Linking Sheet Data To Auto Update With Inserting New Rows
Jul 2, 2006
I have found this sales forecasting template from the Microsoft excel template section on the web, however, when i insert the new rows, it does not automatically update the "linked" sheets. It is the "detailed sales pipleline management sheet".
I have some formula's that look at a range of rows
[Code] .....
The trouble is I insert rows to add new data to my sheet, this then changes the formula. $A$9 then becomes $A$10, I don't want this. I want the start of the formula to stay the same. How do I do this?
I am tracking my sales interactions and am trying to link cells so when I update on one sheet it updates my last "customer touch" on a master sheet. Current formula-
On "sheet1" I selected a cell and used this formula... =sheet2!$b$7
The problem is that I want to keep a history of what was in that sheet 2 B7 cell so i insert a row (making B7 move down and become B8) and enter new info into the new b7. if I go back to sheet1 the formula in the selected cell becomes =sheet2!$b$8 I want it to stay to =sheet2!$b$7 no matter what I do... insert rows, delete rows etc...
in short what i am trying to do is have a cell in sheet1 show my last interaction with the customer and keep a history of in sheet2-infiniti.... with the caveat that my last interaction on sheet 2 etc... is listed first (thus the insert row)
1. On one I have sheet named leave with five columns
2. Second sheet has calender
Sample file is attached for reference sample.xlsx
What I want is that as i enter leave dates on sheet "Leave" corresponding rows on calender sheet should highlight and important thing is if i change the name row highlight should change automatically. This i could achieve with following function
[Code] .....
The problem here is that it does it once but for second time it does not show...
I create daily report for dispatch documents to our various branches. Now I am looking for formula (or formula is not possible then VBA code) that will auto update document number and dispatch date in "output" sheet.
i want to update values fon an excel sheet on a month by month basis. So i have jan to dec folders and excel sheets under each folder , i want to update my monthly forecast sheet based on the numbers in the folder I want to just change the cell in my monthly forecast sheet to Jan or Feb and the values should be pulled from the closed excel files in the monthly folders. I tried concatenation but it gave me #REF .. Is there a way to do it other than using "pull" ??
I have an excel sheet, where I want to insert a column or more columns between row C and D. The file is attached below. Usually, I would right click row D and choose "insert column". This does not work here. How would you do it?
Sheet 1 contains a column titled "name" and 6 columns to the right of name titled "sat", "sun", "mon"........ the col titled name is not the first col in the work sheet.
In each row I enter the guest name under the name col and I enter a room number (example: 1A, 1B, 2A, etc...) in the column to the right that coresponds with the day the guest will be staying.
Name Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Mr. Smith 1A 1A 1A 1A Mr. Jones 3B 3B 3B Ms. Tiller 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A
Sheet 2 is in the same workbook and looks something like this:
Room # Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B
I want it to look at sheet 1 and populate the date columns with the guest name from sheet 1
I tried this formula =IF('Sheet1'!G:G="1A",'Sheet1!$F:$F,"Available") It seems to work on the first row but I have problems with any rows below that. Basically it acts like there is no data in the rows below.... I think the fact that the names on sheet 1 are not alphabetical is creating part of my problem? I tried a lookup formula but it seems like it has to be the first column in the worksheet and it has to be alphabetical to work like that.
I have a piece of code with a couple of errors. The code selects a certain row and then copies and inserts this row on the last line with data, the number of rows is decided by the user via a form. The line of code with the error is highlighted, think it is a syntax/grammar error.
I did try a search before posting this - either I am too stuipid or the info was a bit too cpmplicated and in bits and peices for me to figure out. My query is this Lets say I have a workbook with around 10 sheets in it. and I have a saved a copy of the sheet ias a webpage (HTML ) for user convinence. Now is it possible to somehow ensure that when the orginal workbook is updated then this webpage would also get updated - both would be in the same drive ( I dont want to use internet for this purpose)
I go to last used row for column C and then go to next row column A and insert a check box and link that to same row in z column. The code which I am trying is not working.
lastcell is last used cell in column c. Say C8 (c8,c9 are merged). A to column H are merged.
