Merging Almost Duplicate Rows In Excel File?

Aug 6, 2013

I have an excel file which has many rows that are almost duplicate but some columns would differ, I would like to merge them, I will try to explain what I mean by "merge" .

Code :
Sub Remove_Duplicate()
Dim LASTROW As Long Dim I As Long Dim J As Long Dim K As Long Dim MyVALUE As Variant


Since I am very new to this language and my tinkering doesn't work at all. Whether or not a row is "almost duplicate" is based on columns A to G.

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Merging Duplicate Rows To One

Oct 18, 2005

I have a list that contains multiple data that I would like to merge in to one. There are varying duplicates.

Currently it looks similar to this:

Repid, Lname, Fname, States
000001, Doe John, CT
000001, Doe John, NY
000001, Doe John, GA
000050, Jones Mary, NJ
000050, Jones Mary, NY
000025, Presley Elvis, PA
000025, Presley Elvis, NY
000100, Doe Jane, NJ

I want to return the following:

Lname, Fname, Repid, States
000001, Doe, John, CT, NY, GA, NJ, CA, MA
000050, Jones, Mary, NJ, NY
000025, Presley, Elvis, PA, NY, GA, NJ
000100, Doe, Jane, NJ

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Merging Duplicate Rows With Unique Data?

Jun 5, 2013

I have attached a before and after image of what I am looking to accomplish.

In the before image, you can see that there are 3 rows of data
- a header
- a repeating model number (in column F) with accompanying data (values in columns G - J are the items of interest)

In the after image, you can see that I took the 3 rows of data and turned it into simply two rows of data
- a header
- the repeating model number

What I did however in the after image, as can be seen, is I took certain data values that appeared on the repeating row (columns G - J), and included them as PRICE, COST, BEGIN, and END values in new columns on row 2.

Is there a way to accomplish this via some functions or maybe even a VBA script?

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Merging Spreadsheets And Keeping Duplicate Rows?

Aug 15, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with only 80 rows in it and I need data from another spreadsheet with over 200 rows. One of these rows in each spreadsheet contains a matching field (Job #). I only want the 80 matching rows data from the over 200 row sheet.

Is there an easy way to combine these two. Even adding the 80 to the 200+ will be fine as I can just remove the blanks. I can't figure out a way to combine them and match them up.

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Merging Duplicate Rows And Keeping Original Data

Feb 18, 2014

I need to merge rows with duplicate values in column A (Patient Name being the most important one), with columns B, C, & D usually having different isolated values as well. Columns E, F, G, H, & I are date columns, but the data is always going to be the number 1, meaning a patient was seen once that day (if they were seen two times that day for different reasons, information would be in an unmerged second row [same patient name listed in two separate rows], where columns B & C would be different). Column J is an autosum of columns E through I if that makes a difference. Column K is a notes column. The data that needs to be merged is always added to the bottom of the spreadsheet in order to show that a patient was seen on any given day, with columns B through K almost always being blank. Example:

Column A---------Column B---Col C----Col D--Col E--Col F--Col G--Col H--Col I--Col J---------Col K
Patient Name-----Therapist---Shared--%P----2/3----2/4----2/5-----2/6----2/7---Total Visits--Notes

Alice Alpha--------AB----------PT-------1---------------------------------------------0-------------blah
Boris Beta---------BC----------SELF----2----------------------------------------------0------------blahblah
Carl Carlisle-------CD---------PTA------3----------------------------------------------0
Carl Carlisle-------AB---------SELF-----2----------------------------------------------0
Donny Delta-------DE---------PT--------1---------------------------------------------0
Ernie Elephant-----EF---------PTA-------2---------------------------------------------0
Alice Alpha-----------------------------------------------1
Carl Carlisle--------------------------------------1--------------1---------------1
Ernie Elephant-------------------------------------------1---------------1

This is what I'm hoping it can look like:

Column A---------Column B---Col C----Col D--Col E--Col F--Col G--Col H--Col I--Col J---------Col K
Patient Name-----Therapist---Shared--%P----2/3----2/4----2/5-----2/6----2/7---Total Visits--Notes

Alice Alpha--------AB----------PT-------1---------------1-----------------------------1-------------blah
Boris Beta---------BC----------SELF----2----------------------------------------------0------------blahblah
Carl Carlisle-------CD---------PTA------3-------1--------------1---------------1------3
Carl Carlisle-------AB---------SELF-----2----------------------------------------------0
Donny Delta-------DE---------PT--------1---------------------------------------------0
Ernie Elephant-----EF---------PTA-------2--------------1---------------1-------------2

In this example Carl Carlisle is being seen for two different things, however how would it be written so the macro would know which Carl Carlisle row to merge with? I'm thinking that before running the macro I could manually enter the information into column B so it knows which Carl Carlisle row above to merge with.

