Formula: Select A Range Of Dates Within A Range Of Dates?
Jul 22, 2009
In column B is a list of dates, which are broken out by fiscal year (FY=7/1/ to 6/30). Column C is a list of dollar amounts. Cell F3 is the query ‘start date’
Cell F4 is today's date, which will be the formula: =today()
Using a date range of F3:F4, I'm trying to get each cell bordered in red to query the dates in column B for each FY; then display the matching sum from column C.
For illustrative purposes I went and manually determined what the values should be displaying as of 7/22. Here are a couple of examples of how I am trying to get the formula to work.
Example 1
Start date- 7/1
End date- 7/22
Searching cells B1:B94, cells B1:B13 fall within the start and end date parameters listed above. Sum of cells C1:C13 is $45,112.00, which should display in cell F6.
Example 2
Start date- 7/1
End date- 12/13
Searching cells B95:B222, cells B95:B149 fall within the start and end date parameters listed above. Sum of cells C95:C149 is $150,873.03, which F7 should display in cell F7. How to I type up this formula; its way more challenging that I first thought!
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Feb 23, 2014
Here is my set up:
A2 to BF2 is a range of dates
A3 to BF3 are sales. Days without sales are 0.00
I want to pick a range of dates and find the number of days without sales between those dates. So, a formula that will look to a start date in A1 and an end date in B2, and then count the number of days that did not have sales between. Index/Match/Countif/Dateif I can't seem to make anything work.
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Feb 4, 2010
In Cells B2:B100, i have dates that which have been entered using a combo box (the dates type is for e.g. 14th March 2010 format)
I want a formula that will count the cells that have dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 in cells B2:B100
Also, I would like a formula that counts weekend dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010?
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Aug 16, 2006
I have a masive table of dates (the date is created via a if formula)
what i need is so wheni enter 2 dates in 2 cells the system checks all the dates between the two specified and then returns the contents of them to a small area on the page.
Dates To Test 14/08/2026 19/08/2026
i dont mind using script or anything like that, i dont have much knowlage of it but do have coniderable understanding of other langages and usually figure it out :D
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May 28, 2007
I work in a Wordprocessing Center. I have a spreadsheet that is a list of dates, and the jobs/projects that were done on that day. The dates are for the days Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
So, for example: in cell E2:E150 are the dates ranging from 11/2/2007 through 11/4/2007.
Off to the side, in cell L:15 through L:17, I've manually typed in the dates 11/2/2007 to 11/4/2007.
My problem is: I need to be able to count how many times 11/2/2007 shows up in the range of E2:E150. The thing is, I don't want to have to type 11/2/2007 or 11/3/2007 or 11/4/2207 in the formula. I want it to get the specific date from L:15 (what I've typed in).
My goal is that the range of dates will always change in cells E2:E150. Then I will manually type in the three dates of question into cells L15:L17. Then Excel will count the occurences for me.
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Jan 4, 2013
I have a Training Matrix with "Main", "Leavers" and "Reports" sheets. (can email it but can't upload it here; it's 534kb and I can't make it smaller)
In the "Reports" sheet I need to fill "Site Procedural Training" - "Number of people trained in period".
The periods are :
25/12/11 - 31/03/12
01/04/12 - 30/06/12
01/07/12 - 29/09/12
30/09/12 - 29/12/12
The source of data will be the "Main" and "Leavers". The data are dates in these sheets; each date = 1
The formula needs to look in to "Main" and "Leavers" and if it finds a date which fits in the required period in "Reports" then return it as 1. If it finds 300 dates then returns 300.
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Oct 10, 2009
I'm trying to make a by month spreadsheet that has all twelve month ranges starting in for a3. in a3 it would have the start date and in a4 it would have the end date. I'm trying to locate all of the dates between those two dates and pull in the profit ammounts from another sheet, the results would be in row 5. I would also like to pull in the loss amounts and have them in row 6. All corresponding with the date range in rows 3 and 4.
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Aug 7, 2014
Trying to count how many days from a set range of dates are within another range.
