Macro To Run On A Dynamic Selection Range
Oct 13, 2008
I am looking to run a marco for a selection range, and the selection range could vary in size.
Using the Macro recorded (whilst turning on the relative reference) the Macro runs for a defined number of cells. I would like to run certain Macro, for different ranges of cells.
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Feb 8, 2010
I am filtering a list in Column H and depending on what criteria I filter on I need to be able to select only what I have actually filtered for. I am using the code below to find the lower right corner of my range that I'm trying to select and this works great.
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May 7, 2009
I have three rows that each attempt to pull in data from a range on different worksheets. All but one return nothing but "#N/A" values. The one row returns values from the proper range. (User selections determine which row will have data).
Second, I successfully pull data from the row containing actual information into another row, using the following formula: "=OFFSET(E$36,CHOOSE($Y$1,0,1,2),0)" on a cell-to-cell basis. The value in $Y$1 chooses the row to look at, based upon a dropdown selected on another worksheet.
So I now have a row with =OFFSET(E$36,CHOOSE($Y$1,0,1,2),0),=OFFSET(F$36,CHOOSE($Y$1,0,1,2),0),=OFFSET(G$36,CHOOSE($Y$1,0,1,2),0) and so forth. I can find the last value in the row, but I cannot find a way to extract the address from that, and create a table that will use as a series the last 26 values in the row.
For reference, I use "=LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,E49:FD49)" to determine the last cell with a value (gleaned from a Dueling Excel Youtube Video, - very helpful!).
I hope the above will be clear enough, but if not, I'll be happy to provide additional information / clarification.
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a log that I use to keep track of my hours where the days hours and charge numbers get summed and moved to a new sheet via a command button. One of the categories is week ending date. I want the week ending date cells to merge if they match and cannot get the range I want to highlight. I can move the data, find and define the first and last cells in the range, but can't get the command to work. I think it is just a syntax error, as I am new to VBA.
I can open a Locals window and watch it assign values to myFirstCell and myLastCell of "$A$36" and "$A$44" respectively, but I get an error on either the set range= or lines.
My code is as follows:
Private Sub Post_Hours_To_Log_Click()
'Posts the day's hours to the hours tracker.
Dim myFirstCell, myLastCell As Variant
Dim myRange As Variant
***Removed N/A code that goes to another sheet and decides which data to copy***
Application.Goto reference:=Worksheets("Hours Log").Range("A2"), _
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Feb 21, 2011
The CRM application that we use provides output in an excel sheet "Table View 1". I want to be able to copy the data that is dumped to a sheet to another sheet. The requirements:The data output range is different. Sometimes it is 4 rows and sometimes it is 25 rows. I want a mechanism where based on the output, the formula/macro automatically copies the information to the new sheet.The first 2 rows need to be excluded when the copy is being made.
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May 13, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where I've disallowed selection of multiple cells using the code in the 2nd box below, but is there a way to override this protection to allow selection of a named range? My reason for doing so is to open this workbook as read only from code in another workbook and copy the entire table. My code for doing that works ok (I frequently use it in other workbooks) but, in this case, my need to disallow selection of multiple cells in this particular worksheet is tripping me up.
This is the code I'm using to try and pull the data into another workbook:
Workbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "RSL-Jobs-Register.xls", ReadOnly:=True
Application.GoTo Reference:="JobsTable"
and this is the code I have in RSL-Jobs-Register.xls which is preventing me from selecting the (dynamic) named range called "JobsTable".
''' I'm thinking I could have something here like (in plain English) "If selected range "JobsTable" Then"
''' (apply the code below) but I'm not sure of the code
If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Sorry, operations on multiple selections aren't allowed here", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
The formula for the dynamic named range called "JobsTable":
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May 22, 2013
Im having some problems with range selection in macros. Basically, what the macro does is Copy / Paste as Values in differet sectors of an active worksheet, so this is the code for each range of cells that I need to copy paste:
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
The problem with this code, is that because it specifies EXACTLY which range to select, if I add a row before that range the macro will be now selecting an incorrect range.
For example, say I have a value on cell A5, and the macro is set up to copy/paste that cell. Later on, I decide to add a row in A3, so the value I would need to copy/paste will now be in A6, but the macro will still execute on A5 (incorrect, as it should now execute in A6, and that is what I have to manually correct each time).
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Nov 17, 2011
I am trying wihout suceess to create a range to copy in a macro each time the macro loops. This is thus a dynamic range. My failed attempt is listed below. How is this done?
