Linking Two Excel Sheets To Complete Data On One Sheet

Dec 20, 2012

I have two excel sheets, one has partial information (displayName, title, company, streetAddress, city, state, postalCode, Pager, homephone, fax) the other has the missing information that I need on the first sheet.

Sheet 1 (DB1, has partial info) and Sheet 2 (DB2, has the missing info). I need to somehow link these two, and what they both have in common is name. DB1 has "displayName" which is just First Name Last Name (e.g. John Smith). DB2 has First Name and Last Name, but i'll concatenate that to a new column named "displayName" ( which I assume will be needed to link? ).

The missing information in DB1 is title / streetAddress / city / postal code. DB2 has "Location" (which is a company code, and I want to replace the code with the address, city, postal code) and "Group" (which is title).

To make it easier, I could just do a find and replace on DB2 (e.g. A01-DFW-HWY67) and do it that way right? Or is there any easier way to do that?

Other than that though, how would I link DB1 and DB2, using displayName and fill out DB1 with the information from DB2?

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Linking Pivot Table Data To Excel Sheet

May 26, 2014

I am trying to link data from a pivot table we have in excel to a separate excel sheet.

The pivot table contains an up to date list of our inventory, however, we want to take that data and put it in a cleaner looking excel that we can e-mail to customers and publish on our website. Going individually, through every product takes too much time to have an up to date stock every day. Its even difficult to manage if we want to update just once a week.

When I link the cells of the pivot table to the new excel sheet they are constantly changing values as people are constantly editing the filters of the pivot table to look up various things.

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Simplified Macro That Copies Col A And B From 12 Sheets To Complete Sheet

May 13, 2014

I have this code that works where Column A and B from 12 sheets are copied to a "Complete" sheet where it is saved as a CSV file for import.

I'm fairly new at this and know this code could be simplified to loop through the 12 sheets instead of copying the code 12x!!

I've copied the code for the 1st 2 sheets:

For i = 3 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
OutSH.Cells(1, outcol).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value
OutSH.Cells(2, outcol).Value = Cells(i, 2).Value
OutSH.Cells(2, outcol + 1).Value = Cells(i, 3).Value
outcol = outcol + 1

[Code] ......

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Linking Sheets Into One Major Sheet

Apr 12, 2006

I have a large workbook, split into sheets, with very complex formulas in it.
I want one sheet at the end of this workbook to reflect all the data from the
other sheets, if you know what I mean - so it is ALL the data from the
different sheets, in one "all info" sheet.

I also want it to update automatically so I don't have to re-enter lots of data when updating the
separate sheets. Is there any way of doing this? I have looked at some of the
answers on here but I got very lost.

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Macro Does Not Complete: CHECK For Sheets THEN Copy DATA

Jan 26, 2009

I have a macro that will not complete, and I can not figure out why. The macro is CHECK_for_Sheets_THEN_Copy_DATA:

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Linking Two Columns In Two Different Sheets In Excel?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a table in sheet1 in excel containing 10 rows. I want to copy the first column of this table into sheet2 in the same workbook but what I want is that in case I inserted a row or more in Sheet1, I wanted to be copied to sheet2 automatically. How can I do this?

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Linking Sheets To ActiveX Combobox In Excel

Sep 13, 2012

I have a name list on sheet2, column A that will have names added to and removed from. Everytime this list is modified it sorts in ascending order and creates a new sheet named after the name added. These items are added to an ActiveX combo box on sheet1. I need to know how to link the item in the combo box to the corresponding sheet(ex: item: "Jim", sheet name: "Jim").

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Formula Error In Hidden Sheets With Formulas Linking To A Sheet Of Same Workbook?

Nov 30, 2012

I am currently working with a hidden sheetname "hide_template" which contains formula linking to another sheetname "rawdata" of same workbook.

In this "rawdata", the contents is updated from time to time.

The problem is when I open this workbook and update the entries in "rawdata", the formulas/results in "hide_template" is not updated and invalid (ie. #N/A, #VALUE..)

