Move Rows With Anything In Specific Column
Dec 16, 2007
I am working on the attached price proposal and need my user to be able to enter a number into column E indicating that that row should be printed on the quote. The 'quote' can be new sheet or another area of current sheet that is formatted to look like letterhead.
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Mar 21, 2008
I am trying to have rows moved from (Schedule) to (Complete) in the attached workbook. The criteria to have the row moved would be the user-selected "Status" list changing to "COMPLETE" in Column G.
I would like to have the row cut and deleted from Sheet4 (Schedule) once "COMPLETE" is selected from the list in Column G with rows below moving up. The row would then be inserted into Sheet2 (Complete) at the top of the list (Row 7) and rows would move down below the new entry. I would also like to have the formatting remain uniform (every other row fill)
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Jun 24, 2014
Currently i hav list of info that is long like this.
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10
How to move row to column example below. Because i want the data to be printed on an a4 paper which can fit around 3 row to save space . If i manually copy paste page by page it is too much.
A 1 D 4 G 7
B 2 E 5 H 8
C 3 F 6 I 9
Currently i have macro code which roughly does this.
A 1 B2
C3 D4
E5 F6
G7 H8
I9 J10
Sub test()
Dim rng As Range, m As Integer, c As Range
m = 2
Set rng = Range(Range("a1"), Range("a1").End(xlDown))
Set c = Range("a1")
Do While c <> ""
'MsgBox c.Address
Range(c, c.Offset(m - 1, 0)).Copy
Cells(Rows.Count, "c").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
Set c = c.Offset(m, 0)
End Sub
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May 9, 2014
How to do what I am about to ask takes time and time causing brain overloading. I have made screenshots but I can't upload them. I get red exclamation point with images sizing ~55KB
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May 22, 2014
I need a macro to move specific information.
I get an excel sheet with W/C Employer: (whatever) entered below the patient it belongs to in column E. This information needs to move into its own column (H) in line with the above patient information so I can use it in a mail merge to word.
The same thing needs to happen with WC injury date listed in column G. It moves to column I. Then delete the row it was moved from so I don't have an empty row.
Sheet 1 is what I get. Sheet 2 is what I need to end up with.
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Dec 10, 2007
Currently I am using the Kickbutt VBA Find Function of Aaron, but I would like to have something that works more efficiently. What I currently do is (assuming all possible values for Column J are A - F):
Find_Range("A", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("B", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("C", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("D", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
Find_Range("E", Columns("J"), MatchCase:=True).EntireRow.Delete
although I just want some code that says: delete all rows except those that have "F" as content in Column J. I already tried something like:
For Each cl In Range("J:J")
If cl.Text = "A" Or cl.Text = "B" Or cl.Text = "C" Or cl.Text = "D" Or cl.Text = "E" Then
End If
but it also takes much to long. The major problem I think, is that the number of records is variable so I search the entire worksheet...
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Jul 23, 2007
We have a client that provided us with a text file that we imported into
Excel. Rather than have the entire record in one row, they have the record
in 4 rows.
What I need a macro or something to do is move award 2 award 3 and award 4 into the same row and after doing this delete the other rows.
Below is an idea how this looks.
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1
2JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 2
3JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 3
4JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 4
5BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1
6BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 2
7BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 3
8BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 4
What we need for our data to work is:
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1award 2award 3award 4
2BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1award 2award 3award 4
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Sep 21, 2009
This must be a simple fix. But I can't seem to get it. I need to test the data of each cell in column B against each other cell in column B. If the data is equal then move it under the first cell of the test.
Group the 2's and 3's in order.
Finally, then create borders around each group of numbers.
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Nov 4, 2006
I have sheet1 with four columns. Team, Issue, Discussion and Recommendation. Discussion and Recommendation headings were placed in column B along with the data in the file I was sent. I need to get it back into table format to eventually load into Access. What I'm trying to do is to loop reading down column B. When I find the word “Discussion” (exact format) I need to drop down one row below the word, cut whatever is in the row, move one column to the right, Column C, and two rows up and paste. For example, cell B3 has “Discussion”. I need to drop to B4, cut whatever is in the cell and move to C2 and paste. I also need the same to happen for Recommendation. Find the word, drop down one row, cut whatever is in the cell, move two columns to the right and up four rows. I would like to delete the rows I moved data from, but will do that by hand if it’s too hard to do in a macro.
An example of my data:
Design4. Reuse existing code to extent possible.
DesignNo discussion
DesignEstablish a baseline and work to the plan.
Design5. Delete old code
DesignNo discussion
DesignNo recommendation
Design6. Plan to work without full details.
