Inserting Checkbox And Linking To Cell
Feb 21, 2014
I go to last used row for column C and then go to next row column A and insert a check box and link that to same row in z column. The code which I am trying is not working.
lastcell is last used cell in column c. Say C8 (c8,c9 are merged). A to column H are merged.
[Code] .....
I dont know why i am unable to go to A10 with the above code.
and for check box i am try with macro recorder.
[Code] .....
Checkboxes are inserted with every new row. I am able to add row and merge the rows and I am struck at adding checkboxes.
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Nov 13, 2006
I Am wondering if you can use a checkbox, to update a cell on a different sheet in the same workbook. CheckBox 1 is the box on say, Tab 2. And if it was ticked, would transfer the name to Say Sheet 2, cell B7.
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Jul 2, 2006
I have found this sales forecasting template from the Microsoft excel template section on the web, however, when i insert the new rows, it does not automatically update the "linked" sheets. It is the "detailed sales pipleline management sheet".
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Nov 30, 2012
I'm using Excel 2007.
I'm building a spreadsheet which includes a few columns which have activex check boxes which are linked to cells. I want to allow the users of the spreadsheet to insert new rows if necessary. Ideally, when these new rows are inserted, the check boxes would also automatically appear in the corresponding columns of the new row (and be linked to the relevant cells), just the same way that pull-down menus and formulas automatically copy into the new row. Is there a way to do this?
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May 9, 2006
I have been using different keywords to find what I need. I have 3 checkboxes: cash, amex, other. I have a subtotal cell. When the appropriate checkbox is checked, the amount from the subtotal cell will auto go to the cell next to the checkbox. Is this VB?
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Feb 25, 2009
married, widows, single checkbox is selected
macro solution
good work.
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Apr 16, 2014
I have 3 checkboxes; when one is checked, a set/range of rows should be visible. Only 1 checkbox should be checked at a time.
If checkbox 18 is already checked, and checkbox 20 is then checked, I want the first checkbox unchecked and the rows for checkbox hidden.
I'm using the following code. It works great as long as I check and uncheck the same box before attempting to check another box. But if Checkbox18 is already checked with its rows showing, and I then check checkbox20, the checkbox20 sub runs and as I step through, it jumps to sub checkbox18.
How can I stop my subs from jumping from one to another?
Private Sub CheckBox18_Click()
If CheckBox18.Value = True Then
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("36:41").Hidden = False
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("42:64").Hidden = True
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("65:76").Hidden = True
CheckBox19.Value = False
[Code] .........
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Dec 14, 2008
How can i hide and unhide one checkbox using another one? Can it be done using IF formula?
And also i am using this checkbox to function something else as TRUE/FALSE.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have this worksheet with 2 buttons and 2 textboxes.the first button is named search literally to search the items inputted in the textboxes and the second button is clear which clear all the inputted items in the textboxes and the search field. I manage to code those things however I have a main problem. How am I suppose to linked a checkbox with those items?
For example I searched this particular item so the checkbox corresponding to that item must show up in the left most column of it. and if I searched multiple items those checkboxes must show up too. I am having a hard time coding and trying since I am new in vba. I also attached a sample worksheet. I am using excel 2007.
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Jul 16, 2014
When I am in my workbook and I click on a cell in a worksheet I would like to be able to have the row highlight when I click a cell, instead of trying to manually find it which at times I get lost with all the data on these sheets. Now my workbook is completed and all my formulas are done. Just trying to fine tune my databases with being able to do the "click this cell and the row highlights where I need to be" If this is possible I would like to do this for all 3 databases.
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Oct 18, 2008
this have bothered me for a long time. I'm not a very good excel user, so it's probably a piece of cake for some here ^^; This table;
Student Test1 Test2 Test3
a 13
b 16
c 19
d 9
e 15
Later in the document I want to show WHO scored highest on each test in another table;
Best Student Points
Test1 19
The points are easy to figure out, even for me, just use the "MAX" function. But how do I make excel tell me "c" under "best student"? Ofcourse I want it to be a function so that it'll change when I set 20 on student a.
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May 25, 2013
in sheet 1 i have the following format item # and picture in the next column (suppose that "picture here" is the picture of the item
sheet 1
in sheet 2 i want that when i write the item # then the picture in the next column will be shown from sheet 1.