This is the overview of process that Im working with:

===> open workbook ===> paste new entries on "rawdata" ==> run a macro to copy range in the "hidden_template" to paste to new sheet of same workbook

I already have a working macro to copy range from the "hidden_template" which works as follows:

===> set to visible the "hidden_template" ===> copy range from "hidden_template" ===> paste to new sheet ===> set to hidden the "hidden_template"

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Linking 3 Sheets To Summary Sheet Keeping Track And Totals Of Categories

Jul 22, 2014

I have a spread sheet for my checking accounts. There are 3 sheets, BW, QW, and Chase CC. In the 1st 2 sheets row D is named "Category" and the 3rd sheet has the same name but is in column C.

How to link the 3 sheets to a summary sheet keeping track and totals of the categories ?

Example in sheet BW I have a category called "Utilities" and the column to the right of that is the amount. Then ect for other categories.

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Automatic Linking On Excel Sheet

May 18, 2013

How do i do the automatic linking on the excel sheet like the one done on the following example


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Linking Data (look At Sheet 1 And Populate The Date Columns With The Guest Name From Sheet 1)

Jan 7, 2009

Sheet 1 contains a column titled "name" and 6 columns to the right of name titled "sat", "sun", "mon"........ the col titled name is not the first col in the work sheet.

In each row I enter the guest name under the name col and I enter a room number (example: 1A, 1B, 2A, etc...) in the column to the right that coresponds with the day the guest will be staying.

Name Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Mr. Smith 1A 1A 1A 1A
Mr. Jones 3B 3B 3B
Ms. Tiller 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A

Sheet 2 is in the same workbook and looks something like this:

Room # Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

I want it to look at sheet 1 and populate the date columns with the guest name from sheet 1

I tried this formula =IF('Sheet1'!G:G="1A",'Sheet1!$F:$F,"Available")
It seems to work on the first row but I have problems with any rows below that. Basically it acts like there is no data in the rows below.... I think the fact that the names on sheet 1 are not alphabetical is creating part of my problem? I tried a lookup formula but it seems like it has to be the first column in the worksheet and it has to be alphabetical to work like that.

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All Excel Sheets Data Copy And Paste Into One Sheet

Jun 20, 2013

Copy and paste the data from different excel sheets to one main sheet.

I will get a file which may contain 10 sheets or 15 sheets depends on data and rows also not sure it varies from sheet to sheet. Now, I would like to consolidate all the sheet data except first row (heading) for first instance I need heading and second sheet onwards not required the headings hence, macro should copy from second row onwards.

The data should get paste one by one if first sheet contains rows till A100 then in main sheet for second sheet data paste should happen from A101.

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Linking To A Cell On Excel Sheet - Subscript Out Of Range Error

Jun 18, 2013

I have the folloing Sheets("Monday").Select.

I would like to link this to a cell in my excel sheet.

On Sheet 1 i have a folmular which gives me yesterdays day I would like to like this to the cell so i tryed this

Tabname = sheet1.cells(12, 9)

And I have change the above to Sheets(" & Tabname & ").select.

Its giving me a Subscript out of range error.

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Copying Data From Multiple Sheets To Single Sheet In New Excel File

Feb 6, 2012

I have an master excel file with 20 sheets with names x,y,z,a,b,c,f,.... Each and every sheet has data which start from Row 7 and Column 2. Now i need to consolidate this data in one sheet in another excel file.

Consolidation should be like

Suppose X sheet has 20 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2, this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file copied on my desktop. Now first 20 rows are occupied in new excel file.

Now code should move on to master excel file Sheet Y which has 45 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2,this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file from row 21, which means Master excel file sheets has to be clubbed to one consolidated excel file.

In All the sheets in Master file Data starts from Row 7 and column 2.

Data range varies row wise in each sheet but column length is fixed to 4.

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From One Sheet To Multiple Sheets Without Duplications

Feb 16, 2012

We have a company and need to automating workflow.

The Master sheet contains incoming mail details by customer. Each employee is assigned a set number of customers to respond to. We want the information on the Master sheet to filter to a specific employee assigned sheet. On the employee assigned sheet, once filtered, they are to provide updates in column E

Reference no.
Employee ID

[Code] ........

We need a macro that can filter customers' details to the specific employee assigned sheet based on the employee ID in the master sheet. For example, all customers assigned to DW (i.e with the 'DW' employee ID) filters into a sheet called 'DW'. Please note that the Master sheet is a continuous log updated daily. This macro must not duplicate information previously filtered once the employee enters a status update in column E.