So for example, the first two dates, 7/29/2014 - 8/5/2014 would be 6
7/31/20148/6/2014 are the set dates
Count Days Within Range.xlsx
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Jan 22, 2014
I have a tracking template with a column listing dates, all i want to do is find all the missing dates from that column of dates.
Column A
I want to list the missing dates from this list.
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Dec 9, 2013
I have attached an excel sheet for your reference. I have particular debit values that are to be added between the dates. And Dates are also derived by formula based of payment term.
The ones I need to modify is Highlighted in Yellow. The values to be added is in "Customer Statement" and in H Column
These dates also have formula by which there are derived
-------------------------Current Ageing-------------------------
Date Range
Start Date
End Date[code].....
I am USing =SUMIFS('Customer Statement'!$A:$A,'Customer Statement'!$H:$H,"=" & E11) but does not work.
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Dec 7, 2013
I want to numerically graph in a 2D stacked column graph the following:
Training Completed on "Time"
Training Completed but "Not on Time"
Training Not Completed
The training Due date was 10/30/2013.
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Feb 15, 2010
I tried to do this using a IF THEN formula but it doesn't work or more likely I am not writing it correctly or its not the right formula to be using. It's on the attachment.
I have a worksheet that has dates starting from "1/5/2004" to "1/18/2010". Each date is listed in column A.
I want to convert all the dates from MM/DD/YYYY format to only MM/YYYY and have it appear in column B.
The kicker is I need excel to recognize all dates that fall out between"01/01/2004 to 01/30/2004" only as 01/2004 and not 01/01/2004 or 01/30/2004 so on and so forth for each subsequent month and year.
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Dec 22, 2008
How can I create a custom autofilter that will show me dates within 30 days of today in Excel 2003?
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Apr 29, 2009
I am trying to solve a a problem that I am having.
I have a list of projects in one column and start dates in a different column.
I want to create a dashboard that breaks down projects by month, quarter and year to date.
I have tried various formulas centered around CountIf. Bottom line is I want to review a column of dates and determine how many projects started last month, etc.....
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May 8, 2009
How do I sumif the date falls between two dates in a quarter.
For example Date of Activity - CellBG43 = 10/10/2008
I want to sum the corresponding Cell BJ43 with cost associated with the activity if the date falls between "01/10/2008"and "31/12/2008".
I tried =sumif(BG43,">=01/10/2008 and <=31/12/2008",BJ43), =sumif(BG43,">=01/10/2008 & <=31/12/2008",BJ43) and it didn't work.
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Feb 2, 2010
I am making a spreadsheet using excel 2003 to calculate sales and tax. Column B is formated for date (1/1/2010). Column D,E, and F are formatted for currency with column D=Total Price, column E=sale price, and column F=tax. In column B I type the date the transaction took place and in column D I type total price. Columns E and F are automaticly filled in with the formulas for same. In column H,I J row 9 I would like to calculate 1st Quarter Total Price, Sale Price, and Tax. Row 10 would hold 2nd Quarter info and so on. I searched for info but can't come up with any thing that works.
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Feb 17, 2009
I have an array set up like so: ....
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Jun 18, 2012
In our program it is essential that only data is entered for the current week.
I need code that if a date is entered into "cell C1",that it will evaluate this value and compare and assure that it is between the dates in Range D1:E1 (upper and lower values)
If it is between these two dates, nothing happens and you can proceed to enter data.
If it is not message -Invalid date entered. Proceed? If "Yes" nothing happens and you can proceed to enter data! If "No", then the value in cell C1 is set to nothing and allows you to enter the correct date.
I need to be allowed to enter an incorrect date at times,to review and check previous entries, 99% of the time it must be between the start and stop date.
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Apr 24, 2008
I have searched through a lot of other posts, but I can't seem to make the recommendations work for my given scenario. I have a sheet that compiles information for different dates (based on a query that is run by the user), and in column H I have a start time that is listed in this format "m/d/yyyy h:mm."
What I need to do is find all of the unique dates "m/d/yyyy" from this given range, and return them in column O.
