Move Adjacent Cell Into Rows, Same Column

Aug 9, 2007

I need to create a repeatable macro/module to help me prepare a spreadsheet for import into Microsoft Access. In each row of the spreadsheet is various information including Order Number, Model, and Serial Number. The problem lies in the Serial Number column, which often contains several Serial Numbers delimited by commas. In order to serve my needs in Access, each Serial Number instance needs to become a new row ( record) wherein all of the information (except for the Serial Number) is the same. It is crucially important that all of the serial numbers are in the same column. (I tried using text to columns as a starting-off point, but seemed to dead end).


Order#1; Model1; Serial1, Serial2, Serial3

Needs to become:

Order#1; Model1; Serial1
Order#1; Model1; Serial2
Order#1; Model1; Serial3

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Move Cell One Column Right Offset Rows

Nov 4, 2006

I have sheet1 with four columns. Team, Issue, Discussion and Recommendation. Discussion and Recommendation headings were placed in column B along with the data in the file I was sent. I need to get it back into table format to eventually load into Access. What I'm trying to do is to loop reading down column B. When I find the word “Discussion” (exact format) I need to drop down one row below the word, cut whatever is in the row, move one column to the right, Column C, and two rows up and paste. For example, cell B3 has “Discussion”. I need to drop to B4, cut whatever is in the cell and move to C2 and paste. I also need the same to happen for Recommendation. Find the word, drop down one row, cut whatever is in the cell, move two columns to the right and up four rows. I would like to delete the rows I moved data from, but will do that by hand if it’s too hard to do in a macro.

An example of my data:
Design4. Reuse existing code to extent possible.
DesignNo discussion
DesignEstablish a baseline and work to the plan.
Design5. Delete old code
DesignNo discussion
DesignNo recommendation
Design6. Plan to work without full details.
DesignIncremental design
DesignWork on smaller details first

Sub Discussion()..................

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Move Last Word To Adjacent Cell?

May 8, 2014

I have names like frank steven louis alex stewart

I want to move the last words of each column to a new column.i have the collections of 200 data.

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VBA Macro To Move Data To Adjacent Cell

Mar 26, 2013

writing a Macro which will move data from a cell to an adjacent cell.

E.g Column B has only data in certain cells, I would like the Macro to work down the column and every time it encounters data in Column B to move it into the adjacent cell into Column A.

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Module To Find & Move Based On Cell Adjacent's Set Value

Jul 27, 2007


If the above is in different cells, I want to be able to move the data in "G" to the cell beside "E" (up a row and over 4 columns) IF the cell to the left of "G" equals what I specify is in "F" (for example use "product"). I would want to apply this to an entire sheet, not just once. If the macro (not sure what its called) could also then delete the row that contained "G" after it moves it, that would be even better! The output in the example above would be:


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VBA To Add One Column By All Values Of Adjacent 8 Columns And Three Rows Each

Mar 14, 2014

I have three rows of data (29-31) from columns D to Q.

I would like to take D29 and add each of the values in the adjacent columns exactly once and sum up the value D thru Q

For example I'd like to return not just Sum(D29:Q29) but also Sum(D29:R29)+Q30, Sum (D29:R29) +Q31.

Macro that would add these values?

That is D29 + E29 or E 30 or E31 + F 29 or F 30 or F 31 + G 29 or G 30 or G 31... and on?

Even though I wrote "or" above, i would need the other values to be added in a separate calculation, until all possible permutations of D and the following 8 columns and 3 rows of data are exhausted.

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Copy Non-adjacent Cells In A Row From One Spreadsheet To Adjacent Rows In Another

Jan 5, 2014

I have a workbook with 30 worksheets. Each sheet has 84 rows of data (start in 15 columns (A to O). I would like to create a summary sheet that only shows the most important data from each sheet.

The summary sheet would have 12 lines of headers and formatted crap at the top.
The Summary sheet header columns would be:

Site (A), Date (B) Health (C), Status (D), Critical (E), Task (F),
Dependencies (G), Owner (H), T-Date (I), Task Date (J), Mitigation Date (I)

The data in the sheets are not in that order, of course.

