Excel Macro To Repeat Paste Between Sheets

Apr 27, 2014

I have 2 sheets of date. Sheet 1 contains a temple range A3:T162. This set of data is repeated x number of times. Sheet 2 contains a range of data A1:A3 repeated x number of rows. The data is different on each row. So if I have 10 rows of data in Sheet 2 , there will be ready in Sheet 1 10 sets of dats, as in range A3:T162.

I would like the following action:
the contents of Sheet 2 Row 1 to be pasted into Sheet 1 cell A3,B3,C3
then contents of Sheet 2 Row 2 pasted into A163,B163,C163,
then contents of Sheet 2 Row 3 pasted into A323,B323,C323,

So basically each consecutive row on Sheet of column A,B,C is pasted back onto Sheet 1, 160 rows below until all contents of Sheet 2 has been exhausted.

I have attached an excel sheet with the relevant data.

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Macro For Find, Copy, Paste, Repeat

Mar 24, 2009

I have 10 worksheets. They are labelled 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', etc...to 'NOV' (NB: JAN & DEC not needed). In column "G" on all these sheets I have the data as "CURRENT" or "OVERDUE". The first 3 rows on every sheet are headers, so the data starts at 'G4' on every sheet.

I then have an "OUTSTANDING" sheet which will display all of the "OVERDUE" items from the various months. I have an UPDATE_Click() event which when actioned needs to search all the column Gs in the month sheets and then copy the data from column 'B' to 'F' of the corressponding row to an "OVERDUE" result. The data from B-F then needs to be pasted in the next available row on the "OUTSTANDING" worksheet (starting at row 4, as first 3 rows are headers with merged and unmerged cells).

Nothing fancy, when the search go does the column and hits a blank cell that means its the end of the list and can move on to the next month.

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Repeat Copy Paste Macro Based On Value Of Cell

Mar 4, 2014

I need to repeat the following copy past macro the number of times equal to the value in column B and repeat the process for rows 3 through 27. It would end up being a loop with in a loop. The data in C3:H3 will be pasted onto the "Fixt#" sheet as many times as the value in column B3. The idea is to create an individual entry on the "Fixt#" sheet for each row on the "Totals" sheet.

Sub Create_Fixt_SheetI()
' Create_Fixt_Sheet Macro
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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How To Repeat Excel Macro

Apr 19, 2014

How to repeat excel Macro?

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Modify Macro In Excel / Transpose - Delete Contents - Skip X Rows - Repeat?

Mar 7, 2013

I have a list in Excel, and it has the company in one column, and it's information in the next x rows until there is a blank row (4-7 rows). I get that you can copy the rows under the Company, transpose next to the company, and then delete the contents of the cells that you just took the data from, but I have 6200 rows do to this to, for 500+ companies. I tried recording a macro for two entries, and this is what I have (see below), but how do I modify this so that I don't need to type in every single range, and it will do it to the whole column? The data is in column A, I am posting in column B.

Basics for Macro Requirement:

1. Find the blank cell in row A
2. Skip the next cell/row (this is the company)
3. Select all the cells beneath the company cell, until it reaches the blank cell underneath
4. Copy, transpose these cells next to the Company cell (transpose in column B)
5. Delete the contents in row A that were just transposed
6. Find the next cell with data (company)
7. Repeat Steps 2-6

My recorded Macro:

Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+q


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Copy, Paste...but How To Repeat

Jan 7, 2008

I am a VB novice and I cannot seem to figure out how to loop a macro. So here is what I have...

Two worksheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. I want to copy data starting from the second row of Sheet2 and then past it into specific cells on Sheet1. Then I want excel to print the the page. I want this process to repeat itself for all the rows in Sheet2. I can easily enough record a macro to do this process (which I have), but I cannot figure out how to easily loop it. If someone can help I have to print this log daily to meet federal guidelines. Thanks a million everyone!

An example would be to copy cell A2 on Sheet2, then paste in cell D4 of Sheet1, print and repeat for the next row.

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From Array And Paste To Separate Sheet Paste Special Transpose

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.

The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?

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Is It Possible To Repeat A Transpose Paste Special

Sep 12, 2009

I have over 300 lines of data that I need to transpose from columns to rows and I am not sure the best way to do it.

I can do it manually 125 times using paste special and transpose and get the results I need but I am thinking there must be a better way.

Example spread sheet inclosed. Column A is what I have - Column C-F is what I need.

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All Excel Sheets Data Copy And Paste Into One Sheet

Jun 20, 2013

Copy and paste the data from different excel sheets to one main sheet.

I will get a file which may contain 10 sheets or 15 sheets depends on data and rows also not sure it varies from sheet to sheet. Now, I would like to consolidate all the sheet data except first row (heading) for first instance I need heading and second sheet onwards not required the headings hence, macro should copy from second row onwards.

The data should get paste one by one if first sheet contains rows till A100 then in main sheet for second sheet data paste should happen from A101.

