ID Each Duplicate In A Column

Sep 5, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with a large number of records. Each row contains info about people and there are multiple rows for each person. The database is sorted by the last name column so you can see each row of data for that person. We have been manually highlighting the name by each group, alternating so you can easliy see when the name changes. (hightlight Adams, don't hightlight Brown, higlight Carter, etc) But the file is long and this will take forever. I would like to highlight each group of names without manually scrolling thru the large spreadsheet. It would even be fine to just hightlight the first occurance of each name so that you can easily find the first record for that name. Conditional Formatting doesn't seem to work since I need it to hightlight when the last name changes - not find duplicates.

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Delete Duplicate Rows Where Column A And Column B Combined Are Equal

Dec 8, 2009

I have a sheet where i want to delete duplicate rows where column A and column B combined are equal, i.e. range(Ax:Bx) where x is the current row. I am using the macro below but cant seem to get it working as I keep getting a type mismatch error and Im not sure why.

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Searching A Column For The Last Duplicate?

Jul 2, 2014

*VBA - code
*Search down a column of Serial numbers that are in numerical order....Column A,B,C........
*find the last duplicate and the row of that SN
3301 <---What row is this
3302<---What row is this

*Then Store that row number in a variable like a,b,c,

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Duplicate Data In Column

Feb 23, 2010

Bit of a tricky one this, I have two spreadsheets both with data I need to merge the two and only keep data which is present in both sheets. Each row has a unique identifier. I have copied the sheets into one spready and sorted the data, I thought there might be some kind of edit go to function but cannot find it.

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Searching Column For Last Duplicate

Jul 1, 2014

I'm Searching down a column to the last time the number is repeated Now I don't know what the next number is it could 3304 or 5000 so I need to know what the last row the duplicate number is in

Column A

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Column Dependent Duplicate Data

Aug 14, 2014

Using columns, (A,B,C & D)Column "A" is used for main grouping (defined as "zone") which I've used conditional formatting to define that there's duplicates. However the subsequent columns B&C are to and from devices. There may be instances of inverse duplicates. How can I either use "If then" formulas or LOOKUP function to note these occurrences? Column "D" is merely the flag column to display the instances of occurrence.


138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51GT12G
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 351GT12G 287XT12G
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51LT12G PH 2
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3287XT12G 51LT12G PH 3
138 [TRF] 1-2 SCR 1-2 G 3367 12G DTT287XT12G

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Adding Duplicate Columns Into New Column?

Jan 6, 2014

I have 5 coloums in which the last three have numeric values. The first two coloums have name and country code. Now, The first two coloums have duplicate values but the rest of the corresponding columns have different numeriv values. What I want now is to add the numeric values of the coloumns of the duplicate data and want to display in the first row. For ex there are A = name , B= Country , C D and E contains different numeric values. A and B have dupilcate data but different C, D and E values. Now I want to add up the numeric values of the dupilcate data and get it displayed in a new coloum in the first row of the duplicate data set.

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Highlighting Duplicate Values In A Column

Dec 6, 2008

In Column A, there are about 2000 plus entries, is there a simple formula to highlight the duplicate values in conditional format, so that the duplicate values stand coloured.

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How To Highlight The Duplicate Values In Column

Oct 26, 2013

find the attached Sheet, where some values are entered in column A with repeated action. What I need that through an excel function the repeated values should get red colour like in the Column C.

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Using A CELL Value To Search For Duplicate In A COLUMN

Apr 30, 2014

I have say Cell B3 this is always a date on a sheet named Party Times on another sheet I have a column of dates with entries, say it is column D this sheet is named Party Schedule.

I need to check Cell B3 (4/30/2014) with all of the Column D on sheet Party Schedule to be sure I do not schedule another party on the same date...

Also doing this it needs to be somewhate of a do --- while if there ARE NOT any dates overlapping then go ahead and copy and paste the macro to the sheet if there are msgbox "PARTY ALREADY SCHEDULED PLEASE RESCHEDULE).

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Highlight Duplicate Phrases In A Column?

Mar 13, 2014

I am unsure if I would even need VBA to do this. I am trying to find a way to highlight all cells in column AO that have duplicate phrases and transfer just the phrase over to column CF. Ex: A cell containing "She didn't listen" and a cell containing "They didn't listen" would highlight and "didn't listen" would move over to Column CF. Would it be possible to do this without specifying the exact phrase?

