Get Total Quantity Of Parts That Match List?
Jul 12, 2013
I'm looking to find a way to get the total quantity of parts that are found in a separate list.
Part Number: Sheet "Desired BOM", Col A
Quantity: Sheet "Desired BOM", Col E
List of part numbers to search: Sheet "Parts List", Col A
The column of part numbers on Sheet A is variable, as is the list of part numbers on Sheet2. I have attached an example file, but be aware that whatever method that comes of this will be used with many parts, so the simply using the description to total everything won't work (i.e., matching "2D" or "3D" between lists).
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Jun 18, 2009
I have a INDENTED list from a cad software that looks like this.
It gives me the quantaty of each position. For instant in the list
I have 5 of 1.1 but because 1.1 is part of 1 makes my total 3x5=15
I have 2 of 1.1.1 but because 1.1.1 is part of 1.1 which again is part of 1 makes the total 2x5x3=30
1 3 3 (=3)
1.1 5 15 (=3x5)
1.1.1 2 30 (=2x5x3)
1.2 2 6 (=2x3)
1.3 1 3 (=3x1)
2 1
My question how to write a formula that automatically calculates the total quantity.
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Aug 15, 2014
I've attached a sample workbook. Data Table 2 on the Data Tables sheet is what I'm after. Basically I have a formula that sums up quantity 1 (Q1) and quantity 2 (Q2) for all widgets at a site name and month. So for example, go down through column site name and column month and add up all of Q1 for site1 in the month of Jun 2014 (all widgets). This works but it shows duplicate totals which makes sense as there are mutliple widget types at each site. I think the example workbook explains it better. Note the Pivot Table sheet is an example of what I'm showing currently and what I'd like to show. While I understand that depending on how I set up the Pivot Table I can get similar results using either Table 1 or Table 2 but the other thing is that my users like to do some filtering of the data sheet itself without regard to the Pivot Tables.
sum quantity and show total for each site.xlsx
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Nov 23, 2013
I am trying to get and average price for a total quantity of jacks
Material Price row G cells 4 - 56
Material Labor Price row I cells 4 - 56
Jack Quantity row L cells 4 - 9
I had this =SUM(G4:56)+SUM(I4:56)/SUM(L4:9) just wont work?
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Mar 15, 2014
I have a data where i need to collect a total quantity bases on different product. And these product will repeataly appear in a table several time. I have different datasheet every time i need to collect.
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May 22, 2014
i have created this spreadsheet for windows and doors. My only problem right now is that when i put a quanity of "3" in the correct column with frame removal. it doesn't multiply it by 3.
90x90 = 56.25 sq ft (window) : 3 QTY .. with frame removal should equal $ 855 but its only adding the 1 frame removal so its $785
Frame removal, jamb ext and casing should multiple the value from the table worksheet with the QTY of windows.
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Jul 18, 2014
For this ordering tool, I would like to calculate and present the grand total, starting from a fixed range of two columns (each 10 rows), where one has quantities, and the other has the price/unit. Since I'm not allowed to change the layout of the ordering sheet (we still fax orders...), I can not add a column for the subtotals. Also, not all rows are filled necessarily.
I had some success with this as a worksheet function: =IF(ISERROR(H30*I30);0;H30*I30)+..., but I would really like to have it as a part of a big VBA function, since colleages might alter/delete the worksheet formula.
I looked and messed around with For loops, but I can't make it work.
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Apr 3, 2014
I have 2 sheets in a file. One is given to me from our parts department containing all parts on a given truck model. The 2nd sheet is exported as a database file from inventor and imported as an update able sheet in excel.
I am needed to compare part numbers between the 2 sheets and the qty of each. So far I have it where it matches the part numbers and turns the ones I don't have in the model red. Now I'm trying to match the part numbers and pull the qty of said part from sheet 2, the imported one, and compare it to the to the qty in the 1st. All I really need to accomplish is matching the part numbers then copying the qty from sheet 2 to sheet 1 onto a new cell of the matched part number.
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Sep 21, 2009
I am trying to rank stores based on a quantity of run outs they have. I have a list of stores in order with the run out quantities. I use the large function to figure out the rank but when you have two stores with the same quantity it only finds the first on in the list.
