Extract Strings From Range Of Variable Length Text
Jan 18, 2008
I have the following issue. I have a list of strings. Each string contains certain characters that are exactly the same for all strings, some characters are different making the string longer (in some cases). What I need to do is extract some combination of characters from each string. The strings look like this:
AB & CDE & FG & I mmmm yyyy.HIJK
AB & CDE & FG & II mmmm yyyy.HIJK
The part "AB & CDE & FG & " (incl. spaces) is the same for each string. The next part contains a roman count from I to VII, causing the length of each string to vary. The "mmmm" part contains the current month spelled in full e.g. December. This part differs as well, for each string. The "yyyy" part contains the year in four digits, e.g. 2007. The part after the dot is the same for each string again.
What I need to do:
- is to extract the month and assign it to a new string
- extract the year and assign it to a new string
- extract the roman number, translate it to a normal number (II -> 2) and assign to a string (or integer).
I am trying to split up a cell into numbers and charachters and place them in separate columns, but the lenght of the number part varies as does the content of the character part.
For example, one cell could be 5#, 10Tins, 4 lb, 100Pcs, etc. I would like to be able to pull out the #, Tins, lb, and Pcs in to their own column.
I have found this formula: =LEFT(A1,FIND("-",A1,1)-1)
but it assumes some level of consistency, the "-" in the cell.
Hardware (somethingsmall) otherinfo Hardware ( somethingdisplaced) Blackbox item (somethingelse) other info Service(aservice)
I need to extract the data within the brackets allowing for additional spaces for use in a second query which will search for each individual line item in turn.
For some reason the query does not like searching for the raw data in it's current format so I'm trying to extract the key information for searching instead.
I can do it in excel by:
(Assuming data is in cell V36)
'in colum x =FIND("(",V36)
'in column y =FIND(")",V36)
'in column z =MID(V36,X36+1,Y36-(X36+2))
in column aa =IF(LEFT(Z36,1)=" ", MID(Z36,2,20),Z36)
I have tried doing this cleverly in VBA and failed and then ended up trying to enter this code in the cells within the VBA code and do it that way but I'm having difficulty in doing this also.
Am trying to devise a formula that will allow me to extract a date (not stored in date format or recognizable by excel as such: "DEC1/09") and then manipulate it so that excel can recognize it and change it to a "1-Jan-01" form. Problem for me is that functions such as LEFT MID and RIGHT are very specific and sensitive obviously to any additional characters. some of my dates are preceded by "CAN BND 4.25/09"; "CANB BND 4.25/09"; "BC BND 4.25/09" and so on, you get the idea im sure that they are of differing lengths. The dates are equally strewn around as some (these are bond maturities) are 1st of the month while others may hold dates in the middle-end...15th, 30th, 31st etc.
is there a formula that will recognize the dates in the text strings regardless of string length and then a subsequent formula to manipulate the date to proper format?
i.e. "CAN BND 4.25/09 DEC1/09" and "CANB BND 4.25/07 JUN15/07"
Converted into: "01-Dec-09" and "15-Jun-07"
Not that the other parts of the string don't matter, already have macro that can recognize and rip bond coupons.
An original text string entry appearing in an Excel cell would be:
"N7C Neuroprotective J5Z Antiviral, other M2Z Antiarthritic, other J5A Antiviral, anti-HIV"
I need to extract N7C, J5Z, M2Z and J5A from this string and list these alphanumeric values in separate cells adjacent to the original text string. The challenge is that these alphanumeric references may appear in different positions within the original string with no fixed value e.g. a "," separating them. The alphanumeric references may also be 3 or 4 characters in length and there may be different numbers of alphanumeric references in the original string.
Another example would be (very different from the first):
"T2Z Recombinant, other K5B Radio-chemoprotective J3Z Antibacterial, other D3A Vulnerary A10C Symptomatic antidiabetic K6Z Anticancer, other R8A Antiasthma B6A Septic shock treatment I1Z Immunostimulant, other S1Z Ophthalmological R8B Antiallergic, non-asthma M1A1 Anti-inflammatory"
You can see that in this further example "A10C" & "M1A1" are 4 character alphanumeric strings wheras the others feature 3 characters.
I need to parse out the different parts of Column M.
In Column R -- "Close Date", I'm successfully using: =LEFT(M2,FIND(" | ",M2)-1)
...to extract the close date of the donation.
In Column S, I want to list the donor name--which is all of the text after " | ", and before the "-".
I don't need anything after the hyphen, and fortunately in this data, no one's name has a hyphen in it.
The Close Date is working fine for the LEFT and FIND functions, but for the life of me, I can't seem to get MID to work for the variable-length text. The text will always start in the same position -- 14, as the date and delimiter are standardized. And the last 5 characters of the text are not variable in length, so they can be cut out completely.
How do I use MID to extract everything starting at position 14, and stopping 5 characters short of the end of the text?
In column E of row 1 I have one column with a long line of text containing information in that should be separated into cells for the following fields:
The formula above was inspired by an "extract text between two strings" post, but will not work.
I tried to make a formula that would extract everything between the strings "Notes:" and "Team Stream:" or for example, so I could get the result "Thank you for using our excel forum! thesmartestpeopleever.com" or "Year" and "Make" so I could get the result "2001" if using the example above. I was not able to do it.
I have attached a sample photo and an excel file.
How do I separate/extract each columns data to the appropriate column?
Attached Image : excel string pic.jpg‎
Attached File : excel string formula conundrum.xlsx‎
Need to write a Macro to only extract numbers from text, characters and numbers fields. I would like the numbers to be extracted in column B, C & D. I am only interested in numbers that begins with 200's, 800's and 4500's. see the attached file.
