Want To "ignore" The FALSE Result Of An IF Statement

Feb 9, 2010

I have a formula in a cell which attempts to grab a value on another sheet that's dynamically changing in real-time (it's a live stock price changing in realtime via DDE). My objective is to grab this current live stock price when it is between the times of 10:30 AM and 5:00 PM, bt as *soon* as it goes past 5 PM, I want this formula cell to display the very *last* (ie.the one just before) value it had just before the time rolled over past 5 pm.

Here's my formula:

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IF Statement: Just Returns FALSE, Despite The Result Being True

Dec 29, 2008

I have a worksheet called "Raw Data" where in columns J, I and G contain values. I would like to write a formula whereby if all 3 conditions are met, it will count the number of values found in column C.

I've tried to write an IF statement but it just returns FALSE, despite the result being true. Need the right combination of IF/AND statements that would do this?

=IF(AND('Raw Data'!$J:$J="Maintenance",'Raw Data'!$I:$I="Open",'Raw Data'!$G:$G="1-2008"),COUNT('Raw Data'!$C:$C)). I've tried to attach the workbook, but there's a problem with uploading attachments I think. Sorry if my explanation is unclear.

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Formula Shows Result As FALSE?

Feb 15, 2014

I have following formula:

Why does this formula show result as "FALSE"?

If cell B56 is empty, then I need a result of "". i.e. blank result, but it shows FALSE word.


then you go straight to the TRUE nested IFs

IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",
IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "need something here" )

so to get ""

IF(LEFT(B56,2)="on",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Pla",RIGHT(Table!AN4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Gol",
RIGHT(Table!AO4,2)&"% Discount",IF(LEFT(B$52,3)="Sil",RIGHT(Table!AP4,2)&"% Discount",""))), "" )

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Adjustment To Remove FALSE Result

Feb 1, 2009

Im having alot of difficulty preventing the result FALSE when one or more of my >20 count within an index table doesnt have a result to display.

Is there anyone able to understand the following? That can perhaps provide a solution that returns no FALSE word??

=IF(ISERROR((VLOOKUP($A22,'C Number'!$A:$N,B$1,0)))=FALSE,VLOOKUP($A22,'C Number'!$A:$N,B$1,0))

Ive tried ISNA but I always get an error appear when i try to use it, perhaps you could edit the command above so that ISNA works whenever FALSE is the result?

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If False Statement

Jun 18, 2007

I have the following cells set up in a worksheet.
I have the following formula set for each of the cells -



=IF(S5>1,S5-1,R5) and so on.

Serial No.1 Serial No.2 Serial No.3 Serial No.4 Serial No.5 Serial No.6

#VALUE!#VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1005 1006

The T5, S5 and R5 are (I thought) the "False" value which would be returned, but all I am getting (if for example T5 was blank) is #Value

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Any Way To Get Back Result True Or False When Have Password

Apr 23, 2012

I am new in Excel VBA and im trying to find a way to get back a result "True" or "False" when I have password, wich must consist of 6 letter, one upper case letter and a number must be in it. When this word consist of 6 letters and has a uppercase letter and number the result is True and this will be written into the cell next to the cell where the password is.

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False If Result Yields Unexpected Error

May 27, 2007

If I create a simple conditional statement in a cell:

=IF(A8="NX-QSNT",B8, "")

I get the expected B8 cell contents when "NX-QSNT" exists in A8, or blank when it doesn't.

If instead of qualifying this full string, I try to Search for the "-QS" string in that cell as the criteria:

=IF(SEARCH("-QS",A8),B8, "")

I get the expected B8 cell contents when "NX-QSNT" exists in A8, but I get "#VALUE!" if it does not find this "-QS" string.

I'm guessing it may be because SEARCH isn't actually returning a TRUE/FALSE response, but rather, a numeric one based on the position of "-QS". I tried using a numeric approach also, but this didn't help:

=IF(SEARCH("-QS",A8) > 0,B8, "")

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Getting Rid Of 0 When Returning False Statement Using IF

Jan 22, 2014

I've created an equation but when it's false it returns a "0" I tried an IFERROR with no luck.

=IFERROR(IF(AND(C6>="",E6=""),"update system",),"")

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Ignore If Statement If Condition Equates To Error?

May 6, 2014

I am running a macro which filters a column to show only records with "#N/A" (ie an error), and copies these to another worksheet. As I am aiming for no errors, there will be occasions when there is no filtered data.

My problem is that, unless I use something like xlCellTypeVisible, when there is no data shown it still copies and pastes all the hidden records. And if I do use it when no filtered data, I currently get an error "No cells were found".

I have tried many iterations of code correction and i think i'm currently blinded by staring at it so long!