Data always starts at row 14 (row 13 is frozen pane header column), and extends to a row that is different every week depending on how many people happen to be in the list.

I found something from this link that looks very similar to what I need, but with no knowledge of coding, I have no idea how it should be tweaked: Merge Duplicate Rows Keeping Data In Same Columns

I know I'm asking a lot, but the amount of time this takes to manually go through hundreds of rows of patient names every week is incredibly time consuming, and I have too many other things to stay on top of at work for this to drag me down day in and day out.

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Merging Excel Workbooks Into Master Workbook With Separate Sheet For Each File

May 24, 2014

I have 30 xlsx files in a folder and I want the first sheet of all that files to be merged to a new workbook. The thing is I don't want the macro to copy paste the value in to the same sheet of the new master sheet like Ron's excel merge tool does. I want a macro to create new 30 sheets on the master file and copy the data from source files. And I want the newly added sheets to be renamed as the source file name. This works well except the sheet renaming thing.

Sub Merge2MultiSheets()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook


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Excel 2007 :: Macro For Merging Data Of Alternate Rows?

Jul 7, 2014

Currently I am using Excel 2007. I want to merge data of alternate row of a particular column in Excel.Also i want to remove merged row. E.g.

Name City Pincode
John Mumbai
John 400009
Carol Delhi
Carol 110001
Carol Pune
Carol 411079

I want output to be ----->

Name City
John Mumbai-400009
Carol Delhi-110001
Carol Pune-411079

macro/formula for the above requirement..?

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Merging Duplicate Cells ..

Mar 25, 2008

how would i run a macro to merge duplicate cells in a column

For example, i have lots of data in columns A, B and C

however some of the data in columns A and B is the same. Column C data never changes. so to make it easier to read, i would like to merge these cells (which are the same) together?


would become.... (with all the other data the same)




I dont want to lose any of the rows, as the data in column C is always different. I just want to merge the similar ones, so its easier to read.

Its a bit like this, but i cant even come close to getting this to work:

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Macro For Merging Duplicate Entries?

Apr 3, 2013

I'm trying to get data totals for multiple entries and haven't been able to figure out how to do this using a pivot table.

For example:

Ben 2
Bill 1
Jane 3
Bill 4
Dave 7
Jane 4

Would make it

Ben 2
Bill 5
Jane 7

this list is 3700 cells long.

Is there an easy macro or another way of doing this? I want to generate a list that gives all data totals but just lists each persons name once. I treid attaching the file but it wont let me! here is the link... [URL]

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Finding Duplicate Data And Merging Cells

Nov 5, 2007

What I have is a massive table of data (15k+ entries), which consists of 4 different tables merged together. I have a lot of duplicate entries. However, most of these entries have information in one or another columns that its duplicate does not.

What I need to do is:

Identify the duplicate entries (by part number, which is one of the columns).

Merge the duplicate entries. In the merging process, I need to carry information over, taking data that is currently in 2 or more rows and merging it into one row.

Here's an example:

column1 column2 column3 column4
row1 a . . d
row2 . b
row3 . . c

needs to turn into:

column1 column2 column3 column4
row1 a b c d

If I'm not explaining this well, I will do my best to clarify. My main question is, is there any way to automate this process (even partially)

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How To Duplicate Rows In Excel

Jan 26, 2010

i have a spreadsheet of 1200 rows of data and i need to duplicate these rows 5 times each. is there any way to easily do this and avoid manually inserting or copying/pasting all 1200 rows? all i can find is how to DELETE duplicate rows, not how to ADD them. see below for an example:

original spreadsheet:
1 A
2 B
3 C

desired spreadsheet:
1 A
1 A
1 A
2 B
2 B
2 B
3 C
3 C
3 C

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Duplicate Cells Delete BOTH Rows In Excel

Nov 12, 2013

I have a report with about 7000 rows in it. I need a macro that will find all rows where column A and column B are the same as another rows column A and column B and delete both rows.

