Image Is Hyperlinked To A Cell With Specific Text Entered
Mar 18, 2008
Is there any way I can make it so an image is hyperlinked to a cell with specific text entered. After clicking on the image, the cell where the image is hyperlinked to changes text.
For example:
An image of a strawberry is hyperlinked to a cell which contains the word "strawberry".
After clicking on the strawberry image, the cell which contained the word "strawberry" now contains the word "strawberry1".
If you understand that, I would so love the help.
I also posted this is question here
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Dec 20, 2013
I am trying to send email using and excel macro.
I would like to send an image that has a hyperlink in an email, so when the user receives the email they can click the image and it will take them to a webpage.
The code I have so far is this
With OutMail
.Attachments.Add "C:PanelImagesEmailer_EN.jpg"
.SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
.To = cell.Value
.Subject = cell.Offset(0, 2).Value
.HTMLBody = "" & _
"IMG src=cid: Emailer_EN.jpg"
.Send 'uncomment to send
If I put text in the area after the link then the text appears as a hyper link.....
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Jul 10, 2006
I have 6 Headings in excel named...
"A" in cell A1, B in B1, "C" in C1, "D" in D1, "E" in E1 and "F" in F1.
There are two projects.
Project 1 has phase A, D & F and Project 2 has phase A, B, C, D & E.
My Specification follows...
1). Take Prject 1 - Which starts from cell A2 I will keyin "A". When the phase comes to an end I will key in the end date of the phase. As soon as I key in the end date in cell A2 Letter D should automatically appear in the cell D2 and when Phase D comes to an end I will key in the end date in Cell D2 which should automatically keyin F in the cell F2. and is the same case for Project 2.
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Sep 8, 2006
If, say cell A1, contains text such as:
"This Forum is wonderful, to see a great example for a post click here." <This is not an actual link here!>
Is it possible to have the "click here" part as a hyperlink, and not the entire cell?
Or- do i have to add an "image" or something similar to which i can add the hyperlink and then anchor the "image" to that cell?
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Mar 1, 2013
I want to rotate an arrow image to exactly a value entered in a cell (dropdown of values between 0 and 180)
e.g. if the value is 0 it should point south, if East or West 90+ or - and if pointing North 180. Also all value between these e.g. 45 for South East or South West etc.
I need some VBA I guess to do this but I don't know how.
When the arrow has stopped, I need the macro to end cleanly so that the user can input other values.
Is this even possible?
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Jun 28, 2014
I have a picture on sheet 2. When I enter the text "htfo" without the quotes into cells a1 on sheet 1 , i would like the picture to be displayed for 5 seconds and then exit the picture and return me to sheet 1.
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Oct 17, 2007
i have an excel file that has several worksheet tabs most of which i have hyperlinks running on them, what i need to do is colate a couple of the sheets to a seperate excel file but when i try to copy them from the original file to the new file they will not copy because the info is hyperlinked!
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Apr 6, 2014
i have some files similar to:
i want in Cell A1 type by sample: GU23 and then pressenter or press a button, and incell E1 display the jpg image with a specific Size, mmm 40x40
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May 23, 2014
I have six images in "Sheet3" I want a macro to copy and paste image one if cell A3 = 0. How do I know the "name" of each picture so I can change the image based on the value?
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Jun 26, 2014
There is a problem in joining one cell to the other file
The below is screen shot when l click the on every cell the image must be open
How can do it?
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Mar 22, 2014
Programming Excel VBA Macro to do OCR (text recognition) from a prt scr screen capture image and input the text into cells. Currently my Excel file has a push-button, and upon clicking on it the macro pastes into Excel the current clipboard image I have created by pressing prt scr while in another program. The macro then crops the image to the region with the applicable text. I have to then manually type the text I see in image format into the appropriate cells.
the VBA coding to automate this? I'd like it to use the clipboard image and run it through OneNote OCR, after which the applicable text values are automatically entered into the cells. Ideally the code will first crop to the region with the desired text before it does OCR. If this is not feasible, it will need to incorporate a method (keyword search?) to hone in on the desired text after the entire prt scr image has been OCRed.
