Finding A Specific Row And Inserting Data?

Mar 3, 2014

I have a column with lots of rows. I want to locate a specific one and insert some data into this row at specific columns. This is what i have come up with so far:

[Code] .....

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Finding Last Row Of Data When Inserting Rows

Mar 27, 2012

I've written the following code to insert rows at certain points depending on certain conditions, looping through to the last row. However, as the last row number keeps moving, due to inserting rows, I am not sure how to alter the code to allow for this.

Dim LastRow As Long
With ActiveSheet
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With


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Finding Breaks In Data, Inserting Rows

Jan 20, 2007

I've got data output (~500 rows) that's going into a larger, formatted sheet. The data going into the sheet is about 8 columns of material and the formatted sheet has over 20 columns (the rest to be filled out by the engineers). I'm tacking the new information to the bottom of the sheet (in the corresponding, non-consecutive columns), but the question now is how to format it.

Each location has recommendations, about 1-5 rows. What I want to do is insert a row after each different entry (probably by location address) so it will be more visually accessible (this is the format of the sheet).

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Finding Formula To Search For Specific Data

Nov 15, 2011

I am having trouble getting a formula to work with exactly what I need. I need a formula to find the total quantity of each product. The file I'm searching from does not list the product name or description in the subtotal column. The host file is similar to below and I just want the product name and total quantity in the new worksheet. I will have a list of all products we carry in the new worksheet and I want to pull the total quantity ordered for each item, and if none were ordered return a quantity of 0. The program the host file is exported from also lists a header at the top of each page, so for example there may be a header in between the last occurrence of Product D and the Subtotal.

Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product A Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
Product B Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Product D Description Sub description Date Ordered Quantity Ordered
Item Subtotal Total Quantity

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Finding Data By Specific Values In A Row And Column

Jun 6, 2013

Any way to search for a value down column A, another value across roW 1, and tells what value lies in the cell at their meeting point. 4 example, I'm looking For "47" somewhere in column a, and also the number 53 somewhere in row 1, and I need to know what value is in the cell where those to meet.

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Finding And Inserting Value From Previous List?

May 15, 2014

The basis of my needs is to be able to find in a list of names, a duplicate name from previous list and then grab and populate a number from that row. Here is an example

Doe,Jane $1000 $250 $750
Smith,John $700 $100 $600
Wilson,Alan $1500 $1500 $0

I update the list, some names are added and others taken away. When I add the new list, column C of every name is $0. I want the formula to find names from the previous list and populate Column C with the value of Column C + D of the corresponding name. Also I have a separate formula that simply is D=(B-C) The result of what I would want this to look like is this...

Doe,Jane $1200 $1000 $200
Doe,John $500 $0 $500
Smith,John $1000 $700 $300

As you can see there was a new name added to the list (Doe,John) and a name taken away from the list (Wilson,Alan). Column C is the only Column that I am wanting to auto populate. The Value in Column B is a variable that is managed by another program so you don't have to worry about that.

Keep in mind there will be multiple instances of this list and the same name will occur more than once in the spreadsheet. There are not duplicate names that are different customers though as my other program takes care of that. eg. "Doe,John" and "Doe,John #2". I only want it to grab the information from the previous list not ones previous to that list(if that makes sense) third example...

Doe,Jane $1500 $1200 $300
Doe,John $500 $500 $0
Miller,Joe $700 $0 $700
Smith, John $1300 $1000 $300

My current method of accomplishing this is to select the previous list and print it. I then go down the new list and cross reference it with the old one keying in the values by hand. This would be a huge time saver as the list is 250 names and growing. I hope I have given enough information but undoubtedly I have not. So feel free to ask me any questions and for more details. I did not want to go to in depth for fear of my post being to long.

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Inserting New Rows In Some Specific Way?

Apr 8, 2014

I have entered the current format of the data and the required format as well...

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Inserting Specific Cell Into A Comment?

Sep 15, 2014

My situation is like this:

-I have two sets of data in two different sheets. The data is similar, but it is taken in two ferent times, so there are some cells, which content has changed.

-I want to make a macro that identifies the changes in the latter (newer) sheet compared two the older one and to:

a) Highlight the cells (this works)

b) Add a comment to each cell that has changed so that the content of the comment is the content of the "older" cell. (so that one can easily see from the newer sheet that highlighted cells have new values and the old values are in the comment) (this is not working)

Here's my code so far. Like I said I can't make the comment work. I tried it with the same text in all comments ("test comment") and it worked but I can't make it to go and get the data from my older sheet.

