Match Names In Two Separate Column If Equal Then Pull Info In 3 Column?
Dec 6, 2013
I need to look up the name in E2 in the list in column A and if it matches then lookup name in F2 in list column b, if it matches then the corresponding number in column C is displayed in column G. If neither names are in the 2 columns the words"Not on lists" is displayed in cell in column G.
The other problem is one name is spelled two different ways I want it to look for both spelling before moving on to looking up the second name.
I started with this formula but I'm getting #N/A or "not on list" when they are on the list. I'm using ranges prod_sum is columns AthruC, Last_name is range BthruC. =IF(AND(VLOOKUP(F4,prod_sum,3,0),VLOOKUP(I4,last_name,2,0)),"not on list")
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Apr 1, 2014
I have tried a slew of different formulas but I can't seem to get the outcome I am looking for. I need to make a station comparison for an individual project build based off a master list. Sheet 1 has the individual build with column A as a part number, column b as a description and column c as a quantity required and column D is blank. Sheet 2 has a master list of every part we carry formatted as: column a as a part number, column b as a description, column c as a quantity required and column d as a unique station identifier for that part (which is always a number).
What I am trying to do is match the part number on Sheet 1 Column A to Sheet 2 Column A, and when a match is found, take the unique identifer under column D associated with that part number and have it displayed on Sheet 1 Column D.
Sheet 1 will change with each build, but it will always be the same format in columns a,b,c,d. Basically I have a format on sheet 1 for what is needed to build each custom kit (787 kits) and sheet 2 carries every part we offer along with the identifer in column d (always a number value). I want to create a formula I can easily copy to match the value in sheet 1 column a to sheet 2 column a and add the identifier from sheet 2 column D to sheet 1 column D. The average kit is roughly 120+ parts so doing that for each part 787 times will be a nightmare. Also in case this matters, sheet 1 column A will have the parts arranged in a random order based on what is desired for that kit. Sheet 2 column A has the part numbers in order from our lowest part number to the highest number (basically an entire inventory list sorted from lowest to highest).
(For sheet 1, since it doesnt carry formating 11111111 is in column a, nut, flange is in column b, 1.00 is in column c and the output data i want would go into column D)
Sheet 1
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (1)
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (4)
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (2)
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (11)
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (3)
Sheet 2
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 1
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 11
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 4
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 3
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 2
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Jun 10, 2009
I have:
A1: Ph#
A2: Name
A3: Ph#
A4: Name
I would like:
A1: Name B1: Ph#
A2: Name B2: Ph#
This is a large spreadsheet so I was hoping there was an easy way to make this change.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have 3 status sheets (about 300+ ea.) that I was given to sort out.
1) Column A: Number of items (i.e. 1 )
2)Columbe B: Rec'd Date + initials + no. of copies received, followed by notes (i.e. 021709,akb,01)
Since there is only one column with all the information together, is there a way to sort the attached sheet by initials? I don't know how to create a formula to pull all the date,mjg's; date,jac's; date,akb's; etc... into a separate table.
A: No. of items
B: Date,mjg... = Total no. of items
C: Date, abk... = Total no. of items
D: Date, akb... = Total no. of items
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Feb 5, 2014
I've got a problem with organizing my data. I've performed a study with several participants, each of which does several trials with 8 conditions (1,2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8), with each participant doing a condition more than once. I also have a separate column telling me whether they responded correctly or incorrectly (with a 1 or a 0).
I need to find a way to produce a new column to identify whether they got each condition (of the conditions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8) correct separately, i.e one column for responses to condition 1, one for condition 2 and so on....
It would also be useful if there was a way that once this is done I could summarize their accuracy of responses to each condition.
I've attached an example of my data. excel problem example.xlsx
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Jul 17, 2014
The following code works to update the target sheet based on matching column names within the source sheet.
However, I would like to bolster this by not only updating based on matching field names, but also the primary key in column A. Meaning the data from the source sheet isn't always in the same order (based on primary keys) as the data in the target sheet. So I want to keep the order of the primary key in the first column and then update matching field names in column B through the last column where the primary keys match between the source and target worksheets.