My current if statement reads as follows:

[Code] .....

I think I might need to use some sort of On Error Resume Next statement, but I have never used these before. When I tried adding that before the If statement, it just ignored the criteria and tried copying hidden rows - the exact opposite of what I want.

I'd like something that said, if this condition = error, skip over entire if statement and carry on with rest of the sub.

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Nested If Statement Returning FALSE Instead Of Value?

Aug 5, 2014

The formula I am having issues with is:


I'm looking for formula to return a value based on the amount of networkdays between 2 dates.

Column L has a drop down for
"YES" and "NO"

If "YES" is selected then I need the formula to subtract AH from B (if B is blank I don't want the formula to return anything)

if AH has no date then I want it to use todays date.

If "NO" is selected then I need the formula to subtract V from B (again, if B is blank I don't want the formula to return anything)

if V has no date then I want it to use todays date.

The formula seems to work for everything as it is EXCEPT when L is "NO" it only return FALSE.

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If Statement - True False For Duplicates

Aug 22, 2014

On sheet 3 column d i have a vendor number. I am trying to create a formula in column M (same sheet) that will say "True" if the vendor number in column d is also listed on sheet 2, column A (Rows 2-148)

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IF Statement Returns Either Value Error Or False

Jan 7, 2010

if Statement A: =IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$20:$AB$29)*$B$15/12) works very well

if Statement B: =IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$36:$AB$44)*$B$15/12) works well too

now I am trying to say

=IF('Input Page'!B36="yes",(IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$36:$AB$44)*$B$15/12),(IF(M4>$B$17,0,LOOKUP(M4,$AA$20:$AB$29)*$B$15/12))))

Basically, if B36 is yes, use If Statement B, otherwise IF Statement A. If I write Yes, I get a "Value" error, if I change the yes to 1, I get a FALSE error.

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Get FALSE Statement With Formula - Blank?

Nov 24, 2011


Why do I get a FALSE statement with this formula when T50=1, i want it to be blank.

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If Statement With Multiple True But Only One False?

Jun 16, 2012

Write if statement or any other formula: if cell C3 is less then 0 then "over due", if = 0 then "due" and if more then zero then "not due yet" otherwise preferably nothing, because that would mean that the cell is empty.

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Transfer Results Of IF Statement To Another Tab And Ignore Blank Cells?

Apr 15, 2014

I've got a work book (2010 btw) with several tabs.

On tab 5 is an inventory list with "Stock Number and Nomenclature" merged in row A7-Q7 and down to row A23-Q23.

Beside each Item there are “Required Quantities (EA)" in Colum U7-U23. After an inventory is executed, The values are placed in Colum V7-V23 (INV).

Stock Number Nomenclature EA Inv
34419-43450 Mission Modu 1 “X”

After inventorying.... I need a formula that "compares the required quantities (EA) to the actual inventoried values (X)".

IF the actual inventoried quantities are equal to or greater than "Required Quantities" - Display Nothing in tab 6

IF the actual inventoried quantities are LESS than the "Required Quantities" - Display “Stock Number and Nomenclature" in tab 6 for a shortage list, ignoring the "blank cells".

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IF Statement Logic In Columns - True / False

Mar 31, 2014

Column A: T/F
Column B: True/False

Here's what I want in a sentence: If one of the cells in grouped row is "T", column B = True, if not then column B = False.
(row groups are separated by a blank row)

Col A,Col B

[Code] ....

I came up with following formula:


It checks to see if blank cell is found before "T" but it doesn't look rows above.


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If Statement That Doesn't Change Cell If False

Feb 3, 2014

I'm trying to write an If statement that only changes the cell if it's true.

If its false it leaves what is in the cell alone.

This is what I have so far:

HTML Code:
=if(a5>=today(),"payment",----if not, don't change what is in the cell-----)

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IF/and Statement To Give Back A True Of False

Oct 2, 2007

I'm looking to use an if/and statement to give back a true of false but it doesnt seem to be working, I'll give an example, I want excel to search a set of cells to see if its blank and another cell to see whats written there(from a pull down menu) and if both of them are true I conditionally format to go green, otherwise stay white. It works for one cell, condition below:


but I cant get it to do this

i.e search the entire column

I was also wondering if it was possible if it found an "IIC" in B8 how I could get it to check C8, D8 etc..

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How To Leave Truly Empty Cell If Criteria For IF Statement Is FALSE

Jul 2, 2014

How to leave a cell truly empty if the criteria of my IF statements is untrue. Currently, I'll write something like:

[Code] ....

