Linking Input Dates To Quarterly Reports In Different Tabs
Jan 27, 2014
I'm lookng for a way to add functionality across tabs in a spreadsheet where if you put a date and $ amount in different cells on an expense sheet, it recognizes the date of the amount input and it shows up in another tab with a list of monthly expenses.
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Feb 4, 2009
I am currently trying to manipulate date ranges for monthly and quarterly reports, and am having trouble doing this. I have attached a file with an example of what I would essentially need.
I would need the "Nbr of Projects", "Nbr of Days worked", "Nbr of International Projects" and "Nbr of Local Projects" cells filled in under each respective report, based on the data in the top left.
If a project falls in two months, such as "18.12.2008 to 15.01.2009", this would be treated as 1 project for December and 1 project for January. Also, I would need only "NETWORKDAYS" included in the solution, so 11 days in this example.
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Feb 26, 2014
My lookup formula is not hitting the correct period. How can this be adjusted without changing any of the "GRAY" data.
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Jan 5, 2012
I have a column that contains dates for an event. I would like to tally quarterly and yearly totals for these dates. What formula can I use to accomplish this?
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Nov 13, 2006
Some notes on my example file:
The data would get pasted into the first sheet, in the shaded area. It might be exactly those IDs, or others - possibly a longer or shorter list each week.
Sheet 2 has the lookup master lists, or checklists. I can set these up ahead of time, and don't change week to week. The input IDs will be checked against these lists somehow on the Report pages.
Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 are the Report pages.
I want a formula in column A to match the input ID values from Sheet 1 to their appropriate checklist on Sheet 2, and return the ID value on the appropriate Report. If the value matches Checklist 1, it should repoirt on Report 1. If it matches Checklist 2, it should report on Report 2. If the value isn't on the checklist, it shouldn't report, don't report it. If there are ID values on the checklist that don't appear on the input, they also should not report.
On the Report pages, once I have the correct IDs reporting, I can put in other formulas to pull Revenue, Cost, etc. info from elsewhere, VLOOKUP-ed from the IDs. (I know how to do that.)
The key is that in terms of sorting out the correct ID values to the correct reports, I don't want to have to do anything to the Report pages each week (like sorting to get rid of blanks, etc.) - I just want to paste in the Input.
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Nov 3, 2006
I'd like to be able to drop one table of data into a workbook that already has sheets of two or more master tables, and two or more report pages. A formula on the report pages would compare aspects of the data to the master tables, and report the data on the correct sheet based on certain criterion. The reports would not have blank spaces, need to be sorted further, etc.
My initial impulse was to think in terms of ol' verable VLOOKUP, but I can't figure out how to get the report formula to move on to the next line of the data table if it doesn't find a match for the first line - short of adding another VLOOKUP (and another, and...), which is totally impractical given that the data table will likely have 20,000+ lines.
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Aug 21, 2012
Running reports with start and end dates, example I need dates to Start 10/01/2010 and end date of 09/30/2011, retrieved date has some dates before 10/01/2010 so I need a formula to change that date to equal 10/01/2010 and the same for the end date need to have that date change to 09/30/2011.
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Nov 7, 2006
I have been lucky building codes, but this one has me bad. I already have a code that pulls data and puts it on a spreadsheet. To activate this I put in a date that I want to pull data from the PI server. What I want to do is save that data into an excel spreadsheet for history. I want it to know the date and save all the information. Then at a later time I can pull the data back up again. I can currently get it to move the data, but it doesn't sort by date and when you do the macro over it writes over what i just had. How do i get it to sort by date and enter into new cells?
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Feb 17, 2014
I have an expense workbook (Data) with 4 columns (ID, Item, Cost, Date). I would like to create macros that will generate 3 different reports and write to 3 different worksheets.
The first report is sorted and sum up the cost for each item. Please see the worksheet "Item".
The second report is sorted and sum up the cost for each part ID. Please see the worksheet "ID".
The third report is the cost for each month and Year-to-Date cost right next to it. Please see worksheet "Summary".
write the macros for each of these reports assuming that we don't know the number of rows in the "Data" worksheet.
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Aug 6, 2013
Trying to use Excel Data List to create a database style report. IE. Originally blank sheet, which is only populated by data containing data matching "filters" input into cells ( say A1 & A2 )
I.e. A1 = Delivery week to be filtered by, and B1 Manufacturer Name
So if I type week "1" into A1 & Manufacturer "Microsoft" into A2, it will show a table only containing data Microsoft, Week 1, and associated data for those lines across the screen.