[Code] .....
I dont know why i am unable to go to A10 with the above code.
and for check box i am try with macro recorder.
[Code] .....
Checkboxes are inserted with every new row. I am able to add row and merge the rows and I am struck at adding checkboxes.
I have a graph that is showing the date on "Y" axis and a value on "X" axis, when I add a new date and value to my data the graph does not update, it just shows the data when I first created the graph.
How do I get the graph to display the new data I entered ?
I created a line graph by clicking on the "A" in column "A" (Thats where my date is) then clicking on the "B" in column "B" (Thats where my values are) and clicking the create graph button then clicked finished.
I am running excel 2007 and I have 23 worksheets in a workbook. I have no links or hidden rows or colums. I have no merged cells or comments. My biggest sheet is A1:
AW8096. I use VB macros to add lines and move data from one set of workbooks to this one.
I have built several sheets using this proceedure.
All of a sudden I get the error "Cannot shift objects off sheet" when I run a routine I have 50,000 times. This even happens on new blank sheet so I know its' not on the sheet.
I have checked to make sure there are no hidden comments, row or columns. I have deleted most of the worksheets and I still get the error. I have made copies of the workbook and used different file types to save it. I can create a new black sheet in the workbook that is empty and the same thing happens.
The only way I can get it to work is to creat a new blank workbook and copy and paste the sheets into the new workbook. Yes I have serched the FAQ and knowledge base and tried all of those fixes as well.
I would like make a cell in a report auto update with the most recent data entered in another cell from an input table either in the form of a formula or code to ensure that the most recent data is recorded and reported.
So I have 2 spreadsheets of Car Inventory Data that I want to export into what will be printed out as Addendum Stickers...basically we're offering a new product with all vehicles and need to update the Sticker Price to reflect the change. The main worksheet with all of the data I'm trying to export is as follows:
Column A: Stock Number Example: (Column, Row A3) T12345
Column B: Model Number Example: (Column, Row B3) 1234A
Column C: VIN Number Example: (Column, Row C3) ABCDEFG12A3456789
Column E: New Product Cost Example: (Column, Row E3) $399
Column F: Model Name Example: (Column, Row G3) Camry ----
Now the price of the new product being added in is the same: $399. All data runs in rows (A3-E3, A4-E4, etc.). I AutoSum'ed each row and output the new calculated price into Column F next to each row of vehicles.
I want to take the Stock Number, Model Number, VIN Number, Retail Price, New Product Price and New Updated Total or Columns A-F and output them into multiple sheets:
consolidating data from 3 worksheets which contain same data fields but each representing 1 brand. I like to have a summary/mastersheet to contain data from all 3 worksheets and then when the data in each worksheet is added or updated, the summary worksheet should reflect the changes (adding new data to the last row).
I was wondering if there was some way to auto update or resync values in data validated lists which are dependant on information in other cells.
I attach my spreadsheet. My list in Cell F32 changes depending on what has been selected in cell F31. However, my problem is that, until you select cell F32, it still keeps the previous value on display, if you know what I mean. So! What I would like to happen, is when I select a different option in cell F31, then I would like cell F32 to update and show the first available option from the new list?
How do I link two cells so that when I change one value the other changes and vice versa?
How about 3 cells?
Cells A1, A2 and A3 are all the same part number, but in diffrent catagories. If I used a part and reduce my number in A2 I want it to reflect the change in A1 and A3. The next day I use a part and reduce it in A1 and I want the new value to reflect in A2 and A3.
I can make it so A2 will equal A1, but if I was to update the value at A2 it overwrites the formula.
i have a spread sheet that has a number of different addresses in them I need a vb code that will insert 5 rows between each row of data starting from row 42 and has the possiblity of running to the end of the rows 65536. i believe the best way to do it is via column B which will always have data in it. i have tried a number of methods but they all only insert the rows once or they do it the required ammount of times one after the other so i end up with a whole section of blank rows and all my data still together.
