Excel Data Using Cells Input To Filter Data And Producing Database Style Reports

Aug 6, 2013

Trying to use Excel Data List to create a database style report. IE. Originally blank sheet, which is only populated by data containing data matching "filters" input into cells ( say A1 & A2 )

I.e. A1 = Delivery week to be filtered by, and B1 Manufacturer Name

So if I type week "1" into A1 & Manufacturer "Microsoft" into A2, it will show a table only containing data Microsoft, Week 1, and associated data for those lines across the screen.

Week 1

PO number : Date Ordered: Address 1, 2 3 etc....

0011 01/01/13 Somewhere
0015 02/01/13 Anywhere
0213 05/01/13 Nowhere

I know this is much easier with a database, however my manager insists a database cannot be used, and it must be in a spreadsheet format !

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Data From Input To Database List

Jan 21, 2007

I am currently working on a project for college. I have downloaded an example from a website and want help editing some vb code so I can use it in my project.

I have attached the example. As you see there is an input worksheet and the record of what you have already entered. The vb code takes some information from the system such as time and date and the user. All I want it to do is that it takes data from 5 cells I have.

I am no vb expert but I have tried and failed.

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Sending Reports In Excel To Multiple Clients Using Single Data Table?

Sep 30, 2013

I have a workbook that contains

Tab 1 --a datatable with mulitiple suppliers. Data changes once a week.

Tab 2-25 --Report Tab for each client--to be sent out to client weekly to update status of deliveries.

Current process:

1. copy and paste data table into excel model Tab 1

2. use advanced filtering to pull data from the datatable into each tab one tab at a time--25 times!

3. Sort the date in the report tab--25 times

4. Format the report tab--25 times

5. Copy and Paste into a separate workbook--25 times

6. Send each report--25 times

How do I reduce the number of steps in this reporting process?

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Excel 2013 :: Filter Data And Edit With A Search Instead Of The Filter Button

Oct 5, 2013

I have a database in Excel 2013 and now I want that when a value (a person's name) is entered in a cell. That then the database sort of filters the list for me, so it's still possible to make changes in the entries.


Picture above to specify the search, which I would therefore like to edit

Dashboard_Action Pool Team 7.2.xlsm

I have been all morning working on a simplified version of the tutorial from YouTube: Create your own Excel Search Pt. 4. But came back later so only then that I can not change the data:?

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Excel 2010 :: After Applying A Data Filter And Sorting The Data / How To Revert Back To Original

Dec 20, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010 and I applied a Data Filter to a simple table. I then messed around with the drop downs in each column, sorting the data by different criteria. After doing this, is there a simple way to get the table to revert back to its original order/form?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Filter / Sort Data Based On Partial Match Of Data In Cell

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Excel 2010. I am a novice user.

I have a lot of data to filter / sort. I want to initially to create a filter for a column of data - which has the format similar to hierarchical paths to files. The data is a mix of text/numbers. e.g.


[Code] .........

Doing an alphabetical sort of this date would return the following order. As you can see while each strings in unique - there are many instances where they are simialr - if you ignore the unique numeric values at the end of the string.


[Code] ......

So what I want to do is to create a filter for the strings - but ignoring the numeric bits at the end i.e.


The strings are obviiously of varying length and the number of hierarchical paths is different, so I can't split string on "/".

Similarly folder paths names can contain "_" so can't split string on this either.

As I don't know how many "/" or "-" instances there will be in the string I don't believe I can use the find function. Also as the amount of number will be different i don't think I can use =right(a1,X) either.

I may be able to search for the pattern above - as this is probabay unique - so maybe it's something like the following pseudo code:

Function GetString(txt As String) As String
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "reg_d+(_)+d+//d"
GetString = .execute(txt)(0)
End With
End Function

If I do require VBA code - how do I then use this for creating a column filter? Or will I have to extract the filtered data first from the column (and its associated row data) into another worksheet to use?

Once I have the filter in place I want to create tables using the filtered data - so for example each column value above has a lot of associated data values in each row e.g

26 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_0_0/d
32 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_17_0/d
8 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_4_0/d

So my table would show the name "data_out_reg" and the range of values 8-32

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Clear Data Depending On User Input And Move Cells Forward Without Deleting Data Table

Oct 25, 2012

I have an month input in cells B2 (user can enter values from 1-5)

I then have a data table that has month 1,2,3,4,5 running across range G9:K9. the data is held in range G10:K19.

