VBA To Extract Data From Sheets If It Match Condition

Nov 13, 2012

I wanted to extract the data from the sheets if it match condition.

In the sheet george, data is in the A9: AE500. in the B9:B500, there is date format (mm-yy).

In the H9:AD500, designed as checklist where update as "Y" if or nothing

I wanted to extract the data from this file to sheet Exctract if any of the cell in the H9:H500 not equal to "Y" and B9:B500 of sheet george is less than or equal to D2 of sheet Extract. in the sheet George, some row will be hidden, i wanted to bring the data from hidden rows also.

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Extract Data From Few Sheets To Master Sheet With 2 Match Criteria

Jan 8, 2013

i want the compile all information from few sheet (20) with same format on daily basis based on due and CF status cash flow. the format as below as the result will same as original format,

Receive Date
Frank No


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Match Data On List & Extract

Mar 12, 2004

Im using XL 2k and working on several worksheets. Im trying to create a formula to do the following.

On Hardware Wksht Tab cell B20 should extract data from HardwareLIST Wksht if it matches to cell C20 from Hardware Wksht Tab. The cell in HardwareLIST A10 is a drop down list of hardware.

C20 Specifies 4 x 8 Only
C21 Specifies 4 x 9 Only
C22 Specifies 4 x 10 Only

However the drop list contains 3 different types of 4x8's, 4x9's & 4x10s. If selected then B20 should read drop list and match criteria & return the value from HardwareLIST D10. Im having trouble formulating this one.

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Extract Data From Multiple Sheets Into One

Aug 6, 2008

I am running into at the moment is that where the Select Case is checking if the sheet name starts with the initials and project number, it doesn't seem to recognise if it is correct (and therefore perform the actions). I have stepped through the code and when I use the immediate window to manually check:

? ws.Name Like "TA0632*"

I get True as an answer, but the code goes on to the next case as though it is false. Here is the code I have so far, which I'm sure can be trimmed down loads:

Option Explicit
Dim currCell As Range
Dim c As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim rng
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim skp As String
Dim LastColumn As Integer

Sub Breakdown()
Dim t
t = Timer
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
Debug.Print "Current sheet is " & ws.Name

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Populate New Sheet With Data From Multiple Sheets Given Condition?

Dec 16, 2011

I am trying to populate a blank sheet with data from multiple sheets given a certain condition.

Scenario: I have multiple columns on each sheet, but only three of interest to me. The first column has a header "Part ID", the second column header is "Description", the third column header is "QTY". I want to pull the data from all three columns to the new sheet when the QTY for that column IS NOT 0. The three columns of interest are always in Column A, B, and C.

The only thing that may make it tricky is that the data doesn't necessarily start on the first row of each sheet. For example, the headers for the first sheet are on row 17, and the headers for the second sheet are on row 5. So on and so forth...

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Extract Multiple Sheets Data Into One Sheet

Aug 14, 2014

Creating macro which can read data from one/or more sheet and copy and paste it into another sheet, by matching up column A & B and Row 1, between the both sheets.

I have monthly data stored in each sheet, named as May, June, July etc. I also have sheet called 'monthly' within the same workbook, where I would like to extract all monthly totals, from sheets july, June etc, into the 'Monthly' worksheet by matching up its names from Column A and B and row1 header with each sheet's names.

The june,july worksheets have date1, date2 etc, columns with data and after those columns, there are the 'bs, rm, cm, cd, cl' columns, and these are the columns, I would like to use, to extract the numbers from and paste in the 'monthly' worksheet.

My current issue, is that the 'bs, rm, cm..etc' columns are not fixed, due to the 'date1, date2 etc' columns can vary, for each month.

For this current task, I was using a formula as shown below to extract the values into 'monthly' worksheet, however due to unfixed columns for 'bs, rm, cm... etc', I could not get the formula to work for the 'july' and 'Aug' months (i.e. extract data into 'monthly' worksheet, from the june&aug sheets).

