Insert String In Another Cell When Entered In Cell
Mar 20, 2014
I have a protected sheet. When someone enters a value in column A, I want a value to be inserted into the corresponding row in column G.
E.g. When I enter date in cell A45, I want the time this date was entered into cell G45
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Feb 18, 2014
I'm using a userform to create a new sheet. The form already creates the sheet and names it what was typed into the userform. Now I want it to place that variable in a cell along with a string. the following code will place the variable from the form (tbname) into cell b5.
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Jan 13, 2012
I'm trying to write a bit of to take a text string collected from an inputbox, and paste it into a specific cell.
Should be easy but where my text string from the inputbox is "XYZ", when it enters it into the required cell it enters it as " ="XYZ" ".
Attempt at code is below -
Sub EmailEdit()
Dim Response As String
Response = Application.InputBox("Input administrator email address", , , , , , , 2)
'Check to see if Cancel was pressed.
If Response = "" Then
[Code] .....
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May 10, 2009
I need a nudge in the right direction with how to amend the below code so that it :
1: cycles though all cells in a workbook, and sees whether the text reference of the cell contains a picture filename (i.e. searches for .png or .jpg in the cell contents)
3: if (1) is correct, it retrieves the picture from "C:/Users/jeff/Documents/Standards/" and pastes it as a cell comment background in the cell to the right (and overwrites any comment backgrounds that might already exist there)
The code below does something a bit different: it looks in a defined range, then adds a comment with a background picture retrieved based on the text in the cell to the left.
I'm sure this is a pretty basic change, but my VBA skills aren't up to it...I've only just started reading though Walkenbach's Power Programming! I'm using Excel 2007
Sub InsertComment()
Dim rngList As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim strPic As String
On Error Resume Next
Set rngList = Range("A1:A5")
strPic = "C:/Users/jeff/Documents/Standards/"
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In rngList
With c.Offset(0, 1)...................
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Jul 10, 2006
I have 6 Headings in excel named...
"A" in cell A1, B in B1, "C" in C1, "D" in D1, "E" in E1 and "F" in F1.
There are two projects.
Project 1 has phase A, D & F and Project 2 has phase A, B, C, D & E.
My Specification follows...
1). Take Prject 1 - Which starts from cell A2 I will keyin "A". When the phase comes to an end I will key in the end date of the phase. As soon as I key in the end date in cell A2 Letter D should automatically appear in the cell D2 and when Phase D comes to an end I will key in the end date in Cell D2 which should automatically keyin F in the cell F2. and is the same case for Project 2.
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Apr 18, 2013
I have a Userform that allows the user to input a country from a combobox which after clicking a button writes that data into Cell AH11 in the excel spreadsheet, what I need is for Cell AI11 to read what has been entered into Cell AH11, look up whether or not that country is on a list I have and enter a yes or a no if it is or it isn't on that list.
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Feb 21, 2014
I am using Excel 2003 at work.
New cases are entered on to the spreadsheet. The case remains open until a closure date is entered, at which point the case is closed. What I need is the following:
Cell A3 = should say "Open" if there is no value in cell Y3
Cell A3 = should say "Closed" if a date or any value is entered in cell Y3. Ideally it should only say "Closed" if a date is entered in format xx/xx/xx, but am flexible so that it says "Closed" if any data is input.
At the moment Cell A1 has a drop down list consisting of open and closed. I will remove this if it causes complication.
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Apr 10, 2014
I am creating a spreadsheet for inventory use. I want to have a running total in (1) cell based upon a new/different number being entered into a different cell.
Column B, Row 1 (This will be a new/different number entered every day - inventory in or out, so positive or negative number)
Column D, Row 1 (This will be a running total based on numbers inserted in previous 2 columns)
Basically what I have is a key inventory. So there is column A with key number, B should be keys IN, C should be keys OUT, or ideally B would be IN and OUT meaning, for inventory IN input a positive number and for inventory OUT input a negative number, and D Should be total.