So if user types in 4 in B2, what should happen is that months 1,2,3 and 4 the data for these months should be cleared and data in month 5 moves forward into month 1.

So basically, anything left of the month entered is B2 should be cleared and replaced with anything right of the month in B2.



[Code] ........

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Extract Data From EPR Database Into Excel

Dec 9, 2011

I'm tasked with looking up part numbers in Epicor's ERP database and entering the labor cost into excel. Is there any way to write a macro or VB program that lokks at the part number in excel, goes into epicor, pulls finds the part number and cut and pastes the cost data.

I have about 30,000 of these to look up.

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Importing Excel Data Into A Database

Jul 20, 2006

which databases people are using with importing excel data into a database.

I want to know people's experiences on different databases and suggestions on which database i can use maybe.

On this moment i do everything in excel, but excel is not longer working properly because of large files that need to be connected to 1 or more sheets.

This is the situation now:

VAX (Dos bases database) -> Comma seperated Files -> Importing in Excel -> Linking the data to sheets.
Now I want to have a database where i can do all normal operations to have a good look and the situation of stock status, ordered parts, sales etc. (inventory control)

Who has experiences with databases ? And what are you doing with that database?

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Excel 2003 :: Autopopulate Data From 1 Database To Another?

Jul 1, 2014

I have inherited a number of databases in work (running Office 2003). It has quickly become apparant that a vast amount of work is duplicated and so i am trying to cut down the data input and therefore the possible errors.......

I have narrowed most of the work down and now have a major worksheet (is that what you call a complete Excel file) named "master database" and several over minor files....

Currently what i am trying to do is to get one of the minor files to auto populate an area of the master database. I will try to explain it below...

1. Minor database has 2 columns with data i require to auto populate the master database. (1 column (B) is called 'off', the 2nd column (C) is called 'on').

2. A number will be inputed manually into either 'B' only or 'B and C' columns, depending on the criteria of the job..

3. The criteria of the job is dictated by column (Z) where the text 'A' or 'ATL' is inputed

4. The master database i would like to add up the numbers inputed as a total from columns 'off' and 'on' and place them into seperate columns 'E' and 'G' of the master database.

5. IF column (Z) shows 'A' then only column (B) 'off' is to be calculated and put into the master database at column (E)

6. IF column (Z) shows 'ATL' then BOTH columns (B and C) 'on' AND 'off' are to be added together and column (G) populated on the master database.....

To make mattters more complex. An expiry date is shown on the master database at columns (D) and (F).
IF column (E) does not exceed 12 by the expiry date, i would like the cell (D) to turn red
IF column (G) does not exceed 10 by the expiry date, I would like the cell (F) to turn red

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Excel 2010 :: Create Database That Contains Data Taken From Several Workbooks?

Mar 8, 2014

I am trying to create a database that contains data taken from several work books that i have saved in one folder on my hard drive. These workbooks contain quite a lot ** data, but i only want to extract the data i want to instead ** having to extract it all? these works books are used by several other people as well, so i want it to be able to update as data changes.

I was thinking about using data links, but that only seems to extract all the data instead ** just what i want?

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Excel - Macro To Copy Invoice Data To Database

Aug 1, 2014

Following macro code is for copying Excel Invoice Data to Excel Database. Also cleans the specified cells after copying. Its working Perfectly.

But there are some issues that should be solved.

Problem 1: It copies empty cells(""), formula based cells and blank drop-down list.

Problem 2: After copying it cleans formulas too. Formulas must be remain their.

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Extract Data From Excel Database Based On Criteria

Apr 16, 2012

What I am trying to do is extract all the data from a excel database based on criteria. When i specify the site and month I need to pull all the corresponding data and write it to a worksheet. Below is an example. I am not allowed to show all the data it is confidential.

Site Date Operator Month
Chicago 12/3/11 Daniel December
San Jose 4/8/12 Mike April
New York 4/8/12 John April

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Excel Macro To Lookup Edit Data In Online Database

May 18, 2012

I'm working on an Excel based product. As part of the security process I would like to require the user to enter a product id key into excel. Then the spreadsheet would compare the entered value to some kind of online database to verify the id key is valid. Finally, the spreadsheet would update the online database so that the id key is no longer functional. How easy is this to do?

I know verifying that the id key is valid is fairly simple.

Here is my biggest issue: How to get Excel to update the database and of course what form would this database take. Maybe its a table on a webpage, or google docs. Again the issue is how would I be able to update the table.