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Mar 17, 2014
how to make my network days stop counting when I insert a value in the completed column (in this case H3). I have a Date Received column (A3), a due day column (G3) and the last column with the date (N3). My remaining days column keeps counting after I filled the completed cell (H3) and won't stop counting after. I need a formula to stop after the completed cell is fill up.
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Aug 17, 2009
Is it possible to have a macro create a hyper link once data is entered into specific cell, i have a multi sheet work book used as a stock card system.
Each stock item has its own worksheet and the product code is entered in to cell E3
(which in turn has a macro in it to change the sheet name to match the product code).
the macro also inserts a row of info into row 5 of another sheet used as a summary sheet ( CONTROL.SHEET or SHEET 4) using copy and paste link.
i need a macro to generate a hyperlink in cell D4 of the control sheet between the row info and the matching product code sheet ( the product code is displayed in cell E4 of the control sheet.
I only input one item at a time and then manually cut and insert the row info into the stock list on control sheet. so every time i input a new item, the row info is always in row 5 of the control sheet.
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Aug 5, 2013
I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.
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Oct 9, 2009
Here is what i am trying to achieve. If the date 2/20/2010 is located at F53 & the cell next to it at H53 is populated with a number between 1 & 16, then i want the cell at J11 (42 rows further up) to auto populate with the number 1. When this occurs the cells beneath this, from J12 to J52 should also auto populate with the with consecutive numbers from 2 to 42. Would also like to see the cells with numbers 1 to 28, automatically format to orange & the cells containing numbers 29 to 42 automatically format to yellow. I plan to have this condition repeat several times later in the year, at dates that are to be decided. When these dates are decided i want to be able to enter a number from 1 to 16 & next to the date & all of the above automatically occurs.
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Mar 18, 2014
I need to link an image to a cell value and display the selected image in a new sheet of the same excel. I am attaching samplefile for easy reference. The requirement is, from the workout sheet when I select from drop down list, then the corresponding cell value appears in Parameter sheet in C9 cell.
There are four images copied in Parameter excel. The given image has to be selected and linked to the C9 cell value. Based on the selection that particular image should be shown on Sample Picture sheet. Here based on the selection only the image should reflect here.
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Oct 2, 2013
How do I prevent or allow text to be entered into a Cell or not. Ie if cell A1 contains the word "Text" I want text to be able to be entered in A2, but if A1 contains "No Text" if want to prevent text being entered A2. Is this possible, if so how?
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Jan 22, 2014
I am looking for a way to take the picture name associated with an image ie: (picture 571) and place that picture name in the cell next to the image.
I can see the picture name - it registers in the top left box that usually indicates the cell the cursor is on... and I could manually type that name next to each image.
However my spreadsheet has several thousand rows- each with several columns of information and an image..
I am looking for a way "formula?" to automatically read the image in cell J4 and populate cell K4 with the image name... and so on.
The reason for my request... is I am importing products into a web based shopping cart... to do so I have to export the products to a csv and import that csv into the shopping cart. The process of exporting to a csv- strips away all the images and leaves just data.
I found that I can save the document as an html and that process creates a folder with all the images- saved as (picture 571.jpg) if the resulting csv had the image name... the shopping cart would then look for that image name in my image file and it would populate into the shopping cart appropriately.
This seemed on it's face like a really simple thing to do, I have plenty experience with excel & I thought I'd be able to make cell k4= j4 and tada it would glean the image name & I could simply copy that formula all the way down the sheet & it would be done... but I just cant find the magic button that freely gives up the image name...
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Jun 24, 2013
So I am having trouble figuring out how to do multiple text to equal multiple numbers. For instance right now I use =IF(E9="JOHN DOE","07", but I would like to have it where IF E9 = John Doe the cell shows 07, but IF the E9 = Sam Doe I want the cell to show 08, and the same IF E9 = Pat Doe the cell shows 09 and so on.
Meaning is there a way to have multiple functions go to a cell dependent on what is entered into E9 for example. I just want to have a number come out in one cell if a certain name is entered in a different cell. I loooked at this post [URL]....which got me started,
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Aug 30, 2013
She has a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (she is still using 2003) which contains an image with a textbox in the top left corner then all other cells contain data.
When user prints this spreadsheet all that prints is the image and the textbox.
