Merge Two Worksheet Into 3rd Sheet (modifying A Macro)

Jun 2, 2008

i have three worksheets: "List 1", "List 2" and "New ist".I want to merge the first two sheets into third.

List 1:

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Worksheet Merge Macro

Nov 18, 2009

Disclaimer: I know almost nothing about VBA or Macros. I started with them yesterday. I took the following code off Ron de Bruin's website. I am attaching his example spreadsheet. When you click on Test 2 it does everything I want BUT copy the header row over. The workbook I want to apply this too has 12 sheets++ which have the same exact columns and headers, but different row counts. Ron directed me back to his site and the following code:

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Macro Merge Multiple Files Into One Worksheet

Oct 8, 2010

I have this macro to go to a specific folder and open up all of the files in the folder and merge them into a worksheet.

I want to change it so the user can select the files to be merged.

Sub MergeFiles()
Dim path As String, ThisWB As String, lngFilecounter As Long
Dim wbDest As Workbook, shtDest As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
Dim Filename As String, Wkb As Workbook
Dim CopyRng As Range, Dest As Range


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Getting And Modifying Data From Specific Row Within A Sheet With Userform

Jul 11, 2014

I have an excel sheet with a few buttons which open up separate user forms:

The first button "Add Exhibitor" works by bringing up a user form which enters data into the separate excel sheet called amends in the next available row, the data is initially selected by a stand number which if it already exists in the "amends" sheets brings up an error.

The second button "Modify Exhibitor" is what i am having the problem with. When the user clicks this button it brings up an identical form but for modification. What i need it to do is when the user selects the stand number in the drop down box: For example: H1-A-01, i need it to pull the data from the row in the "amends" data sheet which matches that stand number and put it into the user form so the user can modify and make changes, i would ideally like to be able to track these changes as well.

I am new to VBA and have tried many things so far online, i have managed to get the company name from the correct row and column to work but i cant figure out how i did it or how to make the rest of the data do the same?

The code i am using is below & an example of the form with data removed can be downloaded from here: [URL] ....

[Code] .....

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Writing/modifying An Macro

Oct 18, 2007

Every month I download a report from a state agency that I need to reformat, create charts from and send reminder emails based on some of the data. The report is downloaded as an EXCEL workbook containing a single worksheet. The worksheet is preformatted as a printed report. I have no control of this formatting and I can not get the data as a .csv file. The report contains 3 sections. See detailed report description below.

What I want to do:
1.Is copy the 3rd section of the report to a new worksheet.
2.Sort the new worksheet by name, and date.
3.Filter some names based on resource type.
4.Create a new file, which will be attached to an email to my boss for follow-up.

Originally I used the built-in EXCEL macro recording function and this worked for a couple of months. Then the number of rows in the 2nd section varied and my generated worksheet failed to sort correctly, and I lost the column headings so my filter no longer worked. The results were not something I could forward. I do not know how to modify the macro to search for the literals which end section 2 or start section 3 so I can copy the correct data to the new worksheet. I am not a VBA programmer, just an old-fart trying to do some administrative volunteer support for an important program, and really do not want to become one.

Detail Report Description:
Section 1: Headings –contain fixed headings in merged & centered cells.
Row 1 – Report heading 1 in merged cells A1–I1
Row 2 – Report heading 2 in merged cells A2-I2
Row 3 – Report heading 3 in merged cells A3–I3
Row 4 – Blank row............

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Modifying Macro - Pasting Over Row Of Data

Aug 11, 2014

Macro (see below).

I have two sheets 1) ap modified 2) gl download

It's merging the two sheets together. however, it's pasting over the last row of data. For example, gl download has data from row 4 to row 100. The Macro is pasting data from ap modified starting in row 100 of gl download instead of row 101. How can i correct this?

Sub C_Merge()
Dim w1 As Worksheet, w2 As Worksheet
Set w1 = Sheets("ap modified")
Set w2 = Sheets("gl download")
Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long

[Code] .........

