Identify Alphanumeric Data
Jan 29, 2008
I'm looking for a formula or function to identify cells that are alpha numeric. The alpha is not necessarily in the same place (i.e. 1st, 4th. etc) in each cell. Some cells are all numeric.
What can I do to identify cells that are alpha numeric?
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Jun 23, 2009
I need to automatically populate a column with an alphanumeric MFR0001 to MFR9999 and am currently using the formula below to add 1 to the start point (A1)...
Formula in A2 =LEFT(C1,3)&(RIGHT(C1,4)+1)
This works perfectly if I start at MFR1000, but breaks and drops the 000 if I use it on the number I need to start with (MFR0001).
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Jan 21, 2013
I am trying to sort alpha numeric data like so -
When I sort, the alphabet part is sorted right, but the number part is is not what I want -
PB10 is right below PB1-
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Feb 8, 2010
Ok, before any one shoots me down, i have looked around the forum and the internet for a answer, Im im half way there.
I have a column in my worksheet which contains alphanumeric data, I also have a Custom menu option to sort the worksheet but 3 columns.
No i know if i have a column contains the following ....
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Sep 11, 2006
I've tried several things to accomplish this with no luck, but I'm sure it's not too tough to do:
On my worksheet, I am entering columns of cells with alphanumeric data. The data are actually thousands of reference numbers that need to go in chronological order, with only the numerals changing (e.g., ABC0001DEF, ABC0002DEF, ABC0003DEF..., with "ABC" and "DEF" always the same).
I can create a series just fine if I leave off the "DEF" part of the reference numbers (by selecting the first couple cells in the series and using the fill handle), but I can't get the same results with the numerals "nested" within the reference numbers (i.e., ABC####DEF).
It sure would save me a lot of typing to be able to create a series to fill in all my reference numbers!
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Jan 25, 2010
I have in two cells :
a1 b1
1m 1-3-6-11-17
how can I get:
using vba code.
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Mar 2, 2014
I'm currently working on a spreadsheet for my husbands work in a school environment. All was going well until I hit a wall with the alphanumeric data of the current uk stats system. Is there any way of getting my 4c...4b...4a...etc. to chart?
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May 18, 2009
I require a custom formula for in cell data validation of an 5 digit alphanumeric entry. The valid format is ANNNN (1 x alpha & 4 x numeric). Case of the aplha is not an issue.
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Sep 26, 2012
I'm running Excel 2007 on Windows 7.
I've got a crude code which searches for multiple alphanumeric data. The code is below:-
Cells.Find(what:="1kp", _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
lookat:=xlWhole, _
I want to make this code more efficient by searching for either 1kp, 2kp or 3kp in one process & 'doing the same thing' at one time. How do I achieve this?
Explained slightly differently, the code should look something like this:- Find 1kp or 2kp or 3kp. Then do something with the found results.
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Jul 3, 2013
I have a column of data that contains text such as 'as per A3', 'B4 requested' and 'as per F6 Mark' (these aren't cell references).
I'm trying to find a formula that will just strip out the 'A3', 'B4' and 'F6' element of the text. I've tried SEARCH with wildcards but it's not working, and can;t use the LEFT RIGHT or MID functions due to the inconsistent data.
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Jun 16, 2006
Columns A & B contain several thousand Project Numbers (e.g., P1052, PA844, etc.). Many of the Project Numbers in column B are the same as in column A, but column B also has additional (i.e., newer) Project Numbers scattered throughout. Ideally, I would like to use a built-in function (versus a custom function if possible) that compares all the Project Numbers in both columns and then separately lists those that are unique to column B.
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May 11, 2013
Formula to automatically do these operations in the table below?
"column I1" contain data which I need to find in between columm B1:H1; and marked them red.
I need to do same operation for row2 to row4. I need a formula that can automatically find and mark the data in red.
I need to put a formula in B6 to count the data marked in red for column B1:B4 and do the same operation for C6,D6...H6.
[Code] ..........