1. puts the name of the sheet I am copying from in column A
2. the deadline date in Column B (that date is always in C10 of each worksheet)
3. and copies Cells from Column A,B,G,H,I,O in any row in which the value in A is not "good" into columns C through H. I would like to paste those rows into the summary sheet. I have code that loops through the sheets and rows in each sheet to find the rows to copy. I can copy cell values directly from the active sheet to the summary sheet, but because I am copying a cell at a time, it takes 7 minutes. Yes I am impatient :)

Here is the code snippet where the copying is done:

Dim sh As Worksheet 'current worksheet
Dim DestSh As Worksheet 'worksheet in which to paste summary
Dim Last As Long
Dim CopyRow As Long 'row to copy
Dim LastCopyRow As Long

[Code] ........


Application.Goto Sheets("KMARollup").Cells(1)
End Sub

I think there must be a way to use ranges to build an array of cell values and paste only once but I am lost here.

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Move Rows With Anything In Specific Column

Dec 16, 2007

I am working on the attached price proposal and need my user to be able to enter a number into column E indicating that that row should be printed on the quote. The 'quote' can be new sheet or another area of current sheet that is formatted to look like letterhead.

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Excel 2010 :: Adding Together Separate Currency Rows Based On Adjacent Column Value?

Dec 30, 2013

I have a spread sheet which totals the amounts in 2 columns D and E, which are pounds and pence. The formulas for each one are:





These work very well and give me the correct figures.

What I would like to do is to add up the values of each row based on the criteria of column C and have just one value in ONE cell (as shown on lines 13 & 14), so for instance:

When added together the values of rows 3,4 & 6 are 7.25 (based on a value of "W")When added together the values of rows 7 & 8 are 5.00 (based on a value of "F")

I have tried to show this as an example in the image below:



I'm using Excel 2010 on Win 7 Pro.

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Move Column Data To Row Then Delete Those Rows

Jul 23, 2007

We have a client that provided us with a text file that we imported into
Excel. Rather than have the entire record in one row, they have the record
in 4 rows.

What I need a macro or something to do is move award 2 award 3 and award 4 into the same row and after doing this delete the other rows.

Below is an idea how this looks.
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1
2JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 2
3JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 3
4JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 4
5BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1
6BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 2
7BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 3
8BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 4

What we need for our data to work is:
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1award 2award 3award 4
2BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1award 2award 3award 4

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Test The B Column And Move All Rows That Match Together

Sep 21, 2009

This must be a simple fix. But I can't seem to get it. I need to test the data of each cell in column B against each other cell in column B. If the data is equal then move it under the first cell of the test.


Group the 2's and 3's in order.
Finally, then create borders around each group of numbers.

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Move Blocks Of Data In 1 Column To Rows

Nov 15, 2006

Moving Data And Deleting Blank Rows. I am a complete newbie to excel VBA and require assistance (if at all possible). I have data in the following format in an excel sheet (I have a lot more rows but give an example for two rows)... in 1 column but I wish to separate it (i.e. move data along onto the first row in other columns) and delete blank rows.

For Example:


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Move Rows, Meeting Conditions In Column, To Another Workbook

Sep 17, 2009

I'm working with transcribed comments from patient satisfaction surveys. The goal is to produce a single Excel file that contains all of the positive comments from source files where physicians are mentioned by name. Our vendor notes this by preceding any person's name with an asterisk (e.g., *Dr. Smith or *Doctor Smith"). I've attached a sample source file (Ambulatory.xls), so you can see what I'm starting with (I've deleted the identifying data in columns B, C, and D).

I'm looking for the appropriate VBA code to cut and paste the row in one file (in this case, Ambulatory.xls) to a separate Excel file (Weekly Physician Comment Report.xls) IF the cell contents in column G of that row contain either of the following text pieces:



Each week's file will obviously have an unknown number of total rows - and will contain lots of positive comments that DON'T mention a physician by name. In the file I've attached here, for example, there is only one such comment (highlighted in yellow). I simply want to cut and paste the rows with physician names into the new file. If you can provide me with the code to do this for this example file, I can repeat the process for my other files (there are 6 source files in all).