Sub CopyDataBlocks()
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet 'The data to be copied is here
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Nov 13, 2013
I have a column of first and last names that sometimes look like this: Smith, Michael D and other times look like this Smith, Michael (no middle initial) I would like to separate them into two separate columns, one for First name and the other for last name. I have no use for the middle initial so that can be ignored.
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Aug 20, 2009
What I'm having a hard time is trying to get information from column C to pull into a cell, for a specific student (column A), but only when the entry happens between two set of dates (column B).
Column A = Student Name
Column B = Entry Date
Column C = Entry
So in a different worksheet, the names of the students will already be on the report and each column following will have a date range of a week. So for column B I want the entry that only happened between "09/07/09-"09/13/09". No student will have more than one entry a week so I just want it to locate the entry and fill in automatically. This will repeat for each week after as well.
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Mar 21, 2007
I am trying to match info from one column with another column and if it matches, I need the formula to populate the relevant data from the adjacent column. I using Vlookup and I am not sure why it does not work. I have attached a simple example.
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Mar 9, 2008
I would like for the result of a formula to stay in the cell even after the first cell changes.
in cell G1 I use this formula, if(C1=D10,A1,""), I would like result of formaula to remain in G1 even after C1 is changed.
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Dec 24, 2013
I have 2 sheets with thousands of clients. One has client contact information and one revenue. I was able to put the 4 columns on 1 sheet. I need a formula that will say if the value of the client name columns match, (Client name) then return the value in the third column (revenue).
One other question, b/c i copied from a pivot table, i have the client name and their email address below in a separate row. Ideally i would have the client their contact and their revenue in 3 columns next to each other. Is there an easy way to bulk move the email address from the row below the column to the column next to the client name?
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Aug 25, 2009
I'm having a little trouble figuring out what formula to use for situation. I have 5 columns of information.
Column A = School # of current school
Column B = School 1 Name
Column C = School 2 Name
Column D = School 3 Name
Column E = School 4 Name
What I want to do is in Column F to look through a row of information and find the current school.
If A="1", pull from B
If A="2", pull from C
If A="3", pull from D
If A="4", pull from E
I tried doing a VLOOKUP table, but I think I'd have to do one for every row, but I could be wrong. I also thought of INDEX(MATCH), but I couldn't quite figure it out.
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Jun 13, 2013
I'm using a formula to lookup names within text and return that name to a separate column if it's found.
The formula is =INDEX($E$1024:$E$1026,MATCH(FALSE,ISERROR(FIND($E$1024:$E$1026,E1010)),0))
I understand index and match functions, but I'm confused regarding the use of FALSE as the lookup value and the iserror(find( usage.
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Jan 6, 2010
I am trying to write a formula that says if a name is in a column of names put a 1 otherwise put 0. Should be a simple If, match function. I have attached a simple example.....
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Nov 8, 2012
I have sheet1 that contains rows with names. I want to match those row names with the column names in sheet2, and then delete any column in sheet2 that does not match to sheet1.
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Apr 25, 2014
For column "B" count all the 1's if column header is equal to name in column A.
For Column "C" needs to be checked if a value was filled in column "I" if yes then check if in column "L" has a value, count all these values.
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Jun 29, 2008
I'm trying to count if there are situations where column a is equal to a specific number and column b is equal to another number.
both columns are numbers. Does anybody have a good idea how to do this, maybe countif, but i am not sure how to do more than one item with that.
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Dec 8, 2009
I have a sheet where i want to delete duplicate rows where column A and column B combined are equal, i.e. range(Ax:Bx) where x is the current row. I am using the macro below but cant seem to get it working as I keep getting a type mismatch error and Im not sure why.
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Aug 28, 2012
I am trying to move a column of numbers based on the information in another column. I've been looking for about a week and find macros that are close but not quite.
In one column it reads Mobile, Home, or is blank. If the number is a Mobile (column R), the area code (column P) needs to move to column S and the phone (column Q) needs to move to column T and the primary phone (column R) needs to move to column U. Home and blank cells remain as they are.
area (P)
phone (Q)
primary phone (R)
col S
col T
col U
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Jan 31, 2008
I've been searching the forums for this problem but I can't seem to find any answers. Anyway, this is the problem. See screenshot.
