Invoice Address Query
Feb 11, 2009
I'm using excel 2007.
I have a master invoice worksheet and a name/address worksheet within the same workbook.
I want to create a dropdown bar? in the invoice, to select a name and address to put into the invoice.
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Apr 6, 2007
I'm trying to create a lookup process for my address part of my invoice, I want it so when I enter the first address it automatically looks up and enters the rest of the information (Title, Name etc.) I've been trying to do this with vlookup and I can't seem to get it to work. I'm just getting #Ref! returned.
My address 'database' (list of addresses etc) are on a seperate sheet to the Invoice.
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Jan 22, 2013
I have a template invoice in excel. What I want is a macro code that when it is run the open template invoice should be sent to a specific email address !!
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Apr 2, 2008
I have the following task
1. in sheet 1, column A starting A1 I have addresses of web pages. all of them are one and the same except the last digits. Sth like this
2. in sheet 2 I have to import the data from these web sites as it follows
from starting from cell A1
from starting from cell A101
from starting from cell A201
The question: I am trying to write a Macro that tooks the address from sheet 1 cell A1 and import the data through web query using the address in the cell and import it in sheet 2 starting cell A1. Then loop and took the address from cell A1 in Sheet 1 and put it into sheet 2 cell A101 etc.
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Oct 30, 2008
I have an Excel Invoice Template, saved as a template.
I have code that generates a new invoice number each time the template is opened in VBA Editor. The auto numbering system works great! However.... (here comes the sad part)
After I enter all the data I need on the invoice, I want to save a copy of the invoice in a different file folder, which I can no problem. The problem is, if I re-open the saved invoice, we will call it Invoice #100, excel asks me if I want to update, if I say either yes or no, the invoice number will change to Invoice #101. I'm sure you can see how this can cause a major problem if we need to compare information later on, finding the correct invoice would be almost impossible as it would not match the customers invoice number.
What I need to know is:
Is there code I can add to the existing code, to stop the increment on a saved invoice, but not on the original template?
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May 22, 2014
I am struggling to find a macro which can look at a name in column 'BT' and search it in the address book of Outlook to then place the email address of that person in column 'ED'
There are 35,000+ people in the address book and there may be over 5 email addresses for one name, so is there any way a message can appear for the user to select which email address is correct if there is more than 1 contact for that name?
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Nov 26, 2012
I have an MS Access query that contains a parameter. The parameter is a date field, and I have configured that in the Access query. If I run the query within the MS Access user interface, it prompts me for the paramater value as expected, and runs just fine. However, I want to connect to this query from within Excel as a data source.
I have created a connection to the Access file using ODBC from within Excel. In the MS Query window, I am merely selecting all of the fields resident in the MS Access query, and returning all values. In other words, there is no selection criteria in the MS Query. I have done this many times with Access queries that DO NOT contain a parameter, and everything works fine. However, in this instance, I need to pass a parameter through to MS Access in order for the query to run. At the moment, I get the "Too Few Paramaters...1 expected" error message. This makes sense, because I haven't figured out how to pass the paramater to MS Access.
Is there a way to structure this that does not involve VB code? If so, I'd love to know how. I have tried creating parameters in MS-Query with the same name, but although I get the prompt it doesn't connect with the Access query as the source for the parameter value.
If the solution requires using code, I'm good with VB Code in there VB for Excel code that could make this happen?
Failing that, I guess there must be (I've seen a few in my search thus far) Access VB Code that can make this work. I'm very rusty using VB with Access, so this is my least favored solution. However, if this is the only option, keep in mind that I need to pass the paramater ultimately from a user who will initiate the process using Excel.
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Mar 29, 2007
Need the query parameters which takes the date from the cell into the query. How should I modify my query if it needs to take the date from a cell?? The bold one date should be picked from one of the cell in sheet 2.
My query is this
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May 20, 2014
Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.
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Apr 24, 2013
I have a list for addresses in excel in single column as shown below - aanandhi narayanan 3430 chemin de riviere sanjose,CA95148
abdi abdi 5390 monterey rd #6 sanjose,CA95111
Sheribel Abinsay 3212 Gateland CT San Jose, Ca 95148
I need the result to be in a way like -
3430 Chemin de riviere
San Jose
3838 Glengrove way
San Jose
5390 monterey rd#6
San Jose
3212 Gateland CT
San Jose
I have around 12000 records with the same format.