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Combining Unique Data Into One Row With Columns While Merging / Deleting Duplicate Information

Jun 13, 2014

I have data in excel that has some information the same with a unique field. See below:

Last Name
First Name
Apt #
Acct #
Code 1


I want it to consolidate all of the like information but add on the codes in separate columns like this:

Last Name
First Name
Apt #
Acct #
Code 1
Code 2
Code 3
Code 4


Also, sometimes the same code is used multiple times but i want any duplicate codes to show as separate codes.

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Import Text File Into File Where Rows Exceed Excel Row Limit

Jun 3, 2009

I have a workbook with many spreadsheet named Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on. Each sheet is filled completely upto 65536 rows. This data is being picked up from a CSV file. In this file there are sites with each site there is a assciated set of data. What happens is the data that extracts data does not differntiate between sites and when it reaches to the end of worksheet it splits the data into next sheet. So I am trying to create a macro to check each spreadsheet starting with the last sheet in the work book for example last sheet in the workbook is seven it should go to sheet6 and if there is a blank row after row 64000 it should cut all the rows and move them to sheet7. Then it should goto sheet5 and do the same and keep on doing it until it reaches sheet1.

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Excel 2007 :: Combining Data In Duplicate Rows

Aug 15, 2008

I have a long (about 180 000 rows) list of part numbers, descriptions, prices and quantities. There are many duplicate part numbers. I need to go through and find the duplicates, add all their quantities into one cell and delete the remaining duplicates. I have used conditional formatting to find the duplicates easier but cannot use the remove duplicates button as it will delete the whole row and I need the quantity information in each row.

Any formula or macro I can set up to search the part number column (F) for duplicates and add the figures in the quantity column (J) and THEN delete the duplicate part number rows?

Maybe I need to put the new combined information in another sheet?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Duplicate Rows Based On Cell Value

Feb 26, 2014

What im needing is something that will duplicate each row based on Column F as shown below... However I also need the duplicate row numbers added to Column G and then the original row deleted... I will try and show you an example of the input/output i would like to achieve: (also the first row can be ignored it will all be headers)




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Excel 2007 :: Macro - Move Duplicate Rows From One Worksheet To Another

Jul 4, 2014

I am using Excel 2007 on Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

My Workbook contains 2 Worksheets, both with the same headings in row 1. Sheet2 is initially empty, except for the headings in row 1.

The following is a sample of the data in Sheet1:

[Code] ......

I want to create a Macro to operate as follows:

In the above sample data, rows 2, 4, and 8 are identical, so I want to copy rows 4 and 8 to Sheet2, and delete them from Sheet1.


Rows 3 and 9 are identical, so row 9 should move to Sheet2;
Rows 5 and 11 are identical, so row 11 should move to Sheet2.
Rows 6, 7, 10, and 12 are all unique, so should be unaffected by the Macro.

New records will be added to Sheet1 periodically, so the Macro will be used each time to move any newly discovered duplicates to Sheet2.

The Macro should make no assumption about how the rows are ordered, and should not change their order.

I have uploaded two Workbooks, such that Workbook1 shows the original data, and Workbook2 shows the result I want to obtain.

Attached Files :

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Excel 2007 :: Count Number Of Duplicate Rows With Two Columns?

Jun 3, 2012

I want to count the number of duplicate rows where the exact text in columns A and B match. An example is as follows, where column C would be the desired result. Note that there are hundreds of different text values of column A and hundreds of column B, I just simplified the example.

Excel 2007

[Code] ......

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Values Of Cells

Jun 17, 2014

I'm new to VBA and macros, using Excel 2010, and am trying to figure out how to delete all duplicate rows in a sheet where 2 or less of their values in column A is "1". I'd like have a script that is flexible enough to change to 3 or less if need be. I also have a header row that needs to be offset in the process.

0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete


0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Search Multiple Columns And Delete Any Duplicate Cells (not Rows)

Jun 12, 2014

My Excel program (Excel 2010) currently has several columns and each column looks for and pulls data from a specific file on my computer. Then I need to delete any duplicate data entries, count the number of unique entries and track the changes through a chart. I have everything done except I cannot figure out (or find on the internet) a way to search in multiple columns (more than 2) and delete just the duplicate cells. I want to delete the cells in a way where there is one left. For example if the code 12gf is duplicated three time, I want to be left with one 12gf (it doesnt matter what column the original one is left in). Additionally, column length changes and they are not sorted. I have attempted to attach an image of an example file below.

