F4 has a macro calendar. I want, if a weekend is selected on the calendar, to display a message that only weekdays are allowed.
Here is the hard part. I have the Analysis ToolPak installed within Excel, but cannot import it into VBA as a reference. It will be in conflict with some of the code I have. It does not allow code in Workbook_Open to execute correctly. So I have to work around this.
Private Sub Calendar1_Click() ActiveCell.Value = Calendar1.Value Range("E4").Value = Evaluate("WEEKDAY(F4,2)") If Range("E4").Value = (Monday-Friday) Then Range("F5").Select Unload Me Else Range("E4").Value = (Saturday or Sunday) Range("F5").Select MsgBox ("Please select a valid business day. Weekends and Holidays are invalid.") Unload Me End If 2 Things: 1. How do I list
Range("E4").Value = (1,2,3,4,5) 2. Is there a better way of doing this? As far as determining a weekend and displaying error message if it is.
I have a code that I have put in the ThisWorkbook section, and I thought it should work - but nothing happens....
Code: Sub FirstSub() Application.OnTime TimeValue(Sheets("SetUp").Range("G1").Text), "SecondSub" ResetTime = Now() + 1 Application.OnTime ResetTime, "FirstSub" End Sub Sub SecondSub() If Weekday(Now()) > 2 And Weekday(Now()) < 7 Then Call CreatePDF End Sub
I would like to have a spreadsheet where everyday of the month dislpays automatically
such as 01/01/08 in A1 01/02/08 in A2 etc.
According to a cell name Account Period (eg 200801)
But I don t want week end days to be displayed. In the same excel document, I have a sheet with all non working days and week end for 2008 and another sheet.
If I have 1 Jan thru 31 Dec in A1 - A365, is there a way I can identify every weekend by placing 'X' in Col B alongside every occurrence of Saturday and Sunday?
I got the first 3 blocks working but got stuck with the 4th one.
It should count only those hours between saturday morning 0000 and sunday night 2400 if it concerns a weekend day. and actually these hours should not be calculated in the first 3 time blocks.
I'm currently using the macro below to modify the two cells next to a date field in a template. The number of rows this will run through could vary from 2 to over 1 million, but the columns will always be the same. Because of the size of the datasets, this macro can run for quite a while, which is fine, but I'm thinking there's probably a better way to do it. To clarify, the object of this part of the macro is to determine if the date falls on a Saturday, and if so, change the value of the two cells to the right of the date to "0"
Is there a quick way to find weekend dates in excel? I tried pasting all 2006 dates into J2:J366 using the fill handle. It has weekdays as an option but not weekend dates. Any easy way (formula or simpler) to find the weekend dates in this range?
I have done a V-lookup that auto populates my project report doc with different lead times/dates depending on the product selected. Problem I have it that the dates being pulled through are for all calendar dates and not just working week days.
I know you can select a selection of dates and fill as week days however all of the dates on my primary sheet either have the project start date minus lead time formula or the vlook up formula in it. Filling week days overwrites any of this.
TWO more days to turkey day. 3 more to BF --- yaaaaak! Anyway,
Iam trying to display only 3 workdays in each of three cells. Days displayed depend on today's date.
I am usinf the following but it displays SAT and SUN.
Q3 = today's date =UPPER(TEXT(Q3+2,"DDDD")) displays THURSDAY =UPPER(TEXT(Q3+3,"DDDD")) displays FRIDAY =UPPER(TEXT(Q3+4,"DDDD")) displays SATURDAY -- would like it to display MONDAY
Q3 changes to reflect today's date therefore this would display: =UPPER(TEXT(Q3+2,"DDDD")) displays THURSDAY =UPPER(TEXT(Q3+3,"DDDD")) displays FRIDAY =UPPER(TEXT(Q3+4,"DDDD")) displays MONDAY
In other words I want to display only the week days in these 3 cells.
I have a column of dates in Col B that I need to update every day. I want a macro that will automatically fill down the date in the column, but it has to be a working day. So far I have this:
I need a formula which counts back a set number of weekdays from a given date. Eg. I am supplied with a project end date and need to schedule 25 week days prior.
I've searched a can only find formulas for the number of weekdays between 2 dates.
1 have figured out how to create an auto fill that is a mix of days in between. (When dates are not in a row.) For example, a schedule that starts a date, and then adds 2 days, then 1 day, then 3 days etc....it is for a tracking schedule. Once created those amounts are the same for for every row. The problem is, when it counts the next day, or 2 days or 3 days etc, it cannot include a weekend date, rather just 2 working days, or 3 working days etc. Is this possible?
Right now, I start my first cell with a date, and go to the cell to the right, and in my formula, I type the previous cell address and I add (+) some value (2) to represent the day amount, but right now it includes the weekend days as well, and I need them skipped.
Please see attached Excel File. I would like to calculate Column D depending on below criteria.
1. if both date is same than normal Column C-Column B. 2. if both date is not same than time diifrence should not be count after 17:30 to next day 08:30. 3. I do not want to include weekend (SAT & SUN) time diffrence if both date have.
In column D I have filled two cells that I want by formula.
I am attempting to create a rotating weekend work schedule in Excel to make life easier. There are 30 people who rotate Saturday's and Sunday's every month. Technically, they are only supposed to work 2 weekends a month, and am attempting a way to create this in Excel to make it more fair to the group instead of just picking and choosing which weekend these employees work, I would like an Excel program to do this for me.
I have a worksheet that displays all the current months weekdays from a starting date in cell b2 using the weekday formula it works accross a row checking next day is a weekday and adding 1 but since some months have more weekdays than others the few cells that are sometimes not needed are then filled with a weekday from the next month how can I stop this? and only have the current months weekdays
I have a column where the data is listing the day of the week and time worked. What I need is to sort the column by the first four letters in cell I used the left(e5,4) to return the letters in a helper column but when I sort it still not in the Monday -Friday order. example:
I am currently assigning dates to a list manually by giving 5 dates on Mondays to Fridays. I currenly need to do this for around 500 rows and as you can imagine this takes some time.
Is there a way to have a formula that would assign for instance 5 dates on each weekday, purley by dragging the formula down?
I want to get the list of days which are only weekdays ( excluding sat, sun but includes holidays during weekdays) I have tried WORKDAY function but it is not exactly i want coz it excludes holidays during weekdays as well.
I have to create VBA according to these criterias. I have a list of 22 rates that i need to distribute by order for a month period (30 days) noting that I need to skip weekends (Friday and Saturday)
Day 123.06.2014Monday20% Day 224.06.2014Tuesday10% Day 325.06.2014Wednesday7%
create this formula so that each time I change the date the rates are distributes accordingly
I need to make a schedule for testing where I check the samples every 3 days but if that date hits on a weekend I want it to role over to the monday if it hits on a Sunday and Friday if it hits on a Saturday. In other words wait an extra day if it hits on a Sunday and check the sample a day early if it would normally be on a Saturday.
I have been playing around with the WORKDAY command and some of the other date functions but I can't figure this one out.
I am using office 2003 and I need to create the conditional (just like in the attached image), but I need that the days -1 (day) -2(days) or -3 (days) that are in the end of each formula, I need them to be weekdays (i don't want the to count weekends.
I would like to be able to auto fill weekdays (skipping Saturday & Sunday) in a month. For example, my spreadsheet would look like this if cell A1 contains12/01/09:
The DATE column needs to return the date for WORKDAYS listed...Monday through Friday only. The first workday in Dec 2009 is 12/1, the fifth workday is 12/7, and so on.