I have a range of data starting in C18, C17 is a label (DivsUsed) the number of rows can range from 1 to a few hundred.
I used the code below to name C18 onwards as a named range with the name DivsUsed and then to use this as a RowSource for a ListBox.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim rangeToName As Range 'Sheet2.Range("C18", Range("C65536").End(xlUp)).Name = "DivsUsed" Tried this too Set rangeToName = Sheet2.Range("C17", Range("C65536").End(xlUp)) rangeToName.CreateNames Top:=True ListBox2.RowSource = "DivsUsed" TextBox2.Value = Sheet2.Range("F2").Value 'This works ok End Sub
Both tries, and anything else I have tried, give the error " Method 'Range' of object _Worksheet failed".
Hey I got a long String like this "[...] increase of x.xx% [...]".
I am trying to extract only the percentage number which can be of variable length, so maybe 900.99% or 9.99%.
I tried this formula: =MID(G14,SEARCH("%",G14)-5,5) but this one doesnt bring the right results as the percentage figure is often not exactly 5 characters long.
My worksheet contains data with the reaction times on a psychological test. Each respondent in the test has 280 rows in my excel sheet.
The 'perfect' length of the row, is from A to M. When an error is made in the test, the length of the row will increase. So the error length can be A to AA.
For me it is important to analyse the error. So I would like to give a perfect row length, the value 1, and an error row length a value 2.
So, in conclusion:
If: Cell length = A1 - M1? --> Copy A1 B1 C1 (A B Cof that row) to Sheet3, and give D1 in sheet 3 the value 1
Cell length >= A1 - M1? --> Copy A1 B1 C1 (A B C of that row) to Sheet3, and give D1 in sheet 3 the value 2
I have a list of names in C1 down that I want to count. There could be hundreds of names in C1 and I don't want to sumif all of them. There must be a simpler solution
is there a way to reduce spaces between text stings to one space only when there are many spaces? To make it worse, the number of spaces between the text strings vary. I am using Excel 2010.
I have a set of data in Which in column A is the name of organisation.
If string in col A is longer than 50 I need to split in and put in col B.
That would be simple however I need to do it in a smart manner: i.e. cut it to the nearest full word.
Incorrect; length = 98
THIS EXAMPLE NAME IS TOO LONG TO FIT INTO 50-TEXT Correct; trimmed down to 48.
My question is about formula that can detect spaces and depending on those trim the string down adequatly: to 50 if 50th char is preceeded by space; if not then check where is the next space going towards left. Once you find it cut the string there.
How do I extract the name (i.e.John Doe) from all this HTML garbage around it? Please keep in mind that the name will change but the format will be the same.Also I need some way of knowing that the value I'm pulling (i.e.Doe) is his last name and not his first name.
I try to write the function that gets some "ref" and returns appropriate item. For example: if I give to function "C3", it returns "AAA" if I give to function "R18", it returns "BBB" (cause it between R15 to R26) if I give to function "R9", it returns "BBB" also.
I have a long string that has a list of digits in the middle that I want to extract. The string is variable length and the number of digits I want to extract is 5-7. I also have slashes in between the numbers I want to extract. I need a UDF that allows me to extract the 5-7 digit number from the string and restrict around the slashes (i.e. if two sets of digits in the string match the condition for extraction, extract the one around the slashes.) For example my original data is like
Im new to Macros. Im trying to find a string of text assign that to be the top of the data and then find a different string and assign that to be the bottom of the data. Then run a loop whilst inside that data range. Am i going about it the right way? Attached is a sample data file.
I receive data from different sources and one column is usually in upper case, but I prefer to use proper (title) case. The problem is that the data frequently contains text strings that should remain in upper case or should combine upper and lower case letters. Examples follow:
Data received: COROLLA AE90, AE92 COROLLA SX, GTI
Data should look like: Corolla AE90, AE92 Corolla SX, GTi
Note that 'GTi' is upper case 'GT' and lower case 'i'.
I've set up a spreadsheet 'CaseConverter.xls' as a look-up, with a range ('SpecialCase' - A2:A65536) featuring names, codes and acronyms represented correctly. Is it possible to use a macro to run Excel's global replace to search for upper case strings in one spreadsheet and replace with the correct strings from the other spreadsheet? The macro would have to loop through the entire 'SpecialCase' range and look in the supplied spreadsheet for versions of the data in the special case range without being case-specific. The supplied spreadsheet (see attached for example data) is called 'Application.xls'. Column B is what I'm trying to reach.
I am very comfortable with VBA but I usually avoid using formulas if at all possible (unfortunately, I have, formulas are unavoidable (by request).. so formulas it is)
I will try to explain
Column A is a list of dates (ever expanding) Column B is a list of names ( multiple entries of various names but aligned with various dates) Column H is a list of names (each possible name which can appear in column B, no duplicates)
Cell I1 = A Date Cell J1 = A Date (forming a date range)
Basically what I need to do is:
= COUNTIF(B:B,H2) - but only count it if it is withing the date range (>=I1 & <=J1)
I have tried wrapping it in an IF statement but I can't seem to get it to work.
I'm trying to build a formula that counts the amount of cells within a range that contain multiple strings of text within the same cell. I only know how to build a formula that snags cells that contain 1 but not 2 different ones within the same cell. For example: I want to count cells if they have the word BALL and STICK somewhere in the cell....see three cell examples below
gameballnetstick ballgame stick ball tenballs green stick
Of the three examples: it would only count cells: gameballnetstick and stickball