[Code] ......

I would like to request, if it is possible to use the formula below to re-create macro which can carry out this task, by extracting all the values from 'june, july, aug etc' sheet, into the 'monthly' sheet, at once.

I have attached a sample workbook with example of data layout and desired output shown in monthly worksheet.


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Extract Data From Main Sheet To Other Sheets

Mar 29, 2009

I have already placed a siniliar question but I think it fell through the cracks or it was to difficult to understand!! I am losing my mind as the hrs tick down and I can't get this done

I have a detailed sheet called "detail"

I have 5 other sheets called "J1" "J2" "J3" "J4" "J5"

The sheets are exactly the same with headers already in. However "detail" sheet has all the detail and the "J" sheets are blank.

I need a macro in a command box that will start on line 5 of the detail section and look in column "D". if either of the "J"s are in column D then the row will be copied, cell colour turns green, and pasted in one of the 5 "J" sheets depending on the value. This process should continue to loop until there are no more lines left in "detail" to copy

I just can't get my head around how to write a macro that will perform this. I have searched through different threads and tried and manipulated a few but I can't get it to work at all. I think I am so frustrated after 8 hrs that

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Compare Two Excel Sheets And Extract Common Data?

Jul 24, 2014

i want to compare two excel sheets and extract common data in either sheet. For eg: If sheet 1 and sheet 2 contains some common data, i need to compare or lookup or whatever i do but i need to pull out that common data in sheet 2.

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Copy Worksheet Data By Condition/Criteria To Respective Named Sheets

Jun 2, 2008

Now what I am looking to do is search my spreadsheet for specific criteria and then copy and paste these rows of information to a new sheet.

In my first spreadsheet that I am using as a database, I want to be able to select any entry from the month and copy it to another spreadsheet named for that criteria.

In other words, I want to find every entry for January, copy just that data's rows and paste them to the January spreadsheet, February to February, etc. My date fields are in column A.

I also want to do the same with representatives names found in column B.

This will break down the data for each rep and each month. Using the filter, then copy and pasting would be cumbersome.

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Get The Index Worksheet To Extract Data From The Sheets That It Has Indexed: Hyperlinks

Oct 30, 2006

I am now trying to get the Index worksheet to extract data from the sheets that it has indexed, for example, it returns the sheet name, but i want it also to return the value that is contained in C2 and C3. Is this possible? I have attached the code which i am using below for ease of reference.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim l As Long
l = 1
With Me
.Cells(1, 1) = "INDEX"
.Cells(1, 1).Name = "Index"
End With
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.Name <> Me.Name Then
l = l + 1
With wSheet
.Range("A1").Name = "Start" & wSheet.Index...................................

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Match Data From Two Sheets?

May 21, 2011

I am receiving a data from two different sources having multiple information. I want to match the data for any missing entries from one sheet . There is a common column Field N which contains the reference number of the transaction, based on this reference number i require to match these entries. e.g: Sheet A contains serial Number, name, ID Number (not common in both sheets) , amount , name and of course [B]Reference[ Number ( which is common in both the sheets.
I would like to match these two sheets on the basis of this reference number and if there is a MISMATCH of ( Reference number is NOT present in sheet 2 than this information should be COPIED in a SEPARATE work sheet. I tried different VLOOKUP functions BUT am still unsuccessful.

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Match Data In 2 Different Sheets

Oct 4, 2013

I have the following columns

Client Name/ Client Date of Birth/ Client Postcode

I have the same on sheet 2 in the same order i want something to look down the relevant sheets and give me matches either by highlighting it or moving the matching row to a new sheet ...

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Name Recognition To Match Data Across Sheets

Jul 29, 2013

I've created a spread sheet of hockey stats to prepare for my fantasy league. I've created a formula weighing different stats differently to create one "Fantasy Value" score. I've done it over 3 years of data and want to find the average 3 year score for each player on the front page of the workbook. There are 300+ names I'm tracking so I'm wondering if there is a way that Excel can recognize a player's name and pull the data from one specific column in 3 different sheets.