I have cleared the print area reset the print area removed the picture (prints only the text box)
and none of these changes have changed what prints.
I have checked all printer setting and these appear normal.
previously user could print this spreadsheet fine and all other worksheets in the workbook print fine as well.
other users are still able to print to the same printer correctly from this spreadsheet.
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Jan 19, 2014
Any way where is a list of cells (b3:b113) has text entered, or specific text entered, it will enter a static cell in the corresponding "d" column.
I know of CTRL + ; but i don't really know how to get it to work as a macro, can't find a forumla that enters the static date, and i don't want to make a macro to copy + paste special the date when it happens.
So all i should have to do is entered text in column b, then it will add a time stamp, when that text was entered, it doesn't have to update.
Like all i need is this, but instead of the "now()" function, it will have another function that doesn't automatically update?
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Dec 8, 2009
setting up a worksheet that forces a link to another worksheet when text is entered.
For instance, I will have several columns in the first worksheet (Sheet 1). For each entry, a tally ("X") will be added under the applicable columns. Most of the column headings are pretty straightforward. To keep things uncluttered, I want one of the columns to have an auto-link (?) feature so that when the user adds an X in this one column (we'll call it Column D), the user will then be auto-linked to another worksheet (Sheet 2) in the workbook. Sheet 2 will have room for more information regarding Column D, Sheet 1.
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May 8, 2013
Is there a formula which places the date In A5 whenever text is entered in A2 - Excel 2013
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Aug 8, 2006
I have a dataset that includes the path and optionally an HTTPS URL to an image. Is it possible to embed this image in a cell?
Short of that what might be some other options?
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Sep 4, 2007
Is there a way to have image box display an image with a name matching data from a cell? example: if I type "hello" in cell a1, Image box will load image named "hello". And display new images by changing the name in cell a1. Note: the images will be located in a permanent folder.
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Apr 28, 2008
if a macro or private macro is necessary, I would need basic instruction how to use those as well (I mentioned private macro as I understand they automatically run whenever worksheet info is changed, which I would like in this example.)
I'm simply trying to change fonts in cells based on the inputs of other cells. Obviously, using conditional formatting doesn't allow for this.
For my example, assume the word "MrExcel" is in cells D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2, P2 and R2. If I type different font names (Times New Roman, Arial, Bookman, etc.) in the cells to the immediate right of each word "MrExcel," -- cells E2, G2, I2, K2, M2, O2, Q2 and S2 -- I would like the "MrExcel" word in each corresponding cell changed to the corresponding font to the right. I would like the ability to do this for up to 15 different fonts. There will be many rows to this worksheet I need to use this process for.
Is this possible? I'm in a bit of a jam and have exhausted my knowledge of formulas in that they won't work in this case ... I'm assuming I need to delve into the unknown land (to me) of macros, private macros, or VBA.
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Mar 13, 2014
I have hundreds or even thousands of images stored at C:Mydocument location. Is there a way to write a formula to hyperlink these images in an excel spreadsheet having the exact file name listed in one column. I only know how to hyperlink them individually. Since I have so many of them, it is nice to have a formula to do it quickly.
A few example of the image file names are:
FTCa 108328A1 CD11B-CD68
FTCa 108208A1 Folr2-CD68
FTCa 108208A1 CD11B-CD68
FTCa 77398A2 CD11B-CD68
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Jul 10, 2013
I have an excel file with many worksheets. I want to get a pop up message providing definitions of different subjects when they are entered from a drop down list in a specific range within a column to improve the users understanding of the subjects.
Worksheet 1
Range (where I want the pop up message to be valid): J85:J385
Subjects from drop down list in specified range: "x,y,z"
Pop up message: "Definitions of x,y,z"
Do I have to make a new module, or write the macro in the selected worksheet? What should be the settings of the macro (general, worksheet, declarations etc.)
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Mar 12, 2014
Clicking on the below link will take you to a results screen, however I need to click on the button or image with the word Races on it. I've tried to use getelements, but I can't get the equivalent of clicking on the button.
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Feb 1, 2010
I've created a userform with a text box and a command button (Enter)
On clicking the command button I'd like whatever text has been entered into the userform to be put into a cell (Say A1).
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