Fixing Up Single Line Of Code To Format Column?

Apr 20, 2012

I'm trying to search for a column by looking for a specific column header and then format the entire column in the specific number format desired, but I keep getting an error message with this line.

With Rows("1:1")
.Find(what:="Go Live Date").Column.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
End With

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Fixing Line Breaks In Long CSV File So Columns Align

Mar 27, 2014

A database spits out a 42-column (A-AP) and 3,000+ row csv sheet of raw data with column headers. Frequently (due to improperly inputted information), there is a random line break in the middle of a cell, resulting in data that should be in columns Q (or R or S) - AP winding up in columns A thru Y (or Z or AA).

The only data that is consistent is in column AC.

Basically, I need to delete any blank rows and pull the incorrectly wrapped data up to complete the row where the split occurred.

Upon examination of the csv file in Word, there are instances of improperly placed paragraph marks (^p), which can easily be searched and replaced—in Word (by replacing each column A data with a unique character and the same data, deleting all paragraph marks and then replacing the unique character with a ^p.

Firstly, I'm not sure how to accomplish this same task in Excel and secondly, doing so brings the data into the proper rows but it doesn't fix the varying number of blank cells. Simply deleting blanks and shifting left doesn't work because the split often occurs in the middle of a cell which would require concatenating. But I would be ok deleting the latter part of the data so the columns align if need be.

In the attached example sheet, I highlighted the relevant data and what needs to be aligned. There is an ideal and an acceptable version in addition to the initial way the csv imports.


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Data From Rows And Column To One Single Line

Nov 12, 2009

I have to worksheets: Sheet1, Sheet2. In sheet 1, I have some data like this (in first col is 1, second col is a, third col is c etc. ):

1 a b c d
2 e f g h

I need in sheet 2 in range A1(only in this range one big text), something like this: a,c,e,g ........ ( row1-col2,row1-col4,row1-col2,row1-col4 ......) ( separated by ","). The number of rows from sheet 1 is variable. The dataf a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h ... is some random text.

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Multiple Row, Single Column Cell Blocks Into Single Row, Multiple Column Format

Mar 21, 2008

I have a text file containing internet explorer browser history. The file has data in the following format (in Excel all data is in 1 column): ...

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Rewrite Line Of Code To Prevent Changing Number Format

Aug 5, 2007

The following block of code is evaluating the term in the array, if it exists and the value in col. M is a non integer, (which what I am testing for are fractions) then format the cell to a fraction number format.
That is ok, except it is changing the numberformat on text terms. I want it only to change the numberformat on numeric values.
I added the function Isnumeric to this line:

Isnumeric(cells(i, "M").value) Int(cells(i, "M").value)
which I thought would only evaluate numeric cells only, but this was unsuccessful.

Original Code: Unedited.

For i = 4 To LRowf
For Each Item In Array("HAT", "FTWR", "BOOT", "BOOTG", "BOOTY", "HWRISR", "HWBLTS")
On Error Resume Next
If (Cells(i, "F").Value = Item Or Cells(i, "G").Value = Item) And _
Cells(i, "M").Value Int(Cells(i, "M").Value) Then
Cells(i, "M").NumberFormat = "# ?/?"
On Error GoTo 0
Exit For
'End If
End If

Next Item
Next i

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Format From Column To Single Cell

Feb 17, 2014

I have a column of numbers that I need to reformat. I created a macro to copy/paste special/transpose to get the data into separate columns. I then used & to get them into one cell. I can only have five sets of # in each cell. The macro works but it replaces the previous set of accounts. Is this the best way to reformat these numbers? If so, how do I correct the macro so that it doesn't replace the data i already reformatted?

I have attached a sample spreadsheet.

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Multiple Line Texts To A Single Line?

Mar 30, 2014

I have a multiple line texts I want to convert it in single line like for Example:

The following contents is to be converted in a single line


[aaaaaaaa] [bbbbbbb] on
[cccccccc] [ddddddd] on
[eeeeeeee] [fffffffffff] on


[aaaaaaaa] [bbbbbbb] [cccccccc] [ddddddd] [eeeeeeee] [fffffffffff] on

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VB / Macro Code For Multiple Find And Replace Within One Single Column?

