Formula: Return Result Based On Other Cell Values

Sep 27, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that give me the percentage difference of two cell say a1 and a2 (=a2/a1)[format as % two decimal places]. The result is on say b5 as a %[format as % two decimal places]. Now on B6 I want to do this:

if B5 is >3.01% then b6 =" Market Test Required"
if B5 is +3% then b6 =110
if B5 is +2% then b6 =106
if B5 is +1% then b6 =103
if B5 is 0% then b6 =100
if B5 is -1% then b6 =96
if B5 is -2% then b6 =93
if B5 is -3% then b6 =90
if B5 is >-3.01% then b6 ="Market Test Required"

So on and so on.... I would really appreciate your help on this issue.

I have used excel for some time now but not with complex formulas or any vb.

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Formula Calculation To Be 1 Of 2 Values & Increment Cell Based On Result

May 24, 2008

I'm quite a novice at Excel. I have a column of values that I sum as follows;


0 <----------------sum of A1:A5

A formula may change one of the values in the above column to a '1' which means the sum will become '1'. The sum can only be '1' or '0' and only one value in the column will ever change. I need to add a value of 2 to another cell (say, C1) when the sum of A1:A5 changes from a value of '0' to '1'. I know this will probably involve the worksheet change event but am having a problem implementing it.

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Return Values Based On Lookup Result

Feb 4, 2008

I am currently looking at the workings of a spreadsheet designed by someone else.

First of all i need to know,how these combo boxes are created in the attached sheet,because it cant be addition to tht in the coloured cell (F17)i'm trying to dereive a formula which is,if (C17 = doll "1"),but its not working.Please someone give me a solution.

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Return 1,2 Or 3 Based On Result Of Formula

Mar 3, 2007

Any other day but today (I've been starring at numbers too long) I could do this.

I need a simple formula that will return:

a. 3 if resut is >= $2.5M
b. 2 if over >= $0.5M
c. 1 if

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Return Result Based On Time In Cell

Oct 2, 2007

I have a table of repair jobs done over a period of time. I just need to determine during which shift was the repair job done. The time during which the job was initiated is called Notification Time.

If the job was done at, say, 0100 hrs, then it was done during Shift 1 (0000hrs to 0800 hrs)
If done at 0830 hrs, Shift 2 (0801 to 1600hrs)
If done at 2030 hrs, Shift 3 (1601 to 2359 hrs)

I need a formula to allow me to determine the Shift no. by just checking against the Notification Time column.

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Return Result Based On Text In Cell

Oct 26, 2007

I have a spreadsheet where in cell E2 there is a drop down box with the following options to select: Warranty Replacement, Insurance Claim, Billing Issues, Retention Opportunities.

In cell F2 is where wait time minutes are generated depending on what is selected from the drop down box in E2. I am trying to create a nested IF formula for the following scenario:

Warranty Replacement = 20
Insurance Claim = 20
Billing Issues = 15
Retention Opportunities = 20

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Return 1 Result From Many Based On Multiple Condition Check Of Cell Value

May 21, 2008

I am trying to write a formula to figure out Body Mass Indexes for certain age groups and whether or not they fall into a High or Low risk category. So, I am trying to write a formula that does the following. I have 3 columns, Gender, Age and BMI. I need the formula to do the following.

IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >7%, <19%, Then return an "L" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >19%, Then return an "H" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >40, <59 AND BMI >14%, <23%, Then return an "L" into 4th column..............................

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Formula To Return A Values Based On Whether A1 Is Within A Range?

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to create a formula that will do the following:

If A1 is between 95 and 99 then populate with 2

If A1 is between 90 and 94 then populate with 3

If A1 is between 85 and 89 then populate with 4

If A1 is between 80 and 84 then populate with 5

If A1 is below 80 then populate with 6

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Run Macro Based On Result Of IF Function/Formula In Cell

Sep 14, 2006

how to run a macro from an IF function, if the function is true macro 1 runs if the function is false macro 2 runs.

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Array Formula To Return Multiple Values Based On Various Criteria?

Dec 19, 2013

I can manage an array formula that returns a value based on a criteria. Simple. But I want to add in an additional couple of criteria. Now I'm stuck....

My sheet looks at a manually entered postcode, finds out what region this is in, and returns a list of postcode I have defined as being in that region. (So the postcode WF1 3JY would return a region of Yorkshire, and list postcodes of WF, BD, L, etc)

I also have a list of engineers, with a column for their home postcode.I want to be able to list all the engineers from my list whose home postcode matches any of the values on the already created list from the postcode and region entered. So far I have this, which finds me all the engineers for just one postcode area.