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Using Macro To Paste Same Info In Different Sheets

May 28, 2009

my macro is set up to do the following in my book once the user inputs a row of information. the user will go to the opproperate sheet based customer and input all info.

the macro is run (ctrl+z)

the macro takes the last row in the active sheet, and pastes it into the last row of the "ALL" sheet. then it goes and sorts the sheet in order.

i want to adjust it so that the user will input the row of information into the last row of in the "ALL" sheet. then based on the given informaiton, paste the same row in both the corresponding customer and location sheets.

im assuming im going to need to use some variables?

attached is the test spreadsheet.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Between Sheets?

Sep 2, 2013

I need a Macro to copy a set range from the Active Sheet and Paste Values in the next available row in a named sheet.

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Copy To The End Of My Sheets And Paste Macro

Mar 23, 2007

i m trying to create a basic edxcel spreadsheet design

Sub Macro2()
Sheets("Draft").Copy After:=Sheets(9)
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 81").Select
End Sub

where it says sheet 9 i want to change so it copies to the end of my sheets

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Multiple Sheets Copy And Paste Into New Workbook And Save As With VBA Excel

May 23, 2013

I want to copy 4 sheets and paste it in a new workbook and save it.

I have this code recorded

Sheets(Array("PIV", "Report")).Select
Sheets(Array("PIV", "Report")).Copy

But it don't work?

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Excel 2007 :: Copy And Paste Pivot Table To Multiple Sheets?

Dec 14, 2013

for my school project, I am right now doing time tracking for all of my activities throughout the day with excel. Here is basically what I am doing: For everything I do, I record and put in start time and end time for the activity.(I use simple formula to subtract these twos) If my day goes on like study, break, study, meal, study, break and each activity takes one hour for each, I have total of 3 hours studying, 2 hours taking break and one hour for meal. I am using pivot table to show all totals for each activity.

Pivot table is working best as far as my knowledge goes as I can choose and look up total of multiple activity combined. The problem here is I am making one sheet per a day and I need to continue this for three months. (So that seems like 90 worksheet). What I was thinking is I make Sheet 1 as master sheet. Then, copy and paste the entire sheet for 90 sheets assuming all formulas including pivot table go along with them. then, when I put in new data to other sheet,magic happens and values in pivot tables will change relatively after refresh. You might be probably laughing hard at me right now. I know..I tried it for like 3 sheets. Simple formula to subtract endtime and start time still work accordingly with new data. But, Pivotal table is playing dead at all.

I researched and found that that might be problem with reference and absolute cell reference thingy. ( to make pivotal table work for different worksheet). All the cells used ( including column and row ) will be entirely the same for all worksheets. The only difference aka problem is different sheet. I want to use sheet 1 as a template and copy it down to next 90 sheets taking all contents except data. Is there anyway I can copy and paste the whole template to another 90 sheets while making pivot table work and calculate and update itself according to relative data from each own worksheet? I use excel 2007 btw

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Macro / Paste Into Open Workbook Copies Sheets

Oct 1, 2013

I am trying to have a macro that separates a list with unique values in column a, copy the results, open a file name in column AG, and then paste the copied stuff into the open workbook.

Currently, it runs, but when I copy to the new sheet, the thing I want goes where I want it to, but I also get an extra sheet1. how can i change this so the sheet1 doesn't get pasted in?

Sub MC()
Dim r As Long, rng As Range, ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.Name = "Sheet1"
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Sheets.Add().Name = "temp"


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Macro To Copy Range From Multiple Sheets And Paste In New Workbook?

Aug 3, 2012

I have a macro that takes info/data from multiple sheets in the Basin workbook and summarizes it into the Median Database workbook. I need to copy the values in range B5:EM5 in every sheet (each sheet name is site #) in the Basin workbook and paste that range into the median database workbook row with the corresponding site.

Here is what I have so far

Sub Median_Database()
'This Macro takes the median from each station tab in the current Basin workbook
'And inserts it into the Median Database workbook


how to grab the sheet name and insert it in the median database. The problem is the copy/paste of the range in each sheet. The macro locks up every time.

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Macro To Copy Specific Data From One Sheet And Paste Into Two Sheets

Mar 24, 2009

There's one sheet that has a list of customers (this is updated very frequently). These customers are either ‘New’ or ‘Existing (as listed in a corresponding column) - would it be possible to have a macro that, when run, will place a copy of existing customers into a second worksheet (“view list – new”), and a copy of new customers into a third worksheet (“view list – existing”), with the main worksheet still listing both existing and new customers.

As the main sheet that lists all customers is updated very frequently (with customers being added and removed throughout the day), would it be possible to clear all contents of the other two sheets that each list of 'existing' and 'new' customers will be copied into, before the two lists are copied into each of the two sheets (just to ensure there isn’t any data in there from the previous time each list was copied in).