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Nov 23, 2009
I have two idential spreadsheets with several rows of items each with different packaging quantities, price break quantities and corrisponding prices next to each break quantity. I'm trying to build a discounting sheet on an idential page by using formulas that read off the price sell in the same relative position on sheet 2. Below is one row of sheet1 and the idential row of sheet2 - underneath the cells are the rules I would like incorporate:
Sheet 1
1Pack QtyQty 1Prc 1Qty 2Prc 2Qty 3Prc 3
Sheet 2
1Pack QtyQty 1Prc 1Qty 2Prc 2Qty 3Prc 3
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May 23, 2006
Have a list of information and would like to divide that list by a number that the user enters. Then from the total count of nonblank rows divide by the numeber entered by the user didive the list into equal parts and print out each group with a page break per groups.
Have attached an example.
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May 23, 2006
Have a list of information and would like to divide that list by a number that the user enters. Then from the total count of nonblank rows divide by the numeber entered by the user didive the list into equal parts and print out each group with a page break per groups. Have attached an example.
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Dec 21, 2006
I have a document needed to be printed with some pages in the middle in landscape page type, the rest in portrait. If using Word it would be easier, but in Excel I cant find the section break to chage page setup separately. Is there anyway to do it. Currently I'm printing the document separately in portrait and then landscape with some page break added and page number modified. However it's quite troublesome and easy to make mistake.
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May 26, 2013
I would like to be able to choose a Size from a drop down list.
After choosing the size, the Parts and Price records (rows of data) will populate below a few cells.
I will manually insert the Quantity amount of items I need,
This will calculate the total from the cells (price & Qty).
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets. On the first "active parts" I have a list of active part numbers and on the second "All Parts" I have all of the parts available.
I want to compare every part in the All Parts worksheet to see if the part number exists on the Active Parts sheet - if it's there, I would like it to return the value "Active" in column B in All Parts. I have a formula in column B in All Parts that seems to work for the first few, but as soon as it finds one that is active, the rest of the cells below all return "Active".
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a table of projects with 1) duration in year, 2) time window (number of years of our planning cycle), and 3) start year of the project. I want to generate a list of project parts of all projects where they may take place. This will serve as an input to an optimization program.
So a project of 2-year duration should have 2 parts over any year within the time window. I am including the "impossible" ones for my developer to tag them as "0" when we run it through his code.
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Jun 4, 2013
I am trying to create a summary sheet in excel and i am in need of a formula which gives me a summary in Sheet 2.
i.e. Match column A2:A19 with F2:F19 and give me the total in Sheet 02 with date and reason.
Sheet 01
In no
In Date
In Sector
Out Sector
[Code] .......
Expected result in Sheet 02
Flt No
[Code] .....
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Jul 22, 2007
I want to match A11:A13 to F8,I8,L8,O8 & R8.
Then count the "1" in cells F11,I11,L11,O11 & R11. Then put the total into cells C11, C12 OR C13.
If A11 = F8 & I8 then count F11 & I11 and put the total in C11, witch would be "1" becauce I11 = b/t.
if A12 = L8 & O8 then count L11 & O11 and put the total in C12 witch would be "2" ...
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Mar 1, 2014
I have sheets with names of people in columns....some married...some not. When they are married, here's a sample format...
Jones, Donald T | Baker, Sarah Jane | Jones, Sarah Jane | Smith, Sarah J | Jones, Sarah Jane Smith
In this example, I would like to be able to determine which of the Sarah's belongs to Donald w/o having to visually look at each record ( 100,000's of records). (FYI: the names for Sarah would/could be her Maiden Name and possibly a name or two from a former marriage). What I need to be able to do is match and extract the names of Jones, Donald T and Jones, Sarah Jane and Jones, Sarah Jane Smith and eliminate Smith, Sarah J and Baker, Sarah Jane.
In my example, Donald is in the first column, but can be in any column on a row so the name positions are random across the columns. However, the format for each column is then same...Last Name, First Name Middle Name(or Initial) with a comma always after the last name in each column. The length of the last name also varies.
VBA or Formula that will search the cells in the columns of each row and return the names (complete contents of the cells with matching last names) that have a matching last name for that row.
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Dec 21, 2009
I have two lists of components, a component from List A is added to one from List B and a total in £'s needs to be shown, simple enough I hear you say HOWEVER the LENGTH of component B is variable.