For example, I will have the following information:
Start Time
4/17/2008 17:19
4/17/2008 17:30
4/17/2008 17:31
4/17/2008 17:34
4/18/2008 17:23
4/18/2008 17:24
4/18/2008 17:26
4/18/2008 17:26
4/19/2008 7:43
4/19/2008 7:43
4/19/2008 7:47
4/19/2008 7:47
4/19/2008 7:47
4/19/2008 7:48
4/19/2008 7:48
and I need to have the following appear in Column O of my spreadsheet:
There may be as little as one unique date, but there I don't want to set a limit of how many can return as it is based off of a user query.
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Sep 3, 2008
Here is an example of what I am trying to do. I have a date in column A on Sheet 1. In Column B I want to return the period for which that date falls.
I have created a list of Start and End dates for each period in Sheet2. The start date is in Column A of Sheet2. The End Date is in Column B. And the resulting Period is in Column C.
Basically if the Date in Sheet1 Column A falls in between the start and end date for a specific period. I want that period returned in Column B of Sheet2.
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Jun 22, 2006
Ok my opening Date for an account is for example 200204 (that is the way it is written in the database for all accounts YYYYMM) Now what we want to achieve is to have a macro that fills out a column in a spreadsheet taking into consideration the opening date until it reaches lets say 200601.
so this is what the result should look like
1 200204
2 200205
3 200206
X 200601
how do I let the Macro know this is a date so as to add a month until it reaches the final date. I've managed to create a loop but I know it probably isnt the best way to write it
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lNum As Date
lCount = 0
lNum = Sheet1. Range("D2").Value
Do While lNum < 200601
lNum = lNum + 1
lCount = lCount - 1
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Sep 25, 2006
I am trying to figure out how to calculate how many permits were pulled by a specific company during certain dates (qtr). My column headers are (a)Date, (b) Builder. My dates are displayed as "Jan-06" but are entered as "1/1/2006".
How can I show how many permits were pulled by a specific builder during a three month period?
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Jun 19, 2007
I have a problem for extracting dates of leave from the attendance. A sample WB is attached. In the attached WB, I want to extract date(s) on which leaves were taken.
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Mar 4, 2014
create a dynamic named range with dates.
Example file. !
I need an dynamic named range for column B(Project) with a date criteria.
so for example: I need a range with all records from Colomn B(Project) from year 2013.
I want to use this range to filter all unique projects by year.
I have already a filter/formula to collect a unique list of all projects.
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Apr 11, 2014
see the attached workbook. The "data" sheet is the raw data for individual sales orders. Column A has the SKU for the item, and there are also columns for quantity sold and the date sold.
Column A of Sheet 1 is a list of each individual SKU (no duplicates). What I'd like to do is search through the data sheet and total up the quantity of each SKU sold for several individual months. There is also a column that would display totals for the past 30 days (with "today" as day 30).
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Jun 2, 2014
I would like to know the function/syntax for determining the due dates given certain date ranges.
See attached sheet for the example : due dates example.xlsx‎
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a start date, and an end date for a promotion. However, I am trying to create some unique keys for a VLOOKUP, so I can combine the data I have by day, with the data I have for promotional start/end dates.
So, simple question, if I have a start date and an end date, is there was way (either using excel or vba) to pull out all the dates within that range and display them on a spreadsheet?
For example, I have 21/01/2012 and 28/01/2012 as the start and end dates. I would want to display 21/01/2012, 22/01/2012, 23/01/2012 etc.
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May 16, 2012
Column A shows a list of groups within an organization. A row across the top displays the month and year.
In a separate worksheet I have a table that shows a list of names, the group they work in and the range of dates they will be working in their group.
I'd like to create a table that calculates the number of participants/group by month.
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Jun 29, 2013
I have two tables. A list of accounts and the other is a change log. I need to add a new column in table 1 where the value is the amount in table 2 for the correct account and correct validity period.
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Nov 11, 2013
I'm trying to create a UDF that would be able to accept a column as an input range.
Match dates contained in two other cells and return the addreses so I can perform a function between the two addresses.
like Function multiplyrange(B2,B3,A:A)
B2= Start Date
B3= End Date
Column A is contains all the dates
sheet set up:
Start Date
End Date
[Code] ........
So it basically just multiplied all the values between the dates found.
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