OLDER = my sheet with old data
NEWER = my sheet with updated data
NEWTABLE = my table on the NEWER sheet where I want to check the changes


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Jun 7, 2006

i have this super huge worksheet im working with and im trying to insert a vlookup forumla at the first blank cell at the end of each column. for some reason when i tried:

Range("B" & lastrowB + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "test"

it worked but.. when i tried

Range("B" & lastrowB + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(A2435,[tmp.xls]vRptMOMarkToHedgeFacilities!$A:$BF,7,0)"

it didn't work. giving me an error on that line stating: Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error.

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Inserting Formula Tied To Specific Column Into Macro

Jul 25, 2014

I want to insert a formula that is tied to a specific column. I know how to do formulas and have a slight understanding of macros. Can I insert the formula as part of a larger macro?

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Finding Specific Strings

Jan 4, 2010

I have a combination of letters and numbers in a column. For example.


I need a formula to tell whether they begin with two letters and have a certain number of numbers then end in letters. Or have letters in the middle. Sorry Im so vague, I just need a start in the right direction. Ideally combined with an IF statement.

In english (If two letters afetr nine numbers then yes)

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Finding Specific Row With Criteria

Feb 6, 2007

I have a very large database of quotes. I have created a user interface with several textbox inputs, combobox inputs, and checkboxes. When the commandbutton is pressed I need a list of quote numbers to be generated based on the criteria the user input. I found an example program from here that is for ADVANCED EXCEL FIND. It only uses combo boxs and goes to those rows on datasheet. I have text input and checkbox inputs as well and I don't want it to take the user to the rows, I want just the quote numbers from the rows to be sent back to a textbox. I also read over one based on filtering data in a listbox.

This is my first program in VB, but I did quite a bit in C++ before. I can pretty much understand what all the coding says, I just am overwhelmed with it being so large and not sure how to put it all together.

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Finding A Specific Integer In A String

Aug 3, 2009

I have a string in one of the following formats:

Banana 2, Orange 5, Lemon 0
Banana 7, orange/Lemon 9, cucumber 6
Melon/grape 3, Pineapple/ Orange 1
Banana 1, orangefruit/Lemon 2, pine 8

I would like to take out the first integer that comes after the word Orange (not case sensitive). I'm kinda at a loss here, how do I go about accomplishing this?

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Finding Last Occurrence Of Specific Value In Column

Oct 23, 2002

What is the easiest way to find the last occurrence of a value in a table using functions. I want to avoid VB if at all possible and note the row number and use it in an index function to report text adjacent to that last occurrence. I would normally use match but match only records the first match and not the last.

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Finding Minimum From Specific Group?

Nov 8, 2012

I tried several iterations of sumproduct, small, and few index matches. no luck.

Several thousand rows, column A is name, column B is city, column C is $.

I want to see the max, min, median for all first names.

=SUMPRODUCT(MAX((Name=Joe)*($))) - seems to work fine
=SUMPRODUCT(min((Name=Joe)*($))) - will not work, zeros come through, even if there are no 0's for Joe
=SUMPRODUCT((Name=Joe)*(SMALL($,1))) - wrong answer

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Finding And Deleting Specific Rows

Jul 31, 2013

I was wondering if there is a formula or command to find and delet specific rows. I want to remove people from an excel email list.

On Sheet 1, I have 500 rows with columns for first name, last name, and email.
On Sheet 2, I have 30 rows with columns for first name, last name, and email that appear on Sheet 1 but need to be removed.

Is there a way to do this without manually searching for each email and then deleting the row?

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Finding Cells With Specific Format

Feb 4, 2009

I’d like to return the range (or cells address) that includes text formatted in Bold and Arial font, this is always in Column “B”, so I’m actually behind the rows number....

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Finding Last Used Cell In A Row From Specific Columns

Jun 23, 2006

I have a little problem - as you probably guessed.

I have a spreadsheet in which i need to find the value of the last used cell in a row.

e.g spread sheet uses columns "a" to "l" and rows "1" to "75".

Over time rows are filled in with text ("tom" "dick" "harry") from a to b to c, the most recent being to the right but the rows can move at different paces.

I want to count how many many times each value has come up most recently.

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Macro For Finding Specific Word And Deleting It

Apr 2, 2014

I have a excel file with more then 10 sheets..Some of the sheets contains this word in some random cells" #DIV/0! " I want a macro which can find it in every sheet except parent sheet and can remove it.

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Copy Paste Macro, Finding A Specific Value.

Oct 28, 2009

This Macro is supposed to get certain totals for me from diffrent pages. Instead of selecting an entire row I want to select specific cells, so when it finds the word total on the sheet, whose location can change often it will return the value two cells away.