I've attached the excel file for your reference : NHL Stats.xlsx‎

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Match And Copy Data Between Sheets

Nov 22, 2006

I'm sure this has been answered before. After an hour of searching I realized I just don't have the vocabulary to find it.

Here we go:

I have two sheets, sheetA and sheetB.

sheetA contains parent names (first and last), addresses, equipment, and serial numbers

sheetB contains parent names (first and last), addresses, and their child's name.

I need to match the parent from SheetA to the parent in SheetB and then copy the child's name from sheetB back to the correct record in SheetA.

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Check If Data Match In Two Separate Sheets

Jun 9, 2014

In the attached sheet, i have data in 2 sheets in the same fromat. Both the sheets are seperate reports.

Coloumn A is the list of Team Ids, Coloumn B is the Ids of people who are assigned in the team. Sheet 2 also have the same details with changes in the people ID.

i am trying to find if the people IDs in report 1 is the same in report 2. i need a formula that will check if the people ID is matching to the same team ID as in report 1.. If its not the same, the formula should be able to show that.

eg :

In report 1, "197595" in coloumn B is against "4011-11341" in Coloumn A.

I need to check if "197595" is against "4011-11341" or some other number in report 2. If "197595" is not against "4011-11341" in report 2, it should show me " Miss match". if "197595" is is against "4011-11341" in report 2 as well, it should show me "match"Project match.xlsx

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How To Match Values Between 2 Sheets And Copy Corresponding Data

Dec 18, 2012

I have a sheet (SHEET1) with a EAN code and a empty column I need to get a colour into from sheet 2.

I have to match EAN codes in Sheet 1, (Column X) with Sheet 2(Column E) and then pull the description from the corresponding row in Sheet 2(Column D).

I am sure I can use the VLOOKUP formular but I dont know how to input the code?


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Search Sheets For Data Match, Paste Results

May 13, 2009

I have a worksheet named "List" with static values in columns A & B. I want to search all the other worksheets in the same workbook for the one that matches the value I entered in column B on the "List" sheet. The cell on the other worksheets with the possible match is B5. When it finds a match, I want it to take the data from cell B3 on that worksheet and paste it in Column C of the "List" sheet on the corresponding row (all rows in the "List" sheet have a different value in Column B).

In other words, when "List"b7 = worksheetb5 , then worksheetb3 is pasted to Listc7.

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Multiple Sheets All Reference The Same Column(s) To Match Data?

Mar 7, 2014

I've created 12 identical work sheets for the year, each has 6 columns of data and 87 rows all containing different information (letters, numbers, dates and characters).

I've also set up a "Conditional Format" rule so that any identical information triggers a strikeout (line through the cell entries) of the entire row for both lines of offending duplicating data. To do so, I created a use cell off to the side (in column AT) with the command =CONCATENATE (u41,v41,w41...) which condenses all data into 1 cell.

Afterwards, I went into Conditional Formatting and created the strikeout command with =COUNTIF($A$T$29:$A$T$116,$AT29)>1; where the $AT29 reference simply identifies the cell to the left and then continues down.

This has worked well but I'm stumped. Now I want the reference to extend to the previous month, lets say I'm in February and want to extend the search to Januarys AT29:AT116 review.

simply use a reference in the COUNTIF formula in the Conditional Formatting rule that takes the search through to the January work sheet, then I can simply duplicate the command for the March sheet which will then review all 3.

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Match Values Between 2 Sheets, Copy All Corresponding Data & Sum Results

Feb 2, 2009

I want to locate the corresponding acct number between worksheets “primary_data” and “qty_movement” and once a match is found (from acct worksheet) then copy over the acct numbers and the share data to the results page. If there is no match I don’t want anything copied to the results page, just ignore that data on either worksheet “primary_data” or “qty_movement”.