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Delete Row If There Is Duplicate Number In Same Column

Mar 14, 2014

I understand filtering will accomplish this but a macro would save time.

My data is in Column "B" that contains ID#. If there is a duplicate ID# in column B, delete the row, but keep one. In addition, I do not want to delete blank cells in Column "B" and non number data.







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Highlighting Duplicate ALL Cells On A:A Column With Red

Jul 17, 2008

I'm use with this macro to Highlight duplicate cells BUT the macro highlight only from the second duplicate

I need to highlight ALL duplicate cells in column A:A .

FUNCTION like " =COUNTIF($A$1:$A$11,A1)>1 " it's not good for me in this case, i need it with a fast macro

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Eliminating Duplicate Rows In One Column

Apr 26, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet of sample data. Column I has duplicates and the data in columns A to H are in any of the duplicates. I want to eliminate the duplicates and align the data in the other colums to the single row. Eg I2 and I3 are the same value, I want to end up with only one row with the value 27217 and the data in F2 and G3 to end up in the single row. If value 27217 is in I2 only then F2 will still contain 5 but 6 will be in G2 not G3.

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Remove Row If Duplicate Entry In Column A

Sep 1, 2009

I would like a loop that would run through the information in column A and if its duplicated delete the entire row… Also it needs to be able to handle 10 records to 10,000, it changes daily

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Delete Duplicate Row Under Multiple Column

Oct 14, 2011

How do i delete duplicate row?

This is a sample of how my spreadsheet looks like. i want to check for duplicates under cell B:F. delete if duplicate. to like this: ( i know that in the second 4007 repair, there are some data similar to the first 4007 repair. but lets assume the data is different. Cause i cant change it now.)

cell A consist of my header and should not be shifted. i do not want a result like this,

The data should look like the original except the duplicates are deleted.

The macro should check until the row Period_name. that is anything after period name should not be deleted. Also i want Period_name row to be position under the leftover data. like this:

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How To Count Duplicate Text In A Column

Feb 4, 2012

how to count how many times a word or text is displayed in a column.

Say this is Column A Can any formula be used to tell me that T1409 was duplicated 3 times and T1527 was used 2 times. The rest of the numbers only triggered once so I dont care for those numbers. I only want T1409 and T1527 to pop up and tell me how many times it was used.


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Find Duplicate Items In Column?

May 31, 2012

I have two columns with aproximately 80,000 rows each lets say column A and D.

Column A has numbers and it is the most recent data extracted from a program. Column D has also numeric records most of which are also in column A.

I need a macro that will take each number in column D and compare it to column A when the macro finds that the number in D exists in column A it shoudl move the number on the same row on column B (right next to it)

If the number does not exist on on columna a It should start a list on column C.

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Delete Duplicate Values In A Column

Jul 25, 2007

I have a column of data where duplicate records appear, can I get a macro to review the column and delete the duplicate record, I need the line item number to still show although the serial number has been deleted, please see example below-

line_number Serial_number
14FM12A1QWINC-1Jdelete serial number in column B, keep line number 1 in column A
24FM12A1QWINC-2Edelete serial number in column B, keep line number 2 in column A
34FM12A1QWINC-3Adelete serial number in column B, keep line number 3 in column A
44FM12A1QWINC-4Adelete serial number in column B, keep line number 4 in column A

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Find Duplicate From The Column And Save It In Another Tab

Mar 26, 2008

I am trying to find the Duplicate value in Column E and save it in another tab.

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Highlight Duplicate Data In A Column

Feb 16, 2009

I need some thing that will highligt duplicate entries in column a

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How To Prevent Duplicate Entry In Column

May 25, 2009

I have a huge worksheet with 26 columns and 1200 rows. This worksheet is updated by 4 people everyday. Column C, H, N & R are updated daily by these 4 people so these are dynamic columns so to speak. I would like to have a VBA that informs that particular individual when he enters a duplicate data, maybe a popup saying duplicate entry.

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Avoid Duplicate Numbers In 1 Column

Feb 24, 2010

I have a column where i have to put document numbers, Column A, i want to avoid accidently capturing something twice, so the only thing thats unique is the document number. Can i get an error if i try to enter the same number twice?

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Highlighting Duplicate Values In A Column?

