Finding File Name By Numerical Order?
Sep 12, 2012
I have an excel sheet that will create a standard filing system.
in a folder there are folders numbered like this:
"ENQ 0123, ENQ 0124" and go up 1 digit at a time.
there are hundereds in this folder. I would just like to know if there is a quick way of finding the latest one so i can then tell my code to generate the next one.
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Feb 22, 2010
I need to be able to enter a number in a cell, A1 for example, activate a button, and have that value placed into a new row below in numerical order, then the entry in A1 deleted so more entries can be made
For example, if F1=6, G1=8 and H1=9, if I enter 7 in A1 and run the macro, a new row is created (G becomes H, H becomes I, etc) and 7 is placed in G1, A1 is cleared.
What I'm up to is inventory where the items are all numbered and more of the same number can show up with a larger number, like XXXX1 and XXXX2 that are the same item, or different item YYYY1 that may only show up once. Row gets deleted when inventory is removed from "back room" and goes to sales area so the list will only carry 40 or so items at any one time.
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Dec 17, 2013
I have imported data and numbers from a website and would like to sort the data in numerical order. Excel wants to sort the data 1,10,2,20... in that order. I know from past experience with an older version there was a way to convert the numbers so they can be sorted in the way that I want.
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Feb 20, 2009
I have a spreadsheet for work that consists of various columns of data. One important sorting column would be Job #. Inside this coulumn are data like 134-Q and 2355-P and 755-P for example. The sort now is like posted. I would like to be able to sort by both alphabetical and numerical order. ie, 755-P, 2355-P, then 134-Q.
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Jul 19, 2013
I have a column that has something like:
How do I make it to be the order of bigger number to smaller number?
I tried Data > sort Z-A, but then some of the numbers disappear and become "--"
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May 26, 2012
I'm looking for a formula that will rearrange a row of numbers in numerical order and by their last digit also in a numerical order, I hope it's clear enough !!!
2 1235781114162022273139667197110113128136139153225250328428508576772 3
4 2011025011131712227723113153145225166613657672797812832842850839139 5
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Jul 30, 2012
From I51 :R51 are the skips of each digit contain in the combination from C51:G51 meaning that the combination : 7 8 47 51 52 is composed with the digits 1 2 4 5 7 8 those digits have their own column with their skips in it, and I would like starting in cell T51 and dragging to the right the skip of only those digits and in a numerical order.
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Oct 11, 2007
I am trying to sort worksheets in excel by numerical order. I have renamed each worksheet with a different zipcode that corresponds to data on that sheet.
I believe there might be two ways to do this,
1) by sorting numerically the worksheet names.
2) by perhaps referencing a cell on each worksheet (i.e. the zipcode) and sorting it that way.
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May 14, 2008
I am trying to sort different SKU #'s for my amazon store on excel. I go to Data... Sort... Ascending and it comes out like this...
and so on...
i want it to be like this
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Mar 25, 2014
Excel 2007. At the bottom of a column of data I'm trying to reference the cell $AG4. There are 340 total columns. Each additional column to the right needs to reference the next cell in column AG. So I'm trying to drag and copy horizontally from $AG4 to $AG340. When I try just the single column it just copies $AG4 into everything to the right. When I have to columns ($AG4 and $AG5) and grab both to try to copy horizontally the numbers increasing it just does $AG4, $AG5, $AG4, $AG5, etc.
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Jun 19, 2014
Trying to arrange numerical values in order from lowest to highest in a column i have a code to do that but i need it to be able to but to a range in the column so it only sorts the values in rows 3 - 60 not all of the rows in the column
Sub Testsort()
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A3"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
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Jul 20, 2006
I have a small problem with a list of event codes in the form XX###, (Xs are letters, # numbers), I need to be able to find the largest numerical component in the list, and am having problems finiding a neat way of doing it.
I could do it by using the RIGHT command to get the numerical bit in a seperate column, then convert it to number, then use LARGEST, but this seems somewhat cumbersome!
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Apr 30, 2013
I'm attempting to do work on pattern detection and actions based on how said patterns occur in a column. Here is what I would like excel to do for me:
Pattern W1
Example A1=A , A2=A , A3=B
Pattern L1 Consecutive "A" 3 or more
Example A4=A , A5=A , A6=A
Triggers on specific events:
While L1 tracking variable = 0 -- If L1 is found, mark a variable to -2 then set the corresponding cell in the column over to the value of the variable (-2)
While L1 tracking variable < 0 -- If consecutive L1s are found one after another, then (on each consecutive occurence) multiply the variable by 3, then set the corresponding cell in the column over to the value of the variable
If W1 is found while L1's variable is < 0, then multiply the value of the L1 tracking variable by -1 and add 1, then set the corresponding cell in the column over to the value of the L1 variable, then set L1's tracking variable to 0
If W1 is found while L1's variable is = 0, then set the corresponding cell in the column over to the value of 1
All data is in one column.
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Oct 28, 2013
I have a print macro that works very well, but the files print randomly and I have to put them on order as they print. Is there a way these could print in order?
Sub Batch_Print()
Dim Input_Dir, Print_File As String
Input_Dir = InputBox _
("Input directory path containing the files to print")
' Defines Print_File equal to the first Microsoft Excel file found
[Code] .....
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Nov 14, 2011
Have a file of 7 mb having 100 columns and unlimited rows (user defined- approx 500). At all these cells in that area, I refresh (copy/paste) the same formula for all cells, read as:
MATCH(HE$45,$Q$22:$Q$26,0),IF($DA47=GROUPSHIP,2,3)))) ].