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Feb 25, 2014
On a worksheet called "Contact Info" column A starting in row 2 I have a list of names (variable length). In Columns B2-D I need the email address, work phone number, and cell phone number.
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Sep 6, 2008
I have a csv file on another drive on the network that i need to query. I believe that ms query would be the best way. I know that a DSN needs to be setup but this macro will be used by various users who wont know how to do that. thus I would like to create one via VBA every time the task needs to be run.
I haven't a clue how to do this and i need it to be explained to me in general terms with words of one syllable!
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Jul 8, 2008
I'm trying to query a query in Access 2003, from Excel 2003.
The query in Access looks like:
AccessQuery: [SELECT VBAFunction(field1) FROM Table]
The query in Excel looks like:
ExcelQuery: [SELECT * FROM AccessQuery]
I use the following VBA code in Excel to excecute the query:
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cDataSheetName).QueryTables.Add(Connection:=strConnection, _
Destination:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cDataSheetName).Range("A1"), Sql:=strQuery)
.RowNumbers = True
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
iResultRowCount = .ResultRange.Rows.Count
End With
When I execute this code I get the error message 'SQL Syntax Error' (Error 1004). When I remove the VBA function from the query in Access, it all works fine.
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Apr 25, 2006
I created an Ms Excel Database Query to bring in data from MS Access. (versions 2002 of MS Excel and Ms Access). The query works fine initially. I can right click, choose Edit Query and change my criteria. Results are returned almost instantly.
My problem is that, once I save the workbook, or autosave happens, I get an error when I right-click to Edit Query: This query cannot be edited by the Query Wizard..
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Apr 12, 2009
Been doing a lot of searching with no luck, I think this is a very easy fix I hope.
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Oct 3, 2013
I'm Trying to create a invoice that generates the invoice number automatically every time its being opened
Now, how to do it with a macro but the problem is i need the invoice to be saved as a template. In the end i need the invoice template to move the invoice number to the next one when opened and when im done with the invoice i need a print button that saves the invoice with contents to a specific folder, clears the contents and saves the invoice with the current invoice number as a template so that next time its being opened it can just adjust the counter.I have done the counter adjustment part .
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Oct 21, 2009
I m making invoices and daily i have to make around 100 invoices, every time i have to select/copy the latest invoice and paste it downwards (as attached).
kindly tell me a macro so that i can click on button and invoice# 02 (as highlighted & attached) should be pasted on the place where i will keep my Curser. It should be pasted on the place where i will keep curser.
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Aug 3, 2013
I am creating a database for Customers and Invoices.
1.I want to select a customer from a drop down list. I only have a few customers.
2.I want to save Invoices to review or make changes before mailing.
Per sample Invoice template.
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Apr 13, 2009
Leith got this perfect for me, but my example does not work right. Not sure why it does not save last invoice number too the workbook. The invoice number increase works great, I must be missing a step.
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Apr 21, 2009
I have a invoice that I use, thanks to royUK is working pretty good now. I'm not sure if there is a code I can add too refresh my invoice counter. When I clear the page it moves up one number,now that I have two invoices in the same book it does not refresh the invoice number in the other invoice. royUk worked on this a lot yesterday and had some great ideas in cleaning it up. On my one day invoice he was able too give me a warning when I ran out of cells to input my marcos, but not sure how too do it in my two day because it has two pages. Their are so many helpful people here, I wish I could take them all too dinner.
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May 5, 2009
Testing to see if this works ( ignore the multi posts, forum had a problem )
I basically need a macro to select whats inside the blue border area and print it.
I plan to include a button next to each invoice so i can just click the button and have it print the adjacent invoice.
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Sep 23, 2008
im trying to achieve is creating an microsoft word (or simalar) invoice from my excel spread sheet.
My current excel spreadsheet is set on a monthly basis. on it it has my customer list. I provide a service for people so at the end of that month i enter what type of service and who for and make a seperate invoice based on the calculations........ C#&P ive got no idea what im talking about
Im gonna make a fake formula and hopefully somone will understand what im trying to do, everything in these brakets { } is what im trying to do
={cell F6 (customers name)}({send the info in this cell (customers name) to word temlate and insert into customers name section})
Good way to explain it is that i want excell to automaticly create a word invoice, and im guessing i need to have a word template for it.
