Link To Most Recently Added Row In A Table

Feb 8, 2007

I have a table of data that will grow rapidly each day (data will be entered by other users) at the top of the sheet I want to link to the row of data that is at the bottom of the table or in other words the most recently added row. For example in cell A1 I want to link to the cell that is at the bottom of the data in Column C.

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Could Not Save All The Data And Formatting Recently Added

Jun 4, 2008

I am running the below code to basically apply a defined list to a cell containing the string "WORKDAMNIT". This list is used as validation. I am running into a HUGE problem where once I apply the validation on about 17,000 cells and try to save the spreadsheet I get an error saying that "Excel could not save all the data and formatting you recently added to...". Thus, the IF loop basically does a save of records everytime I hit about 1000 records. I can even see the file being saved. However, whenever I close the spreadsheet it asks me to SAVE!! If I try to save it I get the same error and if I dont NOTHING gets saved.

Sub Valid()

Dim listCount As Long 'counter
Dim cellCount As Long 'cell Counter for save function
Dim foundCell As Range 'found cell in sheet Find
Dim foundList As Range 'found cell in sheet list
Dim fwb As Workbook 'workbook value
Dim fsheet1 As String 'find sheet
Dim fsheet2 As String 'list sheet
Dim strMatchCol As Integer 'address value of column number
Dim col As String 'actual value of column string
Dim strFind As String 'The string we are searching for (eg. "blah blah")

Set fwb = ActiveWorkbook
fsheet1 = "Data"

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Update Pivot Table As New Data Added

Aug 8, 2007

I have a pivot table I am try to update. The table references another tab where my data sheet exists. If I add data to the datasheet how can I get my pivot table to recognize the additional information.

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Array Formula Not Expanding To Match Lines Added To Table?

May 3, 2014

I have a number of array formulas that refer back to the table in the top left. The array formulas are in Columns I and L, and cells N200, N203, and P203.

Normally when I add a new line to the top left table (usually by clicking on the empty box below the previous final line and typing the date), the table expands by one row and the array formulas all adjust to match, i.e. all the A180/C180s in the formulas become A181/C181s, etc.

However every once in a while (maybe once a month), the arrays simply refuse to update, and I can't figure out why. When they fail, they all fail, it's not hit or miss. You'll see in the attached sheet that though I've added a line to the table (A181) and data to that line, all the arrays still read through A180/C180.

Why this randomly fails to update, and if it's something I'm doing incorrectly?

And that leads to an associated question. In the past when this has failed in this manner, I've laboriously gone through and changed all the cell references manually, in every single individual cell. (After doing it once, the arrays usually magically start auto-expanding again.) I'm certain there is a way to make those formulas refer to a named range, instead of all being manual references, but after spending an hour on it, I keep getting #VALUE errors.

I've been using [URL] ..... and pages like it as a reference without success. Obviously, I would prefer that the formulas auto-update without issue per my first issue above, but in the event that they don't, it'd be really nice to just change the ranges in one location and have that propagate across the sheet.

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To Get The Most Recently Paid EMI In Tune With The Current Date.

Feb 11, 2009

Most Recent Paid EMI Date:

I need to get the Most Recently paid EMI in the List it should be in tune with the TODAY() as well as the PAID one indicated by "X" in Column F..


This would be the NEXT EMI date as the name suggests after the Most recent paid EMI…In this case 14-Feb-09

Date to Replenish:

This date would be when the Amount in the Account has got reduced indicated by "X" in column E...In this case 10-May-09.

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Can VB Open The Most Recently Created File In A Folder

Sep 13, 2006

I have a folder called 'Refresh'. Every week a new file is dropped into that folder. Instead of me placing that new file into my workbook, i would like my macro to just grab it. Is there a way for VB to grab the most recently created file that comes into my 'Refresh' Folder.

