Getting Autofill To Not Include Weekend Dates

May 7, 2009

1 have figured out how to create an auto fill that is a mix of days in between. (When dates are not in a row.) For example, a schedule that starts a date, and then adds 2 days, then 1 day, then 3 days is for a tracking schedule. Once created those amounts are the same for for every row. The problem is, when it counts the next day, or 2 days or 3 days etc, it cannot include a weekend date, rather just 2 working days, or 3 working days etc.
Is this possible?

Right now, I start my first cell with a date, and go to the cell to the right, and in my formula, I type the previous cell address and I add (+) some value (2) to represent the day amount, but right now it includes the weekend days as well, and I need them skipped.

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Counting Dates In A Range :: Count Weekend Dates

Feb 4, 2010

In Cells B2:B100, i have dates that which have been entered using a combo box (the dates type is for e.g. 14th March 2010 format)

I want a formula that will count the cells that have dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 in cells B2:B100

Also, I would like a formula that counts weekend dates between 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010?

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Identifying Weekend Dates In A List Of Dd/mm/yy Dates

Jan 7, 2010

Is it possible to set conditional formatting to highlight any days which are saturday and sundays?

I have long long list of dates in the 17/12/2009 format, I need to be able to quickly see which dates are weekends.

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Find Weekend Dates

Nov 13, 2006

Is there a quick way to find weekend dates in excel? I tried pasting all 2006 dates into J2:J366 using the fill handle. It has weekdays as an option but not weekend dates. Any easy way (formula or simpler) to find the weekend dates in this range?

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Auto Populating Dates But Skipping Weekend?

Jan 17, 2014

I need to make a schedule for testing where I check the samples every 3 days but if that date hits on a weekend I want it to role over to the monday if it hits on a Sunday and Friday if it hits on a Saturday. In other words wait an extra day if it hits on a Sunday and check the sample a day early if it would normally be on a Saturday.

I have been playing around with the WORKDAY command and some of the other date functions but I can't figure this one out.

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Completion Dates - Weekend - Holidays In Office 2003

Nov 6, 2006

In my helpdesk spreadsheet, Column C has the date a request is received and Column D has the day it is signed off as complete.

This is used to compare how many days it takes before each request is completed.

Column B is usually blank, but, if the day a request is due to be completed is in the future, such as waterblasting set for 5 working days ahead, then the expected completion date is in Column B. As we don't want a report to show it took five days to complete, when 5 days was waiting for the booked job, we only want five days when we are working on it for five days.

So a typical request is received on Monday 1st January (C), completed on 3rd January (D), taking 3 working days to complete.

A less typical is a request received on Monday 1st January (C), booked to be done on the 4th January, (B). If the job is completed on the 4th, then that will be entered into (D). And we want it show as taking 1 day or less to complete.

I'm quite new to excel formulas , but would like to know the format for

IF B = Empty, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between C & D.

IF B = non-blank, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between B & D.

I've tried to play with the Workday function but it and the format of the IF function seem just beyond my grasp, depsite it simplicity, so hopefully a bit more insight as i get to grips with formulas would help me out...

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Calculating Lead Time Between Two Dates / Times - Excluding Holidays And Weekend

Apr 18, 2013

Calculating Lead time (in hours) between two dates/times, excluding holidays and weekend

Start Time
End Time
Lead Time

12/26/2012 15:50
1/2/2013 12:38:00

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Sort Dates That Include Non Valid Dates

Sep 14, 2006

I've searched the forum prior to posting, but have not found exactly what I need and am not familiar enough with macro code to modify based on an existing post.

Here's what I'd like to do: I have a worksheet with columns "A" through "J" which contain production scheduling information. Column "H" contains an estimated completion date - I need a macro to sort the rows base on the completion dates (in ascending order) when I request the macro to run - I'm attaching the macro to a button control. One concern is, the column contains some excel default dates of 1/0/1900 that I don't want to include in the sort because they should stay at the bottom of the sheet, rather than at the top. Any rows with the 1/0/1900 don't yet contain information, only the default date based on the calculations.

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Autofill The Dates (appear 16 Times)

Aug 17, 2009

In one column I need dates and every date has to appear 16 times.
So, I need date 2009-06-03 in 16 rows, in next 16 i need next day - 2009-06-04.

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Autofill Dates Excluding Sundays?

Nov 17, 2012

I want to fill a column with all of 2013's dates but those falling on Sundays. how would I do that?

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Autofill Dates Excluding Bank Holidays & Weekends?

Feb 26, 2014

Is there a way to autofill dates in excel to exclude weekends and bank holidays?

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Editing Macro To Include Multiple Rows And Include Text Formatting For Leading Zeros

Apr 2, 2014

I need the values that are copied from the template to copy over in text form from the "Data" Tab. Secondly, the master sheet has multiple lines for each vendor. For the area highlighted in red I'd like for it to copy all cells in column C for the vendor and search the vendor by name. Then, move to the next sheet.

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Sum Weekdays And Sum Weekend

Aug 15, 2007

I have a sheet with alle days an date in one month

in column "A" the date (format: TTTT TT.MM.JJ)
in column "B" I have the worked hours

Below in the sheet I would to have to sums
each one for weekdays and weekends,

because my guys get more money if they work on a saturday or sunday.

I have been playing with the formulars
=sumif(weekdays(....., but cant geht the right thing

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If Weekend Then Message Box

Feb 11, 2008

F4 has a macro calendar. I want, if a weekend is selected on the calendar, to display a message that only weekdays are allowed.

Here is the hard part. I have the Analysis ToolPak installed within Excel, but cannot import it into VBA as a reference. It will be in conflict with some of the code I have. It does not allow code in Workbook_Open to execute correctly. So I have to work around this.

