False If Result Yields Unexpected Error

May 27, 2007

If I create a simple conditional statement in a cell:

=IF(A8="NX-QSNT",B8, "")

I get the expected B8 cell contents when "NX-QSNT" exists in A8, or blank when it doesn't.

If instead of qualifying this full string, I try to Search for the "-QS" string in that cell as the criteria:

=IF(SEARCH("-QS",A8),B8, "")

I get the expected B8 cell contents when "NX-QSNT" exists in A8, but I get "#VALUE!" if it does not find this "-QS" string.

I'm guessing it may be because SEARCH isn't actually returning a TRUE/FALSE response, but rather, a numeric one based on the position of "-QS". I tried using a numeric approach also, but this didn't help:

=IF(SEARCH("-QS",A8) > 0,B8, "")

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Simple Formula Using IF And SUM - Yields Unexpected Error

Apr 25, 2014

Using this formula for a bank account,

=IF(SUM(C2-A1+B1)=C1, "match", "NO match")

down a column of about 3000 rows, yields only one cell with an unexpected and probably incorrect response in G2 with a "NO Match" - where the math is correct ?

63.58 0.00 -54.97 match
64.57 0.00 8.61 NO match
128.21 0.0073.18 match


Attachment is included;

in a bank account file, where "C2" is the previous balance, "C1" is the current balance, "A1" is any check written, "B1" is any deposit applied.

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Unexpected Result Using STDEV

Jul 21, 2009

I'm using the following formula to calculate the % relative standard deviation of 5 values:


where C8 through C12 are all 3.48.

I was surprised to see the result of 0.000002, and not 0.000000. This formula seems to be accurate to 6 decimal places when using 5 values that are not all the same. When they are the same, I get this small discrepancy in the 6th decimal place. I attempted to troubleshoot by inspecting C8 through C12. The values were typed in as seen above (3.48) and the cell formatting is set to 2 decimals in each of these cells, so the cells themselves shouldn't be contributing to the issue.

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Find Method Unexpected Result

Apr 18, 2006

I am using the find method to search column headings, and based on the results copy the column to another worksheet. Everything works fine except if I have a mixed text and numeric string in the cell, for example DT35. In this case the macro doesn't copy this column. I have attached the spreadsheet. CTRL - A will run the macro. The macro calls a form with checkboxes, captioned using the values in the worksheet titled "Set-Up". If a value is found in the column heading the checkbox is set to true, then when the "Copy Selected Columns to Final Sheet" button is selected the columns are copied to the "FinalSheet" worksheet. I tried using xlPart instead of xlWhole, and this works but I need to search for exact strings so xlPart isn't a great work around.

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MATCH Function Returns Unexpected Result

Dec 3, 2013

In the attached file I used =MATCH(TRUE,INDEX($B$2:$B$10="",0)) to retrieve the location of the first empty cell.

When using the "Evaluate Formula" tool, it is clear that the position in the array created by the INDEX function is the 6th. Nevertheless, the final outcome is 9, being the last cell in range.

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Unexpected Run Time Error 1004 In Macro

Sep 21, 2009

I have a macro, operating in my excel document. It works and does it's function. The only problem is every time this macro is running I get the run time error 1004, Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed. After clicking End in the error window it opens up a newly created sheet that I need. I don't need to save the file in the desktop, I need it just to open up like it does right now.

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Solver Fails In XP- An Unexpected Internal Error Occurred

Aug 5, 2003

I have a little spreadsheet aplication which ran perfectly in Office 97, but since the move to Windows/Office XP, I get the message:

Solver: An unexpected internal error occurred, or available memory was exhausted.

I'm running a P4 2.26GHz with 512MB RAM.

My code is as follows:

Public Processing_Message As String, Macro_to_Process As String
Public StartTerm As Integer, StopTerm As Integer, StepTerm As Integer
Public ResultsLabelCount As Integer
Public myErrorFound As Boolean
Public rs As Object
Public ctl As Control

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Formula Shows Result As FALSE?

Feb 15, 2014

I have following formula:

Why does this formula show result as "FALSE"?

If cell B56 is empty, then I need a result of "". i.e. blank result, but it shows FALSE word.


then you go straight to the TRUE nested IFs

IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "need something here" )

so to get ""

IF(LEFT(B56,2)="on",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",
RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "" )

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Adjustment To Remove FALSE Result

Feb 1, 2009

Im having alot of difficulty preventing the result FALSE when one or more of my >20 count within an index table doesnt have a result to display.

Is there anyone able to understand the following? That can perhaps provide a solution that returns no FALSE word??

=IF(ISERROR((VLOOKUP($A22,'C Number'!$A:$N,B$1,0)))=FALSE,VLOOKUP($A22,'C Number'!$A:$N,B$1,0))

Ive tried ISNA but I always get an error appear when i try to use it, perhaps you could edit the command above so that ISNA works whenever FALSE is the result?

