#2 the other is a .csv excel file which contains several fields: email, name, address, etc
Basically what I need to do is to create another .csv excel file that contains all the emails in file#1 that are also present in the file #2 plus their corresponding additional fields ( name, address ) etc
I need to use to prepare for analysis a large set of individual participants' Excel data files collected using a psychological reaction-time experiment (a modified Stroop task). This experiment was created using a program called Superlab by Cedrus, so I posted an inquiry at the Superlab forum [url]. Their tech support suggested I might need to use macros in Excel but couldn't offer further assistance. I'll try to briefly describe (a) our Stroop task, (b) the operations I'm trying to carry out, and (c) the format of the individual Excel files,
Our Stroop task: The participant gets some instructions and practice trials, then a series of stimulus words are presented one word at a time in the center of a computer monitor in one of several colors. Word presentation order is randomized for each participant. The participant must press a key corresponding to the color of each word as quickly as possible. For each keypress (including the spacebar, pressed on instructions screens), the reaction time (in msec) is recorded in their Excel spreadsheet under the 'Reaction Time' variable. The 'Error Code' variable indicates whether the participant pressed the correct (C) or incorrect (E) color key in each trial. There are 8 types of words for a total of 48 trials. (Actually, 4 sets of emotion words and 4 sets of control-animal words, each set composed of 6 words each. The task basically measures how much peoples attention is captured by emotionally relevant cues in the environment.)
For each participant's data, I need an efficient way (macros?) to: (1) clean it [i.e. discard or ignore the instruction & practice trials as well as trials where the participant was too impulsive (reaction time < 100 msec), too distracted (rt > 3000 msec), or gave the wrong color response (Error Code= E)] (2) determine whether enough valid trials remain for further analysis (>39 trials), and if so: (3) calculate a mean reaction time score for each of the 8 word types [where denominator for each word type is based on # remaining (non-discarded) trials for that word type] (4) merge each participant's summarized data as single rows in a common spreadsheet (for importation and further analyses in SPSS), like this: --------------------------- ID#...... MeanRTW1.......MeanRTW2...... (etc. for word types 3-8) 101.......1056................2013............... 102.......2148................2594............... 103... ---------------------------
Excel File Format: I've attached a sample file, and here's a simplified overview of a spreadsheet (irrelevant columns and some rows removed). First the ID number is recorded (e.g., 393E), then some unnecessary junk (exp name & date, intro, practice, instructions), then data for the 48 actual trials of interest: ------------------------------------------- ........A...............B..................C.................D............ 1 393E 2 stroop.xpt 3 Wed Jan 1, 12:33:00 2008 4 5 6 Trial Name.....Trial No..... Error Code.....ReactionTime 7 introduction..... 1................C............561243 8 practice.......... 2................C............... 2062 9 red-worried........14.............C................1001 (*the first practice trial) 10 (9 more practice trial rows, deleted here) 19 instructions........3..............C................5000 20 red-chicken......19..............E............... 1205 21 blue-tense.......32...............C.................782 * (46 more actual trial rows, deleted here) --------------------------------------------------
To clarify: -The variable 'Trial Name' indicates nominally what stimulus was presented for each trial. -The variable 'Trial No.', indicates the unique numerical marker for each stimulus word. (It probably should have been labeled 'Word Type'. It doesn't reflect the order of stimulus presentation. E.g., the word "tense" is always 'Trial No.' 32 for all participants, regardless of when it presents.) -A subset of actual trial words (e.g., worried) were also used for the 10 practice trials. Thus, the 10 practice trials must first somehow be discarded or flagged to be ignored before calculating average reaction times for the remaining 48 actual trials.
Often I need to add data from one spreadsheet to the appropriate places on another spreadsheet. For example:
Sheet A has 10,000 records with these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment.
Sheet B has 5,000 records these fields: id#, GPA, college major, type of degree.
Some of the records in B contain information for the same id#'s as sheet A. I want to add this information together so that a Sheet C will have these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment, GPA, college major, type of degree.
I have two CSV's which are updated on a regular basis.
CSV Master - contains about 23,000 rows at the moment and will continue to grow.
CSV Master - does have a header row
CSV Master has unique (8 digit) numerical ID's in column A so all unique ID's start at "A2"
CSV Master - contains 31 columns ("A through to and including AE") this is a fixed figure.
---- Then I have ---
CSV Extras - generally contains about 200 rows and its unlikely it will ever be more but is contents are different every time it is used.
CSV Extras - does have a header row
CSV Extras has unique (8 digit) numerical ID's in column "A" so all unique ID's start at "A2" and these ID's are a common denominator with both sheets.
CSV Extras - contains 44 columns (last column is AR) which is a fixed figure,
CSV Extras - columns "B up to and including AE" are all intentionally all blank fields.