I want to compare A1 for the values in column B, then return the corresponding cell (column C) in column D.
e.g. D1 = 2, D2 = 1, D3 = 4, D4 = 5 and D5 = 3.
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Jun 6, 2014
Any way to construct a formula in excel that will look at a reference in one column and find the latest date from the data in an adjacent column for that specific reference?
Below is an exctract from a much larger sheet of the columns in question.
The result in the last column should be 21/05/2014 for anything with D.O.001 in the second column and 15/05/2014 for anything with D.O.002.
Date Decision agreed
Disposal Order
Latest Decision date for D.O.
[Code] ........
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Feb 16, 2008
Pull Column Data (Sheet3) from Master.xls and past to Column 4, Sheet4 of WorkingSS.xls
I'm assuming this would be done with VBA or a really exotic macro.
The Funky Part would be that the WorkingSS.xls file column data is being copied/pasted too (WorkingSS1.xls or WorkingSS2.xls ect) the file may be different every time so I would need an insert in macro or VBA to "Choose File Please..." then continue.
The Master.xls workbook has spreadsheet lets say "Sheet1" in which I need all the data in Column A (except the header or cell A:1) copied TO WorkingSS1.xls on Sheet4, Column B, but Column B already has about 6000 rows of info, so I need it copied to the very end of (A:6001 although it will be different everytime) or the first empty cell at the bottom of that column.
next another Column from Master.xls workbook lets say "Sheet1" again in which I need all the data in lets say "Column B" copied to the WorkingSS1.xls on Sheet4, Column F. Caveat this time is that the data needs to copied to the same row as the first copy/past. So it would be pasted into F:6001. Double caveat is that the Column F contains no other data except for what we are about to paste in.
I have several more steps of automation to be done here but this is the beginning and a big hump I need to get past. The rest I think I can do.
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Jan 17, 2008
I am attempting to Organize some data; however, I have run into a problem. I will paste a sample of the data that I have and explain the situation....
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Sep 15, 2005
Item Quantity
A 2
S 7
D 3
F 6
I am looking for a ranking formula that will pull the data from the
first column based on the ranking of the second column
so that the end result will look like this
1 S
2 F
3 D
As S has the largest quantity, F 2nd largest etc
The list I will pull this from is variable in length but in the
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Aug 18, 2014
I have two columns listing about 400 and 500 names respectively.
First Column has names in alphabetical order and the second column is random.
One column has names in this format: Last name, First name
And the other column lists the names as first name and then last name without the comma
I am trying to see if the list of names in one column exists in the other.
Is there a way to see this without changing the format of the names in each column? If so do I have to erase the comma?
Name Lists (1).xlsx
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Apr 27, 2004
What is wrong with my formula above? I am trying to count Colunm A if the value of Column B is "YES" and Column C is equal to "5".
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Aug 13, 2014
I want to compare two columns. I would like to see if the contents of column B appear anywhere in column A, for any amount of rows, and if it does, to place the match in col C.
So in the example below, red in B1 would be checked in A1 through A1000 or however long A is. When any row has red, place that match in that row for C.
This would be repeated until all rows in B are complete.
Col A: red
Col B: red
Col C: red
Col A: red
Col B: blue
Col C: not found
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May 30, 2014
I am trying to write a formula to read the cells in column H individually if cell is blank write no to corresponding cell of column I, if the cell has any sort of data write yes to corresponding cell of column I
Currently H uses this formula ='name of column from sheet 1'!P:P
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Jun 17, 2013
I want a formula to do the following. Count all instances when column A contains S or A and column B = 1. The example below would equal 2 (ONES MEETING CRITERIA ARE IN BOLD).
N 2
S 1
A 1
D 3
X 2
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Feb 27, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with two columns - one with names, the other with values. In some cases, the values column alongside a name is blank. Is there a formula-driven method (not a pivot table) that could produce a separate list of only the names that have a value in the value column? The formula needs to be dynamic, not produced via a filter.
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