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Move Rows Based On Specific Text Being In Column

Mar 21, 2008

I am trying to have rows moved from (Schedule) to (Complete) in the attached workbook. The criteria to have the row moved would be the user-selected "Status" list changing to "COMPLETE" in Column G.

I would like to have the row cut and deleted from Sheet4 (Schedule) once "COMPLETE" is selected from the list in Column G with rows below moving up. The row would then be inserted into Sheet2 (Complete) at the top of the list (Row 7) and rows would move down below the new entry. I would also like to have the formatting remain uniform (every other row fill)

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Delete Rows Where Cell Doesn't Equal Adjacent Cell

Aug 16, 2007

I have a sheet in Excel 2004 for Mac that is a patient list with over 2000 patients. I need a rule that will compare values (patient IDs and responsible party ID) in two adjacent cells, if the values are different, to delete the entire row. The goal is to get rid of patients (rows) that are not the responsible party (responsible party ID).

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Sum Three Adjacent Cell Values In Specific Row And Then Sum Up All Rows

Mar 12, 2013

I'm looking for a formula to sum three adjacent cell values in a specific row and then sum up all of the rows.

1 0 2
3 1 2
4 4 0

For example, the value for the above would return 17 = [(1+0+2)+(3+1+2)+(4+4+0)]

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Delete Rows If Adjacent Cell Value Is From A Defined List

Mar 25, 2013

If I have a list in sheet1, of say 300 names, I need some code, that for a table on sheet2, from A1 to F500 will delete the contents of cells in columns B C and D, IF the value for column A in that row is from the list in sheet1

List of names: sheet1, A1 to A300

Table that needs changing: sheet2, A1:F500

cells to be deleted in columns B C D IF value in A corresponds to the list in Sheet1

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If Column A = 0 Then Adjacent Cell In Column B Divide By .3

Feb 27, 2009

Im wondering if this can be done in excel..

2 columns

if the value in column O=$0.00 then I need to divide the adjacent cell in column L by 0.3 or multiply by 30%

this is the way I was trying to do this...


I have tried it several different ways and cannot get it to work - is it my formula or can this even be done because I can't reference just one cell?

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Move Text Between Certain Words To Adjacent Cells

Oct 24, 2007

how to cut a string from text and copy it to another cell: Example of a TEXT:..........................

This is Text in one cell - I need to cut the BOLD part. It always ( if appears ) is after statement <b>Kod Producenta</b>: and before <br/> It's not always in the same place. but always between statment above. "<b>Kod Producenta</b>: STRING_THAT_NEED_TO_BE_COPIED_TO_DIFFERENT_CELL <br/>" how can i do it with VBA macro? with cpp would be so much easier but still i need to do this in VBA...

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Number Rows In Numeric Order IF Adjacent Cell Not Empty

Sep 22, 2007

I am looking for a formula to number rows in A1:A500
I would like to skip a row when B1:B500 cells are empty
then skip that row and start renumbering from 1
This is what I tried so far
=If(b9>"", countif($B$9:$B9,">"""),"")

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Find Cell Value In Column & Return Text In Adjacent Cell

Jun 10, 2008

I have a drop down list in a merged cell B12-F12 and B13-F13 and B14-F14 . . . B30-F30.

I need the adjacent merged cell to populate a reason (text) based on the text answer in the drop down list or the entered text in the first merged cell. For example in the cell B12-F12 the user picks from the list or types in "Amiodarone." I want the adjacent merged cell G12-J12to automatically fill with "Heart Rhythm." I also want to be able to set up multiple if - them statements like if Amiodarone is entered then fill adjacent cell with Heart Rhythm and if Toprol XL then fill adjacent cell with Heart / Blood pressure and if simvastatin then fill adjacent cell with Cholesterol, etc. I have about 30 different options for cell 1 that I want to have auto fill in cell 2 based on the contents of cell 1. I've attached my file.

I want the user to be able to choose from the list or type the drug name in.