--- Hope that explains where I am, this is what I need to do ----
I need to be able to look up the ID's (that are in column A in both CSV's) and create a single CSV. In my mind that is a Vlookup of some sort but I can't get it to work
I want to open CSV Master and then, If the ID exists in CSV Extras then fetch all the data in columns "AF to AR" and add it to the CSV Master.
I have two files that need to be merged together (file1 & file2). These two files have three columns each. One column on both files is the same. This column is labled "phone number". One file has more lines the other has less.
I would like to make a macro that will check file1 against file2. If it finds a phone number the same it will cut the whole line and append staring in column 4 to same line in file1.
I have two separate excel worksheets from which i want to merge two columns from each worksheet into a new sheet. from the first sheet column A & E and from second worksheet column B & D. The values of second worksheets need to start where the value of first sheet ends. Want a macro to run this automatically every time.
Have tried to merge and consolidate but macro does not work.
I haven't really been able to find a total solution to an issue I have had for a while and hope someone can help.
I have a series of workbooks that I create from Crystal reports, I want to do the following after clicking a button on a form:-Open up two files in a folder with similar names (IL-BA, IL-BA-19), both have the same headers
Open a Third file, this is my 'Master File' and is in a different location, this has the same headers
Copy from the two files onto 1 sheet on my master file (excluding the headers) Close the first two files without saving and move them to a 'Done' folder Save and Close the Master File
Move onto the next set of files in the folder (NE - BA,NE - BA - 19) and do the same again, until all the files in the folder have been completed.
All the files in the folder have different data, so have different headers, but the Master file for each set will always have the same headers, (if that makes sense), but they are specifically named, so cycling through the named files in the folder, merging the two together.
My main problem is that I can't seem to find all the code i need, i can merge the two files, either in different sheets(which i don't want), or with the headers for each file still attached (as i can't seem to find a robust way of removing them).
I'm a long time excel user and I've come up with an issue, it can surely be solved in any other larger database language but excel is just my everyday friend and I was wondering if it's possible to do such a thing.
I have a list of "people" in my 1st ssheet and they have
ID | ProductName| Category | Year |
and I have this data on the 2nd ssheet
ID | Price | Description
There is 600.000 records in the primary sheet but only 22.000 in the secondary because the data doesn't repeat (one description can fit to 10.000 products, no need to write it down that much times).
But now I need to compile one big/large file, so I need to have one file that contains all:
ID | ProductName| Category | Year | + | Price | Description
In MS SQL I would use the "Where" function and compare the ID here and there, but is there a possible way to do it in excel?
I have hundreds and hundreds of excel files. but in every file, there is the same column lets say column D which has all the information I want. In stead of opening hundreds of worksheets and copying and pasting over the data into a new sheet. Is there a code I could write that would open all these files and copy the data from the same colum over into my new sheet? so column D in the first work book will copy to colulm A in the new work book. Then colum D in the second workboko will copy to the new worksheet in column B ect ect ect.
I have this macro to go to a specific folder and open up all of the files in the folder and merge them into a worksheet.
I want to change it so the user can select the files to be merged.
Sub MergeFiles() Dim path As String, ThisWB As String, lngFilecounter As Long Dim wbDest As Workbook, shtDest As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet Dim Filename As String, Wkb As Workbook Dim CopyRng As Range, Dest As Range
I have been opening files from another application which opens the files in memory as .XLS. I have not saved these to my PC. Is there VBA to merge all open .XLS files into another Workbook - preferably .XLSX.
I have two name/address lists in separate Excel workbooks. I need to merge and eliminate duplicates by name. One has single name field in format "Lastname, Firstname". The other has a single name field in "normal" format (First and last name). Ultimately I need to end up with two name fields, First and Last, and this I can do.
The problem is in identifying any possible duplicates between the two lists. Why? Because the first list will have names like "Smith, Robert" and occasionally maybe "Smith, Robert J.". The second list will have names like "Dr. Robert J. Smith Jr. PhD", as well as possibly "Robert Smith" or "Dr. Robert Smith".
Using Text-to-Columns will still require a lot of reworking, because the last name won't always be in the same column, depending on whether there's a Dr. or Mr. or middle initial and so forth.
I've looked into the LIKE( ) function which holds some scant hope, but I don't think it will happen for me either.
How I could compare "Robert Smith" to "Robert J. Smith" or "Dr. Robert Smith" or "Dr. Robert J. Smith Jr. Phd"? Imagine all names in column A.
- contents of data.txt have range A1:Pn, where 'n' is last row, different for each file - found a previous thread very similar to what i wanted, but donno how to edit this to suit my purpose [Solved] Importing: Import many TXT files to singe workshee
BTW, does VBA recognise directory folder with unicode characters? I can rename my directory if it doesn't.
I have a folder named DATAENTRY (consist 90-100 password protected files & it may increase whenever the need arises).
I need to merge A2 to (data in last available row & last available column) of each file in that folder into a single sheet named MERGEDDATA of file named MASTER.XLS.