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Sep 21, 2009
I am trying to have a cell in a diffrent work sheet display information from another sheet.
I entered ='Weapons Table'!A48 and it is displaying in text not what is actually in that cell.
on the cell above it I have entered ='Weapons Table'!A47 and it displays fine.
I've tried typing = then just clicking the cell, and it is still just displaying it as text. I've spent 3 days on this sheet and have only 1 error, that is driving me crazy.
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Apr 29, 2013
I have a workbook with 6 tabs/worksheets. Each of the first four is a different product or quarter. Tab 5 is a consolidated data report that links data from individual tabs 1-4 in rows and columns for comparison purposes. Consider Tabs/Worksheets 1-4 to be quarters (ie. 1Q, 2Q, 3Q, 4Q). What I want is for the Column Headers in Tab 5 (the consolidated data report) to be pulled from the NAME of the Tab/Worksheet it is pulling the data from. Not an individual cell, but the name of the worksheet itself so that others can change their worksheet labels and those changes are reflected in the consolidated report.
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a cell, C2, that will have a tab name pasted into it each time a new page is created. This name will be equivalent to a filter in PivotTable1 on that page.
Is there a way that I can have it that when the name is pasted, the filter "Time" can be linked to that cell and update in the pivot table?
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Jan 14, 2008
Could you program an example where the object size (arrow) is linked to a cell value?
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Jan 5, 2009
I have two cells on Sheet 1 - Cell A1 and Cell A2.
Cell A1 is the first cell that will receive either a number, or nothing. When it receives a number, the number will always contain five digits. (For example: '23456'.)
The contents of Cell A2 depend on the contents of Cell A1 - If Cell A1 contains a five digit number, then Cell A2 will display that same five-digit number with '-1' following it. (In our case: '23456-1'.) If Cell A1 contains no number, then Cell A2 will just be another ordinary cell allowing the user to enter whatever he/she desires.
The extension in Cell A2 should remain editable at all times - if the user wishes to change the '-1' to a '-2', for example, he/she should be able to do so without any error messages appearing. However, the user must not be able to change any of the first five digits in Cell A2 as long as Cell A1 contains data. A message should appear stating that changes to the first five digits should be performed in Cell A1 - which would then change Cell A2 accordingly.
Also, if the contents of Cell A1 are erased for any reason, Cell A2 should keep the five digit number, but lose whatever '-x' extension it contained.
Can this be done using Data Validation?
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Oct 14, 2012
I am making a spreadsheet which would have the record of the audit that i am doing on my patients. Along with other details i want to give link of the routine followups of their disease picture in their specific spreadsheet cell. I have searched the internet about it where i have come to know about hyperlinking. However, my concern about hyperlinking is that i want the spreadsheet with pictures to be portable to other PCs which wouldn't be possible with hyperlinking. Also including the pictures in the spreadsheet would be very troublesome as the size would enormously increase once the data continues to grow.I want to include photos in column L, R, V, Z & AD.
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Mar 4, 2009
inthe above quoted formula last part "Sheet2!$A$2:$A$11" is the data for Jan in sheet2, if I need Feb results I need to change it to "Sheet2!$B$2:$B$11"
Is there a way to make it dynamic by linking this to a cell on sheet1? Example if sheet1 A1 cell contains name of month, by changing that the results should also change?
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May 9, 2006
One folder on the drive contains excel files, which are created daily from a template. I use these files, the 20 most recent days' worth, to create an analysis file. This new file is organized in rows, starting with the date. The files I am using are all saved in the form "Stats yyyy mm-dd.xls" The first line of each row of the analysis spreadsheet starts with the date, in the format "yyyy mm-dd". Is it possible to create a macro, or in another way, for the analysis spreadsheet to automate the reading-in of data from these different files?
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Apr 6, 2007
I am a beginner with VB but i am wiz when it comes to forumlas but i have been learning how to do VB from your Forum. My Question: I have this code on two seperate option buttons
'First Memebership Option
Private Sub MemFeeFix1_Click()
[$F$7:$Q$7].Value = [$F$7]
End Sub
Private Sub MemFeeVar1_Click()
[$G$7:$Q$7].Value = "0"
End Sub
'Second Memebership Option
Private Sub MemFeeFix2_Click()
[$F$8:$Q$8].Value = [$F$8]
End Sub
Private Sub MemFeeVar2_Click()
[$G$8:$Q$8].Value = "0"
End Sub
Basically i created to buttons; one is a fixed button "MemFeeFix1" that will copy a value into 11 other cells because these values represent months in a year. Ie: Chamber Expense $12 so then i click the option button under the Fixed Column then it copies it into then next 12 months. I couldnt fit my worksheet as it is too big. Anyways i have another button "MemFeeVar1" in the Varable Column and if click variable then it places a "0" into the following 11 months.....
