Hide Empty Columns After Filter

Nov 28, 2007

I am trying to hide empty columns, excluding the header, from data that has been auto filtered. I can accomplish this when the data is not filtered by hiding columns that are empty below the header.

My question is: How do I get the "For each Col in Activesheet..." loop to only apply to the filtered values and not those that are hidden.

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Hide/Filter Rows Containing Formulas, But No Data. Empty Text

May 8, 2008

I am developing a spreadsheet that, once all the code is run has numerous sheets added. On these sheets I have a significant number of rows that contain no data and could be hidden (I dont want to remove them, because later I need to re- import all these rows back to my master sheet). I tried code I found in the forum to hide a row if it is empty but this doesnt work as some of the cells contain formulaes referencing back to another sheet that is hidden.

I am trying, and failing, to write code to hide a row that contains no actual data, but still has formulas in some of the cells.

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Hide Columns If Empty From Row 3 Onwards VBA?

Apr 15, 2014

I have code which will hide columns L to AA if cells are empty. It works fine.

I want to modify it to consider rows 3 onward down. It means even if rows 1 & 2 are populated and row 3 onwards down are empty, then it will hide it.

I tried but it is not working .....

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Hide Columns If All Cells In A Range Are Empty

Jan 17, 2010

I am looping thur an array to Format A range of cells. After the format is complete I need to validate that all of the cell in a range are empty if so hide the whole Column.I was Try to do it like this. I am not getting an error but nothing seems to happen either. Also The Boder of the cell only appers on the Last cell it should be on the cells....

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Auto Hide Columns If Data Sheet Is Empty?

Mar 6, 2014

I've created an excel workbook to automatically create a report for my work. All you have to do is enter the data into the "DATA" worksheet. Easy. Only problem is that someone can easily ruin it if they try to run it when the "DATA" sheet is empty. I figure that if I can get two columns hide when it's empty and that would solve my problem. I've tried several VBA codes, but they don't work. Also, everything except the "DATA" sheet is protected to prevent accidently changes. This is the latest code I've tried:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "DATA!$P$5" And Target.Value = 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("password")


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Hide Columns, Filter & Copy Visable To New Wrkbk

Jun 4, 2007

I have an Excel sheet with all client information...For clinical supervision I want my team members to open their own "Supervision.xls" and click a button...this button will open "Client.xls" and select "Client info sheet"...It will then hide rows c,d,g & f...it will then filter column "e" based on the specific caseworkers name ( say "Joe") and copy only the visable columns back to their "supervision.xls" Values only (doesn't effect the colour formating of Supervision.xls) then close "Client.xls"

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Hide Columns, Filter & Copy Visible To New Workbook

Jun 4, 2007

I have an Excel sheet with all client information...For clinical supervision I want my team members to open their own "Supervision.xls" and click a button...this button will open "Client.xls" and select "Client info sheet"...It will then hide rows c,d,g & f...it will then filter column "e" based on the specific caseworkers name ( say "Joe") and copy only the visable columns back to their "supervision.xls" Values only (doesn't effect the colour formating of Supervision.xls) then close "Client.xls"

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VBA To Hide / Show Columns Based On Filter And Multiple Criteria

Mar 8, 2014

I have a very large table and i need to be able to Hide/show specific ranges based on:

Filter +and+ specific cell values in columns

brief example of the table : tablee.png

1. Filter Column "B" (in this case we select "HELPING")
2. Auto hide/show collumns. - IF "C1" = "Required" THAN Show "C:E", IF "C1" ="N/A" , HIDE "C:E" and so on for every column like above.

There are over 80 columns like the "C:E" range. and I only need to show those that are "Required".

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VBA Macro To Filter Rows By Cell Value & Hide Blank Columns

Oct 1, 2008

i have created a spreadsheet to simplify our work flow, I am stuck on what is probably the easiest of the commands.

basically have rows dedicated to specific codes and the colums represent values relating to each code, all codes have a different set of values, the attached example only has a few variables but the actual worksheet will have several hundred.

the idea is the user will input the code they wish to get details on in A2 and then press the command button and it will then show (as per the after sheet in the attachment) just the relevant information for that code, so filter the code in column A and hide the columns which hold no value.

where i am getting stuck is I am not sure the best way to proceed, is it best to create the macro button to do the filter and hide or is there a better way using vlookup and a pop up window asking for the relevantcode to be inputted to to retrive the information, again understand there will be hundreds of colums and hundreds of rows and the values may be 20 or 30 colums apart for some of the Codes so this simplification is really saving the user a lot of time.