For I = 1 To 282
Range ("B5").Select
Range(ActiveCellOffset(0,ColumnAdjust),ActiveCellOffset (0,ColumnAdjust+1))
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
ColumnAdjust= ColumnAdjust=2
Next I
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May 28, 2007
I am attempting to create a dynamic range within a macro.
Each week, a list of performance factors is recorded for employees. The macro is about to do an Advanced Filter to create reports based on user-provided criteria. Since there is new data every week, the range used for the Advanced Filter is dynamic. The code for the Advanced Filter refers to a range entitled “Database.” My problem is in defining “Database.”
It is currently 534 rows and 8 columns, starting at A1.
The relevant portion of the macro currently reads:
Sub Check1()
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Database", RefersToR1C1:= _
"=OFFSET('Loan Officer History'!$A$1,0,0, COUNTA('Loan Officer History'!$A:$A),8)"
Range(Database).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range( _
"J1:Q2"), CopyToRange:=Range("J5:Q5"), Unique:=False
End Sub
When running the macro, the debugger stops at the line which starts "ActiveWorkbook.Names" and tells me “Run-time error ‘1004’. The formula you typed contains an error.”
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Jun 6, 2013
I have a Ranking tab that has the persons name, weeks, months that subtotal into 2 columns, MTD and YTD. I have set up with 2 Macros to sort based on two columns based on their selection of MTD or YTD.
What I did not take into consideration is if a person was added at the bottom of the list.
Is there a way to modify this to include rows that may be added?
[/B]Sub SortYTD()
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Sep 6, 2007
I recorded this macro based on a column with a drop down window in which data has been filtered .....
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Feb 20, 2009
I need a bit of assistance in identifying the dynamic range so that my macro below will work:
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May 6, 2004
I am still having some difficulty in getting a macro to select a print range on a text file imported into excel. All the data pulls into column A which is OK. I'm trying to get my macro to highlight & select the print range by going Home, End Down, Tab right Tab right and then select whatever that highlighted range is. This range will change from file to file.
My macro reads as follows:
Sub PrintToView()
' PrintToView Macro
' Macro recorded 5/5/2004 by
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May 18, 2006
I am not sure if my problem is in the dynamic range or not. I have attached a small sample file. I tried to create a dynamic range by creating a named range of my "LabelRow" with the following as the refers to: =OFFSET($C$32,0,1,0, COUNTA($32:$32))
When I set my cursor on this, Excel makes an outline on the whole row 32 where there is data, which gives me some clue that it understands what I am trying to define. Next, I try to pick this range up and paste it using named ranges in a macro (CopyRange). It gives me an error like it doesn't understand the named range. I do similar macro code in many other places in this project and it works with non-dynamic ranges. Here are some other details on this project. I need a dynamic range because I insert new data into the dataset, which may be 2 quarters up to 20 quarters. This insert causes a regular range to be messed up. My ultimate goal is to graph selected rows of data with the same labels, but I need to have it starting at Q1, which is pushed to the right as new rows are added.
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Jan 28, 2014
I am trying to select rows in excel using a macro and then hide the rows, but i want to be able to add rows within this selection and still be able to hide the complete selection of rows.
The macro i am currently using is shown below: This hides rows 131 - 205, but if i was to add in another row in between so the range i now want to hide is 131-206 can i get the macro to update to this new range?
[Code] ......
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Feb 26, 2008
I have been tring to define a dynamice range in VBA. At the moment, I use following method to Define the range,
Sub OTC_Future_Total()
Dim DynamicRange As Range
Set DynamicRange = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown))
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Aug 1, 2013
I need to find average of the values , the count of the cells will be dynamic (may be 5 or even 200).
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Feb 4, 2007
Here is my code piece
For pCounter = 3 To OutputWorkbook.Worksheets("abc").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If temp = outputWorkbook.Worksheets(Output). Cells(pCounter, 1) Then
rowToColour = pCounter + 1
outputWorkbook.Worksheets(Output).Rows("rowToColour:rowToColour ").Select
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 3
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
End If
Next pCounter
-I store some numeric value in "temp" variable in some other part of my program
- Then i need to search the "Output" sheet to find the Cell in which i have the same value stored as the string "temp"
- And once i have found the cell , i need to colour the row beneath that cell with red.
The issue is with selection and colouring of the row after finding the cell. So the question is :
Is this the right way to select the row ? i keep getting errors like 1004 etc.