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
ActiveCell.Value = Calendar1.Value
Range("E4").Value = Evaluate("WEEKDAY(F4,2)")
If Range("E4").Value = (Monday-Friday) Then
Unload Me
Range("E4").Value = (Saturday or Sunday)
MsgBox ("Please select a valid business day. Weekends and Holidays are invalid.")
Unload Me
End If
2 Things:
1. How do I list

Range("E4").Value = (1,2,3,4,5)
2. Is there a better way of doing this? As far as determining a weekend and displaying error message if it is.

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Identify Every Weekend By Placing 'X'

Jan 8, 2010

If I have 1 Jan thru 31 Dec in A1 - A365, is there a way I can identify every weekend by placing 'X' in Col B alongside every occurrence of Saturday and Sunday?

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Weekend Shift Patterns

Jan 19, 2010

I'm trying to divide the hours between 2 given times in blocks:

i.e.: monday 0600 - 1400 = 8 hrs

2400-0700 [mon - fri] = 1
0700-1800 [mon - fri] = 7
1800-2400 [mon - fri] = 0

0000-2400 [weekend]

I got the first 3 blocks working but got stuck with the 4th one.

It should count only those hours between saturday morning 0000 and sunday night 2400 if it concerns a weekend day. and actually these hours should not be calculated in the first 3 time blocks.

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Remove Weekend Values?

Sep 4, 2009

I'm currently using the macro below to modify the two cells next to a date field in a template. The number of rows this will run through could vary from 2 to over 1 million, but the columns will always be the same. Because of the size of the datasets, this macro can run for quite a while, which is fine, but I'm thinking there's probably a better way to do it. To clarify, the object of this part of the macro is to determine if the date falls on a Saturday, and if so, change the value of the two cells to the right of the date to "0"

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Excel Date Without Weekend Count

Feb 6, 2014

I've got the following issue. I want to use the function =TODAY() + 2.

Because it's thursday 6-2 today, the outcome will be saturday 8-2.

The problem is that I want to exclude weekend in this formula, so the function must give monday 10-2 as the answer.

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Time Calculation - Ignore Weekend

Jul 6, 2009

Please see attached Excel File.
I would like to calculate Column D depending on below criteria.

1. if both date is same than normal Column C-Column B.
2. if both date is not same than time diifrence should not be count after 17:30 to next day 08:30.
3. I do not want to include weekend (SAT & SUN) time diffrence if both date have.

In column D I have filled two cells that I want by formula.

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Weekend Work Schedule For Employees

Nov 28, 2013

I am attempting to create a rotating weekend work schedule in Excel to make life easier. There are 30 people who rotate Saturday's and Sunday's every month. Technically, they are only supposed to work 2 weekends a month, and am attempting a way to create this in Excel to make it more fair to the group instead of just picking and choosing which weekend these employees work, I would like an Excel program to do this for me.

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How To Calculate Sunday As Weekend In A Code

Nov 6, 2013

How to calculate weekend (ONLY SUNDAY) in VBA.

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Control That Report Sent Everyday Except Weekend For Each Country

Jun 29, 2014

I have a list of reports for many countries, I need to make sure each report is there for every country, except for weekend days.

report check.xlsx

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Create VBA To Distribute Rates And Exclude Weekend

Jun 24, 2014

I have to create VBA according to these criterias. I have a list of 22 rates that i need to distribute by order for a month period (30 days) noting that I need to skip weekends (Friday and Saturday)

Day 123.06.2014Monday20%
Day 224.06.2014Tuesday10%
Day 325.06.2014Wednesday7%


create this formula so that each time I change the date the rates are distributes accordingly

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Warning If Date Entered In Cell Is Weekend Day

Apr 5, 2012

I need a formula that will give a warning if the date entered in cell is a weekend day.

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Date Function In Excel Excluding Weekend And Holidays

May 31, 2013

If I am using today's date, example: 5/30. I am looking to populate the next 10 business days.

Example: 5/31, 6/3. 6/4 etc.

I want to exclude weekends and holidays. I believe the following formual works to exclude weekends, but not sure how to incorporate holidays in the mix. =workday(today(),1) for one day after today, and then just keep increasing the number for days out.

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Include Value In The Sum Of Column C?

Jun 20, 2013

I want to sum number values in a column. I have used "=SUM(C4:C100)" and it works a treat. Now the twist. I have an adjacent column (Column D) and only want to add values in Column C, where a corresponding value is in Column D on the same row.

So for example if I have C5 as $1000 and D5 as 13/5/13, I want to include the $1000 value in the sum of Column C. However, if I have C5 as $1000 and D5 as blank, I don't want to include it in the sum.

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And Formula To Include 0

Jan 29, 2007

At the moment I am using the formula

=IF(AND(B3>C3,D3,E3,F3),"eat less","eat more")

I want it to show me that if B3 is bigger than any of the other cells that you should "eat less". It works if a number is entered into every cell, but if a 0 is entered into one of them it comes up with "eat more" when it should be "eat less"

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Finding Weekend Date Of Particular Date

Jun 30, 2014

Find the weekend date of each dates.

I am generating a report , for which i need to find the weekend date of the corresponding date.

Following is the code that I am using to generate the dates. Need to generate the corresponding weekend date as well.

Also attached is the output file I am looking for.

Attached File: IQN- Apr 2014 - Souvik Ghosh.xlsx‎

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Include Vlookup Within If Statement

Jul 14, 2009

How can you return a Vlookup as a true value in an If statement? For example

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Summing Figures Which Include #N/A

Feb 3, 2010

how can I total three columns together, one with the value of #N/A, and two with figures in, without the total coming back as #N/A ?

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