•Both ranges on “primary_data” and “qty_movement” worksheet are variable, as accts are left off or kept on depending on the daily activity so the ranges are never set.
•I need to concatenate on “primary_data” worksheet cells A&B&C to get acct number
•concatenate on “qty_movment” worksheet cells B&C (need to keep zeros in front of actual numbers for acct number reasons)
•these accts need to be cross referenced as the accounts on the “acct” worksheet (pre-populated with corresponding acct numbers that never change and will always be on that worksheet)
•If a match is found on the “acct” sheet then I would like it to either replace the acct so they match on both worksheets or just to recognize those accounts correspond with each other and do the below.
•then take the 2 concatenated acct numbers off of “primary_data” and “qty_movement” in the I cells and copy them over to the “results” worksheet as well as the share data from “primary_data (column E)” and “qty_movement(Column D)” and then compare the 2 share amounts on “results(column E)”

i need to elaborate on anything, the attached sample sheet shows what i want to do, but without any formulas or code.

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Match Data On Two Sheets And Pull Identifier Value From Separate Column

Apr 1, 2014

I have tried a slew of different formulas but I can't seem to get the outcome I am looking for. I need to make a station comparison for an individual project build based off a master list. Sheet 1 has the individual build with column A as a part number, column b as a description and column c as a quantity required and column D is blank. Sheet 2 has a master list of every part we carry formatted as: column a as a part number, column b as a description, column c as a quantity required and column d as a unique station identifier for that part (which is always a number).

What I am trying to do is match the part number on Sheet 1 Column A to Sheet 2 Column A, and when a match is found, take the unique identifer under column D associated with that part number and have it displayed on Sheet 1 Column D.

Sheet 1 will change with each build, but it will always be the same format in columns a,b,c,d. Basically I have a format on sheet 1 for what is needed to build each custom kit (787 kits) and sheet 2 carries every part we offer along with the identifer in column d (always a number value). I want to create a formula I can easily copy to match the value in sheet 1 column a to sheet 2 column a and add the identifier from sheet 2 column D to sheet 1 column D. The average kit is roughly 120+ parts so doing that for each part 787 times will be a nightmare. Also in case this matters, sheet 1 column A will have the parts arranged in a random order based on what is desired for that kit. Sheet 2 column A has the part numbers in order from our lowest part number to the highest number (basically an entire inventory list sorted from lowest to highest).


(For sheet 1, since it doesnt carry formating 11111111 is in column a, nut, flange is in column b, 1.00 is in column c and the output data i want would go into column D)

Sheet 1
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (1)
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (4)
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (2)
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (11)
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 *Starts blank* -looking for - Output from Sheet 2 Column D (3)

Sheet 2
11111111Nut, Flange 1.00 1
22222222Bolt, Hex 4.00 11
33333333Bolt, Squared 4.00 4
44444444Bolt, Screw Type 2.00 3
55555555Bolt, Coated 3.00 2

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Using VBA To Find Exact Or Nearest Match And Return From Data Sheets

May 15, 2014

I has number sheets with thousands rows of unsort data. I need to find the price, with optional name and date if given, to return the rows values.

Example from Summary sheet, to find the price range and return 3 rows (even there are four set of answers, highlighted in light blue), with sorting the highest price first.

Summary Sheet
Sheet name


Search Fields

[Code] ........

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Extract Records Based On Single Condition

Jun 21, 2008

I am working on a data mining project and need to extract records based on a single condition. In the attached workbook you will see 5 columns – 4 Inputs and 1 Output. I need to automatically copy and paste on a separate sheet those records in which the Output value is greater than 970. A Record includes the values of all 4 inputs and the corresponding output value. I did this by hand for this subset of data but the actual number of record is extremely large so I need a macro which will do this for me automatically.

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Match 1st And 2nd Columns In 2 Sheets And Return 3rd / 4th And 5th Column If Match

Dec 15, 2013


What im trying to do is match columns A & B from AUDIT Sheet to Columns A & B in MASTER sheet. If they match then pull columns C, D & E from MASTER into AUDIT.

