Remove Commas From All Cells, Search & Replace Error: Formula Is Too Long

May 15, 2007

I have a large spreadsheet, within which i am trying to remove commas from all cells. I get the error 'formula is too long' when I carry out the search. Some of the cells are >1024 characters in length and contain dates, text etc.

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Replace Method Error When Replacement Too Long

Oct 4, 2007

I have the following code written:

If InStr( Cells(i, 3).Value, "Other") > 0 Then _
Cells(i, 3).Replace What:="Other", Replacement:=Cells(i, 4).Value

This seems to work fine for the most part. However, if the value in Cells(i, 4) is too long, I seem to get a Run-time error '13': Type mismatch. Is there any way to rework this code so it can replace even if the string in Cells(i, 4).Value is too long?

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Remove Blank Cells From Row - Add Commas Between Data In New Cell

Jan 10, 2014

I have a column of contacts. Each contact has data spread out over many rows, most of which are blank. I would like all of the data spread out through the rows to be in one cell, delineated by commas (so I can import into another program).

Concatenating the cells works except that I end up with 20 commas for two strings of info.

Just so you understand I may have this:
Mary red blue yellow purple
Rob blue purple
Trey yellow

and I want it to look like this

Mary red, blue, yellow, purple
Rob blue, purple
Trey yellow

How should I go about this?

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Find, Replace Function: Formula Is Too Long

Oct 8, 2007

I'm receiving this message when I attempt to use the Find, Replace function. Formula is too long". I have a column of cells containing text only. ( about 2-3 paragraphs worth) I'm trying to replace a name with another name, which works fine where the cell contains a single or few sentences, but fails to replace when the cell contains too much information.

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Error Message Formula Too Long

Aug 18, 2009

I need to write a formula but excel shows an error message "Formula Too Long." There are two long strings of the formula that I repeat several times. Is there any way to put these strings in other cells and reference them within the formula? Each of the strings looks very similar to this:

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Unable To Record Error, Long Formula Macro

Nov 25, 2008

I am working on using an excel workbook as part of a roll playing game and I am trying to record a macro and then put that in a command button which uses the randbetween, multiple if statements and multiple vlookup functions. I have successfully done similar things by just recording a macro and then pasting that into the VB editor. However this time I get a unable to record macro after putting the formula in the selected cell. I have tried copy and paste and just typing the formula with the same results.

Upon executing the formula I then want it to copy and paste special- values the result.

I'm assuming I have to put the VB code in manually but when I tried to do the formula I got a syntax error.

The worksheet I am working on is named new and I've included the formula in the a text box. I would like the result to show in J12 and be triggered by pressing the cmnbutton in k12.

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SUBSTITUTE Function To Replace Commas

Mar 2, 2007

I m using SUBSTITUTE function to replace commas with fullstop so I can multiply the end result with a number. But when I try to multiple for example B2 (0.1831) with 5, i get the VALUE! error.

Value Real Value (after substitute function)
0,1831 0.1831
23,3333 23.3333
12,5199 12.5199
5,5000 5.5000
20,5999 20.5999
24,4671 24.4671
2,5386 2.5386
0,4000 0.4000
1,5019 1.5019

how I can resolve this so I can use the real values for computations (eg Real value *5), without having the VALUE! error message.

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Replace Or Substitute Inverted Commas With Nothing

Jun 17, 2006

I have a problem to achieve the above subject, as per the attached picture.

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Search And Replace Formula For A Cell

Feb 17, 2008

I am looking for a formula for a cell that will do the following:
from :

robert johnson hot dog

To this

I would like it only to change the space between the words to a + sign.

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Remove Commas On CSV Through VBA?

Jul 25, 2014

I copied my data and used the paste value function, pasted it onto another excel sheet and then saved as CSV. Ideally, there should be no formatting on the cells. However, column J threw some commas for which i am unable to understand.

All i want to do is put a control in place via VBA to remove all commas from the sheet.

Is there a VBA code that can perform this function?

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Save Excel File To CSV With Blank Cells With Formula Without Getting Commas?

Mar 20, 2014

I am working on a excel file that has a sheet that i want to convert to .csv. The sheet has formula's for the first three column that are warped an if statement that returns "" (blank) if certain conditions are not meet. However when i got to save the file as a csv i get a file with ",,,,,,," where there is no data. I would like to save csv and have only commas where this data.