Column E represents number of keys currently in the inventory. I was going to hide the current inventory column so all you see is IN/OUT and total.
So what I need is to be able to just come in and type in a number in the IN and/or OUT column, without having to add/subtract it with the number already in that column.
Bottom line, I'd like to be able to use IN and/or OUT columns to just type in numbers as they come and not have to worry about what's already in those columns and get correct total number.
Ok here it is. Attached worksheet shows
Column A - Key Numbers...No data value
Column B - Inventory IN
Column C - Inventory OUT
Column D - Total
Column E - Current Inventory(Starting point)
So the formula I used to get what i currently have is (=B2-C2+E2). This way whatever i input in columns C and C. totals out in D. But this way every time I want to add/subtract a number in B and C, i have to add to the number already in the column. I'd like to be able to type in a number in B and C as i go and still have a correct total. I wouldn't mind having just one column for in/out and use positive and negative numbers to differentiate inventory in or out.
Key Inventory - Test.xlsx
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Aug 16, 2012
I need to achieve the situation below with a formula. I have tried simply doing, for example, = B3+1 but this throws an error, probably because the value being checked is alphanumeric.
Add next number (A003) when data entered in cell to left
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Jan 5, 2013
Currently have a column of cells that after the data has been entered we would like the cell to lock to prevent changes. The sheet is currently protected with the cells in question unlocked (D173:D250). We would like to be able to change the data if we unprotect the sheet. We would also like to be able to add/delete cells (list) in the code as needed.
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Jun 24, 2013
So I am having trouble figuring out how to do multiple text to equal multiple numbers. For instance right now I use =IF(E9="JOHN DOE","07", but I would like to have it where IF E9 = John Doe the cell shows 07, but IF the E9 = Sam Doe I want the cell to show 08, and the same IF E9 = Pat Doe the cell shows 09 and so on.
Meaning is there a way to have multiple functions go to a cell dependent on what is entered into E9 for example. I just want to have a number come out in one cell if a certain name is entered in a different cell. I loooked at this post [URL]....which got me started,
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Dec 23, 2009
I need a formula that will basically just display a 1 or 0 in one cell based on the date in the cell next to it.
If the date is older than 180 days then a 0 will be displayed in the cell.
If the date is less than 180 days then a 1 will be displayed in the cell.
I have an attachement as an example.
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May 6, 2013
I would like to add a date to one cell (say A6) and have this do two things:
#1) this would add "Closed" to a given cell such a A5.
#2) and this would add a color to a group of cells like A1 through A8.
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Mar 23, 2014
I got a table, some columns are variable data you have to put in by your own and I got some columns with only formulas. After entered the last variable data I want excel to add a new row with the same formulas and format as the other rows in the table.
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Feb 1, 2013
How to make excel automatically insert a comment into a cell when a / is entered into that cell?
The comment needs to simply include the date the / was entered and nothing else.
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Apr 11, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which has "Employee: [agent 1 name]" in column A and it may or may not have the word "Break" in the same column before it mentions "Employee: [agent 2 name]". The amount of data between agent 1 and agent 2 varies and am needing code which will insert a row above "Employee: [agent 2 name]" if "Break" is not found, and add the word "Break" in column A on the inserted row. I would need this to loop through the spreadsheet until all 100+ agents have been searched.
I'm also needing this done for the word "Meeting" and would insert a row 2 rows above the next agent.
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Jul 27, 2014
I have two sheets one = where I am entering day to day data two = For getting result
Once I entered data in first sheet then I want date wise record in another sheet in which I will enter date. After entering date all the record will be inserted in another sheet from first sheet And main sheet will remain with all records
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Dec 7, 2009
Is there a way to auto insert a cell Comment when a particular value is entered and then have the Comment copied to a cell in another worksheet in the same workbook?
The value entered into the cells i want this function to work with is from a Validation list. If the cell's value was to change, for instance the user going back to a cell to change the value for whatever reason, I would like the previous comments to remain and then give the user the choice to edit comment or not.