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Dynamic Link Between Table And Chart

Dec 29, 2006

I m trying to make an Excel Charts that would update according to the choice made in a control box. I have uploaded the example test.xls. If you open the file, you ll see the graph is link to product 1. What I d like to do is if I choose product 2,3 or 4 from the control box, the chart updates itself to the good corresponding product.

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Pivot Table Filter Link To Cell

Sep 19, 2008

how to change this code to select the choice "NACID" from cell "D1" instead of being hardcoded?

Sub Pivot1()
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").PivotFields("Group").CurrentPage = _
End Sub

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - Link Back To / Modify Raw Data

Jun 25, 2008

Scenario: I have a worksheet full of ~360 tasks. Tasks are broken down into phases, have owners, and have status'. I leverage a pivot table to easily sort my data by owner, or by status. When reviewing the pivot table with others we want to update the raw data. This entails changing worksheets and scrolling to the task in question.

I'm looking for an easier way to update the raw / original data.

Options I've tried to pursue but have come up empty:
Option 1: Excel modification? Is there a setting in Excel 2007 that would allow me to change a value in my pivot table and have it propagate to the original data set (another Excel worksheet)? So far the answer seems to be "no". Is this possible?

Option 2: Hyperlink from Pivot Table to Raw data field.
- I cannot create hyperlinks within PivotTable data cells.
- I have used the "hyperlink()" function OUTSIDE of my pivot table, along w/ a "match()" on a key field in my pivot table to create hyperlinks back to my raw data... But this is prone to breaking.
- Is there a way to enable hyperlinks from within a Pivot Table? I have seen other requests from individuals that had a pivot table with actual hyperlinks (e.g. [URL]...) and they could not 'activate' them.

Option 3: Tool Tip VBA Form w/ Link?

- If I can't create hyperlinks directly in the table, then how about a function so then when i click (mouse over?) a pivot table cell a form appears with a hyperlink back to the source data?

Option 2 and 3 Assume that there's an way to get at the underlying location of the raw data (e.g. "Pivot Table Worksheet!E10" comes from "RawData!C4". I've dug through some VBA documentation at but came up empty. I know this link must exist behind the scenes - In Excel 2007 when you mouse-over a pivot table cell Excel displays: "Row - Phase - Owner - Status", which is directly out of the raw data table/worksheet. [[This was an incorrect assumption... When i looked at the pivot table tool-tip closer I realize it was just walking through my data :'( row.

What is the VBA Code to revel the source cell? If i can get at that data, (and hyperlinking can be turned on w/in the pivot table...) then I can easily write a script to walk through the pivot table and create links back to the raw data... Not a perfect solution - but it takes away the need to search through the source data for the row I want.

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Copying Data From Recently Opened Workbook To Workbook Where Form Is Present

Jun 16, 2014

All i did was i just created a form to open a workbook from the directories.

Code to copy the data from that recently opened workbook to my workbook where I have my forms. I need to copy that data as in the case that i don't know the workbook and the sheet name i'am going to open as i may open any of the files!!

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Macro Runs Fast When Rows Added / Deleted Slow When No Rows Added / Deleted

Jun 27, 2013

We have created a macro that basically looks for rows that contain an "H" and hides the row if it does.

Users can add new rows throughtout the year to this spreadsheet. and based on certain criteria, an H or U will be placed in a hidden column which the macro looks at and hides any row it finds an H.

The user has to click on the button that has the macro assigned to it once they have finished working on the spreadsheet.

The problem we're finding is that for users who insert/delete rows, once they click the button it takes up to 15 seconds to run through macro (which is ok). However, users who haven't added or deleted any rows and who click the button, they have to wait upto 5 minutes (which isn't ok) for the macro ro run.

We can't figure out why the macro takes longer to run when no changes have been made?

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Formula That Uses Link In A Cell To Create Offset Link

Jun 28, 2013

I have two worksheets, one with detail monthly information and one with YTD information. So let's say the three numbers I want to capture in the YTD sheet are in columns B, G and I on the monthly sheet. January's data might be in B5, G5 and I5. February's data is in B12, G12 and I12 and so on.