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Feb 16, 2014
I have drop-down list in cell C4 and inserted Checkbox next to it. Drop-down list has a blank default value. I want Checkbox to be ticked If value in C4 is not blank. My code so far is:
[Code] ......
I attached sample spreadsheet : EF989727_re.xlsm
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Jan 22, 2008
I am writing some VBA code in Excel 2007 and am stuck on a property with the standard form check box (not OLEObjects).
I would like to check and find out what the value is of the linked cell for a checkbox...
Like, if a user clicks the checkbox, it changes the linked cell value to true or false... But I cannot figure out how to "lookup" or "go and get" this true or false value through code...
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May 16, 2009
I'm trying to achieve a search of a sheet using a selection in a listbox on my userform and then return a value of 'true or false' to my checkbox.
My code is below;
With Sheets("JobChecklist")
Set r = .Columns("b").Find(Me.ListBox3.Text, , , xlWhole)
If r Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
ff = r.Address: n = 0
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve a(1 To 6, 1 To n)
For i = 1 To 3
a(i, n) = r.Offset(0, 1).Value
Set r = .Columns("b").FindNext(r)
Loop Until ff = r.Address
End With
With Me.CheckBox30
If a.Value = True Then
CheckBox30.Value = True
CheckBox30.Value = False
End If
End With
End Sub
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Feb 14, 2014
I've created a bar chart that I want to add some text boxes to. I want the text boxes to read what is in Cell A1 for example as the information in that cell will change over time.
How do I create a link between the information displayed in the text box and what's in Cell A1?
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Mar 6, 2014
Using Dropbox, a lot of people will fill in formulas in personal workbooks from using data from another, central workbook. Since I cannot control where they install Dropbox or where they keep their personal workbooks, I must account for that in functions.
Now, my idea is to make them define the directory of the source in their personal workbook in a specific cell and then using that as a basis for the rest of the functions.
Cell A1: C:Usersuser1Dropboxfolder (copy paste from path in Windows Explorer)
Cell B1: A1&[CentralWorkbook.xlsx]SheetName'!$H$1
Basically I want the unknowing user to copy-paste the path of the central workbook into a specific cell in their own workbook and then build my functions bsed on that. How can this be done?
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Feb 18, 2013
I am using an excel spread sheet as a larger display on a huge projected screen with numbers at a large charity event. It is a reverse raffle, so as your name is called you are out of the raffle. I would like to link the cell to a specific powerpoint slide which has the name and town of the specific ticket buyer. When double clicking on the cell listing their number the ticket buyers name and town would appear as a powerpoint a window in the middlle of the excel screen for all to see and then disappear after a few seconds or disappear when the next cell is double clicked. putting excel data into powerpoint slldes but not the other way around!
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Jun 5, 2012
I have a question and wanted to know if it was possibe and if so how. I wanted to link cells from one workbook to another (Which I know how to do) the problem im having is the linking works but why doesnt the cell color chang like it is in the workbook im linking from? Example: If A1 has text (Me) with the cell being green then the linked workbook would only have the text (Me) and not the green cell.
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Sep 25, 2012
I have values on master sheet and want to link those values to source documents in the same workbook. But the values on master sheets are made up of more than one value on another sheet.
For example on master sheet I have $137,000 that is made up of values in P7 + Q7 + P57 + Q57 on source sheet. If user wants to see where this number is coming from; the user will click the number to go to source document.
On a single valve I linked to the source sheet to a single cell. One thing I was thinking, using conditional format, so if one of the cells is selected in source document the other cells that combine the total of the master sheet cells should be highlighted, just my 2 cents.
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Oct 16, 2013
I want to link cells B1 thru B16 to Cells F1 thru F16 receptively.
However, at times I need B1 thru B16 to show other columns 1 thru 16.
I would like to type in the column designation in A1, ie. F,G,H,I.....and have the values of those columns shown in B1 thru B16.
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