I've had a look in the Forums using search but nothing close seems to be forthcoming.
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a master data sheet with four columns, A, B, C and D
Column A has the primary data and B,C,D has dependent data values;
So when I insert a new cell in Column A with cells Shift Down, I want mandatorily new cells to be inserted in the same row in col B, C and D as well so that data integrity is maintained;
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Apr 7, 2014
In sheet1 I have a simple database consisting of 5 columns of data
Column A : Name ie James Jones
Column B : payroll number ie 123456
Column C : shift times ie 1245-2124
Column D : job title ie floor
Column E : comments ie A/L or 0600-1500
what I would like is some code that will go down Column E and if a 'time string' ie 1300-2130 is found then copy this string and paste into corresponding value in column C. If a text string is found ie A/L or Sick or anything like this then ignore and move onto next cell, loop this until all cells in column E have been checked.
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Apr 18, 2014
I am working on an Inventory Spreadsheet. I have need it to date time stamp that willpopulate a different cell /field when text are entered in a different cell/field and will not change all the previous dates entered on the spreadsheetevery time I re-open the spreadsheet. I formula I am using is =IF(E3<>"",IF(D15="",NOW(),D15),"")and it changes each time I open thesheet to do the inventory so I do not know the date of the last inventory. Iwant to capture the actual date that the inventory was completed in thesecond/different cell?
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Sep 17, 2013
I am working a project where I need to copy/insert a Row of data onto Sheet 3 if values from Sheet2 are located on Sheet1. Here is my code so far:
Option Explicit
Sub move_rows()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
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Jan 15, 2014
Fill the corresponding cell with last value entered?
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Aug 27, 2012
i have an excel file with heading as
VENDOR Bill no Name Bill Date particular total
the problem is that in my co. there are 21 subdivision and the sheet which i get doesn't have any specific column for division
The division details are entered in particular column
so is it possible that when i update sheet every division get a specific colour for them
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Sep 24, 2009
How can I check in cell C2 that only let a value to be entered if G2 is 10 and F2 is 20.
I can do the one but not both together
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May 12, 2006
I have a log that information gets enter into by rows. When one rows info is entered a "Start" button is to be clicked and a macro runs and does different calculations. I want a way to not let the next rows information to be entered until the "Start" button is clicked on or Is there a way to have the code run automatically when the user has entered the info in the last cell of the row and goes back to the first cell in the next row ?
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Nov 12, 2013
I would like to know how to use a VBA code to insert today's date into a specific cell (B9) when any cell in column B (B2:B8) has changed.
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Feb 20, 2008
I'm trying to write a macro similar to the one found here: here:
Rather then use a textbox, I would like the cell to display the date when text is inserted in the cell to the left.
ie. I insert text (the letter 'a') in cell E11, and the date appears in cell F11.
I would also like the macro to do this for a range of cells ie. for E11 to F21, then from G11 to H21, then from I11 to J21, all the way to column IV.
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a string of text in cell A2. In cell B2 of my spreadsheet is a formula that calculates a number based on the text string in cell A2.
I want to write a VBA loop that removes a single character from the cell A2 string, then calculate the new value in cell B2. I want this loop to continue until the value in B2 falls below a set value (in this case 60).
My code so far
Sub trim_text()
Dim mytext As String
Dim myanswer As Integer
mytext = Range("A2")
myanswer = Range("B2")
Do While myanswer > 60
mytext = (Right(mytext, Len(mytext) - 1))
End Sub
This obviously does not work. In my excel table I have a formula in cell B2 to calculate "myanswer" will this work, or does that code have to be placed into the VBA code?
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Jun 7, 2009
I am trying to create a combobox to filter a set of data by the month that is entered.
The below code worked fine when there was just the month entered, but now all the entries in the sheet are in the format 01 January 2009. So I need a section of code which will search for the combobox value as part of a string in my range.
The cbodate values are Jan, Feb, March etc ....
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