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Dec 29, 2006
I have four columns of numbers that range between 1 through 44 and span 100 rows. Each row shows a unique combination as shown below:
Row 1 - 07 18 11 09
Row 2 - 03 29 08 05
Row 3 - 01 20 11 44
Row 4 - 09 17 14 24
Row 5 - 18 11 20 26
Can anyone give me some tips on creating a VBA script that will scan a hundred rows of the data shown above and identify for me the rows where number pairs and number triples repeat? For example the data above shows that the pairs "18 , 11" repeat on Row 5 and Row 1. Can EXCEL perform such a task with the right VBA script or forumula? Is a VBA script necessary or will using an ARRAY be the correct way?
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Feb 20, 2007
I have been easily identifying the bottom quarter of data using =IF(G2="","",IF(RANK(G2,G$2:G$100,1)<=INT( COUNTA(G$2:G$100)/4),"Yes","")) Now I need the top quarter and am not sure how to change the formula.
I have tried changing <= to >= but I then get the top 75% rather than 25%.
I have tried adding +50% and +.5 ... =IF(G2="","",IF(RANK(G2,G$2:G$100,1)<=INT((COUNTA(G$2:G$100)/4+50%)),"Yes",""))
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Apr 10, 2007
I now need to look through 4524 rows (columns A,B,C) and identify any duplicates based on column A. After all duplicate data has been identified, I would like to delete out all non duplicates. I searched previous posts, but couldn't find anything that worked for me.
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Feb 12, 2014
create a formula for my data. I want to pun binning as per criteria given.
Bin 1: IR < 150 & VR >62
Bin 2: 150<IR<300 & VR >62
Bin 3: IR >300 & 62< VR <30
Bin 4: IR >300 & VR <30
Example data
Data 1 : IR = 80 & VR =68 --> Bin 1
Data 2 : IR = 200 & VR =68 --> Bin 2
Data 3 : IR = 300 & VR =25 --> Bin 4
Data 4 : IR = 350 & VR =45 --> Bin 3
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Jun 11, 2009
I am using this sheet as an example
the data contains date/time info in column A and weight data in column B which cycles for when a tank is filled and subsequently emptied (indicated by values below 100)
I am looking for a script that will:-
a. identify these cycles using the column b data and seperate out or return the date/time values for cycle start and end
b. report the max value in column b for each cycle
The max value of b data will allow me to know which product was in the tank. I will then know the date/times for each time a particular product was made. I then want to extract the data from the rest of the columns for the specified dates
I am hoping this sounds lot more complicated than it actually is but I am completely lost when it comes to programming VBS and macros so I desperately need some help.
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Dec 21, 2006
I have a column of data that comes from simple division formulas, E2/F2. I am wanting to take the Percentages given and quickly recognize the ones in the bottom quarter.
8 items - the lowest 2 (the bottom quarter) should "stand out" - 5% and 23%
I figured two options:
1.) Conditional Formatting - don't know what the formula would be to use
2.) If statement - preferred method.
I would like in the cell next to the percentages for there to be a blank cell if the amount is not in the bottom 25% and if it is I would like the cell to read "Yes"
I thought something along the lines of =if(G2 in range(G2:G100)is bottom(.25),"Yes","") Of course that is not real code. I'm hoping someone will be able to edit that to make it functional. Or guide me in the right direction.
And you may have noticed the "N/A" in the list above. I would like excel to view this as 100%, at the least just ignore it and don't give me an error.
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Oct 21, 2007
How can I identify a cell type at excel sheet (w/ VBA command) ?
I find this command (from Access forum):
but its working only with Access...
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Oct 8, 2008
I have a set of data about with approx 7500 cells all contained in one column. The data has a series of peaks that happen, and I need to identify each peak value and place it in a cell. The peak does not occur at regular intervals but they are somewhat regular, as in within 130-230 data points. So, if one could find the first peak in the first 200 cells, identify it and store it somewhere, then look in the next 200, store it, etc. I don't know how to do that in excel.
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Apr 27, 2014
I have data (e.g. PPL0106AU) in columns A (Rows 2 to 104) & C (Rows 2 to 303) and need to identify which entries are in BOTH columns.
I've entered in column B: =IF(MATCH(A2,C$2:C$303),A2,"No")
This formula is resulting in a duplicate of column A in column B.