Mar 17, 2014

code to find/replace the letters: "A" with "Active", "P" with "Contract", and "C" with "Settled sale", all in column "Q".

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Convert Macro In 1 Line To Multiple Line Code

Dec 8, 2007

i hv following code

(i use generate macro)

my question is how to arrange the code from one line to multiple like :-

following code show in excel macro environment is one striaght line.

' Create new var on yr , and replace 2006 to CY06.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _

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VBA IF And THEN Statement On Single Line?

Feb 14, 2014

Difference between these two statements. The first one works perfectly while the second one returns an error. Also why is the best scenario to use IF and Then on a single line?


2nd one with error:

[Code] .....

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Single Line Border Around A Cell - VBA

Apr 16, 2012

Why is the VBA for putting a simple border around a cell so convoluted. For example cell A2:

Sub CellBorder()
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin

[Code] ........

So many lines to put a simple - single line border (square) around a cell.

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Multiple Vba Commands On A Single Line

May 19, 2008

Is it possible to have multiple VBA commands on a single line with a separator ( ; or , ) of some kind?

I am trying to keep my code as short as possible (from a scrolling perspective) and would like to have something like the following:

Dim MyArray(1 to 20, 1 to 3)
MyArray(1,1) = "Sheet1" ; MyArray(1,2) = "D8" ; MyArray(1,3) = "D9"
MyArray(2,1) = "Sheet1" ; MyArray(2,2) = "C49" ; MyArray(2,3) = "w3"
MyArray(3,1) = "Sheet1" ; MyArray(3,2) = "A23" ; MyArray(3,3) = "AB12"
MyArray(4,1) = "Sheet1" ; MyArray(4,2) = "Z19" ; MyArray(4,3) = "W12"
MyArray(5,1) = "Sheet1" ; MyArray(5,2) = "Q32" ; MyArray(5,3) = "Q23"

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Count Number Of Commas In A Single Line?

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to count the number of commas in each line of my Excel file. So I first decided to count the total number of rows and then count the number of commas in each row. I wrote this code. But I keep getting an error saying Next without for.

Sub Give_The_Last_Row()
LastRow = ActiveCell.Row


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Single Coding Line Into Multiple Using Underscore

Feb 10, 2010

Single coding line into multiple using underscore
How can i break this up

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Line Chart With Single Data Point

Jun 20, 2013

Showed a line chart using 2 vertical axis where the first was a single line along the graph (ie. 42%) then the second data series was a single data point that was above or below the line which easily showed if the result lied above or below the threshold.

How to get a straight line across the body of the just to be used as the theshold line?

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Copy/Paste With Single Line Using VBA (2007)

Sep 21, 2009

I had the following code that worked great with Excel 2003, but I receive an error with Excel 2007.

Dim Master As Workbook
Set Master = Workbooks("Master.xls")

For Each wb In Workbooks
If wb.Name Like "S04*" Then _
If Not Range("A2") = Empty Then _
Range(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp), Range("A2")).EntireRow.Copy _
Master.ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
Next wb

I receive error 1004 "application defined or object defined error" when it tries to paste to the "Master" sheet using the the above lines.

Is there something in the formatting that has changed with 2007? I'm guessing I have to slightly change the line in bold.

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Bullet Point Each Line Within A Single Cell

Aug 22, 2008

My basic problem is I compile a newsletter for my company. Many people write me E-mails and i paste their "daily accomplishments" into a template. My question is if there is an easy way to insert bullets at the beginning of each line inside the cell. My company wants it prepared with a certain type. I am attaching a sample.