On the YTD sheet in cell C2 I link to Monthly!B5 and in C3 I link to Monthly!B12 so cells C2 to C13 on the YTD sheet show the monthly totals from column B on the detail sheet. On the YTD sheet, cells C20 to C31 show the monthly totals from column G on the monthly sheet, so cells G5, G12, etc. And finally, cells C40 to C51 on the YTD sheet show monthly totals form column I on the monthly sheet.

In the past I've always created all these links manually. After creating the links in C2 to C13 on the YTD sheet, is there a way to use a formula in C21 that uses the link in C2 to create a link for G5?

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Added Up None Numbers

Feb 13, 2006

I have to add up how many A's, S's, ST's and L's I have in a column how do I
do that?

Column 1Column 2


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Added Up Cell That Have #N/A

Apr 28, 2008

How to add cells where some of the cells have the value #N/A?

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Create A Spreadsheet Where A Certain Value Is Added?

Apr 11, 2014

I need to create a Spreadsheet where a certain Value is added to the from of the data I enter into the cell. For example: All of my MAC Addresses start with 00:80:64. I want to be able to just type in the last three entries into the cell and have Excell automatically add the value 00:80:64 So I want to be able to add a specified value to ebvery entry in a collumn.

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Removing An Added Space

Sep 23, 2009

Our system, when displaying times adds a space before the time, space05:14:15 - space14:56:39, When I use this formula, =(F292-E292+(F292<E292))*24-0.5, to figure out hours worked, it does not work. If I remove the space, the formula works fine. Is there an easy way to automatically remove the space instead of having to do it manually?

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How To Add A Check Box For Each Sheet Added

Mar 24, 2008

I want to create a code that adds a check box for each sheet that's added and takes the name of the sheet as the Caption.

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Extra Backslash Is Added

Apr 30, 2009

I finally got the perfect code that works for me, to list a folder with path name.
if I select any root like C:, D:, E:, an extra backslash is added. can this be fixed that, what ever folder or root drive I select only 1 backslash is added. here is the code

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Add Tab Name & Data To Worksheet When It Is Added

Dec 28, 2009

I have a workbook that has a dynamic number of tabs. Every day the report is updated, it will create a tab for yesterday's date. I need to somehow create a summary page that will add the most current tab name (which is yesterday's date) to column B and several cells from row 7 to the appropriate row on the summary page each time I add a new tab. I have attached the spreadsheet in question. I have added manual references to the fields I need to use in the summary on the tab MTD (2) If I am able to get this to work it will replace MTD.

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Sum Moves As Data Is Added

Jan 25, 2010

I have attached an excel sheet that takes 2 inputs in cells A2 and A3, sums them in cell A6, and then writes the outputs in cells A9 onward, recording the new sum as changes are made to cells A2 and A3.

Below the last output in the list (Cells A9 to ...) I want to have a Sum of the above outputs. In other words, I want a sum of the previous outputs, and I want it below the final output, moving and recalculating each time another change is made to A2 or A3. How can I do this?

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Added Up # Of Cells Containing A Specified Word

Feb 24, 2006

In cell A1 I would like to have a formula that indicates the number of times the word "Yellow Pages" appears in cells C10:C1000. The C column inidicates a referral source. So some of the cells will have "Yellow Pages" and some wont. In cell A1 I would like to have it tell me the total # of referrals from the lead source "Yellow Pages".

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(VBA) Unhide Row As New Data Added

Apr 23, 2013

Column A (row 2-15) handle array formula which returns a value when some conditions are met.

A2-A7 shows values
rows 8 to 15 are hidden and returns "" (nothing).

How to unhide next row (8) when value is returned still keeping rows 9-12 hidden.

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Add-in Created; And Added Via Tools, Add-in

Jan 25, 2008

I've created and excel spreadsheet that has code like this in a Module named Print w/ in the workbook:
Sub Print_wsPrint()
End Sub

I have saved it as an MS Office Excel add-in.

