, 2013

I am after tips on creating a macro in Excel 2010 where it will search a list of folder paths in a column on a spreadsheet and insert a jpeg within the sheet from that folder if it exists. If more than one jpeg exists i would like it to insert the first jpeg only. i have found tips where it will insert images if you know the filename, however I don't have this luxury as file naming routines vary from folder to folder the only constant is that the file is a .jpg format.

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Remove Only One Space If There Is Space From The End Of Text

Apr 10, 2013

I only want to remove one space at the end of my text within a cell, if there is a space.

Sub hth()
Dim c As Range

For Each c In Range("H1", Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
c.Value = Trim(c.Value)
Next c
End Sub

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Excel 2010 :: ODBC Connection String With Multiple Variable (WHERE) Requirements

Dec 29, 2013

With VBA in Excel 2010 I am connecting to a SQL server by using ODBC.

This is a two part process:

Part one:I have created a connection string that gets me the following data: A, B, C, D, E from sheet tpoPurchOrder Where B is equal to "1" And Where C is equal to a changing field under Sheets("Macros").Range("B2")

Here is part one


Sub Part1()
Sheets("Open PO by Vendor").Select
Sheets("Open PO by Vendor").Cells.Clear
With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
"ODBC;DSN=Connection;Description=Description;UID=USER;PWD=PASSWORD;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;WSID=Workstation;DATABASE=Database" _
, Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable


Part one works perfectly.

Part two is where I have problems.Part two is a little different because I have the same connection, but what changes is the table that I am looking at "tpoPOLine" instead of "tpoPurchOrder" and the where is now going to have a variable number of commands.

I want part two to be depend on part one. Under part one I want the result from column E to be a where statement in part two.

As follows:

In particular: *E3 from Part 1*, etc.

"SELECT tpoPOLine.Status, tpoPOLine.POKey, tpoPOLine.ItemKey, tpoPOLine.POLineNo, tpoPOLine.UnitCost, tpoPOLine.ExtAmt" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "FROM mas500_DII_app.dbo.tpoPOLine tpoPOLine" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "WHERE (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E2 from Part 1*) OR (" _
, _
"tpoPOLine.POKey=*E3 from Part 1* ) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E4 from Part 1*)" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "ORDER BY tpoPOLine.POKey" _

Now my problem is that sometimes the E column from part one ends up being 1 row, sometimes it ends up being 50 rows. I would like the code to change accordingly.

1. Pull everything from the SQL server filter once in excel. This is not as efficient as the database has ~300,000 rows in the tpoPOline table and would take a lot longer then needed.

2. Create a nested if table and


WHERE (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E2 from Part 1*) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E3 from Part 1* ) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E4 from Part 1*)"

to the value of that nested if table

The nested if table would be something like =if(isblank(E2),"E1",if(isblank(E3)... etc for ~50 rows. I know the syntax is incorrect but you get my point.

3. Rerun the query for each value in column E. That would require the connection to happen ~50 times which would not be that great, as well as I would have to copy and paste the data after each run as the tables cannot overlap.

What I am looking for is a way to run this only once, on one sheet, without writing a nested if table with 50 if's.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro For Replacing Text In HTM Document - Text To Change Different Every Time

Mar 18, 2014

I am my excel worksheet (excel 2010) I have one cell that changes every day (number). I want this number to open my htm document and replace the same number in a string in the htm and save/close this.

An example:
My htm document is located at C:/ and named XX.htm

The number I want from excel is in cell A1 in sheet1, and the worksheet is located in D:/ named yy.xlsx

And the text(number) I want to replace is in the following string in the htm document, in this string it is 72, next day it can be 30:


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Cut/Reduce Cell Text Length

May 2, 2008

I have a cell with 200+ character, I only want the 40 first character is there a function that will give me only those 40 first character or do I have to use a "=len" and manually remove the extra characters?)

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Passing A Range Of Strings To Vba Variable

Apr 3, 2007

I'm trying to pass a vector with in Strings (words) to a VBA variable, but something is not working.

That's how I'm writing: ...

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Reduce Memory Size Of Excel Workbook?

Jul 11, 2012

if there are any simple steps that can be taken to reduce the size of an Excel workbook short of deleting information. I have an Excel file which is taking to long to open and save. The file size is approx 5,450kb.

The file cotains Macros, Formulae, Named Ranges and Colour formatting.

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Remove Space Between Variable And Constant Part Of File Name?

Jun 7, 2014

I have 800+ files the problem is that the file name ends in 80 different combination so I need to try all of those for each file.

eg: one of the 800 is "109 st no 103 av" the file could be called:
"109 st no 103 av nb1_cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av nb 1_cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av nb 1._cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av sb1_cleaned.xls"

I wrote a code to try all those combinations, the issue lies a space the code adds before _cleaned, how to remove it?.

So the name should be
"109 st no 103 av nb1_cleaned.xls"
but my code is letting it be
109 st no 103 av nb1 _cleaned.xls

Where the variable Ord is the "1" after nb.

Find the code below:

[Code] ....

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