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How To Read Cell Value To Left Of Max In Adjacent Column

Aug 14, 2014

Have 2 columns of data

Need to read the cell value of column A that corresponds to the MAX in column B. Trying to use OFFSET to read the col to the left but will not work.

Example of table and expected result


1 1
2 1
3 2
4 6
5 3 Result = 4

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VBA If Cell Is Blank Import Value From Adjacent Column

Nov 14, 2006

I'd like a macro that cycles down 50000 rows of column B. If it comes across a blank cell it will import the value from its adjacent cell in column A. then the macro will move onto the next cell.

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Format Column Until Adjacent Cell Is Empty

Apr 24, 2008

I am writing a macro that will format my table automatically. My table will start with 3 columns all containing data on a 1 to 1 relationship (I.e. there are no empty cells until the end of the file). Initially these are columns "A", "B", and "C" but they shift to columns "B", "C", and "D" during execution of this macro. However, my macro formats the table with seven addtional column headings which will eventually contain data though I need to format them prior to populating them. I know my column range is always going to be ("A:J") but my row range will vary on a weekly basis. That being the case, I need to know how to format the cells in these empty columns up to the number of rows containing data in the existing populated columns. For exapmle I would like the macro to format the table in the following way:

1. Insert new column "A" preserving the data in the existing column "A" shifting it to cloumn "B" and set Cell "A1"'s value = "#" --> I have already coded this portion.

2. Set Cell "A2"'s value = 1 --> I have already coded this portion.

3. Set Cells ("A1:J1")'s values = to desried column header title modifying the three pre-existing column headers while aligning the data to center --> I have already coded this portion.

4. Set all column headers to bold 10pt font and shade the headers row ("A1:J1")--> I have already coded this portion.

5. Set pre defined column widths for columns "A:J". --> I have already coded this portion.............

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Extract First Data From One Column When Adjacent Cell Is Empty?

May 15, 2014

I have two columns,









I want to extract first data from column Name where in the data corresponding to it in Column Marks is blank, and if that is filled, i want the next data to be shown automatically

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Find Date In Column & Return Adjacent Cell Value

Mar 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a column A of dates April 08, May 08, June 08 etc. Adjacent to each of these dates is a value in column B. I want to select the appropriate value relevent to the current date and use it elsewhere. Therefore if it happens to be Oct 08 when I open the spreadsheet I want the value in column B, adjacent to Oct 08 to be represented.

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Move Rows Into Worksheet Depending On Cell Value

Jul 7, 2009

One of the worksheets contains all of the data and the rest are empty. I need to do is move entire rows of from the main worksheet in to worksheets named the same as the value in column C of the row.

for example one row may have TEST in column C so i want to move it to the worksheet called TEST. The next row might have TESTING in column C so that would go to the worksheet called TESTING. and so on.

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Move Rows To Another Worksheet Based On A Cell Value In That Row

Jul 16, 2005

I currently have a consolidated worksheet (thanks Bill!) called " Dashboard" that contains closed items that are marked by a validated column that can only contain "Closed, Open, or In-Progress." Is there a way to move the rows with a value of "Closed" to another worksheet called "Completed"? Also when this move is done, that row is no longer necessary in Dashboard and should be removed. So I'm guessing its a lot like a cut and paste and then a delete row/shift cells up?

here are some additional information:

The worksheet has a locked header that is 6 rows deep (the values for the "Status" column begins on row 7 and on.)

The "status" column is at column 11.

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Move Cell Contents & Delete Rows

May 23, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.

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Move Rows To Another Worksheet Based On A Cell Value In That Row ...

Jan 15, 2008

I have a excel file to keep track of tasks or actions that need to be performed. What I am looking for, is an automated utility or code that will allow excel to automatically move entire rows (so an entire task) of completed tasks to another sheet called, "Completed Actions". In Actions sheet I have a column for " status" and here you have to select from a drop down menu, either "On-going", "Urgent" or "Done". What I would like, is that once you have selected "Done", the entire row or entry, will be automatically moved to the "Completed Actions" sheet.

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