Formula To Move Info From One Column To Another

Nov 13, 2006

I need a formula that will take the value of one cell and put it in another cell other than the one in which I am typing the formula. I can't think of how to do this.

I have two columns, A & B (no headers), of information. The columns are not identical, and column B has empty cells scattered throughout the column. For each empty cell in column B, I want to copy the same row of information into it from column A, as if I'm just scooting the information in column A that's on the same row as the empty cells in column B.

This is simple with a cut/paste, but when there's thirty empty cells, cutting and pasting takes time. (What's really frustrating is that I've figured out a few formulas that will copy the information from column A but all the information gets pasted in the column in which I'm creating the formula (say, column F, for example). THAT doesn't help me because the empty cells in column b are still empty!)

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Move Info In One Column Based On Data In Another Column

Aug 28, 2012

I am trying to move a column of numbers based on the information in another column. I've been looking for about a week and find macros that are close but not quite.

In one column it reads Mobile, Home, or is blank. If the number is a Mobile (column R), the area code (column P) needs to move to column S and the phone (column Q) needs to move to column T and the primary phone (column R) needs to move to column U. Home and blank cells remain as they are.

area (P)
phone (Q)
primary phone (R)
col S
col T
col U


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Formula To Copy Info In Column To Rows?

Mar 20, 2014

In column A I have Product Codes, They start at A3 and go down to A169.

I need to have a formula which i can drag across from CQ3 to DH3 which corresponds in the following manner.

CQ3 = A4
CR3 = A5
CS3 = A6

etc etc.

I then want to be able to copy the formula into another place, eg CQ20 = A21, CR20 = A22 etc

I have attached a screen shot.


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Formula To Match A Date And Once It Does The Info Stays In That Column

Mar 9, 2008

I would like for the result of a formula to stay in the cell even after the first cell changes.

in cell G1 I use this formula, if(C1=D10,A1,""), I would like result of formaula to remain in G1 even after C1 is changed.

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Move Info To Right

Nov 28, 2009

I have the following macro that I found through Search (written by Peterss) and have been able to modify it to work for me.

Sub MergeBooks()
Dim myFolder As String
Dim myBooks
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsMaster As Worksheet
Dim nr As Long, rws As Long, i As Long
Dim LR As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
myFolder = "C:Documents and SettingsNalaniDesktopForecast"

I have been trying to get the information from the Next Workbook to move over 5 columns (E), then the Next book to move to col (I), etc.

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Move Info From A Worksheet To Another

Nov 2, 2008

i need to get certain info from one worksheet to another is there any way to do this automatically

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Move Differently Named Sheets In Workbook - Some Missing Due To No Info

Apr 18, 2013

I am trying to use a macro to move a range of excel tabs to the front of the workbook however some of the tabs could be missing due to no information.

If I simply record the macro by moving them manually if the procedure arrives at one that is missing it would report an error.

So in essence I need it to look for the tab and if its there move and if its not move onto the next until it arrives at the last one.

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Move Only Value Producing Formula To Another Column ??

Dec 24, 2008

s/s is very large and the need is to transfer formulas from one column to another. Column L contains formulas in cells L7:L45 (attachment) - (L7:L326415 in working s/s). Some of these formulas result in a value being given. I need to transfer formulas only from those cells having values to cells three columns to the left on the same row. I do have code which I was using for another application. This puts a formula in the correct places but it is the wrong formula and I don't know how to amend it so that it carries out the required action. Small attachment enclosed for better understanding of what is involved. Or could anyone change the line ".formula = ......" in the following code to make it work??

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Formula To Move Column Automatically To Different Sheet?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a excel file Sheet 1 is active data Sheet 2 is complete data, How can I make the column move automatic from one sheet to another with out cut/pasting?

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Column Formula That Won't Change When Move Reference Cells

May 22, 2014

I'm dealing with forecasting invoices. The main column 'BALANCE' has a formula referencing the previous cell and then adding or subtracting invoices (ENTRY). The problem I have is that I'll put values in ENTRY that I expect to come in at some point but as they arrive I need to change the order of the cells. So I'm constantly changing the order and then it changes the formula in BALANCE. I tried absolute cells (and even found a work around way to flow absolute cells by flowing then viewing formulas then using the replace function but that didn't work.

