Fill Empty Table Columns With Required Formulas

Jan 17, 2008

I'm trying to write a macro for extreme value analysis. I need a macro which will do a number of things! the attachment should explain it.

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Delete Empty Rows And Empty Columns From Word Table

Mar 25, 2014

I am trying to populate the 2 tables from excel to word. I will be getting the excel file with tables in various sheets. One sheet consist of 2 tables that will be inserted to one word document. So if there are 2 sheets then I will have the tables inserted in the 2 word document. In the excel sheet I have attached, there are 2 sheets with tables in each of them. I have written the code to copy and paste the table to word doc from (general) range A1:G4 (Table 1) and A9:H18 (Table 2) that has empty rows and columns selected. But there are empty rows and columns inserted since the table range is not same sheetwise. I would like get the empty rows and columns deleted in the word table.

Find the attached sample excel sheet and the word documents.


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Fill In Empty Data In Pivot Table

Sep 2, 2006

I am using a Pivot Table to sort, combine, and sum data. After this is complete I want to copy the pivot table and paste it (values only) to another worksheet and use the data again. The problem is the pivot table does not fill in all the blanks and leaves empty rows. The there a way to force the pivot table to fill in the labels?

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Find Empty Cell In Column And Apply Required Character To Empty Visible Cells?

May 8, 2014

I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.

I am using code similar to the below:

[Code] .....

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VBA Macro To Delete Rows/Columns, Insert Formulas & Auto Fill

May 28, 2009

I'm running a macro that opens another workbook and read data from it.How can I incorporate this code into my macro.Sorry i don't knwo VBA.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsmsimantbDesktopINFRACHEM_POLYMERS - DON''T DELETE.xls]Sheet1"

UserGRP_MAcro Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Existing userGroup"............................

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Remove Empty Rows Based On Range Of Columns If Columns Are All Empty (no Data) Delete

Oct 24, 2012

Using the following code to remove empty rows based on whether a specific range of columns is empty. The code works if the cell has a zero, but not when the cell is blank. An example of the data is attached.

Public Sub DelRows2()
Dim Cel As Range, searchStr, FirstCell As String
Dim searchRange As Range, DeleteRange As Range


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Data Validation: Multiple Formulas Required In 1 Cell?

Nov 23, 2009

I currently am using Data Validation drop-downs (which are identically referenced) in a number of cells (From J10 to J19). Each entry refers to a Crew departure &/or arrival time (based on an Aircraft schedule) and crew Subsistence & allowance ($17 per day). Referenced from “K10:K19” is USD currency:

“J10:J19” “K10:K19”
“FULL-WEEK”(References 7 Days) = “USD 120.00”
“SATURDAY (DEPART)”(References 2 Days) = “USD 35.00”
“SATURDAY (ARRIVE)”(References 6 Days) = “USD 100.00”
“TUESDAY (DEPART)”(References 5 Days) = “USD 85.00”
“TUESDAY (ARRIVE)”(References 3 Days) = “USD 50.00”

I am trying to establish a way to specifically; select a particular day in the Data Validation drop-down menu (J10:J19) and a formula automatically converting the result to “USD Currency” for each of the 5 alternatives?

So in other words, each data validation cell will have 5 matching formulas pertinent to each specific orientation (Day)?

E.G.Select “FULL WEEK” from the drop-down option and “USD 120.00” is revealed / converted?
Select “SATURDAY (DEPART)” from the drop-down and “USD 35.00” is revealed?
... “SATURDAY (ARRIVE)” = “USD 100.00”
... “TUESDAY (DEPART)” = “USD 85.00”
... “TUESDAY (ARRIVE)” = “USD 50.00”

The closest I have managed (with no real success) is as per the following formula:

I would be so incredibly grateful if somebody could help me (in laymen’s terms)?

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Formula To Pickup Required Data From Table?

Aug 16, 2014

Need formula to pic required data from Validation,

In the excel sheet Orange color (Data Validation) , If i select the data validation(Like, Jan-Orange- consumption) and corresponding data should display, so i required formula for that.

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How To Fill Empty Row With Data From Row Above

Aug 8, 2014

I have data like Data have


for example i want to fill the 2nd row with data from first row, same way 5th row also with data from 4th row like 7 and 10. I am expecting my data table should have like this finally Expected


Attached file : row fill.xlsx‎

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Fill The Empty Rows With Value From The Row

Jul 31, 2009

I would like to fill the empty rows with value from the row before them that has a value.

row 1 has a value "a"
and row 2-5 has no values
row 6 has "b"
then row 7 has no value etc...

i would like help getting row 2-5 filled with a, and row 7 filled with b and any subsequent rows that may have a value

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Use If Statement To Fill Empty Cells

Apr 3, 2012

I have a sheet with several thousasnd lines that has empty cells between the account number and account name. I need to fill those cells with the account number and account name so that it can be used in a pivot.