Refresh is necessary bcs I insert/delete/sort rows.
In order to reduce file size and instead of saving all these formulas into the approx 5000 cells, I would prefer if I could have a function in VBA and call it (with copy/paste) with a smaller formula at all these 5000 cells as: [= myfunction], so as to have this simple formula in each of 5000 cells, hoping that this will reduce size.
How can I write the long formula above to a function in VBA?
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Sep 19, 2007
I am trying to create a Karaoke Song List in excel, which would show four columns on each page with Artist, Track, Artist, Track. I am importing a text file to do this. The problem I have is that I can import the file so that it puts Artist and Track going down, however, it would then need to go back to the top of the page to fill in the right hand side of the current page. Is there any code that retrieves the current print page number of the current cell (so that I can initiate the code to go to the top right of the current page and continue importing)? Or is there a better way of doing this?
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Dec 12, 2009
I'd like to find out the formula where numerical valued between 1-2000 equals True and numerical under 0 equals False. Examples are in the attachment.
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Sep 26, 2012
Code below is trying to search for a deal number within all file names within a set folder. There is one file in the folder with th deal number within, but it isn't finding it.
Sub Macro1()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
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Dec 16, 2008
I have tried to use the "FileSystemObject", but i just dont understand the concept around it.
The reference to use it as been selected.
In time, this directory maybe huge, so i want a fast macro to find out the name of the last created file.
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Jan 19, 2009
I can not seem to find a good example of code for a try and catch error handler out on the web for something I am working on. Here is the code I am working with:
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Jul 19, 2013
want a way to find out any special character in text file (.txt).
The .txt file I use is very large about 100 mb to 1GB. I need to find a way to write vba code that asks for input text file and the validates it and gives the message that following special characters are present in the file. Also, it gives their column number and row no's, where they are located.
The characters which needs not treated as special characters are numbers (0-9), alpha (A-Z) and special characters (@,-,%,$,+,=).
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Dec 21, 2009
I want to place the atribute (Date as value): "LastAccessDate" of a file called "!FileSessionStart.nwd" in Sheet1.Cell A2 in my workbook - without opening/accessing" this "C:/so-and-so/!FileSessionStart.nwd" - just want to read and use the last accessed date of it.
How will a macro go finding this atribute of this particular file and place this atribute as value as described?
The filepath of it is valued in celle A1
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May 27, 2014
I have a very big Excel file (62 MB). I need to be able to filter by one column (FACILITY) and sort the whole file using the (REGISTRATION NO) column as well as finding the missing sequence number in the (REGISTRATION NO) column. The problem is that the (FACILITY) column has more than 200 different facility name. I am thinking of macro as I have different Spreadsheet I need to do the same steps in each one separately.
I have attached a copy (example from the data that I have) .
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Nov 29, 2008
I looked at threads realted to printing but wasn ot able to find something similar to what I need. So here is my problem:
I have a file with more than 100 worksheets (each sheet contains the invoice for one store). I would like to create a macro that would enable me to determine the order in which worksheets would be printed. How to do it?
Idea #1: the printing order would be based on the value in cell L1 that would contain the route number for each store. Stores belonging to the same delivery route will have the same value in L1. So, the macro should first print all sheets with 1 in cell L1, then print all sheets with 2 in cell L1 and so on...
Idea #2: Creating a separate data sheet with the list of all stores and their corresponding route number. Let's say info is contained in range A1:B150, where Column A contains the name of the stores and column B contains the route numbers. The macro then should look at that list to determine the printing order of the subsequent worksheets (the name of the store in column A would be the same as the name of the worksheet corresponding to that store).
Idea #3: sorting my 150 worksheets manually. It does not solve my problem fully, though, because stores do not always belong to the same route. So the manual sorting should be carried out daily and would not save time at all.
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Mar 1, 2008
I need a way to re-order an excel worksheets columns based on another worksheet.
Data is extracted from a database into excel however users can configure the columns in the initial system. to how they like This causes problems when the data is copied into an excel spreadsheet I have created as the data copied will not be in the same column order as is required.
How can i reorder the columns without physically having to cut and paste the columns to match?
I have attached a sample spreadsheet.
You will see on the spreadsheet that 'fixed columns' is the order that i require the data however 'variable columns' is not in the same order.
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Feb 25, 2014
I have been trying to write two formulas in one cell. I have been able to write them both separately but have been unable to join them both together. What I am trying to do if first search name them how many reoccurring numbers appear. I have provided an example below
a b c d
1 Tom 333
2 Sam 22
3 Sam 22
4 John 5
5 Sam 22
6 Sam 1
7 Tom 3
8 Tom 333
So the answer would be
Tom = 2
Sam = 2
John = 1
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May 9, 2009
I have been searching to see if it's possible to create a histogram with non-numerical data and it doesn't seem like it's possible. Is there something similar where I can. Count number of occurrences of a string and organize them from most frequent to less frequent? There are about 60 possible strings.
Then output the counts of each of the strings (letters in this case) present. I was thinking of just putting them in the same row or column and manually counting, but it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult have it automated.
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May 16, 2009
The worksheet looks like following:
A1=350; B1= ; C1=-350
a.The forumula in C1 was =A1-B1
b. B1 was blank
c. I had to enter the formula in B1?
What formula goes on B1?
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Feb 3, 2010
Is there an equivalent of =rank for non-numerical data? If not, is it possible to sort data (into another column if necessary) alphabetically without resorting to a macro?
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Mar 24, 2013
find the first numerical in a text string that is immediately followed by an x
so that i can extract the packing size from packing description workbook attached
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