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Add A Single Cells Contents To The LINE That Is Being Copied

Jun 10, 2006

I have some code (authored by Dangler) that i want to pull not just one range but also the contents of one specific cell and then copy the range and cell to a line on another spreadsheet.


f .Cells(i, 8).Value > 0 Then

.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 200)).Copy

Sheets("all").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial (xlValues)

End If

I want to add a single cells contents to the LINE that is being copied .... something like this...

f .Cells(i, 8).Value > 0 Then

.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 200)) AND A1.Copy

Sheets("all").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial (xlValues)

End If

the output would be like this: CELL CONTENTS, RANGE CONTENTS
K21, 40012122 400 450 450 50 001 BAGS

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Transfer Single Line With Sum Of Multiple Lines

Oct 16, 2007

I import data into an excel spreadsheet where a unique job number may have multiple costs against it. These import as separate lines, repeating the job number.

The data imports on a sheet called 'DataImport'. From that sheet I transfer some of the imported fields onto another sheet.

What I need to be able to do is transfer the job number and a sum of the costs onto the other sheet.

The data is run regularly and I delete all the fields on the DataImport sheet in the macro each time the import is run.

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Write Array To Text File On Single Line

Apr 14, 2008

In VBA, is it possible to write to a text file, on 1 single line (without carriage return or line feed) the values of a dynamic array? For instance, I have the array:

Dim my(n) As Double 'n is changeable
my(0) = 0
my(1) = 1
my(2) = 2

I want to write to a text file, like this: Write #filename, my(0), my(1), my(2) '..... until my(n) but n is changing

I want them on 1 line, because I use the other direction (up - down) for other things).

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Lottery Number Generation: Create A Single Line Function

Mar 29, 2002

You must install "Analysis TookPak-VBA" before doing this; check in your Excel's Tools/Add-Ins menu. Paste this long function (see below) in an Excel's worksheet (any cell) and press F9 (calculate) until you see at least 2 identical numbers. Real life's lottery does not have repeating numbers. I can disable this repetition by using cells relation but I want to use just one (1) cell. Any expert wants to challenge? If not, you can use VBA. But it still requires one (1) line of codes.


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Concatenate Multiple Cells Into Single Cell With Line Feeds

Dec 21, 2007

I have one row per day of the month in column A. each row has one or more cell entries in column B .... to column (variable) Right now I use a formula =concatenate(B2,CHAR(10),C2,CHAR(10),D2.....) for as long as it has to be, but this has its limits and requires a lot of editing as the number of filled cells for each row vary.

would it be possible with some macro code to manage the variable number of cells and then insert verything, wrapped text, in a single cell (can be cell Bx or a cell in a new column added next to the dates column) As soon as everything is in the single cell, the original data cells can be emtied. I can record a macro but that does not allow me to manage the variable number of cells . a small sample file attached.

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Combining SUM With Fixing A Cell Value

Jun 20, 2008

how can I combine the Formula =(SUM(A2:A100))/(SUM(B2:B100)) with setting a value of the cell D2?

What I want would look like this (in column C):

=(SUM(A2:A100))/(SUM(B2:B100)) with the condition that D2=0
=(SUM(A2:A100))/(SUM(B2:B100)) with the condition that D2=100
=(SUM(A2:A100))/(SUM(B2:B100)) with the condition that D2=200
=(SUM(A2:A100))/(SUM(B2:B100)) with the condition that D2=300

and so on.

The point is that the values A2 to A100 are dependent on the input value in D2.

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Transposing And Fixing Cell Values

Jul 22, 2008

This question would be much easier to get if I could copy paste my sheet for a look!This sheet is being coded for a test that will be taken repeatedly.

B1 to Z1 are various variables(1,2,3,4...25) while B2 to Z2 are the status of each variable(yes,no).AA2 gives me the accuracy of my test(14/26).I have used 2 countif formulas for this with a "/" in between.A1 asks current instance of test which is filled in A2(1st, 2nd, 3rd).

What I want to do is each time the user tries to change the param in A2, cell AA2 gets copied somewhere with the Test instance(Instance 1-14/25, Instance 2-12/25, Instance 3-20/25) so that I can make a dynamic bar graph out of it i.e. the bar graph tells me how I'm trending in my results inclusive of the last taken test.