So my formula in BALANCE is:

but if I move G174 to another cell I'd like to keep the BALANCE formula to stay G174 instead of following the move.

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Macro With Formula To Move Specific Information To New Column?

May 22, 2014

I need a macro to move specific information.

I get an excel sheet with W/C Employer: (whatever) entered below the patient it belongs to in column E. This information needs to move into its own column (H) in line with the above patient information so I can use it in a mail merge to word.

The same thing needs to happen with WC injury date listed in column G. It moves to column I. Then delete the row it was moved from so I don't have an empty row.

Sheet 1 is what I get. Sheet 2 is what I need to end up with.

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Match Names In Two Separate Column If Equal Then Pull Info In 3 Column?

Dec 6, 2013

I need to look up the name in E2 in the list in column A and if it matches then lookup name in F2 in list column b, if it matches then the corresponding number in column C is displayed in column G. If neither names are in the 2 columns the words"Not on lists" is displayed in cell in column G.

The other problem is one name is spelled two different ways I want it to look for both spelling before moving on to looking up the second name.

I started with this formula but I'm getting #N/A or "not on list" when they are on the list. I'm using ranges prod_sum is columns AthruC, Last_name is range BthruC. =IF(AND(VLOOKUP(F4,prod_sum,3,0),VLOOKUP(I4,last_name,2,0)),"not on list")

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Removing Information From Column A With Associated Info From Column B

Jan 17, 2008

I am attempting to Organize some data; however, I have run into a problem. I will paste a sample of the data that I have and explain the situation....

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Convert Column B As Multiple Column Titles And Move Data In Column C Into New Columns?

Jun 30, 2014

I have a excelsheet that looks like this:

Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4

And I am trying to make it look like this:

Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services

Los Angeles

New York




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Pulling Info From Column

Jul 8, 2014

I'm copying and pasting data from a PDF and need to eliminate some unnecessary data. The original .pdf has 4 columns: Account, Dollar Amount, Name, Notes

When I copy this to an excel document, it copies the row from all 4 columns into column A. The two columns I need are Account and Dollar Amount. All account numbers are 8 digits so I was able to create a formula to weed that out with this: =left(A1,8)

The problem I'm running into is obtaining the dollar amount within the cell. For example:

A1 contains: 11112222 $1234.56 Sample, Name Sample Note

I pull the 11112222 with =left(A1,8) in column B but not sure how to pull dollar amount to column C.

Further, the dollar amount varies from $1.01 to $10,000+

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Sorting Info In A Column

Apr 17, 2009

I need to sort information in a column containing both numbers and words. In the "asending" & "desending" it only gives two options to choose from. (none) & PartNum.

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Fill Info In Sheet One And Have Same Info Appear In All Sheets That Follow

May 12, 2014

I would like to fill in a a form on page /sheet one and have the same info on every sheet that follows is it possible?

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How To Fill Vertical Columns With Info From Horizontal Info

Aug 22, 2014

I have attached a spreadsheet and I am trying to capture the info in lines 2,7,12,17 and return the info into column d,e,f,g

The info in these columns at present has been manually entered but I am sure it could be automated.

OOL Roster Final 18-31Aug14.xlsx

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Info Manipulation Formula

May 13, 2007

With my limited knowledge I am having trouble constructing formula to break the following info that I receive frequently from my credit card company into 3 columns - Date, Details, Value


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How To Find Where Info In Column A Is Repeated

Apr 9, 2008

I have three columns

"A" is item number: "B" is sales Date: "C" is sales price.

What I would like to do is search column A and when there are two of the same item numbers know what date they sold and for what price. I would prefer to build another table that has only this data.

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Extract Row And Column Info From .address

May 21, 2009

The following code sets foundcell.address

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How To Split Info In Cells / Column

Feb 13, 2012

I have data that I've converted from a different source, and the formatting doesn't always come out as I'd like it. For example, I have data that has two different values, and I need to split them into different columns. Is there an easy/quick way to do this?