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IF Statement: Just Returns FALSE, Despite The Result Being True

Dec 29, 2008

I have a worksheet called "Raw Data" where in columns J, I and G contain values. I would like to write a formula whereby if all 3 conditions are met, it will count the number of values found in column C.

I've tried to write an IF statement but it just returns FALSE, despite the result being true. Need the right combination of IF/AND statements that would do this?

=IF(AND('Raw Data'!$J:$J="Maintenance",'Raw Data'!$I:$I="Open",'Raw Data'!$G:$G="1-2008"),COUNT('Raw Data'!$C:$C)). I've tried to attach the workbook, but there's a problem with uploading attachments I think. Sorry if my explanation is unclear.

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Any Way To Get Back Result True Or False When Have Password

Apr 23, 2012

I am new in Excel VBA and im trying to find a way to get back a result "True" or "False" when I have password, wich must consist of 6 letter, one upper case letter and a number must be in it. When this word consist of 6 letters and has a uppercase letter and number the result is True and this will be written into the cell next to the cell where the password is.

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IF Statement Returns Either Value Error Or False

Jan 7, 2010

if Statement A: =IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$20:$AB$29)*$B$15/12) works very well

if Statement B: =IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$36:$AB$44)*$B$15/12) works well too

now I am trying to say

=IF('Input Page'!B36="yes",(IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$36:$AB$44)*$B$15/12),(IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$20:$AB$29)*$B$15/12))))

Basically, if B36 is yes, use If Statement B, otherwise IF Statement A. If I write Yes, I get a "Value" error, if I change the yes to 1, I get a FALSE error.

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VLOOKUP Gives Error With False Expression

Mar 1, 2010

I have a formula that has been working and it looks like this

=VLOOKUP(A13;'IFS export'!$A$1:$F$19000;4;FALSE)

Now I want to use the same formula in an other workbook and it gives an error


When I type this formula I get the window that says
"This formula contains an error.
*For information about fixing common formula problems, press help.

And if I go and try to change the first formula that has been work it gives me the same error.

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Want To "ignore" The FALSE Result Of An IF Statement

Feb 9, 2010

I have a formula in a cell which attempts to grab a value on another sheet that's dynamically changing in real-time (it's a live stock price changing in realtime via DDE). My objective is to grab this current live stock price when it is between the times of 10:30 AM and 5:00 PM, bt as *soon* as it goes past 5 PM, I want this formula cell to display the very *last* (ie.the one just before) value it had just before the time rolled over past 5 pm.

Here's my formula:

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CountIf: Frequency Distribution Of The Yields Column

Feb 2, 2010

I'm working on has me making a frequency distribution of the yields column. If you look at M6 on the spreadsheet i'm trying to use the formula:

=COUNTIF($I$6:$I$35, "<=L6")

to represent all yields that are less than or equal to 0, in the next box (M7) I want to represent all yields that are greater than 0% and less than or equal to 1%. etc until I reach 7%, however the original formula isn't working and I don't know whats wrong with it.

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Track The Levels: Club Is 0 To 19 Points And Yields An 11% Discount

Jan 11, 2009

I have a 4-level program. The levels are Club, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each is awarded when a certain amount of points are gathered.

Club is 0 to 19 points and yields an 11% discount.
Bronze is 20 to 44 points and yields an 12% discount.
Silver is 45 to 59 points and yields an 11% discount.
Gold is 60 and better and yields an 11% discount.

I am looking for a way to total the points and have the spreadsheet automatically calculate the leve and percentage. So if my total points is 22, I would need the formula to return "Bronze" in one cell, then "11%" in the next.

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Numbers In Boxes Result In N/A Error

May 22, 2014

With the sizes in in B6 AND B7 these result in an error in B68 , the formula is in B68 and the tables are on sheet 3 , the increments have to stay as they are.

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Result Error After Modifying Code

Dec 4, 2008

The following codes work well but when I have changed the following condtion ,

If cel = Tgt.Range("A2") Then

If cel "" Then

I got worng result, can anybody help me to correct it?

Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim sh As Worksheet, Tgt As Worksheet, i As Long, j As Long
Dim d, a
Dim c As Range, Rng As Range, cel As Range

Set Tgt = Sheets("Report")
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
j = 0
On Error Resume Next ...............

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Marking Whole Group FALSE If One Member Is FALSE?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a table arranged by columns into SETS of results. I am looking for a way to mark all the columns of a set as false if any one column of the set is false.

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Unexpected Standard Deviations Results

Dec 2, 2009

In the attached worksheet, we track thickness of a variety of products and record them based upon lot number. I am trying to perform statistical analysis of those products and plot the averages.