But for some reason, when I copy and paste the resulting range of values elsewhere (to rid myself of the formula that determined them), the cells that did not return a value (where the statement is FALSE), are not recognized by a "Go To Special > Blanks" request, until I select all of the "empty cells" and clear them manually. Yet when I try to do a search on the same range for an empty space, I get no hits.

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IF Statement: Look At Different Cells And Return Different Values If Ture Or False

Nov 6, 2009

I have an IF statement that I need to look at different cells and return different values if ture or false, depending on what is selected in cell J2

Cell D2
if J2 = "FMB/FPI" then retrun the value of cell Y7
if J2 = "FPI/FPI" then N/A
if J2 = "FMB/OTHER" then return the value of cell Y7

Cell E2
if J2 = "FMB/FPI" then retrun the value of cell AC7
if J2 = "FPI/FPI" then then retrun the value of cell AC7
if J2 = "FMB/OTHER" then N/A

Cell F2
if J2 = "FMB/FPI" then N/A
if J2 = "FPI/FPI" then N/A
if J2 = "FMB/OTHER" then then retrun the value of cell AC7

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How To Make False Part Of IF-statement Not To Change A Cell

Sep 10, 2013

Perhaps a bit cryptic but here is where I'm looking for.

Cell A1 gets the value YES (or NO) assignment by the user.
Cell B1 has some calculated value let's say 4 based on the formula If(A1="YES";2+2)

Now If the user assigns "NO" to A1 the value of Cell B1 becomes FALSE (return value of second part of the If statement)

I do not want the value of B1 changed if A1=NO and to stay the same (4)

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If Statement Return “W” Or “L” Result

Oct 14, 2008

creating a formula that will give me a result of either "W" or "L" depending on the amount in corresponding cell.

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Incorrect Result Of IF Statement

Jun 27, 2012

I have a line of code that compares cell values with a variable.

dim rmycell as range
If rmycell.value = MyTarget then

This works fine when rmycell.value is empty or has a value. However, sometimes rmycell has a #VALUE! Error. When debugging the code I can see this error showing rymcell with a value of "Error 2015". The MyTarget variable is "abcdefg", so the If statement should resolve as

If rmycell.value = MyTarget then
If Error 2015 = "Abcdefg" then

Which should be a negative result. Except it isn't. The code that is conditional on a positive result runs whenever there is a #VALUE error, just as if the 2 values were equal.

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Graph If Statement Result

Aug 17, 2007

I have a line graph that will not show the result of an IF statement. I have deleted and recreated the graph, linked the results to different cells, but nothing works.

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SUM To Certain Number - IF Statement Result Using Less Or Greater Than

Jan 31, 2014

Is there a way to tell Excel to sum only up to a certain point? Like if A1 through AF equal 50, but I only want it to sum up to 40, to stop at 40?

Is there also a way to tell Excel using IF that if a statement evaluating a number is true or false, to return the value up until a certain number. For instance, if the value is 8 or less, then it should return that number, but if it exceeds beyond 8, say for instance 12, then if the value is 12, only return 8.

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IF Statement Show Result In Persentage

Mar 9, 2009

Column A = program which could be 100%, 90/10 or 80/20
Column B = Dollar amount submitted
Column C = results

I need a formula in C1 that says:
if A1=100% then B1*100%, if A1=90/10 then B1*90%, if A1=80/20 then B1*80%.

With 2 programs my if statement worked fine, but now that there's a 3rd I can't get my if statement to work properly.

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Displaying Images As A Result Of An If Statement

Sep 2, 2004

Is it possible to write an if statement to display a picture if a cell contains a certain value? Ive got if statements nailed, its not a problem with that i have, just the returning of an image, rather than text ar a hyperlink.

Eg, "if cell A1="stadium", to show a picture of a stadium in cell C1"

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Date In IF Statement - Get True Result To Be First Of Given Month Of Current Year

Feb 29, 2012

I've got a formula that has numerous nested IF statement and am trying to get the true result to be the first of a given month of the current year. Here's my formula:


Everything works, save that the cell becomes 1/1 with no year at all. I've messed around a bit with TEXT and various DATE/MONTH/YEAR functions on this one, but can't seem to get it correct.

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Need First Statement To Loop Until "False"

Jul 27, 2009

I have a worksheet built that obtains info from Sheet1(ACV) and enters it into Sheet2(Payment1), however when I run the process, only Line 10 fills and then it stops. I need to loop the first statement of the code, so that it fills all of column 1 until there is no info to fill then I assume the rest of the code will fill in the worksheet accordingly.

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Marking Whole Group FALSE If One Member Is FALSE?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a table arranged by columns into SETS of results. I am looking for a way to mark all the columns of a set as false if any one column of the set is false.

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