Week 1
PO number : Date Ordered: Address 1, 2 3 etc....
0011 01/01/13 Somewhere
0015 02/01/13 Anywhere
0213 05/01/13 Nowhere
I know this is much easier with a database, however my manager insists a database cannot be used, and it must be in a spreadsheet format !
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Jul 10, 2014
I have nearly finished my project, but need to make the last real bit of code, then just some general tidying up.
What I want to do
- I currently have two tabs in a userform - one called 'main' and one called 'extra'.
- I want Main to always be shown to the user.
- I want Extra to be hidden (is it possible to make the tabs invisible?) and for this form to be shown only under a specific condition
I have a question on my userform (using Option Buttons):
"Did the customer ask about an extra product today?"
If the answer to this question is no - When the user hits the command button (after filling out the rest of the form), do nothing special - just return all the values to the worksheet
If the answer is yes - When the user hits the command button, I want them to be taken to the 'extra' tab. They will fill out some additional check-boxes, then hit another command box, which will return the info from both the 'main' and 'extra' sheets into the same row of the worksheet.
In brief: I want my 'extra' tab to be hidden, only to appear when 'yes' is selected, and for the results all to go back to the worksheet.
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Jan 9, 2009
How would I reorder columns & tabs based on a form where the user can put them into order that they would like the columns? I forsee some type of form where the user can dsignate the order and then start a macro that will sort both the columns and tabs.
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Sep 12, 2013
I want to create a macro that creates a new .xlsx document based on cell values. And input 4 tabs into each document with specified tab names. I have a document that pulls from external sources and fluctuates with amount of data per day. I envision something that will make a new document named for the contents in cell A1, then function as a control+down to create a new document for A2, then A3 until there is no content left (should mention these are lookup formulas, and if there is no data it pulls a value of "0")
Is there a way to put in the code, the tab names it would create in each new document, or would that have to look to a cell value for the naming? The tab names would be "GS", "MYSS", "COLL SHEET", and "WIRE".
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Jun 11, 2007
Iīd like to have a single workbook for each calendar year, with a tab for each date Monday through Friday (like 11-Jun, 12-Jun, etc.). I could then type the patients` names and times of arrival, among the other information I track. Alternatively, I could have a workbook for each month of each year (titled for example 2007 June or 2008 August), with the tabs titled by the date of the month (like 1, 4, 10, etc).
Is there an easy way to do this without manually renaming each tab for each day of the year?
If itīs too hard to limit the macro to create tabs for only the days of the workweek, it wouldnīt bother me if the workbook had to include every day of the week (Sunday-Saturday). I can always go back and delete the unnecessary ones.
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Dec 5, 2013
I am trying to run a macro to put in the Month, Day, Year on each tab but I want it to exclude holidays and weekends. I am not a techie or anything but I would like to know how to do this. I have tried various vb codes but they don't exclude the weekends/holidays.
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Apr 10, 2007
an input box I have created. Users are required to enter dates in the box which will then send the date to a specific cell in the sheet. The problem I am having is that if someone enters a date such as 08/07/2006, it is being converted to 07/08/2006 when transferred to the cell. Does anyone know any way around this? Here is a sample of the code I am using:
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Jan 27, 2014
I am trying to convert quarterly data to monthly
The quarterly data columns go: Mar-14, Jun-14 etc
The monthly data columns goes Jan-14, Feb-14 etc
I am trying to use a vlookup and match formula but as you will see in the attached file it is only working for those months that are labelled in both data e.g. March 14, June 14
Is there a formula that will pick up for example that January and February numbers should be drawn from the March 14 quarter, April and May from June quarter etc?
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Jul 29, 2009
how do i get excel to automate quarterly calculation? in column A1 I have Year and column B1 i have months (1-12) i have data in column D1 - H124 - I would like to run a macro where it will pick up Jan, Feb, march (1,2,3) for each year in column A and do a quarterly average right now i manually use =(D35*31+D36*28+D37*31)/90 but i would like to avoid human errors can i get excel to read if column B is 1,2, and 3 run quarterly average? and would excel know that in Feb there is only 28days except leap years?
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Feb 5, 2014
Each quarter should have the bars standing next to each other, i.e. Q1 2013 should stand right beside Q1 2012. Between these pairs of quarter there should be a small space and the the next pair, Q2 2013 and Q2 2012, should be. So how do I do this?