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Delete Duplicate Rows :: Duplicate Company Names

Dec 11, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 3300 rows. In column A there is a list of company names and in column H there is a corresponding Sales Rep name.Column A has many duplicate company names. I would like to run a macro that will find the a company name and then delete all the rest of the rows that contain that same company name.

Attached is a sample of that spreadsheet.

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Delete Duplicate Cells Or Rows With A Duplicate Cell

Nov 1, 2007

I feel as though I have spent enough time searching the previous posts to ask this question.

I have a 4 column sheet, column B has many cells with identical data. I want to delete all the rows that that have duplicate data in column B.

COLUMN A= Car Makers
COLUMN B= Models of cars
COLUMN C= color
COLUMN D= owner

I want to end up with rows that each contain unique info in COLUMN B.

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Excel 2013 :: Mail Merging From Excel Database To Outlook

Apr 15, 2014

Using EXcel 2013, Windows 8

I have an Excel worksheet with one column being e-mail addresses. Other columns are Christian names, etc

Ideally can I create a full Mail merge with Outlook using whatever data I want. But probably just e-mail address and Christian name?

Otherwise be able to send one e-mail to all the e-mail addresses, without a major re-type.

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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this

Col A

Col D

I have some code but I still need to do a considerable amount of tweaking to it. Currently my code is only deleting the duplicate values in Col A. I am having difficulty summing the values in Col D as well as deleting the entire row.

Here is my code thus far....

Public Sub FindDuplicates()
For RwCnt = 1 To (Worksheets(1).Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
SrchValue = Worksheets(1).Cells(RwCnt, 1).Value
If Len(Trim(SrchValue)) > 0 Then
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)


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Sum Duplicate Values Then Delete Duplicate Rows

Jan 5, 2004

I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.

Col A

Col D

After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this
Col A

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Merging / Appending Folder Of Files With File Extension?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a folder containing 1000's of files. All the files end in .txt (for example test.txt) but are actually excel files. When I go to open the files with excel I get the following warning:

The file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file's extension. Verify that the file is not corrupt and from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to continue?

I click "yes" and it opens fine as an excel file.

I want to merge all these files one after another into one file.

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Merging Rows

Dec 3, 2009

I am looking for some tips to merge the 2 rows into 1 row with all data transferred. I have tried the following:-

However, it returns "0" when cell is empty. Your help is greatly appreciated. Attached a file for better understanding.

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Splitting Up An Excel File By Rows

Nov 24, 2008

I am trying to split up an excel file that has 18000 lines, i want to break this into groups of 100 lines and retain the original header info on line one for each file. Is this possible to do with a macro. I have NO experience with macros of programming so go easy on me. It would be great if it could autosave as book 1 book 2 book 3 or whatever, file name doesn't matter that much.

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Merging 4 Rows Of Data Into 1 Row

Jun 27, 2014

finish up a macro. The first part of the macro that is already working copies and paste 4 cells content from each worksheet found in a closed workbook thus generating 4 rows of data for each worksheet.

How to merge those 4 rows of data into one row. I have attached an example with the original data and the results data I am looking for but here is an explanation:

The column that is a constant and that I want to match is column B (Worksheet name). The 4 rows generated per worksheet will be showing on the first row data in Column C and columns D,E,F will be blank; then the 2nd row of data will have column C blank, column D with data and column E,F, and so on for the next 2 rows. What I would like the macro to do is merge all 4 rows so that the data found in cell C,D,E,F can be found in one row.


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Excel 2007 :: Copy Rows To New File

Jan 24, 2012

I have files that have thousands of rows in them with company names. The rows contain the company name plus lots of other info. I'd like to be able to create files or sheets with the company name as the file or sheet name with the respective rows contained within it. Make sense?

For example:

Original file or sheet
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jul Sams Expense Desk
Jan Freds Expense Doughnuts
Jun Sams Deposit Return
Feb Sams Expense Food
Dec Freds Expense TV

Would become:

Sheet or File Sams
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jul Sams Expense Desk
Jun Sams Deposit Return
Feb Sams Expense Food

Sheet or File Freds
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jan Freds Expense Doughnuts
Dec Freds Expense TV

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