I added the add-in to my excel environment via Tools, Add ins...and let it copy it to my C:Documents and SettingsjohnApplication DataMicrosoftAddIns directory.

But yet when I create a menu button and assign the Print_wsPrint to a custom menu, it complains and says "The macro Model.xls!Print_wsPrint cannot be found," where Model.xls is the workbook I am in. It's in my add-in, not in the current wb.

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Add Formula To Added Rows

Oct 23, 2006

How do I apply a formula to every cell in a given column?

I'd like my workbook to store this formula:
=c<current_row> + d<current_row>
in every cell of column P as a default.

This means that even if I do "insert row", I wouldn't have to copy this formula into the new cell.

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SUM Account For Added Rows

Jan 4, 2007

I've created a simple budget sheet outlining various group expenses eg: Fixed, Flexible, Variable, and their totals sums.

How can I add all totals while still allowing for a new row to be inserted in any group?

eg:..............Row E

1........Fixed Expense group
5....Total sum $100.00
6.......Flexible Expenses group
12...Total sum $110.00
13......Variable expenses group
19....Total sum $60.00
21..Grand Total $270.00

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File Name To Be Added In Referenced Cell

Mar 27, 2013

I have 15 files in a folder and need vba code which would open every file from the specified folder and add that file name in the row starting cell "D1" in the "Master File". Below is the code which opens the file from the folder, but need the updated code which will add the opened file name. Also can u pls update this code to not open the "Master file" which is in the same folder when it loops..

Sub Login_summary()
Dim MyPath As String, FilesInPath As String
Dim MyFiles() As String
Dim Fnum As Long

[Code] ....

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VBA To Create New Client Worksheet As Added

Feb 1, 2014

I have a workbook to track clients served. The first sheet has all of the data entered into it. The name, age, demographics, services. The second sheet is a template of the individual client's pages, summarizing their information and services received. I want to code the sheet so that once a new client is entered into the table on sheet 1, the template will automatically be copied to the end, renamed, and the basic data for the new client will be pasted into the new sheet.

I've been working on this project and done a ton of googling. And also am very new to VBA. I have found a solution that works:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$B$2" Then
Sheets(2).Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)


But I really don't want to do 50 "else" clauses for each line where there could be a new client. So I was thinking, if i could find a way to do a relative reference, such that it selects the cells to copy relative to the one that was changed within the range of that column, then I would only need one "if" statement. Is that possible? Is there some way to change the "B3" in target_address to "any cell in column B" and then range "A3" a few lines down would somehow be "1 cell left of the one changed" and the range "A3:K3" to copy would be "1 left:9 right" of the one changed. I know this may be impossible or just not how VBA language works, but I thought it'd be a lot easier than 50 repititions of if..then...else....

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Subtract Time With Text Added

Nov 18, 2009

I would like to subtract 9:30 AM From 9:40 Am. I have tried the formula listed and I get, (0.00694444444444442 Mins) ...

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Refresh Autofilter When Data Is Added?

Mar 12, 2014

So I have a column, say column A, that I have a auto filter assigned. I would like it to auto-refresh the filter every time I add in data at the end.

I found this macro, but it only works for changes made within the filter, not if I add in data at the end. [URL]

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Me.FilterMode = True Then
With Application
.EnableEvents = False


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Autofilter And Dates Added Via Macros

Jun 16, 2014

The problem is that when I add dates via macros (like from a userform to a selected cell) to a cell in autofiltered column, the autofilter doesn't recognize these values as "proper" dates. If I activate the formula bar and press Enter, then the autofilter identifies the date properly.

This is how the autofilter popup looks like after I have added a date via my macro: [URL] ....

The new date doesn't get categorized by year and month, instead it just shows as text on a separate line (circled in red) (huhtikuu = April)

I have earlier used Formula:

[Code] ....

How I could get the autofilter working right with the inputed values? I have tried adding the date via .Value and .Formula but neither one works.

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