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Excel 2010 :: Importing Data Into Database - Cell Formatting

Mar 19, 2014

I'm importing data from Excel 2010 into a database.

I'm joining to 2 cells into one. A1 = 12 Rushwood Street and B1 = London. So C1 = 12 Rushwood Street London

I need C1 to look like this:

12 Rushwood Street

I tried wrap text but when I import it comes out as one line in the database.

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Fetch Data From Excel Database And Display It On Respective Textbox?

Apr 4, 2014

I want some code on how to fetch data from an Excel Database and display it on respective textbox.

Like I have these coloum name in excel sheet; Emp Id

Reporting to
Transport req.

I want to have VBA code to fetch it on txtbx1, txybx2 and so on.

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Excel 2003 :: Find Data From Huge Database Of Items Of Equipment

May 23, 2012

Macro to find data from a huge database of items of equipment and find certain ones relevant to an area. I am using Excel 2003.

I have a spreadsheet which has three tabs.

Tab one has a list of equipment with a Ref (Col A), ID (Col B), mile (Col C) and chain (Col D) start and a mile (Col E) and chain (Col F) finish.

There are about 25 different Refs and IDs, but all rows have different Mile and Chains.

The second tab is an identical template of the third tab which is where I want the results to go (see below)

The third tab is raw data which list thousands of items but I want the macro to find the items which are in the first tab using the ref, ID, mile and chain information.

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One Input, Two Lookups, Two Reports

Nov 13, 2006

Some notes on my example file:

The data would get pasted into the first sheet, in the shaded area. It might be exactly those IDs, or others - possibly a longer or shorter list each week.

Sheet 2 has the lookup master lists, or checklists. I can set these up ahead of time, and don't change week to week. The input IDs will be checked against these lists somehow on the Report pages.

Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 are the Report pages.

I want a formula in column A to match the input ID values from Sheet 1 to their appropriate checklist on Sheet 2, and return the ID value on the appropriate Report. If the value matches Checklist 1, it should repoirt on Report 1. If it matches Checklist 2, it should report on Report 2. If the value isn't on the checklist, it shouldn't report, don't report it. If there are ID values on the checklist that don't appear on the input, they also should not report.

On the Report pages, once I have the correct IDs reporting, I can put in other formulas to pull Revenue, Cost, etc. info from elsewhere, VLOOKUP-ed from the IDs. (I know how to do that.)

The key is that in terms of sorting out the correct ID values to the correct reports, I don't want to have to do anything to the Report pages each week (like sorting to get rid of blanks, etc.) - I just want to paste in the Input.

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Single Input To Multiple Reports

Nov 3, 2006

I'd like to be able to drop one table of data into a workbook that already has sheets of two or more master tables, and two or more report pages. A formula on the report pages would compare aspects of the data to the master tables, and report the data on the correct sheet based on certain criterion. The reports would not have blank spaces, need to be sorted further, etc.

My initial impulse was to think in terms of ol' verable VLOOKUP, but I can't figure out how to get the report formula to move on to the next line of the data table if it doesn't find a match for the first line - short of adding another VLOOKUP (and another, and...), which is totally impractical given that the data table will likely have 20,000+ lines.

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Linking Input Dates To Quarterly Reports In Different Tabs

Jan 27, 2014

I'm lookng for a way to add functionality across tabs in a spreadsheet where if you put a date and $ amount in different cells on an expense sheet, it recognizes the date of the amount input and it shows up in another tab with a list of monthly expenses.

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Excel VBA Input Box Incorrect Data Being Stored?

Aug 1, 2014

I just want to ask the user to enter the date in a mm/dd/yy format, however, the date received is some how changing.

For example I execute the following code and get 8/01/14 instead of 8/21/14


I have even tried pulling the date from a formatted cell with no luck.

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How Do I Save Data In Excel When Input=different Sheet

Mar 31, 2007

I am an excel user and know only some basic functions of excel. My query is how do i save data inputted in an excel sheet to another sheet in database form (tabulated). I will try to explain what my present input and outputs are and what I would like to achieve. I think this would make my requirement more understandable.

Present Input:
My Excel Sheet (has only one record per sheet). This after being filled up, is printed. This sheet gets overwritten when a new record is filled in as it replaces the previous data.

Present Output:
Hard Copy of the form, which is printed.

Required Input:
Excel Sheet (has only one record per sheet). This after being filled up, is printed. This sheet gets overwritten when a new record is filled in as it replaces the previous data.

Required Processing:
As the sheet is printed, it should save the data in tabulated form in the same file on a different sheet.