DesignIncremental design
DesignWork on smaller details first
Sub Discussion()..................
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Nov 15, 2006
Moving Data And Deleting Blank Rows. I am a complete newbie to excel VBA and require assistance (if at all possible). I have data in the following format in an excel sheet (I have a lot more rows but give an example for two rows)... in 1 column but I wish to separate it (i.e. move data along onto the first row in other columns) and delete blank rows.
For Example:
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Aug 9, 2007
I need to create a repeatable macro/module to help me prepare a spreadsheet for import into Microsoft Access. In each row of the spreadsheet is various information including Order Number, Model, and Serial Number. The problem lies in the Serial Number column, which often contains several Serial Numbers delimited by commas. In order to serve my needs in Access, each Serial Number instance needs to become a new row ( record) wherein all of the information (except for the Serial Number) is the same. It is crucially important that all of the serial numbers are in the same column. (I tried using text to columns as a starting-off point, but seemed to dead end).
Order#1; Model1; Serial1, Serial2, Serial3
Needs to become:
Order#1; Model1; Serial1
Order#1; Model1; Serial2
Order#1; Model1; Serial3
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Sep 17, 2009
I'm working with transcribed comments from patient satisfaction surveys. The goal is to produce a single Excel file that contains all of the positive comments from source files where physicians are mentioned by name. Our vendor notes this by preceding any person's name with an asterisk (e.g., *Dr. Smith or *Doctor Smith"). I've attached a sample source file (Ambulatory.xls), so you can see what I'm starting with (I've deleted the identifying data in columns B, C, and D).
I'm looking for the appropriate VBA code to cut and paste the row in one file (in this case, Ambulatory.xls) to a separate Excel file (Weekly Physician Comment Report.xls) IF the cell contents in column G of that row contain either of the following text pieces:
Each week's file will obviously have an unknown number of total rows - and will contain lots of positive comments that DON'T mention a physician by name. In the file I've attached here, for example, there is only one such comment (highlighted in yellow). I simply want to cut and paste the rows with physician names into the new file. If you can provide me with the code to do this for this example file, I can repeat the process for my other files (there are 6 source files in all).
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Sep 10, 2009
I need to move a number of rows, based on user input
in front of the first column, continuously until it 'flattens out' into one row..
And then do the procedure again for the next row
Kinda hard to explain.. maybe i'll use an example
using this matrix :
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Jul 28, 2013
I am trying to develop a macro that does the folllowing
1) Takes the value from a specified column of a sheet in the workbook and sequentually go the the values of that column and compares those values to another sheet in the workbook
For ex: sheet1 in column A row 1 has string value abc123 and sheet2 column A row 1 has value 123abc. I want to compare these two values from different sheets.
2) However if the values don't match I would like to take the value from sheet1 and see if it is in the list on sheet2.
3) If the value from sheet2 isn't on the list from sheet1 then paste that row information to sheet3
So far this is what I have. All it does now is go through both lists and compares the values but I am not sure how to single out those values for conditional formating. I am sure that the singled out values will need to be derived dynamically since I won't know what or when the values will be up for conditional formatting.
Dim LoopCount As Integer
Dim RangeCount As Integer
Dim CellVal As String
Dim CellIncrement As Integer
Dim ErrorCount As Integer
Dim PasteConfirm As Boolean
[Code] .........
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Jul 14, 2014
I have these specific rows (2,3,4,6,43,44,45,63) which I would like to copy and paste it on a designated sheet. But my problem is, the column varies depending on the YEARS.
I do have codes for it, the one I got from the recording. I just do it for all of the rows (formula pasted here) until all of it copied on the summary sheet. However, when I finally finished it and I run it. I could see the movement form One Sheet to another and its not good.
A code that I could use for my better understanding of MACRO.
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Jan 27, 2014
I have some specific procucts in coloum A in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Start search in row 1
LSearchRow = 1
[Code] ....
MsgBox "An error occurred."
End Sub
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Jan 27, 2014
I have some specific procucts in coloum A(a2, a3, a4, till a50) in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.
[Code] .....
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Apr 13, 2009
I need a code that will go thru column C and delete the whole row if cell value is 78315, Also it needs to shift the the rows up so there is no empty rows wheneverything is done done. I used some codes but they take forever to go thru whole sheet.
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Mar 8, 2012
Is there a VBA code I can use that will delete all rows that contain "ABC" or "YXZ" or "HHH" in column A ?
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Dec 7, 2012
I have a 14 column report with a dynamic range of rows. In Column A, there will only be one cell that contains the text "Added Sections:".