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Linking Data From One Sheet To Another

Nov 22, 2013

So I have 2 spreadsheets of Car Inventory Data that I want to export into what will be printed out as Addendum Stickers...basically we're offering a new product with all vehicles and need to update the Sticker Price to reflect the change. The main worksheet with all of the data I'm trying to export is as follows:

Column A:
Stock Number
Example: (Column, Row A3) T12345

Column B:
Model Number
Example: (Column, Row B3) 1234A

Column C:
VIN Number
Example: (Column, Row C3) ABCDEFG12A3456789

Column D:
Retail Price
Example: (Column, Row D3) $20,100

Column E:
New Product Cost
Example: (Column, Row E3) $399

Column F:
Model Name
Example: (Column, Row G3) Camry

Now the price of the new product being added in is the same: $399. All data runs in rows (A3-E3, A4-E4, etc.). I AutoSum'ed each row and output the new calculated price into Column F next to each row of vehicles.


I want to take the Stock Number, Model Number, VIN Number, Retail Price, New Product Price and New Updated Total or Columns A-F and output them into multiple sheets:


Company Name (B1-C1)

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Excel 2007 :: Copying Data And Graphs De-linking Source Data?

Dec 27, 2012

I have a simple reporting sheet where the data for orders place is in one sheet and on the other sheet is an imput box for 'date' and it filters through and presents a table of data and two graphs for the date chosen.

I give a daily report (contents of this sheet) but I also need to leave this sheet available for anyone to open and change to another date.

I want to copy the repor sheet into a new one and email but I want the graphs to remain, not go blank when anyone changes the original sheet.

Excel 2007 / Windows 7.

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Linking Data In Access And Excel

Mar 27, 2012

I am creating a Payroll Database. It is nearly complete except for the federal and state withholding tax data. I want my db to look up the data which I have saved in an excel workbook. I need the lookup to be for marital status and # of exemptions. There are a total of two variables for each table. 1. How much the gross pay is (ex. between $175-185) and # of exemptions (ex. 3 exemptions).

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Linking Sheet Data To Auto Update With Inserting New Rows

Jul 2, 2006

I have found this sales forecasting template from the Microsoft excel template section on the web, however, when i insert the new rows, it does not automatically update the "linked" sheets. It is the "detailed sales pipleline management sheet".

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Sorting Sheet That References Data From Other Sheets (Google Sheets)

Jan 25, 2014

[URL] ....

I want to sort the Inventory Checklist sheet based on Column D but it gives me nothing but references errors.

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Linking Commandbuttons On Different Sheets

Dec 12, 2007

im currently trying to link a commandbutton1 (calckatz) on one sheet to activate another commandbutton2 (megkatz) on another sheet.

the code for commandbutton2 is

Private Sub MEGkatz_Click()
'Meg calcs KATZ

Range("F6").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("F5"), ChangingCell:=Range("D9")
end sub

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Linking Blocks Of Cells Across Sheets

May 1, 2014

I have a master tab that has data grouped as follows

Column 1
title of a section (written once then left blank for the rest of a section)

Column 2
numerous descriptors (each in a new row)

Column 3
The response to the descriptors in column 2

I want to link entire sections from column 2 and 3 into different excel files so that if I make changes to column 2 or 3 in the master tab, the changes are made to all tabs. If there is a way, I'd like it if I add a row to the master, it is automatically added to the others.

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Conditional Linking Between Multiple Sheets

Nov 24, 2008

Okay, now on to the question:

I have three sheets "Contacts"/Sheet 1, "Judges"/Sheet 2, "Sponsors"/Sheet 3. Row 1 and 2 have been used as headers in each of them.

I would like to be able to enter a value in A3 of Sheet 1, such as 'judge' (a number would work fine too), and have the contact information in the same row (columns B-M) copy into the next available row of Sheet 2 in columns B-M.

I don't know if a formula exists for this but if I could type anything in the formula box and have Excel be smart enough to figure out what I'm asking I'd type something like this:

"Hey Excel. Follow this formula: IF 'judge' in sheet 1, A3; THEN copy sheet 1, B3-M3 to sheet 2, B-M next available row...Then do the same thing for 'contacts' but copy into sheet 3."