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Finding How Many Time Each Item Appear In Specific Range

Jun 23, 2012

How many time each item appear in specific range.

For example:

In that list we should get :

If I am using =COUNTIF(F6:F14,"apple") then I can get the result of apple.. and just keep changing underlined word but if then i have so many data, i cant do that.

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Finding Cells Containing Specific Text By Searching

Nov 17, 2008

The easiest way of explaining what I'm after is to say, I have letters of the alphabet, in their own cells, and I want to find them by way of a search. I don't mind how this is done, but it would be good if for example you entered A, C and E, any cells containing those letters changed, maybe became bold, or the cell filled with colour.

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Finding Percentage For Cells That Contains Specific Month And Status

Jan 2, 2014

What formula I should use for this condition:

A (Contains many months, e.g. 3 November, 2 December, 10 January, etc. -- in excel date standard format mm/dd/yy)
B (Contains Paid, On process & Waiting for Invoice -- using IF formula)

I want to calculate the percentages of November that has been paid from all of A that contains November in it in column C.

What formula i should use?

I already use =SUMPRODUCT for counting the November.

I only want to use 1 other column to calculate the percentage (C column)

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Finding Sum Of Cells That Have Specific Values In Adjacent Cell?

Apr 4, 2013

I have a list of data:










I want to have a formula that finds the sum of the values in Col 1 (Qty) for the rows that equal, eg: 140, in Col 2 (Product) So that I can have a list of Products of the Qty that relates to each product. (there are products in increments of 10 from 10 to 920, that is, 92 products)

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Lookup Date In Column And Finding Specific Text Value Row And Clear

May 10, 2014

I have a userform where the user will identify a record to delete. I need to search another worksheet (Month) for the event's name which is associated a date. Once it finds this event's name I need to clear the contents of that cell.

Here is the code I am using for the record deletion from the 'Data" worksheet. I need to also locate and clear the cell as stated above.

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Inserting Timestamp On Data Sheet When Raw Data File Imported?

Feb 14, 2014

I have a workbook that requires refreshed source data each day. The workbook has all of the macros and formulas that analyze the data. I have the following code to import the worksheet with the raw data (onto a fresh worksheet in the calculation workbook), but I would like to create code that also adds the date and time to the imported data worksheet -- not the date/time the raw data was created; instead, when it was imported into my calculation workbook.

Below is my code for importing the raw data worksheet:

[Code] .....

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Matching And Inserting Data ...

Jan 31, 2010

I would like to create a macro which I can use over and over again, with slight modifications.

I have included a sample worksheet with two (2) sheets. Sheet 1 is considered my 'master sheet' of which I want to add data to, if it exists. Sheet 2 is some additional data that may or may not be included. The common thread, between the two sheets is column A.

I would like to either add to sheet 1 or create a sheet 3 with the data, whatever is more effective.

In this 'sample' case, I would like to move the data on Sheet 2, column 'H' to Sheet 1, provided both column "A's" match. Again, if it makes more sense to combine the two on Sheet 3, no worries. However, the next time I do it the data may be in a different column so I hope to understand how to change the 'From' and 'To' columns. My rudimentary skills want to say If it exists, place it here. If not, move to the next entry.

The end result would be all the data on Sheet 1 (as it stands), joined with the data on Sheet 2 Column H, if Sheet 1 Col A = Sheet 2 Col A.

This would be a process that I would do over and over again as I populate Sheet 1 with the data I need.

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Inserting Rows Between Data?

Dec 21, 2011

i have a spread sheet that has a number of different addresses in them I need a vb code that will insert 5 rows between each row of data starting from row 42 and has the possiblity of running to the end of the rows 65536. i believe the best way to do it is via column B which will always have data in it. i have tried a number of methods but they all only insert the rows once or they do it the required ammount of times one after the other so i end up with a whole section of blank rows and all my data still together.

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Inserting Columns With Data

Sep 25, 2012

what i want to do is have an area where i can input data and then i have three options of inputing the data or resetting data that is already in the list of data so i start to create a list of data but i can reset/change values if i wish for example quantity. i would also like to have a way to subtract or add a number from the quantity assigned to a code/name of some form. i know that's quite a bit

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Automatically Inserting Data

Jul 28, 2008

I am trying to create an automated input of numbers which will only happen if text is present in a cell on the same line:

1Collumn 1 Column2
21 MR X
3(cell with formula: If text is present in column 2 insert (CellA2+1). Result is 3 being inserted in A3.

I have tried to combine a ISTEXT function with an IF function but to no avail.

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