15* 27016* 1324517* 2086518* 24943

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Sort Info In Column Into 50 Row Blocks

Jul 20, 2007

I have a sheet with about 1000 rows of data filling 40 columns. the data is the same in column 1 for a random number of rows between 2 and 40. ie as here...


Is it possible with a macro to divide the sheet into blocks of 50 rows each with just the data before it changes to a different no.

so that it looks like this


46empty rows here.......................

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Moving Info From One Column To Two Separate

Jun 10, 2009

I have:
A1: Ph#
A2: Name
A3: Ph#
A4: Name

I would like:
A1: Name B1: Ph#
A2: Name B2: Ph#

This is a large spreadsheet so I was hoping there was an easy way to make this change.

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Set Of Column Data Move To Different Column And Delete Unwanted Column VBA

May 29, 2014

I have set of data Pasted in 4th row, in the top row 44 columns values assigned i want move data from set of data to different column among these 44 columns

Like "Service Order ID" is 1 column in set of data ,it move to second column of top row

Some of column need to delete. (Service Order Type,Service Order Description,Created By,Status,Contact,Expected Delivery Date,

Creation Date,Priority,Net Value,Currency,External Reference,Reference Date)

I want Get output result in same sheet (Actual).

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Formula / Macro To Get Info From Another Tab Using Given Table

Jun 26, 2014

I am looking for a formula or Macro if its the only way which does the following:

I have a set of locations in the below table which also has exactly the same name as a tab in the same workbook. So for example I have 1 tab called "summary" which contains the below table and than another tab called "London453" & another tab called "New York45" & another tab called "Paris3232" & last tab called "Vancouver43"

In the "Reconcilation needed" column I would like a forumula/macro to start in Cell B2 and look at the cell next to it in Location column [Cell A2] and then go to the corresponding tab in the workbook and if there is a value in cell G22 in that tab, than I would like the formula/macro to take the first 7 charactors of Location value otherwise put nothing.

Example :

in tab "London453" there was a value in cell G22 --> hence 7 charactors "London4" in below table
No value in Cell G22 in the "New York45" tab --> hence nothing in below table
Value in "Paris3232" tab in cell G22 -> hence "Paris32"
No value in "Vancouver43" tab -> hence nothing

Reconcilation needed?
London4 [Cell B2]
New York45

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Show Info In Column C, If A & B Match Criteria

Aug 20, 2009

What I'm having a hard time is trying to get information from column C to pull into a cell, for a specific student (column A), but only when the entry happens between two set of dates (column B).

Column A = Student Name
Column B = Entry Date
Column C = Entry

So in a different worksheet, the names of the students will already be on the report and each column following will have a date range of a week. So for column B I want the entry that only happened between "09/07/09-"09/13/09". No student will have more than one entry a week so I just want it to locate the entry and fill in automatically. This will repeat for each week after as well.

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Convert Binary Info In A Column To Decimal?

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to convert 14 to 15 digits lengthy Binary value to number.

The formula =BIN2DEC(A2) is giving error #NUM


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Import Comma Delimited Info In A Column

Mar 4, 2006

I have hundreds of email addresses listed in a Wordpad file- entries are
separated by a comma. When I use the Excel Import function, all data is
successfully imported into an Excel spreadsheet- BUT in a single row. I would
like to have this info in a single column (A)- then I could easily
alphabetize the entries and eliminate duplicates.

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VBA To Capture Info Using Filter On Specific Column

Jan 30, 2014

I'm trying to add code to an existing macro that is working well to add a feature.

As it sits now, my code produces a worksheet tab called "Matrix" that has headers in row 1, a variable length list of employee names in column 1, and then a variable number columns with data crossreferenced by name in the body of the spreadsheet. Not every row/column intersection has data, some are blank if the ItemXname does not apply to that individual.

What I want to do is select all the cells on this spreadsheet, apply a filter, and then filter based on the selection of names in column 1. But I want to do this using VBA, where the macro runs, it asks the user if they want to filter on one or more names. If no, then it skips this part. But if yes, then the next thing they see is the filter window like they would see if you did this manually. After making their selections and hitting ok, the VBA routine would then take their selections (some finite number, but could be 5 -10 names) and process the rest of the macro accordingly.

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