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Remove Empty Rows Based On Range Of Columns If Columns Are All Empty (no Data) Delete

Oct 24, 2012

Using the following code to remove empty rows based on whether a specific range of columns is empty. The code works if the cell has a zero, but not when the cell is blank. An example of the data is attached.

Public Sub DelRows2()
Dim Cel As Range, searchStr, FirstCell As String
Dim searchRange As Range, DeleteRange As Range


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Hide Blank/Empty Rows & Shown/Unhide Non Empty Ones

Sep 3, 2006

I am getting values for my excel sheet from another department excel sheet . everything works fine. If there is no values in the rows in the Department sheet, then i need to hide the rows in my sheet. How to code this in VBA. When they add values to the rows then i should make the rows visble here. Kindy give me a sample of vba code to this or suggest me to solve.

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Hide Rows Based On Multiple Columns Formula Returning Empty Text ""

May 13, 2008

I would like to rows based on multiple column conditions criteria. ie., if the columns N, O, P values are "", then hide the particular row. The logic given in the website here, i tried But, it is not 100% working. It works for a few rows at the start of the database & it works for the rows at the end of the database. In between, for a few rows, even if the column values are "" it does not hide those rows.

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Delete Empty Rows And Empty Columns From Word Table

Mar 25, 2014

I am trying to populate the 2 tables from excel to word. I will be getting the excel file with tables in various sheets. One sheet consist of 2 tables that will be inserted to one word document. So if there are 2 sheets then I will have the tables inserted in the 2 word document. In the excel sheet I have attached, there are 2 sheets with tables in each of them. I have written the code to copy and paste the table to word doc from (general) range A1:G4 (Table 1) and A9:H18 (Table 2) that has empty rows and columns selected. But there are empty rows and columns inserted since the table range is not same sheetwise. I would like get the empty rows and columns deleted in the word table.

Find the attached sample excel sheet and the word documents.


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Hide 0 When Column A Is Empty

May 2, 2014

I need a formula, or a filter (or something?) to hide zeros in a column, but only when the corresponding cell in column A is empty.

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Hide Row If Cell Is Empty

Jul 28, 2009

I'm looking for a way to hide a row if the cell is column A is empty. On the attached sheet I'm looking to hide the empty rows below the last vehicle registration.

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Hide Column If Empty After Row 3

Sep 7, 2009

I have more than 50 different sheets with columns A to AA where i would like to hide all empty columns. If for example column K is empty auto hide column K. I also have rows 1, 2 & 3 which have headers which need to be ignored when checking the columns.

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Hide Row When The Entire Row Is Empty

Feb 12, 2008

I have the code for hiding rows. But the problems is it only works with numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.... I would like some help to modify this code so it work both for numbers and letter (A, B, C, D) etc ...

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Hide Row If A Certain Cell In This Row Is Empty

Jan 12, 2010

I have this code as mentioned below.
If a cell in column U is empty, I mean really empty, so no zero but a blank cell, I want to hide the whole row. Is this possible?

Sub kleuren()
For Each c In [U3:U500]
If c "" Then
Select Case c - Date
Case Is

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Filter Only Columns A-F When Apply Filter Values?

Mar 26, 2013

I have some columns on which I have a filter, with some columns next to those that have information in them.

What I need to do is filter only columns A-F when apply filter values, but keep columns I-K fixed as A-F change when they are filtered..

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Hide Columns & Hide X-axis Labels

Nov 22, 2006

I am filtering the data displayed in a chart by hiding columns. I would also like to filter the X-Axis labels by hiding columns. If I do this manually I have no problems but when I run the following macro the chart gives a reference error for the X-axis labels.

Sub ShowA2()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
num = Sheets.Count
Range(Columns(1), Columns(256)).Select
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
For a = 1 To 5
Sheets(num - a).Activate
If ActiveSheet.Name = "A2 Data" Then
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False

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Hide Row If Corresponding Cell In Column C Is Not Empty?

Sep 3, 2012

I want to hide the row when value "x" is entered in column C

I tried this code in the sheet, but nothing happens.......

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 3 Then
ThisRow = Target.Row
If Not Target.Value = "" Then
ThisRow.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End If
End Sub

So when a "x" is entered in cell (115,C), row 115 must be hidden. When a "x" is entered in cell((9,C) row 9 must be hidden to, and so on. When a cell in an other column is changed, the macro does not need to start.