For example
Input part # ABC in A1 and £50 is shown as a total in D1, then input part # 123 in B1 and the length of 100 in C1 and the total changes to £100. Then if you change the figure to 200 the total changes to £150
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Dec 16, 2013
I have an excel worksheet with about 10K rows of data in column A.
I have also another list of data, about 200 rows of data, in column G.
I need to color each cell in column A that contains, anywere in the string, any of the data strings in column G.
in column A
row 1:
row 2:
row 3:
row 4:
in column G:
row 1: help
row 2: info
row 3: support
I need rows 1, 3 and 4 in column A to be colored.
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Jun 21, 2006
I have 2 TextBoxes (TB1 & TB2) in which a store name and a date are entered. The sheet has many store names and many more dates(shop at the same store on different days). I am trying to get the total of columns L, M & N if TB1 = Column A AND TB2 = Column B. I know where to place the code (in the exit event of TB12(L), TB13(M) & TB14(N)). I have added sample data and updated my sample to make it easier to see what I am trying to do. Can anyone show me how to match up these TextBoxes and cell values or give me a hint as to how to proceed?
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Aug 25, 2008
I've got two columns of numbers, such as:
(Col A) (Col B)
Cycle Bin
1 - - 3
1 - - 7
1 - - 7
1 - - 2
1 - - 5
2 - - 7
2 - - 9
2 - - 6
3 - - 7
3 - - 2
4 - - 2
4 - - 8
4 - - 2
4 - - 8
4 - - 5
I'm trying to get the total number of columns that have a specific match-up, for instance, how many cells are in Cycle 1 with Bin #7? ....
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Nov 11, 2009
I am using subtotals for a large spreadsheet showing various sales by person and area. I have sorted the data by area then by person and insterted subtotals. All columns are fine, except two. On two columns, the grand total displayed does not match the sum of the areas.
If I remove the subtotals and sum the columns, they are all correct. It is only when using the subtotal function that the error occurs, and only ever on these two particular columns.
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Feb 8, 2008
I have run a pivot table state, city, address, floor and all the maths works out fine.. but the name in the 'total' rows, does not match the name in the data rows.. e.g. texas, dallas, 57 oilrig street has total rows saying CA toal,Newark total, 560 mission street total (obviously split across the appropriate rows for each total) but in each case, all those square feet, or dollars add up perfectly, for the data rows above them. double clicking the totals shows no sign of the rogue location... but these same entries are in EVERY set of totals in the pivot table!
POSSIBLE clue.. I generated the pivot at home, on Office 2003, and am now viewing it at work in 2002 version. (buit this could have nothing to do with it at all. Am I missing something obvious, or do i have good reason to pull my hair outr in frustration (first time this has happenned in a year of doing these reports daily)
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Sep 9, 2013
I saw a post with a formula of =LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,SEARCH(" "&KeyWords&" "," "&$A1&" "),KeyWords) which I thought might work, but it returns an error.
I'm trying to search on A1 and return the correct name from a named range called KeyWords.
Chicago IAP
[Code] ......
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Jun 7, 2006
i have a list in a database which is populated by a textbox on a userform. the list is money. i want to keep a running total which is then recorded in a textbox on a user form. when i have tried to do this the total does not drop down so i cannot populate the there some code i can use to do this or do i have to drag the total further down the column.
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Jun 12, 2009
I have a list of 20 random numbers in Column A, what I need is a list to be compiled in Column B showing the highest as 1 and lowest as 20.
2345 4
123 5
3568 3
9732 1
4325 2
This totals change hourly. Dont know if this requires a macro or just a formula in Column B
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Aug 30, 2012
I need the sum of a column in a table. In the sheet I am using "=SUBTOTAL(109;[Total])", but I need the absolute total in VBA. How is that possible?
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Dec 5, 2011
I am looking for a formula to return a total of items used within a calender month
I have a list of parts used as below
Column A _ Part Number
Column B _ Part Description
Column C _ Price
Column D _ Date
The list will continually be added to, on a daily basis so will grow and grow in size
each row has the relevant part number etc
I am looking for
Column G to have January 2011 total
Column H to have February 2011 total
Column I to have March 2011 total
etc etc.......
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