Our products are in roll form. We cut to specific widths and lengths from these "master" rolls. We take 3 measurements across the width and several times throughout the roll length. We can have multiple rolls making up 1 lot and due to demand switch between products and try to use FIFO but that doesn't always work. I have keying in historical data and realized my standard deviation is way off but I don't know why.

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Unexpected SelectionChange Event Code

May 28, 2008

time-to-time an unexpected eventcode appears in my worksheet modules

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Unexpected Time To Execute Optimization

Dec 19, 2009

Have an optimization question for you. I'm starting to try to optimize my macros and I've heard/read it's best to not activate or select anything. - I assumed that meant it would be more efficient to run code without it.

I have a loop I run through about 600 times that takes .75 to .85 seconds to run through with the following piece:

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TextBox Setfocus Unexpected Call

Jan 31, 2010

I've got a user form with 12 textbox, one for each month a total textbox number 13 and a 14th text box (TB28) to enter $'s in.

AfterUpdate in each textbox 1-12 posts its value to a worksheet all values are summed in a =sum range which in turn populates textbox 13. When TB13.text = 100.00 it sucessfully calls a number of routines but what I can't get it to do is set focus on TB28.

Private Sub TextBox13_Change()
If TextBox13.Text = "100.00" Then
With FormPhasedAmt.TextBox28
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(TextBox28.Text)
End With
End If
End Sub

It returns a Run time error Unexpected call to method or property access highlighting .SetFocus. The rest of the code works OK. Is it because other textbox on the same user form have text highlighted because of the tab order?

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Excel 2010 :: Using VBA For Sub-Totaling Returning Unexpected Values

May 8, 2014

This relates to this thread - [URL] .....

This is the only macro in this file

[Code] .....

It will perform the sub-totalling for the column that has the current active cell

When I select Column I

It does.....
-for each blue cell it finds it provides a total of all the white cells bellow it
-for each yellow cell it find it provides a total of all the blue cells bellow it until it reaches a yellow cell

It works backwards, so not exactly as I've just described, but that isn't the problem

Problem is -
UK Excel 2010 - results are as expected
US Excel 2010 - returns zero values for totals

We've possibly narrowed the problem down to when it looks at cell properties, more specifically -- If Cells(rowX, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 20 Then

How to get results in blue and yellow cells when you select a cell in column K then execute the CreateTotals macro.

Attached File : Example-1p.xlsm

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Unexpected Password Prompt Prevents Workbook Close

Jul 1, 2008

When I close one excel document, I get prompted for a password.. And it won't close (I don't know the password) The only way I can get it away is by terminating it in task manager. I have read alot of threads in here, where the solutions should be to uninstall Google Desktop..

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Count Of TRUE & FALSE And Assign 1 To True And Yes And 0 To False And No When I Total The Rows

Nov 15, 2006

I am trying to Sum lines of info with "True or False" and "Yes and No". I would like to assign 1 to True and Yes and 0 to False and No when I total the rows. Never tried this in Excel, on Lotus and the formula does not work. I can find and replace, but I would like to be able to use a formula.

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Unexpected HLOOKUP Results (Returning MAX/MIN Values From Multiple Rows In A Named Range)

Nov 6, 2009

This is a floowup to the issue that was originally posted as "Returning MAX/MIN values from multiple rows in a named range ". I marked that post as solved since I have worked through part of the issue and since have a different one.

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VLOOKUP Formula Dragdown Copies Previous Cell Result Instead Of Unique Result

Jun 10, 2014

When I drag my VLOOKUP formula down a column in Excel 2010, the return value copies the formula result from the original VLOOKUP formula result. For example, if the first VLOOKUP returns a value of 0.5, I expect to see 0.5 or 1 in the cell below that one. However, I get 0.5 which is not the expected result for the cell below.

When, I click the fx on the cells below, the expected return values appear in the formula result. After I click OK, the expected formula results updates and now appears in the cell.

I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My computer was updated recently from an old machine to a new one. I have never experienced this issue before.

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Print Result Cards Automatically From Result Sheet

Apr 25, 2014

I have excel result sheet which contains students information. i.e. name, subjects and their corresponding marks, grade, percentage etc. So from that sheet I want to print result cards for each students separately from the data (result sheet).

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Result Based On Existance: If Coulmn Contains A Anywhere Then The Result Should Be A

Dec 4, 2009

I have 4 categories A, B, C & D. These are in desending importance, means A is most important and D is least important. Now there could be many A, B, C & Ds listed in a column. The challange is if coulmn contains A anywhere then the result should be A. If A is absent, then search for B, if present anywhere then display the result as B. It doesn't matter how many times A or any character is listed in column. I am attaching a sheet for better explanation.

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