I’ve given this a go via the ‘record macro’ function - some users of this WB use excel 2000, and others use excel 2007, but it only seems to work on excel 2007 (which is what it was recorded on)…

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Macro - Repeat Macro A Specific Number Of Times

Aug 22, 2008

I have created a macro that copies the outcome of a specific calculation (that is driven by random numbers) and pastes it (as values) into a seperate table. It then recalculates the sheet, copies the new outcome and pastes it into the same table at a row beneath the previous one.

However, I would like to be able to determine how many times this loop is repeated (i.e. how many rows of outcomes will be generated) without having to change the macro each time. Is this possible? Maybe by just linking it to a cell where the number of outcomes/repeats is specified.

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Repeat Macro To Last Row

Mar 20, 2012

I am trying to repeat this macro until the last row of data present in column "D".

Sub inserttext()
' inserttext Macro
ActiveCell = "Test Description:" & Chr(10) & "" & Chr(10) & "Expected Results: ERROR level fires stating " & ActiveCell
End Sub

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Macro To Repeat

Feb 5, 2008

I have a workbook with 4 worksheets. I have a macro ( Cntrl + U ) that runs a series of steps and prints the results with it ending on the beginning page. This works well but I want it to repeat the macro until it reaches a blank cell on the starting page.

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Copy / Paste Certain Cells Then Paste 3 Sheets Into New Workbook - VBA 1044 Error?

Feb 3, 2012

This macro works fine on my machine but not with other users:

This should copy/paste certain cells then paste 3 sheets into a new work book.

ON other computers it seems to paste in a picture? works OK for me?

Sub ValidationTests()
' ValidationTests Macro
' Macro recorded 21/12/2011 by '
Sheets("Score Sheet").Select

[Code] ..........

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Find Last Cell In Column And Paste Formula In Next Blank Cell Then Repeat On Remaining Columns

Jan 14, 2013

I need a macro to find the last cell in the column, then copy the formula to the next blank cell. Then, it goes back to the last cell (above) and paste's values. Then, go to the next column and repeat the process. I can do this but have to call each cell separatly...however, I would like to do it in a loop to simplify things. It would be great to even be able to just set the start and ending columns. Here is my current code:

Dim rng As Range, aCell As Range
Set rng = Range("C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8, J8, K8, L8, M8, N8, O8, P8, Q8, R8, S8, T8, U8")
For Each aCell In rng
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] .......

It does not go to the next column, instead it stays in the same column and repeats the process.

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Excel 2010 :: Getting Simple Macro For Paste Value

Oct 21, 2012

Need a simple macro for paste value - it used to work in Excel 2003 but not 2010.

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Repeat A Macro Until End Of Workbook

Aug 29, 2009

can I add to a macro that will repeat that macro on every subsequent worksheet in the workbook.

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Repeat VLookUp For Each Row In Macro

Feb 6, 2014

I am trying to do a vlookup within a macro.

However this always shows the first result in the first row but the rest of the rows just show #REF.

I want it to look up 100's or rows and shows either the result or N/A

Once I create the macro this is what the VBA is telling me: [Code] ......

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Macro To Repeat Number Set?

Mar 9, 2014

I have many set of numbers in column A and Coulmn B each set separated by space.I need to repeat each set to n number of times.

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Macro To Repeat On All Rows, Not Just The First One

Jul 6, 2007

This macro is recorded, but I need it to start on row 2 and repeat down to row 3000. What changes do I need to make.

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Get Macro To Repeat Itself Then Stop?

Mar 13, 2012

I'm trying to create a macro to input information into a cell then repeat until the information stops.

So say I have 10 rows of information that fill up A1:D10. in E1:E10 I'd like a macro to insert some data into E1 then go to E2 and do the same until the end and then stop. So since A11:D11 would be blank the formula would just stop.

I actually work on 100's of cells a day and this is for a bigger project I'm trying to put together or I would just drag.

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Excel 2007 :: Repeat Same Code Pattern For Each Section

Jan 27, 2014

I have a macro that does exactly what I need it to do, but it takes a long time.

There are 4 horizontal sections. The top section (code not included) is the total of 3 sections which are segregated by location.

For the 3 sections:

rows 101 to 172 (section 1), 198 to 269 (section 2), & 295 to 366 (section 3) have the same formula for every other column starting with column F ending with column AT (sums hrs)

rows 173 to 194 (section 1), 270 to 269 (section 2), 367 to 388 (section 3) have the same formula for every other column starting with column G ending with column AU (sums dollar amount)

the columns are corresponding dates

Below is the code snippet that produces the results for section 1. I repeat the same code pattern for each section.

Dim r As Long
For r = 101 To 172
With LaborDetail.Cells(r, "F")
.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIFS('Data '!C17,'Data '!C38,RC1,'Data '!C37,R1C)"
.Value = .Value

[Code] .........

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Macro To Copy From Excel And Paste Into Form On IE Or Firefox?

Sep 24, 2007

How do I create a Macro to copy from Excel and paste into a form on IE or Firefox?

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