I need to highlight, 10 whole rows up to the 14th column, after the cell that contains "Added Sections:".
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Aug 20, 2009
I have a dataset that i want to update, to do this I want to insert 8 rows after each row that has a value in Column C 2000. The set has 600,000 rows, comparing countries (cty, cty2) from 1980-2000. I want to make room for information up till 2008. I see lots of codes for doing this but I will also need help with actually inserting into my spread sheet.
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Sep 14, 2009
I have the attached a workbook (& the code) which merges the worksheets from 7 different workbooks together into a 'Raw data' worksheet in my master workbook. It is driven off a parameters table which allows you to select which workbooks/worksheets you want to include in the merge. - The code works fine however when it is copying the data from each worksheets it is just copying all the data as a 'block' copy where I need it do do it row by row becuase I dont want to copy the row if colum C in each row contains no data, ie. it is blank.
So in my code I need another loop which will: Copy data from column A - E for each row if column C is not blank. Paste into Column B - F in Raw Data worksheet (as column A contains the source filename) Loop until it reaches no more data. I adeeally just want to copy the specific range as above, not the whole row but either will do. This is my code, refer to attachment too which includes master workbook and an data entry workbook where the data comes from.
Sub OpenWorkbooks()
Dim Book_Name As range ' List of available books
Dim Sheet_Name As range ' List of available sheets
Dim dLastRow As Long
Dim oLastRow As Long
Dim sLastRow As Long
Dim DestinationSheet As Worksheet
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet
Dim WorkBookList As range
Dim WorkSheetList As range
Dim WorkbookPath As String
With Application
. ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
'set source and destination sheet
Set DestinationSheet = Sheets("Raw Data")
Set SourceSheet = Sheets("Parameters")........................
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Jan 11, 2005
I'm attempting to write a macro that will select all the rows which contain a value in a specific column. Say for example, all the instances of "test" in column C, I need to select the entire row with that value in the column.
I should also mention that by using an autofilter, only specific row numbers are selected. The source spreadsheet is dynamic and will not always display the same value in the same row, and thus I need something a little more adaptable.
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Apr 16, 2008
I want to delete any/all rows from a worksheet (named UK) which have the word "VAN" in column P. I have tried using a 'For Each... Next statement' in a macro, but always get a debug box "Run Time Error '91' Object variable or With block variable not set". What am I doing wrong? my code follows
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Worksheets("UK").Range("P10:P200").Cells
Cells. Find(What:="VAN", _
After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, _
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Jul 30, 2014
I have a sheet in excel 2013
In column "Y" I want to add a checkBoxs activeX from cell 6 until cell 500
I don't want to repeat it 500 times )":
This is my code for a single checkBox
[Code] ...........
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Feb 13, 2013
I want to count the number of rows in a specific column up to an empty cell and assign this value to a cell. I don't want to count the total number of rows but instead I want the number of the first group of rows.
For example, column A may have cells ranging from row 2 to 10 and then from row 12 to 20, so I only want to count the first group.
The below code counts the total which is not what i need.
Sub test()
Dim Mycount As Single
Mycount = Application.Count(Range("A:A"))
Cells(1, 4) = Mycount
End Sub
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Aug 26, 2008
I am not the best at this, but we recorded a macro and we want to delete whole rows after we 'control' find something from a specific column. WHen we recorded our macro, it finds the first instance and we hightlight the whole row and 'control' 'shift' 'end' and delete all of the rows. We did this because we sorted and made sure the information we wanted to delete was at the bottom of the worksheet. we realized that each day the spreadsheet we pull from an ip address gets bigger and the row that we started from to delete starts on a different row each day. How do we get all the information to delete everyday, even when the row that Owned starts on changes? ...
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Apr 25, 2013
I have a macro that converts all my PDF Purchase Orders to a text file and inserts the data/text horizontally into another document. However because the PDF's or the text within the PDF can be fomatted differently (that is on different lines etc) it therefore imports the information and it looks mis-aligned.I have attached a simple spreadsheet showing some sample text as it is imported and then below this how it should look like, all in line.
The range where the highlighted text in red is, is variable (but say nothing more than a variant of 10 columns). The text can also be Uppercase or Lowercase.So, I was wondering if there is macro code to find the "text" on various rows/columns and align it all in another column?
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a spreadsheet and I was wondering if there is a way to copy from a specific range in say A1:A5 in Sheet1 and paste into Sheet2 where the column matches cell A1 in Sheet1.
I am trying to do this in VBA and I was wondering if there is a way to do this.
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Jun 14, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.
For instance, in Sheet1:
So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.
NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.
I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.
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