May 5, 2006

I want to write a macro that highlights duplicate values within a single column. I found - on this site a macro that removes duplicate values, which is huge, but sometimes I just need to highlight duplicates values rather than remove them.

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Duplicate Every Nth Cell In Opposite Column

Jan 17, 2008

I have a worksheet, example data below, it has 150+ columns and varying amounts of rows 1 -> 2500+ per column. The row data is as follows:

Row 1: Has title of worksheet
Row 2: Date of the column
Row 3: Total of completed for the day
Row 4 - n: Serial number

I need to intsert a new column to the right of each column and then populate it with the date at the top of the column from the left, I need the new date value to go down until it reaches the end of the data in the left column. So effectivly each serial number will have date in the column to its right.

There are no blanks in the rows, or blank columns.

Example of existing:



100621090 5/04/2007
104436159 5/04/2007
104876402 5/04/2007
462933606 5/04/2007

**Note date is in second column and taken from top of first column. Does not need to update if date is changed.

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Highlight Duplicate Values In A Single Column

Mar 6, 2013

I created a spreadsheet for use by the shipping department where I work. We are trying to prevent pulling and shipping the incorrect item to the customer. This is how it works. The employee downloads a CSV file containing items that have been purchased from our website and imports the file into the excel. Then the item is pulled and the employee scans the item's barcode into the spreadsheet named "SCAN." Formulas and code on the "reference" sheet look for the SKU number in the list from the CSV file while others create a consolidated list of SKUs that have been scanned, SKUs that have a problem and need to go to customer service, and SKUs from the CSV file that have yet to be scanned. Some of the formulas in this workbook have been borrowed from forums like this and altered to fit my needs - I'll admit I'm not even entirely sure how they work.

Occasionally a SKU is scanned in twice and not always sequentially which will effect the total item count. It can be very difficult to find the duplicates in the list.

I would like for any value that appears more than once in column B of the 'SCAN' sheet to be highlighted. I have tried to do this, but to no avail.

Scan Below
If FWD: CS, state reason below:



[Code] ......

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Delete Duplicate Rows Data In Only One Column

Jul 28, 2013

with deleting duplicate entries in a spreadsheet that contains two names, a code number and a date. All rows with a duplicate number in column “B” should be deleted. Write a micro code? I have a few thousand of entries that need to be knocked out.

A sample file is attached : Example.xls

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Highlight Only First Duplicate Number That Found In Column?

Aug 24, 2013

I have sheet 1 and in c3



this two column compare for duplicates and I manage to highlight (actually not bold) the number that is duplicate but I dont want to highlight the 2nd, 3rd & so on duplicate number in c3 (highlight 1 only from the 3 numbers most of the times got 2 only) . (row start from c3 to c2000 and d3 is up to d2000 also). I already use CF for highlighting the duplicate in C3 which my formula in CF is

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(c3:c3,$c$3:$c$780,0)),"",c3:c3) I just try to do this formula and it works, but I dont know how to command not to highlight the 2nd, 3rd & so on duplicate number in C3 (C3 only can have duplicate number within the column; D3 doesn't have any repeat number in the D column.

I need to do the same formula command for other 2 partner columns (compare for duplicates this two columns & the 1st column if have to many duplicates highlight the first number that have more than 1 duplicates only) cells need to do again is for E3 & F3; G3&H3; until AU3&AV3..

is it possible to count how many highlighted cell (not bold) there is in a column (I mean total highlighted cell) and put the answer in cell C1, E1, G1, I1 ... AS1 , AU1. Tq again..

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How To Prevent Duplicate URL Entries In Cell In A Column

Mar 23, 2014

I tried to solve above problem using Data Validation formula. Data validation does not work if somebody copy paste the duplicate values,it works when somebody types duplicate values in next column. So if I want to enter lot of urls to a column then it is completely impossible to type so must have to copy paste from the browser. I have attached a sample sheet, howl to solve this problem either using formula or using Data validation in sample 1 and sample 2 respectively.

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Highlighting Duplicate Data In Column Across All Cells?

May 17, 2014

I have a large compilation of data on an excel work sheet (I am using 2013). All cells relate to each other by means of dates, names, and other numeric values such as stock numbers, id numbers etc... In one column some stock numbers are repeated. I would like to know if there is a way to set up the program on this worksheet to highlight all repeating stock numbers, not only in the column but across the cells as well, in lieu of doing so manually.

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