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Formula/Function To Return Multiple Values Based On Criteria

Aug 25, 2006

I would like to be able to use the Vlookup function to return more then one value as a result of the criteria. I have a cloumn of dates that populates the X axis of a gantt chart with data whilst the Y axis will be populated by a site reference resulting in a program of work, the Y axis data is the result of a vlookup function. My difficulty arises however with multiple sites, for instance where two or three sites will be visited on the same day. The vlookup function will only return the first value it finds in a range to the formulated cell. The result being a missing site(s) from the gantt chart / work program. is it possible to return all values to a cell i.e. site1, site2, site3. using a vlookup or do i need to use another method of doing this?

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Formula For Cell Result Based On Other Cell Input

Sep 3, 2007

I'm trying to work out the way of having a cell give a result based on what has been input into two other cells.

Basically I'm doing up a risk management spreadsheet. I need to have in one cell the LIKELIHOOD of an incident, in the second cell, the CONSEQUENCES of it happening and ending up with a RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT in the third cell.

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Return Result Based On Criteria

Oct 27, 2006

if Cell F42 contains 50%, then my fomula returns "wrong"


how do I get the formula calculate correctly?

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Compare Values In Multiple Columns And Return A Result

Mar 17, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with three years worth of data for a property I manage. Each column has cost data for the year and the specific department/cost for that year as the row value.

I have a column between the years that calculates the percent of gross revenue for the specific department/cost.

I would like to find (or create) a formula that will compare the percentage (or specific cost) for the three years within the specific row and if the increase year over year over year exceeds a trigger value it returns something (check me out/true/false) whatever.

The cost items for the property are in the hundreds so I'm trying to come up with a way to quickly see what specific cost items are going up (or down) more rapidly then what would be considered normal.

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Copy Values To Another Worksheet For Calculation & Return Result

Jun 13, 2008

I have wind speeds and elevation data for 200 points. Each variable needs to go into a calculations spreadsheet on another worksheet. Once each variable gets put in the calculations automatically spit out the result. Now I need to use macro to automate this process so that it will repeat the steps I took for every line of data.

In English code terms, I want the Macro to say, take wind speed number and input in wind speed cell in calculations spreadsheet. Then take elevation number and input in calculations spreadsheet. Then take result number from calculations spreadsheet and input in cell. Then loop to go down the 200 lines of data. Is this possoble? Sorry for the non-technical wording.

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Return Result Based On Multiple Criteria

Sep 19, 2009

I have been trying this for hours but to no avail.

I have a table with 4 columns headers
Name, Amount, Loc and Code

The name may look like ABC 1, ABC 2....
The Loc may be in US, GB...
and the Code may be AA, BB

I need to return a result "Y" if the sum of the amount is > 100
and "N" if the sum of the amount < 100 based on the conditions
of the following :if

1) Name is the same entity, such as ABC 1 and ABC 2 and
2) Loc is the same, US..and
3) Code is the same

I have attached a sample to illustrates the result

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Return Result Based On Lookup Value Returned

Oct 17, 2006

I have four columns, A through D
Column C is returning a simple vlookup of A
I need Column D to return a value where C is TDMA return TDMA or when C is GSM lookup column B compare to tab2 (columns A through L) returning column 12.

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Return Text Based On Calculation Result

Dec 18, 2007

I need an excel function for this...

Cell A2= 8
Cell A3= 1

If A2 < (9*A3), then Cell A4 will say "Plastic", otherwise it will look to the next function, which is If A2 < (10*A3), then A4 will say "Compact", otherwise, it will look to the next one which is If A2 < (15*A3), then A4 will say "Semi-Compact" otherwise If A2> (15*A2), it'll say "Slender". so at the end, Cell A4 can only be one of these: 'Plastic' or 'Compact' or 'Semi-compact' or 'Slender'. How can i combine all the functions together?

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Return Result Based On Percentage Being Within A Range

Jan 17, 2008

I'm attempting to do the following:

A1 contains names of projects.

B1 contains variances from budgets, being positive or negative numbers.

C1 will contain results.

I need to know which of the B1 cells contain a number equal to or greater than 20%/-20% and output the names in A1 that match the criteria to C3.

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If Formula Result Negative Then Return Zero

Nov 6, 2006

When i have a formula standing at A3 fore example =A1-A2
and when i fill in a number like 100 at A1

And i fill in a number like 150 at A2 then at A3 where i had make my formula in there stands -50

Now i want the -50 not to disapear but instead there must be stand a 0(zero)

What is the formula i can use

i dont mind to put in at another cel like A4 for example

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VLOOKUP Formula Dragdown Copies Previous Cell Result Instead Of Unique Result

Jun 10, 2014

When I drag my VLOOKUP formula down a column in Excel 2010, the return value copies the formula result from the original VLOOKUP formula result. For example, if the first VLOOKUP returns a value of 0.5, I expect to see 0.5 or 1 in the cell below that one. However, I get 0.5 which is not the expected result for the cell below.

When, I click the fx on the cells below, the expected return values appear in the formula result. After I click OK, the expected formula results updates and now appears in the cell.