I have two excel sheets, one has partial information (displayName, title, company, streetAddress, city, state, postalCode, Pager, homephone, fax) the other has the missing information that I need on the first sheet.
Sheet 1 (DB1, has partial info) and Sheet 2 (DB2, has the missing info). I need to somehow link these two, and what they both have in common is name. DB1 has "displayName" which is just First Name Last Name (e.g. John Smith). DB2 has First Name and Last Name, but i'll concatenate that to a new column named "displayName" ( which I assume will be needed to link? ).
The missing information in DB1 is title / streetAddress / city / postal code. DB2 has "Location" (which is a company code, and I want to replace the code with the address, city, postal code) and "Group" (which is title).
To make it easier, I could just do a find and replace on DB2 (e.g. A01-DFW-HWY67) and do it that way right? Or is there any easier way to do that?
Other than that though, how would I link DB1 and DB2, using displayName and fill out DB1 with the information from DB2?
I am trying to link data from a pivot table we have in excel to a separate excel sheet.
The pivot table contains an up to date list of our inventory, however, we want to take that data and put it in a cleaner looking excel that we can e-mail to customers and publish on our website. Going individually, through every product takes too much time to have an up to date stock every day. Its even difficult to manage if we want to update just once a week.
When I link the cells of the pivot table to the new excel sheet they are constantly changing values as people are constantly editing the filters of the pivot table to look up various things.
I've written the following code to insert rows at certain points depending on certain conditions, looping through to the last row. However, as the last row number keeps moving, due to inserting rows, I am not sure how to alter the code to allow for this.
Dim LastRow As Long With ActiveSheet LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row End With
I have a workbook that requires refreshed source data each day. The workbook has all of the macros and formulas that analyze the data. I have the following code to import the worksheet with the raw data (onto a fresh worksheet in the calculation workbook), but I would like to create code that also adds the date and time to the imported data worksheet -- not the date/time the raw data was created; instead, when it was imported into my calculation workbook.
Below is my code for importing the raw data worksheet:
I would like to know how can i insert a blank row in between ACC# when ever a new series of data begins
name Acc # Balance Date John 2222 200 june 2013 John 2222 344 june 2013 John 2222 700 Sept 2013 Silva 4444 333 June 2013 Silva 4444 333 June 2013 Silva 4444 333 June 2013 Raff 5555 897 June 2015 Raff 5555 897 June 2015 Raff 5555 897 June 2015 Raff 5555 897 June 2015
I've got data output (~500 rows) that's going into a larger, formatted sheet. The data going into the sheet is about 8 columns of material and the formatted sheet has over 20 columns (the rest to be filled out by the engineers). I'm tacking the new information to the bottom of the sheet (in the corresponding, non-consecutive columns), but the question now is how to format it.
Each location has recommendations, about 1-5 rows. What I want to do is insert a row after each different entry (probably by location address) so it will be more visually accessible (this is the format of the sheet).
I've got a spreadsheet that I prepare for a group that has patient data subtotalled by physicians. The problem is that the group uses this data for data entry and wants a blank row between each different patient name within the physicians subtotals and I have no clue how to get there. Any chance there might be some VBA code that could accomplish this?
On sheet "Create Package" in cell "AA14" I have a value (lets say 2).
I want it to go to sheet "Samples" and insert a number of rows equal to the value on sheet "Create Package" cell "AA14" (so 2 rows)
I have a header row in row 1, so I would like it to insert the designated number of rows beneath that.
Then I would like it to copy a designated number of rows (based off of the "AA14" value, so 2) from the "Create Package" sheet starting at row 66 and then paste special values into the new rows that were inserted on sheet "samples".
Each week I format a report that I receive that lists every product a particular employee closed. Its a list of each employee, the product and date. I'll have about 20-30 lines for each employee. I can easily sort by the employee name to have a nice list.
From here what I do is use a forumla to mark where each employee's name changes, then filter by that changed line and insert page breaks for each of these lines. Is there a way to macro this to save me time, having 270 employees takes alot of time still, because thats 270 manually inserted page breaks.