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Color Fill Column Until Empty Row

Dec 27, 2007

I need VBA code to fill a column with a color. I need it to stop when there's no more data. instead of filling column to the end of the entire page. and each sheet i open will have different amount of rows.

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Macro :: Fill The Information Into The Next Empty Row

Jan 16, 2009

I have been helping a friend keep track of his clients, by making a form for them to fill out when they become a client of his (he owns a care rental) and I made a spread sheet for him to keep track of which cars are out when...

With that said, I would really like to have a Macro that i could run, when the form with all the personal information about hte client had been filled out - take that information and pull it over into another spead sheet that keeps track of all clients.

Meaning that workbook 1 is set up as a booking form and workbook two is just a normal list. I can make a macro that pulls over the infomation - but the problem is that it will always pull the information into row 1. Meaning that it overwrites itself each time I run it. I would like the Macro to know that it has to fill the information into the next empty row.

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Macro Required To Added Week Numbers To Columns ..

Jan 28, 2009

I require is a macro that will check the heading title of each weeks data e.g. WK01, WK02 etc, work out what week it is and input the week number in a new column (Week No) corresponding to that weeks data.

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Macro Required To Added Week Numbers To Columns

Feb 2, 2009

Every week I get sent a spreadsheet with the hours booked against specific codes, however, each weeks data is in a separate column (from weeks 1-52).

What I require is a macro that will check the heading title of each weeks data e.g. WK01, WK02 etc, work out what week it is and input the week number in a new column (Week No) corresponding to that weeks data and also total the time for that week and enter in the Total Hours column

Please see attached a sample spreadsheet for clarity.

Please also note that I have asked this question before ( and DonkeyOte kindly supplied me with the code to work out the week number i.e.

=IF(COUNT($D2:$BC2),SUBSTITUTE(LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,$D2:$BC2,$D$1:$BC$1),"Hrs WK",""),0)+0

however, as the weeks progress I have to manually copy the week number down and add the totals up so I believe a macro would be the best option as I am currently repeating the same task every week.

The macro needs to:-

(a) work out the week number and enter in ‘Week No’ column
(b) macro to copy each weeks data into Total Hours column

I would be most grateful for any assistance in this matter

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VBA To Fill Empty Cells Until The 1st Completely Blank Row?

Feb 1, 2014

I am looking for code that fills empty cells found in columns A-F by copying and pasting the value from the cell of the previous row (of the same column) ignoring columns G onwards. The copying/ pasting then should stop when it encounters its first completely blank row.

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Fill Empty Cells With Click Of Button

Nov 26, 2012

I would like to enter N/A in the empty cells E6:E33 with the click of a button. Not sure how to write the code.

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Fill Color When Empty Cell Filled In

May 6, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that has a bunch of empty cells that I need to fill in. Someone else needs to know which ones I have filled in after I am done. Is there a way that I can have Excel automatically highlight the cell after I put something in?

I know I could highlight the cell manually after I put something in it but if Excel can do this automatically for me, that would be the best as this is a very large spreadsheet and there will be many blanks to fill in. I am using Excel 2003.

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Fill Empty Cells From Cell Above In Column

Apr 15, 2009

Is there an easy way that if any cell in column A is blank it can copy the value from the closest non-blank cell above it? I eventually have to export data from a workbook into a database. But I cannot have any cells in column A as null or blank.

1. There are no blank rows, and at least 1 cell in each row has a value.
2. The person who constructed the sheet did not fill in all cells in column A for each row, they imply that if the cell is blank then it belongs to the same value as whatever the cell above it has. Ie, all similar rows are grouped together.
3. Of course, I only need column A filled in for rows that have data in at least 1 of their columns.
4. Simple worksheets with no formulas to worry about.

Additionally, if it is possible to get a macro so I can apply the code to all worksheets in my workbook at once, can I get that too? In the example below (where .... are blanks) I would like A2 to read 'Fruit' and A4 to read 'Meat'

ColA ColB Colc
---- ----- -------
Fruit apple red
.... grape green
Meat ham pink
.... beef brown

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Fill Empty Cells In Grid Matrix

Jan 16, 2008

I'm trying to write a sub function that when called will search left to right, top to bottom for the first empty cell in a 4x4 grid and insert a timestamp.