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Apr 9, 2008
Ultimate goal is to automatically update the source data for 4 pivot tables that are on 1 worksheet. The data for those 4 pivot tables are on 4 different worksheets w/in the same workbook. Consolidating into one dataset is not an option.
I'm familiar with a dynamic named range, but the 4 worksheets that contain the data are replaced daily via automated Access output which creates an error.
I know how to do this adhoc by matching the pivot table names with their respective worksheets, but there are many other documents with similar layouts where this would beneficial.
Below is an example of how I currently update 3 pivots on separate worksheets w/ the same data range which is w/in the same workbook. My proposed changes are below the current. Any ideas on how to return the workbook name as a string...Or am I going about this the completely wrong way...
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Aug 22, 2013
I have data that I need to be dynamically sorted in the highlighted manner. The values on the selection criteria are dynamic.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have a follwing data:
Sheet1 ABCDEFGH2Days12345673Values2040550000 Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
I have plotted a line graph based on the above table; but I am getting zero values also plotted. since these Values are linked to some other workbook I can't delete the cell values also.
How can we avoid Zero values on a graph; Also is there any approach, that my graph should get automatically updated whenever the linked values are updated.
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Jun 22, 2013
I will receive one master file which contains the table and it's values and I have another working sheet where I will update the require details. Every time I will copy the entire master data into working file in order to extract the values by using vlookup function. note that the master file has different names each time. So, that if I use vlookup by taking master data path but not getting the results.
I am looking one macro code to select file (master data) and paste the values based on vlooup references in workings sheets. Note this master data file name may change but reference range always same.
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Dec 22, 2009
I have a range which will change in size & in content, & I want this to be a Named Range at whatever size it is.
Reason I want to is because I want to make a Validation List with this dynamic range. I also want a Validation list which lists the content of 2 or more dynamic ranges which may or may not be on the same worksheet - is this possible?
First dynamic range: called "Milestones" at A11
Second dynamic range: called "Activities" at A25
& make a Validation list that will list content of both
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Apr 3, 2008
Im sorting a dynamic range as mentioned in this Sorting a Named Range. My range is called drWarningTypes and is defined as:
=OFFSET(DataSource!$A$2,0,0, COUNTA(DataSource!$A:$A)-1,1)
When there is only one cell in the range, then running the following sort function includes A1 also in the search (and also adjoining columns).....
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Jul 15, 2014
I have a column of data that keeps getting new information in it. what i need is a named range that i can use for a chart, first point in the named range will be the first value in the column, second point will be avg. of point 1 and 2, then 3rd point will be avg. of 1,2,3 etc.
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Oct 28, 2009
I am trying to get to grips with the dynamic ranges for pivot tables. I have named a range data and in the refers to section put:
I was hoping that then when i go to data > Pivot table and it asks for the range i could put =Data but it tells me that the range is invalid. I have attached a copy at the bottom.
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Sep 13, 2007
My searches have not produced anything that I could apply to this situation.
I'm trying to write VBA that would:
1. Search a Workbook for Dynamic Ranges.
2. When a Dynamic Range is found the code would:
A. Determine the current coordinates for the range.
B. Change the "Refers To" value From "=OFFSET...." To "=Worksheet_Name $Column$Row:$Column$Row"
3. Save Changes.
4. Close File.
My apologies but I have very little experience in writing VBA. I understand about variables, arguments, and IF/THEN but just enough to use functions within Excel.
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Nov 5, 2009
I have a range of data that will grow as the days of the month pass but I need to run calculations on this range. The data is 13 columns wide but the number of rows will increase daily. I remember using a formula in the Define Range that would automatically take into account new additions using the OFFSET function but cannot for the life of me think how exactly to do it.
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Jul 7, 2014
Line of code that will Select a Named Range in this case I have Named a CELL "DataSummary" Need to use that named range by selecting 30 columns and 54 rows.
Range("DataSummary),(??,??) doesn't work.
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Mar 6, 2008
I have been working on part of the code for my spreadsheet and it works fine in the spreadsheet “Databaseform” however when I copied the code to my master spreadsheet “Paul_PartLocDBCombo” it does not work, I get the error:
Method ‘ range’ of object ‘_worksheet’ failed
The code is then highlighted in yellow, the code is:
Set rng = wksPartsData.Range("a1", Range("a65536").End(xlUp))
Meaning this part is incorrect but I don’t know why? To work it: go to Databaseform and press start. Enter 7mm in the product field and press find all. It will then return all the matching results in the userform. Its this I want to try and achieve on the other spreadsheet when the button find label is pressed.
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