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Modifying Macro - Accounting Analysis

Jan 18, 2009

I have the macro shown below, which I found in a 2003 issue of the journal of accountancy - and it works great. However, it only works on a data set that begins in cell A1. I want to incorporate it into a spreadsheet I have where my data set begins in cell E15 and goes down from there(column E will be the only column that this macro will need to run on and I need it to work on a data set that will vary in length). This macro performs a Benford analysis, which analyzes the first and second number of a data set.

Dim Arrayone(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arraytwo(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arraythree(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arrayfour(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arrayfive(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arraysix(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arrayseven(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arrayeight(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arraynine(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arrayzero(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim Arraytwotest(10 To 99) As Integer

Dim x, I

Dim Row As Long, Col As Long, Step As Long, Colcells

Dim Digits As Long, Total As Long

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Find And Replace Macro - Modifying Code In Engagement

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to make a find and replace macro for multiple items.

Please see the attached file for further explanation : macro.xls‎

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Merge All Sheet In Workbook In Last Sheet With Sheet Name For Each Entry?

Mar 25, 2012

I have workbook having around 25 sheets and i want macro to merge all sheets except first (summary) in to last sheet ( mergedata ) inpute data will be start from cell A17 in all sheet. also sheets may be add or delete as per requirement. after merge data from sheet name should add after each entry .

attached sample file for your reference.


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How To Automatic Merge Data From Sheet To Another Sheet With Same Format

Mar 28, 2014

how to merge data automatically in one sheet (master sheet) from specific sheet with different name sheet but same format?

Adding, deleting or editing should be automatic update to master sheet.

For example:

Sheet name:

Sheet 1: Salesman 1 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 2: Salesman 2 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 3: Salesman 3 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 4: Salesman 4 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 5: Salesman 5 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 6: Salesman 6 - with data range A10:F310 (as his data file)
Sheet 7: All Salesman - - with prepared data range A11:F2000 (as master data file/record for 6 salesman)

Column Name as a Header:

A10: Customer Number
B10: Customer Name
C10: Salesman ID
D10: Promotion Type
E10: Promo Item
F10: Free Item

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Merge One Worksheet With Another

Dec 9, 2007

I have two worksheets with large amount of data.

Sheet 1 gives Store locations (approx 1000) and various types of revenue, (eg each Store Location may have many different rows of Revenue - Putney - Sales
Putney - Sundry Income
Putney - Donations
Sheet 2 gives Type of Store
Puntey - Charity

I want to merge the sheets so that I can see Store location, Store Type and Different Revenues. eg Putney - Charity - Sales
Putney - Charity - Sundry Income
Putney - Charity - Donations

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Script To Merge Few Columns From Different Worksheet

Oct 26, 2013

I have 13 different worksheets with the same header columns, i would like to merge into one creating new work sheet. All the data in column A should keep on adding on the column A from all the worksheet and from column N going across. I have more than million records on each sheet

I have dropped the file on [URL]... for example

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Merge Worksheet And Reformat Data?

Apr 25, 2014

I have 447 worksheets in my workbook, I need to consolidate them into one sheet and transpose the data so that it goes into across rather than down. I really only need data in rows 19 to 40 but the data in 29, 30, 31 A to I needs to be in one cell.

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Merge Several Imported Worksheets Into One Worksheet

May 15, 2008

I am trying to merge several imported worksheets into one worksheet so that I can build reports. In other words, sheets 1-3 are imported from other workbooks, then sheet 1, sheet 2, and sheet 3 (with the same header rows) will roll into sheet 4 with reports built from the merged worksheet. I understand how to import, but I need to merge the worksheets. Is there a macro to make this possible?

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Run Worksheet Specific Macro Only On One Sheet?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to add some code so that it only runs on the specific sheet or a range of specific sheets - but this list might change in the future) as a worksheet event... When I have been doing this in the past, I have been copying the code to each of the individual sheets but this now seems to be incorrect.

This time, though, I have created the code on one sheet (with a Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() event) which launches a macro in a separate module - my logic being to have as little code as possible in each of the sheets for copying, pasting, editing purposes, and centralise the main code in the module. However, I've noticed that this code is actually being run on all the sheets - even those I do not want it to run on. I thought, while developing this code, that it would only run on the one sheet it had been added to (e.g. right click the worksheet name, view code).