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Conditionally Hide Tabs-If They Are Empty

Jul 28, 2009

I have about a dozen tabs, all of which have vlookups in them and calculate based on what a user pastes into Sheet 1. I need a macro that hides all tabs that have no data, essentially tabs where A1 = ""

However, it also needs to unhide tabs as soon as there is data. So if the user pastes new data into Sheet 1 the vlookups, on the other sheets, still need to run (even if they are hidden) and then check against the macro to determine whether to be hidden or unhidden.

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Hide Worksheet If Certain Cells Empty

Aug 8, 2009

I am trying to write a code that would hide when certain cells in the worksheet are empty. Also the sheet name should start with a -.

This is the code i have so far. The thing is that the sheet will always hide. The criteria on the cells doesnt work.

Sub Hide_all_filled_Templates()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each ws In Worksheets
If Left(ws.Name, 1) = "-" Then
If Not Range("I9").Value = "" Or Range("K9").Value = "" Or Range("M9").Value = "" Or Range("O9").Value = "" Then ws.Visible = False
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub
The code now hides all shees starting with "-". It does not take the cell criteria into account. Why?

Other point is that these cell references are just a few of what it should really be. How do I make this easier for myself to write the code. Point is that these cells come in row 9 (like the example) then in row 11 then in row 15, 17, 21,23, etc. Also the columns jump with uneven steps.

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Fast Macro To Hide Empty Rows

Mar 22, 2014

Im looking for a macro that hide empty rows. I found some simple macro but that are long to execute. While looking for a faster code, I found two codes that work pretty fast. But as I don't understand VBA I am not able to adjust them to my situation.

First macro: I am able to specify my range (B6:B77), but the macro applies to blank cells and I need to apply to "" cells.

[Code] .....

Second macro: very fast as well. Here, it applies to "" cells, but I am unable to specify a range. So the rows 1 to 4, which are empty, are hidden but should not.

[Code] .....

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Hide Rows Based On Cell Value Being Empty

Dec 15, 2008

I have read other posts about this but I am still a little confused as most macros that have been made are tweaked to suite the users individual needs.

What I want is something like this to work in the active sheet:

If cells D2:D55 = ""
Then Hide.EntireRow

If cells D2:D55 = "has any value"
Then Show.EntireRow

The values in D2:D55 are populated by a VLOOKUP depending on what someone chooses in a drop down validation list, however not all the rows are always required so I would like to hide them to save some space on my form.

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Code To Hide Rows When One Cell Is Empty And Other Is Not

Aug 1, 2007

I am trying to run a macro that will hide rows when one cell is empty and another is not. Example: hide row when cell g is empty, but cell b is not. Or something to that effect. So far I've only used this code, but I would like to know how I can modify the code to fit the parameters I need:

Sub HideRows()
On Error Resume Next
With Range("B1:B300")
.EntireRow.Hidden = False
For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
If WorksheetFunction. Sum(.Rows(i)) = 0 Then
.Rows(i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub

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How To Hide Filter Button

Feb 14, 2012

Its there any way to hide a Filter button? I want to keep all of them on my sheet except for 1. Here's a screen shot:

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Hide Worksheets And Rows Based On Empty Cells?

Jul 2, 2014

My company has a canned template for some of the work we do and to avoid wasting too much paper I wanted to insert some extra code into an already programmed macro button (which sets the page breaks) to hide forms (both as individual worksheets and rows within separate worksheets) if the field that ought to auto-fill them is left empty.

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Loop Through Selected Worksheets And Hide Empty Rows On Each?

Jun 22, 2014

I have a workbook with over 70 tabs whose position shouldn't be changed. Some of these tabs are colored in yellow (sorting by tab color is not allowed). I need to select these yellow tabs first and loop through them (only yellow tabs) and hide empty rows in the range of A1: G 50 on each of them. Grouping sheets wwon't work because each tab has different last row with data within that range.

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Hide Row Based On Other Cell Value (Filter)

May 5, 2009

i have been able to get most of my VB work on my own (i'm learning). Currently I'm having a bit of difficulty in hiding a row based on a cell value, potentially due to cells being merged.

I'd like to select from a dropdown cell to filter on a row's value. Attached you will find a sample sheet that works named "Working" in it's current state and the one "TEST" that does not filter every other line item.

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