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Dec 23, 2013
Book 1 sheet1 A
Book 2 sheet1 A
I need get the result Book 3 Sheet 1 A
All duplicates items from book 1 and book 2
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Apr 18, 2014
I have in column A and B. A includes two (or may be more) kind of items, i.e. drink and snack. Column B has for example water next to drink and chips next to snack. The list is huge.
How can I generate a drop down list with data which uses the A column to identify the items which it should include. I want to make two separate drop down lists for drink and snack and each should include only those options which belong to those categories. I.e. drink list should be like water, cola, pepsi, etc. The problem is that the list is huge and it's not possible to sort it. Some kind of if statement structure with named range? The drop down should be dynamic in a sense that if I add line to data, it should be picked to the right drop down menu.
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Jun 7, 2014
I receive monthly expenditure returns from different departments which I have to consolidate. The problem I'm encountering is that some departments submit their data as a monthly figure and some as the cumulative position. It would be useful if I had a formula that identified what data type was submitted and from that calculate both the monthly and cumulative figure.
If you look at the attached example I'd like to input a formula in columns I and J that uses the data contained in columns B to E to calculate the monthly and cumulative expenditure figures.
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Jun 29, 2007
I need to identify the errors, duplicates, typos and such between two spreadsheets of over 4000 rows of data each. The Macro: I got a macro working, but it's not perfect. So far, it can only tell data that's missing on spreadsheets A, or B. However, it can't tell which are the duplicates, typos, etc. Please look at the sample for more details. The code is included in the sample. And for your convenience, it's right here:
Sub difference_general()
Dim frontcount As Long
Dim backcount As Long
Dim diffcount As Long
Dim nosrcflg As Boolean
Dim front_ref As String
Dim back_ref As String
Dim anydiffflg As Boolean
Dim ftnotexistflg As Boolean
Dim invnotexistflg As Boolean
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Cells(1, 1).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Cells(1, 2).Select............................
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Apr 1, 2014
I would like to add the alpha numeric code "UK" at the beginning of the code listed in the excel file.
How to add this syntax with the listed code in excel file?
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Jan 30, 2013
It looks for a numeric value then increments it of +1 based on the value found.
How would I modify this for it to look for an alphanumeric value first (EX.: 0A) then increment it alphabetically (Ex.: if 0A then the result would be 0B) and if the value searched is not alphanumeric it would then revert to the initial bit of code that searches for the numeric value?
Dim FndRw As Long, c As Range, LstRw As Long
Set c = Cells.Find(What:="No.", After:=Cells(1, 1), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
FndRw = c.Row
If Len(Cells(FndRw + 1, "B")) Then
[Code] ........
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Dec 14, 2007
I create inventory cards and each needs a unique 4 character sequence number. Currently I have it set up with 4 cards per sheet. If I need to print more than 4 cards, the worksheet will print one sheet of 4, reset itself and increment the sequence number by 4 and continue this cycle until I've printed the number I need.
Currently I have it only using numbers. I start at 1000 and it increments, by 4, up to 9995. Once it reaches 9995 or higher, the increment resets to 1000 and starts over. The problem I am facing is I am now starting to get several cards that have the same "unique" sequence number. What I would like to do is change it from numerical sequencing to alphanumeric sequencing.
This is the code I currently use for the incrementing....
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May 16, 2008
I have a few columns of letters (ranging from A to Z) - onyl one letter per cell. I need to be able to deduct them such that they result in a numeric difference (ie D-B=2, D-A=3). Is there any way this can be done in VBA? (The actual columns are in a word table, so would be great if there was a VBA way to do this, not an excel function).
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Jun 18, 2009
I would like to have a drop down list for cells in a row - say B1:I1.
Firstly, having the list (with only 2 selections) in these cells to place either an "A" or a "0" (zero) in a cell.
Next, if an "A" is added then a selection of a "B" or a "0".
If a "B" is added then a selection of a "C" or a "0". etc etc
If the "0" (zero) is selected and placed in the row then no more alpha but just the next number "2" available to select only then a "3" etc etc.
These would be added from left to right ie: A to H or 1 to 8.
I might be able to do this with a long formula but problem is there are 100's of rows. Maybe VBA would be more efficient?
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