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Simple IF Formula And Linking 2 Sheets

Feb 9, 2009

So I have a list of names, and I need to keep track of whose paperwork I have. There's a column that says Yes/No.

I would like to link everything to another sheet in the file. So for every name that says "No," I would like that name to appear in the next sheet. And when someone updates the first page to put in a "yes," I want it automatically taken off the second sheet.


I have Sheet 1:....

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Linking 2 Sheets With SUMIF Function

Oct 1, 2008

I am trying to link 2 excel sheets together and I am wondering if using the SUMIF Function is the best way to do this. I will try to explain and illustrate my position.

First I have a sheet called Master where I import my companies inventory and prices. It contains ALL our inventory. Looks like this:

(Column A) (Column B)
(Item Code (Item Price
(ROW3) ZPIN $0.30
Now this master sheet is changing all the time as we import new products and prices all the time. So, this is a "list" where I can sort it by Item Code alphabetically.

Now, I am trying to make another worksheet with a list of what each of our kits contain and there prices. I will call this ThumbPiano. Like this:

Column A: COLUMN B:

We have many different kits, that only take a couple of products, and our inventory list is at like 3,400. I want to be able to go into the Master sheet and update an Item price and have it automatically update it in whatever worksheet contains those items. But how can I do this if I add an item into the workseet. Then the cells move and whatever data was in that cell before is not there now.

So, that is why I chose the SUMIF function. Maybe there is a better one? Here's what I tried...assuming the two lists before, and the code Zpin is extra in the Inventory list because we do not use it in the thumb piano hardware pack.

I tried:

It works, but then when I save it and close out of it and then re-open the ThumbPiano sheet it asks me if I want to update the sheet. I click yes, and then all the cell says "#VALUE!" "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type." Please let me know what is going wrong. I know there has to be a way to do this. I just wonder if the SUMIF formula is not the way to link 2 sheets together...but if it isn't please keep in mind that I have this looking through 3,400 parts and I will be adding to them all the time, so it needs to search through all those parts and display the correct price....

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Code To List Out Complete Sheet Names In Workbook

Feb 20, 2013

I'm about get code for list out the sheet names in current workbook, list would be displayed in a new sheet at the end.

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Excel VBA Current Folder Without Complete Path

May 15, 2009

What's a proper way - in Excel VBA - to get the current folder *without* the preceding folders/path?

For example from folder "C:oracleora81sqlplusdemo" I'd like to retrieve "demo".

Currently I have:

DirNames = Split(ThisWorkbook.Path, "")
CurrentFolder = = DirNames(UBound(DirNames))

It works, but I suspect something exists specifically for this one.

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Excel 2007 :: Cannot Complete Task With Available Resources

Feb 3, 2011

Excel 2007

Trying to insert a row and window popped out -Large Operation. " The operation you are about to perform effects a large number of cells and may take a significant amount of time to complete. Are you sure you want to continue?" I pressed ok , then, says "Excel cannot complete thsi task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications. "

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Merging Multiple Excel Sheets Into One Sheet

Mar 31, 2011

I have a workbook with multiple sheets (21 sheets) in it. The header on each sheet begins at row B5. The actual data starts from row B6. The number of rows in each sheet varies and the last row contains the total for all columns that has numbers. I wish to have one sheet that combines data from all the 21 sheets. But;

1) The header should be repeated only once
2) Only the rows that has data should be included, blank rows should be ignored
3) I do not need the last row i.e. total to be considered while merging the sheets

I've given a snapshot of the data below. The first column contains the row number just for reference.

B5 Name Address Telephone Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total Other Members B6 Tony PQR Complex Road 1 12345678

B7 Stany PQR Complex Road 1 1234567890



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Excel Copy Rows In Many Sheets To A New Sheet

Nov 2, 2012

I have this code.

Sub MM1()
Dim lr As Long, lr2 As Long, r As Long, ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.Name = "NewSheet"
For Each ws In Worksheets
lr2 = Sheets("NewSheet").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

edit to copy rows? 100rows each sheet or 200rows etc.

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