When i convert a sheet like
Firstname Lastname Password
Tim Cats Bo3n9x

it saves as
Firstname Lastname Password
Tim Cats Bo3n9x

In the .csv file.

Files i am current working on are attached.

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Search And Replace All Blank Cells

Nov 26, 2008

I would like to create a macro to search all blank cells within a certain range in multiple worksheets to replace it with a certain blank cell. Essentially i would like to use a special values function to do this.

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Remove Commas From Number?

Jan 3, 2014

For example, i have some data :


then, i want to permanently remove the comma, so the result :

Because if i use format cells -> use 1k separator, the data actually still contain the comma (even if the looks is 123, but in the formula bar, it stated 123,123567).

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VBA - Remove Commas From String?

Dec 6, 2011

If someone enters "1,000" in a TextBox, Isnumeric(TextBoxEntry) says True

If I convert it to a value with something like x = TextBoxEntry * 0, the 1,000 becomes 1

I would prefer it to be 1000. Just removing commas would do the trick. How to do it.

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VBA- Remove Commas From CSV Data

Apr 26, 2009

i have data exported as CSV from in house system, the problem is that data is separted by commas therefore some of cells have split, i need VBA to remove the commas and bring my data back into correct format. Below is a sample of what the data looks like, real data is 5000 rows of data

PFOLIO A/C CODE ACCT NAME CUR CODE DESCRIPTN NARRATIVE DATE ENTRY DATE CASH VALUE De --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACA001AUDCUST JP MorganAUDINT0005 SALE 39727.08 INTECH BAL GR FD C29-Dec-082-Jan-09-27690.57N

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VBA To Remove Characters And Commas

May 26, 2009

i need a macro to do the following,

1. Remove all commas from activeworksheet ( i notice i cant see the commas in excel, but when i open notepad i have commas in empty rows)

2. Remove all characters such as = + # ( ) $ from Column 5

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Remove Trailing Commas

Mar 15, 2008

Removing Trailing Commas

I have a list (general ledger) GL codes with trailing commas


When I try to use “replace” and replace the multiple commas with nothing it turns my gl codes into a scientific number (1.23456789123456E+26), but my cell is formatted to text.

The other problem is for numbers with a single trailing comma, it would also remove the commas between the GL codes

Is there a function that removes trailing commas, or commas that are not followed by numbers?

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Search Cells And Replace Text In That Cell

May 5, 2009

Search multiple cells for certain string and then replace the text of the entire cell with new text. For example the text may contain:

"A Chestnut Leather Satchel Binocular Case "They'll Fight Over When You're Dead" (Binocularcase-SL-CH)"

I want to search for SL-CH and once that is found I want to replace the contents of the entire cell with the following: Satchel Chestnut (SL-CH)

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Char Length And Remove Commas

Dec 1, 2009

is there a way to automate =left(b1,40) and remove commas from the text?

text in the cell would be something like a name for instance john doe, LLC but some names are to long so was using the =left to reduce it to 40 characters and using find/replace for the commas replacing it with a space.

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Replace Causes; The Formula Contains An Error 1004

Jul 23, 2007

Wrote this snippet to clean a sheet but if Chr(34) or Chr(60) are in sequence or before the others it errors out (Runtime 1004 "The formula contains an error"). However, it they are last as in the example code, it runs fine, finds them and replaces them.

BTW: Chr(34) is " and Chr(60) is <

Special characters ?, ~ and * are handled as proscribed by Excel help, ie: ~?, ~~. and ~*

So I also tried Chr(34) ,"~"" and """", Chr(60), "~<" and "<"

All other chars seem fine. Just curious...

Option Explicit
Sub MrKlean()
Dim r As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws. Cells
'keep <sp> Chr(32)

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Remove Parenthesis From Phone Number And Commas From Figures

May 28, 2014

We have a spreadsheet of our customer's info, to send to our collection agency; when we export it puts parenthesis around the area code and adds a hyphen in the number.

Also it puts commas in the figures. And I need the slashes gone from the date - is there a simple way to do this?

I tried formatting but it doesn't take out the () or ,

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How To Overcome The "Formula Too Long" Error On Windows Excel...

Jul 9, 2009

I have worked on this really difficult long formula, but the problem is, I have been working from my Mac. And my office, which this formula was made for, is all PC. Now generally this isn't a problem, but apparently PC's have a limit on how long the formula can be. Is there anyway to overcome this? I really need this formula to work..