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Match The Row Values On Condition

Apr 20, 2009

I need a macro to match the row values on condotion.

To match the Q column values with S column values.

If suppose i have data i lke this then,

Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no 38
3|35 no 42
4|38 no 45
5|42 no 50
6|45 no
7|50 no

then the output should be like

Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no
3|35 no
4|38 yes 38
5|42 yes 42
6|45 yes 45
7|50 yes 50

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Include Another Match Condition To Formula?

Jul 16, 2014

I have this formula =IF(EXACT($E3,N$2),$C3/$I3,"") This works

I now need to add another match condition to the formula using H3,J1 so it would be something like this =IF(EXACT($E3,N$2),(H3,J1),$C3/$I3,"")

But not working

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Count Two Arrays With Match Condition

Dec 25, 2012

Build table with 2 matching condition.

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Match Columns To Check If Condition Met

Aug 29, 2007

If you open the attachment.. then you will see that Column A has all the names and Column B has it's Value.. likewise.. Column D has all the names and Column C has it's values...I'm trying to first match the names from Column A to Column D and then see if Column B matches to Column C..

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Counting Items If They Match A Condition In Another Column

Apr 2, 2012

I need to be able to count items if they match a condition in another column, as below

1 Apple Red
2 Apple Green
3 Apple Red
4 Pear Green
5 Apple Red
6 Pear Green
7 Pear Red
8 Apple Red

How can I count how many Red Apples there are. The answer should be 4 but when I use countifs I can either count the no of apples in Col. A or the no of colour Red in Col. B.

I have tried every combination of if, vlookup, and count that I can but keep getting errors or single col. counting.

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Match Column And Colour Based On Condition

Feb 22, 2007

i am trying to do is match 2 columns data based on a condition ie i have data in column "b" of sheet called "balance" data is variable this column has unique indentifiers i want to look at another column and match the uniques identifiers in another sheet if the cell value in column "D" = "please investigate" otherwise do nothing, the (column f) it will be looking up too is in sheet called "hi- port" so if cell value in column "d" of sheet"balace"= "please investigate" match values that are same from colum "b" of sheet "balance" to that of column (f) sheet called "hi-port"

i would like to colour only entire row of sheet called "hi-port" when the data matches to other sheet ie from columns "f " too " b". colour can be any colour
igonre my ranges they are wrong just used as example

Sub start()
Dim oWs As Worksheet
Dim oRngCheck As Range
Dim oCl As Range
Dim cCola As Range
Dim cColb As Range
Dim rngIRd As Range
Dim rngACs As Range
Dim Match As Boolean
Set rngIRd = Range("a1", Range("a65536").End(xlUp)) 'define the rang
Set rngACs = Range("b1", Range("a65536").End(xlUp)) 'define the rang
Set oWs = Worksheets("balance") 'change to suit
'starts at b2 to llow for header row.......................

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Match Condition And Copy To The Next Empty Cell

Sep 21, 2007

I am trying to do the following....I have data in three column in the "historydata" sheet, A, B, C. A lists the dates, B lists categories, and C lists some data. The data in column C is defined by the date and category in column A and B. What I want to do is...I want to copy data in C to the next empty cell in another spreadsheet if it meets the date and category condition. (for instance, if (y,A)=9/17/2007 and (y, B) = bond A, then I want to copy (y,c) to the next empty cell in sheet "marginreq" based on the first column. Here is my code...but it doesn't work.

Sub OJOM()

Dim A As Integer

A = 2

Do While Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 1) <> ""

If Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 2).Value = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B5") And Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 3).Value = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B7") Then

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Worksheets("Historydata").Cells(A, 3). CurrentRegion.copy Sheets("MarginReq").cells(rows,count,1).End(xlUp).Offset(1,0)


Application.CutCopyMode = False

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End If


End Sub

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