When I use data without stacking several info in the same bar, this isnt a problem but when I have this "aaa, bbb,ccc,ddd" in every bar, this gets messed up.
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May 13, 2014
I am building a Discounted Cash Flow.
I have monthly cash flows rolling for 10 years, which I need to sum up into quarterly cash flows.
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Oct 21, 2009
I use Excel 2007 , I created Interest calculator , on Daily basis , to caluculate interest , compounded quarterly.
But I want to make it compact , as d one I created is long enough.
A3 = Principal Amount
B3 = Date of Investment
C3 = Interest as on Date
D3 = Number of Days , amount Invested {comes out of formula set}
E3 = Rate of Interest
Now in F3 I want the Interest amount , compunded quarterly.
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Apr 15, 2014
I need a formula that will provide monthly and quaterly averages from another worksheet, but only include the months that have occurred. I have the formula to obtain both the averages and quarter totals, but it is counting all months w/in the quarterly range before the months have occurred.
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Dec 8, 2012
I am very new to excel and my formulas dont add up.
I need to calculate based on my quarterly goal and my quarter to date actual sales what my percentage pacing is.
Now the way i did it is =B5/A5
Do i need to add the Quarter date calculations in there because its not giving me the accurate percentage.
Goal Actual Pacing
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Aug 7, 2014
summarize quarterly data in the summary table taking into consideration the months and the district. see the attachment for a more clear picture.
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Jan 20, 2014
generating a formula that takes the weekly values in a quarter and uses them to generate a quarterly average. Quarters are split up as follows.
Q#1: 09-11 (First week of September-last week of November)
(Used to generate price for January)
Q#2: 12-02 (First week-Last week)
Q#3: 03-05 (First week-Last week)
Q#4: 06-08 (First week-Last week)
I've attached an excel sheet with some dummy data.
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Jan 19, 2007
I have a sheet with daily data starting from 01/01/2000. I want to calculate daily averages for each quarter (i.e 2000Q1 value will be the average of values between 01/01/2000-31/03/2000, 2000Q2 will be average of values between 01/04/2000-31/06/2000, 2000Q3 average(01/07/2000-31/09/2000) and 2000Q4 will be the average of (01/10/2000-31/12/2000) etc. for all years afterwards.
I want to have the values in the corresponding cells starting with range ("e2")
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Dec 31, 2013
I have data table with sales numbers by product, its wheel base, and over platform for months ranging from Aug 2013 - Nov 2013. This data table will populate with the complete month sales numbers after the month has finished going forward.
I have a table to the right of the listing the sum totals for each product (by wheel base and platform) by each quarter (rolling).
Now I need building a sumproduct average to calculate the quarterly average. This is not that simple because not all products (platform/wheel base) were available the entire quarter.
Also PLATFORM 3 in the tables are grouped - instead of listing platform 3a and platform 3b - using this in the formula:
Because not all products were available for the entire quarter - and the formula will need to count how many months that product, platform, wheel base was available during that quarter I'm guessing "=MOD(MONTH(A1)-1,3)+1" this may have to be used to count the number of months into the quarter the product was available.
Attached file. [URL] ........
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Feb 21, 2014
How to form sub-totals quarterly in a typical list of transactions. Twist being it is not calendar year quarters but quarters from from 5 April to 5 July, 6July to 5 October etc. Typical table columns looks like:
Date Amount Transcation
5/4/14 200.50 bolts
7/5/14 50.10 screws
6/6/14 10.00 bolts and nuts
SubTotal 260.60
12/7/14 10.00 bolts and nuts
10/8/14 40.00 rivets
4/10/15 10.00 screws
Sub Total 60.00
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May 22, 2014
I'm using a stacked bar chart (in Excel 2010, running on Windows 7) to create a simple Gantt-type chart - with just four or five bars. I've got my chart looking most of the way I want it to, but one thing still eludes me: I'd like to set up the major axis ticks to be quarters of the year (from 1/1/2011 to 4/1/2013). Since quarters are not regular intervals (they are not exactly every 90 days), I can't do this using Excel's standard functionality for choosing axis tick marks.
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Sep 22, 2012
I have been trying to get Excel (2007) to change the colour of tabs to match other tabs in the workbook
Using this code I get the colour code of the current tab
x = ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex
But when I use this value in a procedure like this:
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = x
The tab is a different colour!
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