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Merge Worksheets Into Next Empty Row Of Master Worksheet

Dec 23, 2006

I am collecting data from 6 locations for the quarter and combining the information into a corp worksheet. Each quarter I need to copy information from 6 different files and paste it into the master file worksheet. The sheet I need to copy is named Substandard. The amount of information changes from each location (ie one may have 10 rows one 50 rows) so the number of the row to paste it into the master sheet changes. I would like a macro that opens the file Location1 copies the information from the substandard sheet opens the Master file pastes the information into the Substandard sheet closes the Location1 file, and repeats the process for all 6 locations. I would end up with all infomation in the Master file substandard sheet. I know how to manually record a macro to do this but the numer of the row to paste it into varies on the Master sheet depending on the amount of information from each location.

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Remove Blank Rows, And Merge Into New Worksheet

Aug 27, 2009

I am a CAD person, trying to edit a large spreadsheet for reading into CAD.

I need to merge 2 worksheets into a 3rd.
Then search and delete the blank rows. (There is only 3 columns in the document, but can be as many as 5,000 rows or more)

The Cad program does not like blank rows, so I have to delete them if users insert them, and there may be several in a row. (Users need only edit one of the worksheet, No. 2)

The 3rd worksheet must then be saved to a Tab-Delimited txt file in the same location on the network as the xls document.

I am able to select the worksheets and copy to a 3rd, but how to go to the end of the data, before merging the other data from the 1st worksheet into the third.

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Macro Which Changes A Worksheet Based On Each Record From Another Sheet

Jan 19, 2009

I have a macro which changes a worksheet based on each record from another sheet, it then copies the worksheet. I.e. a new sheet is created for each record simpy with...

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Macro Code To Add Reference On Sheet To Next Worksheet

Jun 29, 2008

how to use VBA to write a formula in one sheet that refers to a fixed cell on the sheet to the right. The referenced sheet may have different names and it may be in a different order (i.e. not Sheet(2)) but it will always be one sheet to the right. I just want to have cell A1=(cell B2 one sheet to the right).

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Find Specific Word In Different Worksheets And Merge The Whole Row In 1 Worksheet

Mar 23, 2009

In my attached file, I've atttached a sample whereby in Sheet1 to Sheet3 I have data with the same format.

I want to copy all data with TD_SUB_ACNT_CODE = ETMY0100 into Sheet4. My actual data actually have more than 10 sheets and the sheet count can be more.

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Macro To Copy Rows From Data Sheet To Worksheet

Apr 23, 2014

I have two worksheets.

Worksheet 1 is a large data sheet containing columns of data (Date, State, Payment Method, etc, etc)
Worksheet 2 is the 'Report' worksheet with 2 blank cells (A1 and A2) for users to manually enter the Start and End dates, a drop-list for State names (B1) and a drop-list for Payment Method (C1) - Cash or Credit Card.

How can I write a macro to:

1) Filter by Start and End Dates then,
2) Filter by State name then,
3) Filter by Cash or Credit Card then,
4) Copy these filtered records (i.e. whole row/s) onto the 'Report' worksheet starting at Column A, Row 5.
5) Macro to end with a 'Successful' message.

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How To Merge And Unmerge In Protected Sheet

Sep 15, 2014

I have a protected sheet to avoid delete of functions. In a specific area, however, i have merged cells of five columns in rows. Because in these lines i have write some text and overcomes the rows, after, what i do is: i unmerge the rows and choose 3 rows from 5 columns together and merge. Thus, the text is in one framework. In fact, every time, i want to merge different regions, but always i want to merged any areas who have marked with the mouse. Then, i delete the text and i need to redo the context of three lines, three separate lines. I hope you understand what i need.MergeAndUnMerge.xlsm

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Merge Data (smart) From One Sheet To Another?

Mar 18, 2014

So I have two worksheets. One sheet has all of the names of attendees to a current event (column a, about 109 entries), and the other sheet has all of the names that have ever registered for my events along with their emails (column a and column b, 3000 entries). I need to merge data from column B of the second sheet to the corresponding name in the first worksheet, and disregard the extras (or just put them at the end so i can clear the contents). So I am just trying to get the email addresses of the people in the first sheet, from the data in the second sheet.