I really hope someone understands what i am trying to do because at the end of the month it takes about 2 hrs to enter all the different info for the customers into my excel spread sheet and another 2 days to make all the invoices for each customer and it is only a matter of time before i make a simple mistake which could cost me thousands...
was told that words mail merge would work but it wont do what is required. Open to any and all sugestions
I also got told to steer clear of word cos excell can make a good invoice and it would be easier
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Oct 7, 2009
i have this at the moment:
in a sheet named CURRENT is all our data.
when the jobs done the Satus Column "F" is changed to INVOICE
and then once a day or whenever they are all moved to a new sheet named the month and year, in this case JUN 09 this works fine as it is but at the moment i have to delete the lines myself from where it took the data from in CURRENT or AtoZ then remove them in 1 go.
Simply put, i want the code to remove these lines itself....
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Nov 30, 2009
Is there a way to create incremental invoice numbers via a formula in excel every time it opens up?
I would like it to appear in a specific box "e5" on the spread sheet I have read a lot of info but I am lost I have no idea what vb is or how about editing it.
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Apr 7, 2008
I need a macro to copy the data from the rows in Sheet3 into a specific place on "Sheet2" (Column "C" to E10 on Sheet2, D to E11, Q to E12, R to M12, S to T12, G to Y26, H to AF29, M to AF30, N to AF32, and lastly the current date to AC10) then rename the sheet to the Value of "E10" on that sheet then Copy that sheet to a new workbook and then clear the data on "Sheet2" so that only the information that was on the sheet before the data transfer is left and reset the name back to the original. My problem is i'm going to need this macro to do this for every row of data (Customer) that is in my list range of B10:R2114. So i'm looking for maybe a macro that loops an amount of times equal to the counts of data in the address range
I have a macro that Creates a new workbook (which you name and place, which is good) and then copies a specified sheet over to the new workbook. I hope I wasn't to convoluted in what I'm trying to accomplish. heres the current macro I'm working with.
Sub copySht()
'declare the variables
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim fName
With Application
'prevent unnecessary error messages
.DisplayAlerts = False
'switch off screen updating to speed up code and prevent screen flickering
.ScreenUpdating = False
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Nov 17, 2009
Is it possible to set parameters on a query but use a wildcard to return all instances? I have a query that I want to be able to set multiple parameters on but give the user the ability to select as many or as few parameters as they want to see. 2 of the parameters are number fields and 2 are text fields with no spaces.
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Jan 21, 2007
I've created an Invoice Template in excel. Each time I open it I'd like a certian cell "D3" to increase by one number starting at 2000. Each time this is opened a new customer information is input and then saved to their file. Please give me the very basicis on how to do this. I've already gone into other forums which have provided a code, but I have had any luck getting ti too work.
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Mar 22, 2012
I'm looking to create a dynamic invoice that has one main invoice worksheet that references a worksheet with client billing information. Keep in mind that line items will differ between clients, and ideally I'd want to be able to:
Have date autopopulate, included in every line item Select a client, which populates billing info as well as the invoice # nomenclature specific to that client Be able to have client line items specific to the client populate based on the dropdown I select
Overall, no real specific guidelines, just trying to pick some other people's brains about how to approach a dynamic invoicing template. To preface, we have about 60 clients.
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a data set that has invoice amounts with corresponding bill date range. I need to get those invoice amount auto pop up in correspond month columns.
Invoice Number Bill From/Bill To Invoice Amount Dec '13 Jan '14 Feb '14
1 01/01/2014 00:00 $100
01/02/2014 00:00
2 12/30/2013 00:00 $200
12/30/2014 00:00
3 01/01/2014 00:00 $300
01/02/2014 00:00
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Jul 5, 2009
I have an invoice I use for my business. I want to be able to type in the sku # and then have the description and price fill in automatically. The invoice already calculates the total retail price based on the number ordered, tax, S&H and discount level. It then gives you total due for items bought. Getting the invoice this far was a miracle for me, but I get tired of retyping all the info now that sales are picking up. I have attached a copy of my invoice file.
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