I'm confused cos while I can make a cell pick up the value of another it takes the most current value with no...memory of the last test.

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Fixing Macro: Only Create Around 53 Text File

Aug 23, 2009

First need to create a "Text" Folder in your desktop, then try running the macro. It will create a number of text files inside the "Text" folder.. And they contain the used cells from each row. It's supposed to create 982 text files, with the text name referred to the first column. Problem is, if you try running it, it will only create around 53 text file

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Fixing Cell Reference In A Formula During Macro VBA Script

Apr 27, 2014

I have a template workbook and a macro that finds lines of data in a source workbook and copies parts of it to the template workbook. It then deletes left-over blank rows, leaving a summary section just below the last row. There is a formula in column C of the summary section that gets messed up slightly by the deleted rows, specifically a cell reference within the formula that refers to data on another sheet within the same workbook.

On the template the original formula is in cell C1667 of a sheet entitled "2014" and reads...

[Code] .....

After the macro is run, lets say that for argument sake, we end up with 13 rows of data that got copied across to the template, the data exists in rows 3-13 and excess rows have been deleted. The above formula now sits in cell C16, and reads....

[Code] .....

The last cell reference in the formula has not updated itself to row 13, I believe because it refers to another sheet.

I would like to add in a line of code at the end that will find which row the formula sits at in column C after excess rows have been deleted, and correct it, so that for this example, it would end up being this....

[Code] .....

The formula will always be in columns C but what row it ends up on will vary.

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Fixing Compile Error: Project Or Library Cannot Be Found

Nov 6, 2007

I have currently written a macro in excel 2003, it doesn't run on excel 2007, or some versions of 2003, I realize this is due to missing references, I was curious if there is any way to write code to actually prompt or install these references using VB. This way novice users can use the macro by themselves.

At the moment it fails on code such as

ans = MsgBox("??", vbYesNoCancel, "Title")
saying ans is not found
"Compile Error: Project or Library cannot be found"

I can avoid these errors by dimensioning everything as a string or variant. BUt doing this will use more memory which is not desired at the moment as it sometimes exhuast available memory on some machines.

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VBA Worksheet Change Insert Line And Format Particular Cells?

Nov 8, 2013

what I am looking to do is when in colum AA a cell changes to "Drawdown" I'd like the cells in column A:D,F,H:L,N:Q,S:Z on the same row to grey out and a line to be insert below the cell that was changed, if it selects "Fee" , cells in A:D,F,H:L,N:Q,S:Z on the same row.

I have writen the following butit seems rather cumbersome and I can not get the insert line to work.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim WatchRange As Range
Dim IntersectRange As Range
Set WatchRange = Range("AA1:AA500")
Set IntersectRange = Intersect(Target, WatchRange)


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Format Row Based On Single Cell Value In That Row

Jan 21, 2008

I have a macro that's supposed to see if cell 5 meets criteria and continue to all sheets in workbook, except " Total".

When I activate the macro on a specific page, it runs smoothly on that page. But when it's finished, it doesn't continue to the next sheet in the workbook.

Sub ColourBG()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim line As Integer
endline = Range("A1000").End(xlUp).Row

For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "Total" Then
With ws
For line = 3 To endline
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If (Cells(line, 5).Value = "0206") Then _
Cells(line, 1).EntireRow.Font.ColorIndex = 5 '*(Blue)
Next line
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End If
Next ws
End Sub

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Line Code

Apr 2, 2007

I have the following line from my code of which I am having trouble with I get an error:

If Left(IRange, 1).Value "1" Then
I am trying to find the first string in cell range ...IRange ... I know the Left function = Left(string, length) but can I reference a Range or perhaps cell location within the string argument??? This can be done in excel formulas, but can it be done with VB code??

IRange = Cells (iRow,iCol) and value in cells are Long

My goal is to try and find out how I can use my excel formula:

Left(D3,Find("1",D3)) and impliment this to my above VB line

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