I've tried to look at the consolidate data function, but that does not match up the names to the email addresses correctly. What about a filter?

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Merge Data From Different Sheets Into One Sheet

Apr 21, 2009

i had different sheets containing the same type of data in every sheet.what i want is to merge all data into one sheet.i had attached the sample sheet for reference.also let me know how to know the last cell in the data sheet

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Macro - Paste Formula Into Another Worksheet Using Active Sheet Name As Reference

Jan 9, 2014

I'm using a macro to paste a formulae into a destination cell on another worksheet.

The problem is that I need the Macro to put the name of the active sheet into the formulae


The macro has to work whis way becuse I will be using it with multiple worksheets, all with different names.

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Macro To Update Data Sheet Based On Entries From Another Worksheet

Mar 7, 2013

I have a worksheet designed to look like a form. That worksheet pulls data from an "Application Data" worksheet using INDEX and MATCH formulas. That part works great. The user enters an Application number on row 8 and it populates all of the other cells. In fact, in cell O7 (not pictured), I have it generating the row number the data came from (based on a MATCH function).

Here's my question--if they go in and change a value in one of the other cells, they should be able to press an "Update" button. That will then kick off a macro that goes to the "Application Data" sheet, finds the row that has the Application Number (from row 8) and updates the values based on what the user entered on this form.

How do I write the statement that selects the row based on the Application Number?

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Merge Cells Based On Input From Another Sheet?

Jul 4, 2013

i am trying to merge cells based on the input from another sheet. these input will change from month to month and i need the sheet to cancel the merge and merge again based on the new input.

Example.xlsx the file showing what i need it to do.

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Consolidate And Merge Data On Separate Sheet?

Jul 23, 2014

Trying to consolidate and Merge Data on a Separate Sheet

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Move Data From 2 Sheets And Merge Into One Sheet

Mar 10, 2009

Firstly a confession - I've sinned - I got the code below while searchin the forum and in my excitement, I forgot to get the thread details - so I'm sorry!! So the credit for the code to a forum admin:

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VLOOKUP Pricing Sheet For Email Merge?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a spreadsheet of prices from vendors for products that my company sells that is updated daily. The sheet contains several products with pricing from multiple vendors and multiple locations. (Example: paper, pens and staples sold by Staples, Office Max and Office Depot, out of NY, NJ and CT.) Many of our customers use a set vendor for most days but occasionally call us to see if we can beat their regular vendor's price. We would like to be able to email them with our pricing every day so that we can have their business every time our pricing is best without them having to call us.

We have a sheet of customers with contact info and common products purchased put together already for a mail merge. At this point, we manually enter the best price from our vendors and a column calculates the price that would go to our customer based on markup and taxes, etc. and we send it out using the mail merge tool. However, our pricing sheet is not ready until about 8 am and the mail merge sheet is not ready until at least 10 am due to the large (and growing) number of customers on it. Many of our customers place their orders first thing the morning so we're losing business.

way to use VLOOKUP to draw from the pricing sheet as soon as it's finished and copied into Sheet2 of the mail merge sheet. The problem is that each customer has different parameters. We are in New England so we have vendors in several states. Ideally, we need to be able to provide a price for a RI customer based on the lowest price for their product out of one of our RI vendors and provide a price for an MA customer based on the lowest price for their product from any vendor in any NE state. The lowest price is different every day and the locations all have different prices. I'm also a VLOOKUP newbie so I don't know everything that it can do. Currently, I only use it to calculate shipping based on a pricing sheet that is always the same. I choose the product and all other data from the static price sheet comes over. I'm not sure how to create a sheet using VLOOKUP for a sheet that changes every day or one that requires more than one drop down. I'm not sure how to create the second drop down.

Also, at this point, the mail merge generates multiple emails for customers that purchase 2 or more products from us. Is there a way to include an array in a mail merge so that their email contains all products they use?

I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but each product is not sold out of each location and each vendor so the number of lines per product is different for each product. However, the number of lines per product is always the same day after day and if any vendors or locations are added or removed, we can tweak our merge accordingly. So basically the first 25 rows are always for product A and column A always reads Product A for rows 2-26; the columns that change are the vendor and location columns and of course the price column.

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