I got one excellent code to unlock/lock the files automatically without opening the concerned files. This is the Link [url]
merging the multiple *.xls files into one single *.xls file but each *.xls file com in separate worksheet.
Say i have 30 xls files in datewise i.e., 01.10.10, 02.10.10, 03.10.10 so on....
I want to merge all the above 30 xls files in single file master workbook - in that master workbook file the above 30 xls should come in separate work sheets.
I did a search for " import text" and found some promising leads, but not exactly what I was looking for. I have tried running macros and looking at the code but don't know how to pass the file names from the the D47:D147 range to VBA(see below). I saw elsewhere that Excel can be told to create a temporary batch file, and that the batch file with the command "copy text1.txt+text2.txt+text3.txt all.txt" for example could be used to merge the 3 text files into a file called all.txt. I don't however know how specify the path where copy starts, to tell the batch file to look in subdirectories or to pass the file into Excel. I've posted this question yesterday to Yahoo Answers http://tinyurl.com/omers and http://tinyurl.com/rfww9 without much luck.
Below is the macro I would like:I have text files whose names are found in the range D47:D147 although without the appended ".txt" extension. The sheets can only contain one name sometimes, but on average 8 to 10, so in the average case only cells D47:D56 would have entries.The text files are found in the say H:Textfiles directory or subdirectories.I would like Excel to find these files, concatenate them with a row between each file, and paste the results into cell K251.Finally, the text import wizard should be used with a space as a delimiter and the last 3 columns (it's sometimes only 2) of the concatenated file, not imported.
I have three source workbooks that needed to be consolidated into a master workbook pasting the data with values & formatting.
The Master workbook also contains 6 additional worksheets that link to the data pulled in from the source files. My question is how do I write the code so the source files populate the master in a specific order. For example, the 3 source files are named "Central" "NED" and "WEST" and I need them to populate the master workbook in that order.
This is the code I am using to consolidate the data:
Option Explicit Sub ConsolidateSheetsFromWorkbooks() 'Author: Jennifer Starr 'Date: 7/12/2013 'Summary: Open all files in a folder and merge data (stacked) on all
I extract data from a data base and return the query in details, i need to merge 2 rows of data that has the same project number. example i have project ABC with billable time of 10hrs @rate of £200 and unbill time of 6hrs @rate of £0. The query will split the data as there is a difference in the rate.
I need a formula that recognise that it is the same project and merge the row together!
I have a set of data which I would like to do some processing on. Basically I am concerned with two columns
Column 12 and Column 9
Column 12 is a unique account Reference and column 9 is an invoice number. My scenario is that 1 account can have multiple invoices. I want to do is serach down column 12 and find all the matches and then I want to take column 9 and combine the data within that with the previous record.
Original Data Column 9 Column 12 2345 A0001 2312 A0001 2341 A1200 1234 A0001 4569 A1234 3456 A1234
I have been using the following code to fill data down a col. For example if a1=blue and a5=green and a7=red. The macro will fill a1(blue) down to a4, then take a5(green) to a6, then a7(red) etc.
Sub Filldown() If ActiveCell.Text = "" Then MsgBox "please start with a non-empty cell" Exit Sub End If For Each x In Selection.Cells If x.Text = "" Then x.Value = x.Offset(-1, 0).Value End If Next x End Sub
code works great, but I was hoping it could be changed so that instead of filling the data down it would merge the data down. So, in the example, a1:a4 would be merged leaving the word blue, a5:a6 merged, and a7:etc would be merged. Is this possible?
So I have two worksheets. One sheet has all of the names of attendees to a current event (column a, about 109 entries), and the other sheet has all of the names that have ever registered for my events along with their emails (column a and column b, 3000 entries). I need to merge data from column B of the second sheet to the corresponding name in the first worksheet, and disregard the extras (or just put them at the end so i can clear the contents). So I am just trying to get the email addresses of the people in the first sheet, from the data in the second sheet.
I've tried to look at the consolidate data function, but that does not match up the names to the email addresses correctly. What about a filter?
I have excel data containing in column A "Plot number" which is repeated and other four column is land area and the next column is "Land Owner Name". Now I want to merge same plot no if the land area is same if differ then I want to leave as it is. And another thing I want to do that the all land owner name is merge in a row.
So I have several columns of data that have a location and then some numbers after it in additional columns. I need to be able to sort it so that all locations that are in both location columns are sorted first, and then any locations that are in one column but not the other column follows. Also the data associated with each column that follows the location needs to remain next to the location. Many times the columns will be of highly disportionate lengths too.
I've attached an HTML table so you can get an idea of what I am looking at, except what I'm dealing with is like.... hundreds of cells long.
And in this 6 row example, I'd actually only be interested in the 4 letters that were in both columns. If it makes it easier, I would be okay with discarding the last rows, but would rather just have them sorted at the end, so I could check if....for example there were two different spellings of the same thing, and they should actually be included.