Required Output:
1. Hard copy of the form, which is printed.
2. Saving the data to another sheet in database format i.e. in tabulated form so that analysis or comparisons may be done.

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Possible To Reference ALL Values From Reports Filter (Pivot)?

Aug 27, 2012

We've a pivot with a report filter. And, I choose multiple items from the report filter. Is it possible to get all those selected values in a particular cell ?

Currently, if I do a '=C12' (where, C12 is the report filter cell), in another cell (say, D12), i get to see '(Multiple Items)'.

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Combobox To Filter Data In Excel?

Mar 19, 2013

I have a table of data and would like to filter it based on the combo box selection so that only those results which match the combo box are displayed.




WARD, MONTH, YEAR will be combo boxes through which the records below will be filtered.

I want to attach a sample but not sure how to

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Input The Name And Have That Data Populate A Different Ten Cells

Jul 13, 2006

how to do some complex stuff in Excel but sometimes I don't know how to do some really easy stuff. After I have named a data set of say a certain ten cells in one column, is there a function or a way to input the name and have that data populate a different ten cells? For instance if I have a huge amount of data all coded and I want to take equal but different portions and run them through a template, how can I make it so I just have to enter the a code for any of the data I have coded and have it populate momentarily where ever I need it to go? I'm sure this is very easy to do unless I have explained it inadequately.

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Copy Filter Data And Paste It On Another Workbook With Special Cells (Only Visible Cells)

Apr 12, 2014

I am using code to filter my 4 sheets Greater then 0 (zero)

After apply above filter now i need to copy multiple rows and paste on another specific workbook for paste i m using below code:

for 1st sheet with the name ("V2")

for 2nd sheet with the name("LV")

For 3rd sheet with the name ("F2")

and 4th sheet with the name("L2")

If I play above code one by one all is going very well,,,,,,or if use in this way all is going very well

But here is a big problem..........if any sheet have no value greater then 0(zero)....then code paste all data... e.g shssts("LV") .Range("C5:C54").Copy but C5:C54 have no data greater then 0(zero) and it will paste on another sheet c5:c54 and again new sheets data will paste below the c54 while c5:c54 have no data.

So I want if any sheet have no data with range is greater then 0(Zero) then skip the copy paste code or use like SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) .

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Excel 2010 :: Hyperlink - URL Has Two Values In Which To Input Data

Feb 24, 2012

I wish to use a formula to grab data out of cells A1 & B1 and use that data to complete a hyperlink URL in cell A3. The base URL never changes but the last two variables do. For instance:

URL Format: http://www.test.com/XXXX&page=XXX

Example data:
Cell A1 = 1234 (always 4 digits)
Cell A2 = 567 (always 3 digits)

Desired Final Result, hyperlink: [URL] .........

I cannot seem to figure it out.... my formula i have gives errors:

=HYPERLINK("http://www.test.com/"(A1)"&page="(A2), "Linked")

This is Excel 2010

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Creating A Form Style Data Entry

Jan 21, 2010

I'm wanting to create a simple form type interface for the viewing and changing of data one record at a time. What I'd like is on sheet one, and simple portait form to display

First Name
House Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

on sheet two each column will be one of the above fields and each row will be a new record. Is there a way to do this in excel? Im trying to create a simple user experience that hide the rows & colums.

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Group Data Based On Format Style

May 6, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with a content in cells. Some of the cells are indented left and some aren't. I would like a macro that groups all of the cells that are indented left above the cells that are not indented.

I've attached a spreadsheet : Book1.xlsx‎

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Data Validation Lists: Tree Style

Oct 7, 2006

I have a data validation list in B31 "material type" that has 4 options (Adhesives, Metals, Backer Board, & Grout). Based on that selection F31 needs to display a list of "descriptions" that match that "material type". The list is in book "database.xls!sheet3". Material type list is Column A, Description is in Column E. I know that you can't link to an unopened workbook in data validation, & I've been trying to code it, but again the lack of expierence & knowledge has frustrated me again :P This code to get the info for the file to open

Private Function GetValue(path, file, sheet, ref)
Dim arg As String
If Right(path, 1) <> "" Then path = path & ""
If Dir(path & file) = "" Then
GetValue = "File Not Found"
Exit Function
End If
arg = "'" & path & "[" & file & "]" & sheet & "'!" & _
Range(ref).Range("A1").Address(, , xlR1C1)
GetValue = ExecuteExcel4Macro(arg)
End Function....................

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