I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My computer was updated recently from an old machine to a new one. I have never experienced this issue before.

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Return Values Based On The Range In Another Cell

Nov 28, 2012

I am trying to put together a calculation sheet for court costs and I need a cell to return a value based on the amount entered in another cell. For example, if I input a value between 1 and 5 in cell A1, I would like "Cat" to appear in cell A2. However, if I input a value between 6 and 10 in cell A1, I would like "Dog" to appear in cell A2. Is this something that can be done without VB?

For the real spreadsheet, I would need the following outputs in cell A2 based on the respective ranges in cell A1:

Output to A2 = $405 if input to A1 is < $50,000.
Output to A2 = $905 if input to A1 is ≥ $50,000 and < $250,000
Output to A2 = $1,905 if input to A1 is ≥ $250,000

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Return Value Based On Multiple Possible Values In A Cell

Nov 21, 2007

I have in A1 a string of 100 characters..

I would like to create a SELECT CASE where,
if in A1 there is the word "BLACK" , put 1 in A10
if in A1 there is the word "WHITE", put 2 in A10
else put 50 in A10

I'm trying to use the instruction INSTR but with negative results..

(I have many cases other than BLACK and WHITE, that's why I need a SELECT CASE)

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Return Number Based On Other Cell Values

Feb 20, 2008

I have the following formula: =IF(C319<=300,9,IF(AND(C319>300,C319<500,6.75),IF(C319>500,6))) It returns 9 if C319<=300 but returns FALSE for all other numbers. I want the funtion to return 9 If <=300 and 6.75 if C319 is greater than 300 but <=500 and if it greater than 500 it should return 6.

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Formula To Return Values In A Dynamic Cell

Oct 21, 2009

I basically have this worksheet which has Cell D3 Being Dynamic. It puts the lowest cost supplier from columns H:W. If i change the prices in H:W it will bring up the lowest cost supplier in D3. Once D3 is chosen i want it to self populate F3 and G3 based off of what is in D3. This data should be pulled off from what is in the H:W columnns corresponding to the supplier in D3.

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Formula: Find The “best” Contact Information And Return The Result To The Merge Sheet

Feb 17, 2009

I have a formula that needs some tweaking. This formula is to reference the ACCT and find the “best” contact information and return the result to the Merge sheet. If the ACCT does not have a Parent then you reference the ACCT to the abc_Phonelist sheet. If the ACCT does have a Parent then use the Parent ACCT since it has a more desirable account number to reference against the abc_Phonelist. If the ACCT or the Parent ACCT uses Processors then the ACCT from the Processors sheet has the best reliable account number to reference against the abc_Phonelist.
In sum, there are three different possible “number tiers” that can be used. The first, the ACCT phone number. This means that the ACCT has neither a Parent nor a Processor. The second, the parent ACCT phone number. This means that the ACCT has a Parent, but neither the Parent ACCT nor the ACCT has a Processor.The third, the Processor phone number. This means that either the ACCT or the Parent ACCT has a Processor phone number.....

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Formula To Return The Value In A Column Based On Cell Entry In Row

Jun 3, 2006

Trying to write a formula that looks for the first number in the same row, then returns the value in that column in a different row. In the example included, cell A-7 should contain the formula. Within row 7, determine the column where the first number is listed (column D in this case), then return the value listed in row 3 of that column ('C' in this case).

I've tried Lookup, Index, and Match functions, but can't seem to get the right combination.

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Return Formula Value/Text Based On Many Cell Conditions

Oct 16, 2006

This is to manage which departments (approxiamately 30) within a business need which compulsary training (approximately 11 courses)

Spreadsheet currently reads list of new employees and I want to be able to have "YES" or "No" values under the different courses

Is there a formula/function that i can use (like the IF Formula) to complete the following information;

EG: =IF(OR(A3=H2, A3=H5 etc... ), "YES", "NO"

Column H lists all departments

Column A lists deaprtments

A3 representing the 1st Department needing training

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Return A Result IF A Certain Value Is Found In Another Cell

Jul 2, 2009

I want to return a result IF a certain value is found in another cell. I've attached a sample workbook, but here's a description:

On the "Inventory" worksheet, in column H, I want to lookup the quantity in column B from the "Warehouse Response" worksheet. If the Part # in column E of the response sheet is NI1088106, I want THAT value to show under the NI1088106 part number, and I want the quantities for the NI1089106 to show under that part number. Ideally, the result of the formula would show a "0" if no data is found.

Here's the formula I tried beside the NI1088106 data, but it's not giving the desired results: =IF('Warehouse Response'!E:E="NI1088106", VLOOKUP(LEFT(A3,3),data,2,0))

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Return Cell Below VLOOKUP Result

May 30, 2006

After using a vlookup to find a value in a cell I want it to return the cell belows information.

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