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Search For Commas & Delete Decimals To The Right

May 11, 2007

I get a report several times a week consisting of several columns and some hundred rows. There must be no comma signs in column E but the reports that I get will sometimes have commas in Col E anyway.

I have a macro/vba code in another workbook that I start by a keyboard combination. This macro will adapt the look of the report, but it can't take care of the comma issue. However, I have managed to remove the comma and replace it with nothing but that is not sufficient. I want to delete the comma and all figures to the right of the comma sign. There can between 1 and 4 decimal numbers.

I need to integrate some kind of vba code that will check every cell in column E and if it finds a comma in any cell, the comma must be deleted and all the numbers to the right of the comma too.

Hope you can help me with this issue because I have been googling around for two days now... It drives me crazy.

I have posted this question here too but it has not yet been solved:

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Macro To Search String In A Range Of Cells And Replace While Leaving Original

Jul 25, 2014

So I was given the task to translate some procedure instructions in an Excel file from English to Spanish. These are very simple instructions and in most cases repetitive throughout the document. There are a lot of instances where the instructions are the same except for a #. They are meant to be modified within the cell as the text that appears in the cell will be printed exactly as it appears.There are several instructions in the cell, it is basically a long continuous string in the cell. My idea is to create a macro that can search that range of cells for the instruction, replace it with the Spanish equivalent while leaving the original English instruction in the cell.

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Remove Inverted Commas In PIPE Delimited File Created From VBA

Jun 3, 2014

i have a Macro, its creating unwanted inverted commas at the start and end of the File.



Expected File:



Option Explicit
Sub txtt_export()
Dim buf As String, col As Long, r As Long, ws As Worksheet


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VBA To Search Copied Range For Blank Cells And Remove Them

Jun 18, 2014

In my current sheet, I have a button which pastes the contents of the user's clipboard into cell A20. The data that is being pasted is a simple, single-column range of data that may or my not contain blank cells. When this button is clicked, the user's clipboard should already have data.

Some of these pasted ranges may go from A20:A40, A20:A60, or even A20:A73. The point is, the length of the pasted information is variable.

I am looking for VBA code which can look at the recently pasted range in A20:AX, find blank cells, and remove them. Here is my current code (very simple), which is only the paste function:

Sub admin_btnPASTE()
' paste_align Macro
' pastes data
On Error Goto Whoa


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Column Taking Way Too Long To Delete Or Replace?

Jul 21, 2014

I have a data range with just under 100,000 lines by about 60 columns. In one of the final columns I used the formula =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)=1,1,0) in order to set a flag the first time that each unique value in Column A appears. (I know about the remove duplicates function but the data was sorted in a certain order and I needed information specifically from the first row in which each unique value appears.) The formula works - it's not very quick, but it works.

The issue I'm encountering though is that now I want to remove that formula so it doesn't keep recalculating and every technique I use either takes forever or stalls Excel entirely. I've seen the same issue in two different spreadsheets where I used the same technique. Techniques I've tried: selecting and deleting the entire column, copying and pasting values over the formula, Selecting all the cells and pressing delete, copying and pasting an empty cell over them, Selecting and cutting and pasting the cells to another workbook. I've done these while disabling automatic recalculation and even turning off Data Filtering. I just can't understand why a simple delete operation should take so long, it shouldn't matter what is in the cell because all I want to do is delete it.

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Formula To Check Range To Make Sure All Cells Are Either Blank Or 11 Characters Long

May 8, 2012

I need a formula that will search the range D8-D100 to confirm that all cells within that range are either 11 characters in length or blank. I will use it inside of an error message that will look something like this:

=IF(****formula that checks to make sure all of the cells in that range are blank or 11 characters****=TRUE, "", "Please make sure that all cells are 11 digits or blank")

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Search And Replace: Loop To Look Up Xxx And Replace It With The Values Consecutively In Row C

Jun 15, 2006

I have values in row A and I have values in row C. I want to create a loop to look up xxx and replace it with the values consecutively in row C. Look at example for a better Idea. I found a way to find and replace, but I not sure how to use it with qoutes. I was thinking maybe I dont even need row A and just supply a list and excel could have the chunk of data in the code itself.

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Remove Div/0 Error Values From Excel Cells

Nov 15, 2006

How to remove div/0 value from excel cells.
i got this when i used formula where denominator is zero . is there any function to do or we should write any macro for that.

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