I've generated a large bulky bunch of code that seems to do the trick but I'm not terribly happy with it...

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Fill Formulas Down The Column

Apr 25, 2009

I need to Fill formulas down the column.

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Auto Fill Formulas

May 20, 2008

A1 - B1
A2 - B2

Let's say B1 has a formula- =A1
b2 has formula = =A2

I want to copy all the formula in ColB
As it goes down in Column B, it should be =A2 at 2nd row, =A3 at 3rd row, =A4 at 4th row.

Reason being I want this formula to activate when the cell in Column A is filled. If the cell in Col A is empty, The formula in Col B should be blank!


13/01- Jan
13/12- Dec
29/06- June
30/07- July

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VBA Copy Formulas From One Row To The Next Empty Row With Button?

Mar 25, 2014

I have a row with about 230+ columns, a little over half of the columns have complex IF or Vlookup formulas. The goal would be to click a button on a UserForm (to create a new Client) to copy all row formulas to the next empty row.

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VBA For Fill Zero For Empty Cells In Selected Range Using Mouse

Feb 13, 2013

I require a VBA code to fill Zero for empty cell in seceleted Range. Range will be select by Mouse.

I try following Code.

But It will not sucessed.

HTML Code:
Sub Zero()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Specifiedrange As Range
Dim Rng As Range


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Two Formulas Repeating That Won't Fill Properly

Jul 21, 2009

Here is my dilemma, I have two formulas that reference another sheet, my example shows it more clearly...
...............Column E
Row 11......=sheet1!F16+sheet1!I16
Row 12......=sheet1!G16
Row 12......=sheet1!F17+sheet1!I17
Row 12......=sheet1!G17

Is there a macro or a formula I can use on the remaining 4000 rows that will keep this pattern while maintaining the formulas above?

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Fill Blank Rows With Formulas

Jan 4, 2007

I want to copy an active cell in row 2 (I dont want to fix a cell as it can be any cell at any time). I want to copy it all the way down to a cell where the next row after it, is completely blank on all the 256 cells.

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Add Multiple Formulas In Row & Auto Fill Down

Mar 15, 2008

I am trying to do can’t really be recorded, at least i don’t think it can. I have a report that I run off and after I loaded it in Excel I then have to add in five columns at the end of the sheet. These are always in the same columns: R,S,T,U,V.

These are the formulas I have to then input
R =IF(G2="no invoices",A2,"")
T=IF(I2="Sent to AP",A2,"")
U=IF(I2="Force Settled",A2,"")
V=IF( COUNTIF($R$2:$U$10054,A2),A2,0)

Note for column V, the range R2:U10054 would depend on how many rows is in the report, its just in this example the report does have 10054 rows. The columns would always stay the same. I would then copy the formulae down for the number of rows that is in the report and filter column V by entries that equal zero to give me the rows I am looking to analyse. Is this the type of thing that can be written as a macro so that everytime I have a new report open in Excel I can just run the macro and it will do all of this for me?

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Macro To Add Empty Row And Partial Copy Formulas

Apr 5, 2012

I am looking for a macro that will insert a new row and copies the formulas from the row above, but not from all the columns.

This is the current situation:


Project Nr.
Work Order

[Code] ......

What I want is that if column G contains "11374340" an empty row will be inserted above and the formulas from column E until M to be copied a row down. And the sum function in the last row of M needs to be changed automaticly as well (if possible).

I already have the macro to insert a new empty row which is as follows:

Sub InsertRows()
Dim i, LastRow
LastRow = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = LastRow To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, "G").Value = "11374340" Then
Cells(i, "G").EntireRow.Insert
End If
End Sub

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Two Dimensional Table - How To Fill Cell With Value Returned From Table

Nov 22, 2011

If you have a data in two dimensional table. and you need to fill each cell with the value returned from another table.

Example : this the my table

Company A Compay B Company C Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4

and this my data :

Products Companies Price
Product 1 Company 8 Product 1 Company A 7 Product 1 Company B 5 Product 1 Company C 6 Product 2 Company B 6 Product 2 Company C 9 Product 3 Company A 10 Product 3 Company B 8.8

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Fill Table By Match Row & Column Headings Of Another Table

Aug 29, 2007

I currently have a table with a range of headings (row & column), and the necessary data for it. On a new worksheet, I have a table with only a few of the headings, and I was wondering if there was a macro that would automaticlly match the headings of the new sheet with the other table, and fill in the ncessary dat, as on the other sheet.

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